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Finally Home

Page 4

by Ancelli

  “Long story,” he took a deep breath as the pain worsened.

  Maya banged the steering wheel, he assumed in frustration, and then grabbed it. “You have a lot of explaining to do,” she said between gritted teeth. Yep she was pissed.

  Jesse reared his head back against the headrest, “I’ll answer all your questions later, make sure I’m drugged first,” he laughed. “I missed you…”

  “Not more than I missed you.” Maya placed the car in reverse, driving out of the alley and headed to the Navy hospital.

  Chapter Four

  Maya kissed Jesse's bandaged hand. The doctor had to cut off his wedding band in order to fix his hand. She couldn't stop staring at Jesse. His right eye was a little bruised, and he didn't lose too much blood from were they stabbed him, but he had nine stitches. His leg was infected, and they had to cut and drain the puss and blood out. Maya combed her fingers through his hair. She'd never given up on him before, and she wasn't going to start now. Those assholes would pay for what they did to him. She filed a report with the police, gave them the goons’ descriptions, and let them know that she fired a shot at one of them in self defense. The police officer would be back to question Jesse later. Maya only called one person to tell them the news about Jesse, their friend and therapist Sandra Valle. She was also an amputee, and Jesse had a great friendship with Sandra. She would be able to get through to him if no one else could.

  "I'm never letting you go," she whispered.

  Jesse's eyes fluttered open. "Maya..." he cleared his throat.

  "Yes," she leaned in.

  “You’re still a bad ass.”

  “You know it,” she continued racking her fingers through his hair. “I would’ve killed them to save you,” she stared into his drowsy eyes. “You would do the same for me.”


  “I would,” he smirked remembering their third date. Oh how he missed those days.


  Jesse and Maya were going on their third date. He hadn't been this content with anyone else before. They talked a few times a day, and Jesse made a point to text her good morning and good night. At first he thought he went overboard, but Maya said she loved seeing his texts. They saw each other everyday, even if it was for only a few minutes. Jesse glanced at the basketball court and recognized a familiar face playing ball. Maya. He just stared at her. She had on a tight t-shirt, shorts, and some blue Jordans. His girl wasn't a girly girl, and he loved that. He got out of the car, and headed her way.

  "No time like the present to show you how it's really done," Jesse said coming down the sidewalk.

  Maya chuckled, and threw the ball at him. "Show me what you got."

  Jesse grabbed the ball, dribbled a bit, and threw it up, making the shot. He walked up to Maya and kissed her sweet lips. "Aren't we supposed to be going on a date?"

  "I'm ready," she twirled around shaking her booty, and then grabbed the ball and ran down the court, making a shot. “Yes,” she pumped her fist in the air, and picked up the ball, ready to make another shot.

  Jesse ran behind her and took the ball away from her, dunking it in the hoop.

  “You cheater,” her lips puckered up. “Are you ready to go?”

  He grabbed her around the waist, pulling her forward. "I can't believe this is only our third date."

  "Technically yes, but we've been seeing each other everyday for over three months," she placed her hands over his shoulders. "I enjoy spending any free time I have with you."

  "Do you?" he smiled.

  "Yes, Harvey, I do," she kissed him, and he slightly opened his mouth as their tongues danced around each other. Whenever Maya was around, Jesse couldn't keep his hands to himself. They hadn't taken their relationship to the next step yet, and he wouldn't ask her to do anything she wasn’t ready for, even if he was.

  "Damn," a man's voice said walking closer. "What do we have here?"

  Maya continued kissing him, not caring that someone was now there.

  "Babe," he said against her lips. "Someone's watching us."

  "And?" She wiped her lipstick off his lips with her fingers.

  Jesse gazed at her.

  "Maya," the man called out, making her twist around, now facing the guy. "What are you doing?"

  "Trey, I'm minding my business, you should too," she took Jesse's hand in hers. "Our date awaits us."

  "Really, you’re just going to fucking walk off while I'm talking to you?" There was something in his voice Jesse didn't like.

  Jesse stopped and glared at Trey.

  "What?" He spat.

  "Ignore him," Maya said.

  "I don't like the way you're talking to Maya," he said in a stern voice.

  "So what the fuck are you going to do about it?"

  Jesse sauntered over to Trey, and he could hear Maya sighing. Out of nowhere Trey threw a punch, hitting Jesse in the jaw. He wasn't expecting the sucker punch. He rubbed his chin, damn that hurt, he said to himself.

  "Trey!" Maya yelled, touching Jesse's face where he hit him. "Are you okay?" she caressed his jaw.

  "I can't believe you." Trey glared at her.

  "I'm okay, babe" Jesse cracked his neck, and gently moved her behind him. "I don't want you to get hurt, love."

  Jesse took that moment to throw a punch too, connecting with Trey's nose and making him stumble back. They both knuckled up, glaring at each other, squaring off. The vein in Jesse’s neck throbbed as he clenched his jaw in pain. Trey was going to learn not to mess with Maya after today.

  "Stop!" Maya ran in the middle of them. "Stop! What is wrong with you?" she pointed at Trey, wiping the blood from the corner of Jesse’s mouth. "You had no right to sucker punch him."

  Trey just stared at her.

  "Jesse's my boyfriend, get over it." Maya walked over to Jesse, "I guess we're not going to dinner."

  "I'm okay," He said out of breath. "I won’t let anyone disrespect you."

  "My superman," She smiled, "What do you think about watching a movie in my room?"

  He would say yes to anything as long as she was around. "Great!" But, he still had a score to settle. Jesse side stepped around Maya, and sucker punched Trey in the stomach making him gasp for air, and then bend over in pain.

  “Really,” Maya shook her head.

  “Trