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The Tracker's Quest: (Forced To Serve #6)

Page 15

by Donna McDonald

  “Endara lives and has a much better life, Ineid. Come with us. There are wonders in the mining canton beyond what you can imagine on Ethos.”

  “If you want to help me—kill me,” Ineid ordered.

  Seta paced the cell. “Your death serves nothing—not your good or anyone else’s. Come with us and seek your freedom.”

  Ineid rolled to face the wall. “No. I would rather suffer a slow death of my own choosing than a violent one at some guard’s hands when I’m caught trying to escape. Your sire’s violation was more than I could endure. Don’t condemn me to servicing others on my way to meet the Creators.”

  Seta looked across the room at Ji who searched the corridors for potential problems. Her troubled gaze met his. “It never occurred to me she would truly choose her prison over escape. We can’t pack her unconscious body around.”

  “Leave the door open. Ineid can stay or go. You have done all you can for her, Seta. At some point people have to choose life for themselves. Her healing would take an equal amount of bravery. We have seen that many times on multiple starships,” Ji said.

  Seta nodded. She hated it. But Ji was right. She turned back to Ineid. “I carry a demon inside me, Ineid. Without that alien being I would die, and at one point I wanted to do so. Now I have found happiness in the arms of a Siren. This is probably the last chance you will ever have to choose a better life. By refusing this chance, you are validating Suzerain Trax has indeed broken you. Taking back control of your fate would be a greater revenge than your death ever could be.”

  Seta walked to the door.

  “Where are you going?” Ineid asked.

  “To meet my destiny without you,” Seta replied. “Much of my peace of mind depends on the next few hours of my life. I cannot explain a higher quest to a female who has given up even trying to keep herself alive.”

  Ji let her walk ahead of him and covered her with a laser.

  “Wait…” Ineid called out. She stumbled toward them down the hall. “I will go with you. If you are going to kill Suzerain Trax, I would like to witness it. Such an act would be worth taking any risk.”

  Seta glanced back and glared. “Then you might as well stay here. I don’t want to kill him, Ineid. I want to change his politics.”

  Seta started forward again, not allowing herself to care if the damaged female followed or not.


  Luck held for them as they walked through the main building cloaked by Zorinda. Seta knew where the Suzerain’s personal quarters were, even though she had never visited. Being his daughter, she had never been called there, but she’d heard her mother and aunts discussing what happened behind his closed doors.

  Zorinda, keep cloaking Ji and Ineid. I need to step free, she ordered.

  I will do as you command, Zorinda answered.

  Seta turned back to the male she had mated and their reluctant rescuee. “Zorinda is going to shield you both from all eyes. I want to be seen, but it would serve us best if you are not. We will retain an element of surprise with your loaded weapon, Ji.”

  “Can I fire my laser through the demon’s energy shield?” Ji asked.

  Yes, Zorinda answered. “She says yes,” Seta reported.

  Two weary-looking females exited a double-doored room just ahead of her. Seta turned and faced their shock.

  “I have come at the Suzerain’s bidding. He’s in the mood for something. . .different,” Seta declared, lying boldly. The two females exchanged another weary look.

  “Good luck then. He is unable to be pleasured,” the older female said back. “He made us pleasure each other while he watched. His health suffers from excess and he is inconsolable because of it. Be warned, sister.”

  Seta bowed her head. “Thank you for your kindness in speaking the truth. May the Creators bless you for your help.”

  “Why do you wear weapons like the guards?” the younger one asked.

  The questioner had obviously never seen a female wearing a laser. Seta chuckled falsely and pulled her laser from its holster, brandishing it in the air. “This thing? It is not loaded. I think it amuses the Great Trax to see me dressed this way without being a real threat to him.”

  Seta bowed to the females as they passed by. Taking a deep breath, she pushed open the door to her father’s private area. Inside was the one male she had hoped to avoid.

  “What are you doing here?” Arghane asked, instantly drawing his weapon.

  “I have come to see my father,” Seta declared.

  She heard Arghane’s weapon roll from stun to full power. “Shooting me would be a very bad idea, Chief Arghane. It will mean your death.”

  “I don’t know about my death, but it will definitely be yours, daughter of Trax. How did the trek to the mines not kill you?”

  Can you disable his weapon? Seta sent. There was a pause and then an answer.

  Yes. But with a full charge some release might still happen. Should I kill him to make sure he does not interfere?

  Seta snorted. Zorinda was bloodthirsty, but the demon’s ideas were starting to have merit. While she pondered Arghane’s fate, he tried to discharge his weapon at her. He pounded it on his hand when it failed. Before he could come after her bodily, she heard Ji’s weapon shoot. Arghane fell to the ground at her feet.

  “Did you kill him?” Seta asked, beyond caring. She hated Arghane.

  “No, but I wanted to. I might still do it before we leave,” Ji said calmly.

  Seta snorted and moved forward again, walking around Arghane’s prone body. She found her father propped up in bed, wheezing. It was obvious he was extremely ill. He looked much like the last time she’d seen him when Zorinda had quietly manifested a choking fit.

  “All your wealth cannot cure a life spent in excess,” she said, walking to where he could see her.

  “You’ll never leave the canton alive. It was foolish of you to come to me alone.”

  Seta shrugged and glared. “But I am not alone, Great Suzerain. I have a demon in me. Choke him a little more, Zorinda. I want my father to know I do not jest. Be careful though, the Creators are already calling him. I don’t want to rush the process.”

  She watched her father’s eyes bulge from their sockets as he clawed at this throat.

  “Enough, Zorinda. Thank you.” A flutter was the only answer as her father struggled to get his breath back.

  “It was you who brought this affliction on me,” he said.

  Seta shrugged. “Apparently that is true.”


  “I wouldn’t waste the breath you just got back. Arghane lies unconscious by the doorway. I may let my mate kill him before we leave. The lust he doesn’t bother to hide vexes me almost as badly as you do.”

  “What do you want, Seta? Speak and get it out. I am dying, which should please you.”

  Seta ignored his glare. “Yes. I want your death, but I don’t think it would help the plight of my siblings. You see, I know the truth now. I know your canton is not the only life possible on Ethos. And I intend to make sure everyone within your canton gets educated about their options. You’d be surprised at the strength of females who are properly motivated.”

  “Weak minds never think of escape,” he bragged.

  “They do if they have some help seeing possibilities. You see, when I report to the Peace Alliance that the mining canton on Ethos has great riches, including gems and crystals, they will become very interested in our planet’s politics. If you are the mining canton’s enemy, rather than their friend, everything you built is going to come tumbling down around your pointed ears. Of course, you could choose to profit from all the off-planet attention Ethos will get in the process. I’m sure a great many suitors would come from many worlds with dowries for your fair-haired females.”

  “What pleasure is there in profit if I am not alive to enjoy it? Do you think I relish knowing someone like Arghane will take it all when I am gone? He hovers near my bed waiting for death to claim me.”

  Seta s
hrugged. “Actually, he lies unconscious by the door of your quarters, Suzerain Trax. If Arghane dies, who would take over?”

  Her father snorted. “Chaos would ensue while all would fight to sit in my chair.”

  “Such chaos does not suit me, even though it might greatly benefit those females with the courage to flee,” Seta declared.

  Zorinda? Can you heal my father at all? I know you said you couldn’t heal, but if there is a way, I would like to know.

  I could give him some of your life, Zorinda sent.

  Seta had to think about that one. Was she willing to shorten her own life for the sake of a male she detested?

  Before she could make up her mind, Ineid broke out of Zorinda’s cloaking and rushed to her father to start pummeling him with her fists. He raised his hands to ward off the blows. She was hitting pretty hard for a female so weak. But then her father was weak as well.

  Seta reached out, grabbed the now weeping female, and literally slung her back into Ji’s arms. “Stop, Ineid. You don’t want his blood on your hands. Suzerain Trax is not worth the nightmares it would give. They would rival those you’ve already suffered.”

  She turned to glare at her father. “This is what you have to show for your wealth. Your constant abuse of all females is an abomination. You are detested. You are hated. Is there any hope you can change?”

  “Why should I? Death finds us all. At least I have lived a life of pleasure on my own terms.”

  “Indeed,” Seta said. “But what if I could push death from you? What would you give me in return for your miserable life?”

  She listened to her father wheezing while she waited. When he was silent, she turned to Ji who was now visible as well. “This is a waste of my time. Let him die. We at least have Ineid.”

  “Stop—name your price,” he said.

  “Are you sure? I have a list.”

  At his head nod, she crossed her arms. “My siblings, meaning all born to my mother or aunts, are to be given for a dowry price—not sold—to Garmon of Ker and the mining canton. This will generate a friendly accord with a canton the Peace Alliance will favor.”

  She waited until he nodded. His wheezing was so loud she had to raise her voice.

  “You are never to force a female to conceive again. You will court them for their favors in bearing your future children. You will release them from their private rooms and let them walk about in the canton. You will assign guards to make sure no other males take advantage. I’m sure Garmon would give you some pointers on courting if you asked. The mining canton males know how to treat their females with love and respect.”

  Her father glared. “Why should I trust your words? Do you really have the power of life and death?” he asked.

  Seta snorted. “I have little power, but my demon has much more. To be healed, her life will be bound to yours as she is to mine. And if I die, you will die too, Great Suzerain. If at any time I become unhappy with your reformation efforts, I will send my demon to kill you and take back my gifts. You really don’t want me to become unhappy with you. Your death would bring me great joy. . .and the revenge I came here seeking for Rena of Trax.”

  It will not work that way, Zorinda warned.

  Then I am bluffing, Seta declared. But this is the only chance I have to change things.

  As you wish, Zorinda sent back.

  “How will you know if I keep my word about your—changes?” he demanded.

  “That is an excellent question. To begin, Garmon of Ker will report to me. He and I are friends. And you will personally send me transmissions through your new Peace Alliance connections once you make them. I would not suggest doing this until you have installed new rules here. They do not look kindly on bragging tyrants. But if you make these changes, I think you will become an ambassador for Ethos, Suzerain Trax. There are many ways I will know if you do not keep your word.”

  Seta paced a bit, then lifted her gaze to his again.

  “And my demon will tell me. I may even just. . .know. . .once we are linked. I’m still adjusting to the power she brings me. There are greater demons who serve the Peace Alliance. They can sweep all life from this planet with a thought. You do not want to deceive me unless you want your entire canton to become star dust.”

  Your connection to him will not work that way, Zorinda warned.

  But he doesn’t know that. I thought you’d be more comfortable with lying, Seta declared.

  The Creators forbid me to lie, Zorinda declared.

  “I hope I never pass my negotiation skills on to another offspring. Anything else in your bargain?”

  Seta nodded. “Yes. Two more things. First, return Ji’s union price. I am not your chattel to be sold. The Creators own me—not you. And secondly, I’m taking Ineid with me to the mining canton. She is too broken to be of use to you anyway. She would rather die than give you another child. Garmon’s people might be able to heal her mind and Endara has a right to know her mother in a way Rena and I never knew ours. Keeping me from my mother is a fact I will hate you for until the day I take my last breath.”

  Seta walked to the bed and stuck out her hand. “If you want to live, swear to me on your life you will do all I ask.”

  Her father stared at her hand, but eventually lifted his to hers. It was the first time she had ever physically touched him. It was hard to believe this male had sired her. He was a hated stranger, a vile disgusting excuse of an Ethosian male. But he might just be the salvation of her people if he kept his bargain. His current wealth would aid him if he used it well.

  “Brand him, Zorinda. Heal him, but place a reminder in his palm. I want him to see it every day and be reminded of our bargain. Make sure he feels this. I want him to remember what kind of pain he will suffer if he crosses me.”

  Her father’s loud yelp of pain was pleasing to her sensitive Ethosian ears. She only wished it could have lasted longer. The male shook and choked and gasped. Seta held on to his hand, stoic as ever. It was far less pleasant than removing Ji’s implants, but it was not the torture she had expected. The burning in her own palm finally had her letting go of her father’s hand. Zorinda had branded both of them.

  Is my life truly bound to his? I was not serious.

  Zorinda fluttered within her and didn’t answer. Seta internally sighed at what the demon was choosing not to reveal. Very well. Maybe it was better for her not to know. The price of being energetically linked to the horrible male who sired her was a price higher than she’d been prepared to pay. But if it worked it could be worth it. She could at least return to Rena’s Creators and report she had truly done all she could.

  Her father rubbed his chest with his stinging hand. Then he pulled it away to look at his palm in wonderment. Seta held hers up to show him the twin mark. His eyes widened. His breathing was easy now and his color was better.

  “I can see I was short-sighted about you, Seta of Trax.”

  Seta shrugged. “Your praise means little and your word cannot be trusted. I want to see action before I leave this planet. And just so you know I’m not joking in the least. . .”

  She thought of a noose around her father’s throat. When he clawed at his neck, she smiled.

  “I can kill you anytime I want, Suzerain. Don’t forget it. That’s really the most important part of our discussion. You live only because I have use of you. Stop being of use and your death would please a great many of your progeny.”

  She turned to walk to the door only to feel an arm encircle her as a laser weapon was pressed to her throat.

  “If your death brings your father’s, I will have the pleasure of both at last. No female should be so hard to kill. I will not be denied this time, Seta of Trax,” Arghane declared.

  Before Seta could ask Zorinda for help Arghane was bodily lifted away from her. She heard his laser weapon hit the floor and his neck snap as Ji twisted his head. Her Siren mate stared at Arghane’s crumpled body and then raised his calm gaze to her. “I really hope Garmon learns to keep his ha
nds to himself. Lira’s medicine doesn’t seem to work very well.”

  Seta looked back at her father. “You need to appoint a more loyal second. Try treating the next one better. People who like you tend to be more loyal.”

  She walked away but called out over her shoulder, “I’ll be expecting to hear a good report soon. Contact Garmon. Start by apologizing and tell him he can keep Endara. She plays and dances there the way a normal child should.”


  “How can you trust him? After all he’s done, daughter of Trax?” Ineid asked as they hurried down the hallway.

  “I can’t trust him,” Seta replied truthfully. “But at least I have done what I could. The Suzerain’s greed is great, but the value he places on his own life is larger than what he places on others. Saving you may be all I accomplished today. Only time will tell, Ineid.”

  Cloak us, Seta ordered.

  I will do as you command, Seta.

  She couldn’t recall Zorinda calling her by her name before, but she didn’t mind. Talking with her was starting to feel a bit like talking to Rena. Zorinda nearly always understood her motivation. And unlike Ji or others, Zorinda never questioned her actions. She just helped.

  Surrounded by Zorinda’s energy, they travelled through the canton and walked out the front gates. It took nearly two revolutions of a timekeeper to travel back to their vehicle still hidden in the grove. She looked at Ji who was fairly vibrating now.

  “Can you drive us in your. . .condition?” she asked, training her eyes on his face so she wouldn’t be caught staring at his lap.

  Ji drew her into his arms and kissed her passionately, with little concern for Ineid’s eyes on them. Seta pushed him gently away, finding it hard to break contact. She wanted nothing more than the forgetfulness and reassurance his body offered hers. Perhaps this was the true value of accepting him as a mate even though she still did not feel what he felt. Zorinda had obviously kept her word about not letting the Siren’s call change her too much.

  Ineid’s tormented gaze was an instant damper on her ardor, or she might have asked Ji to pull over in the next nearest grove offering shelter from the bleak expanse of sand.


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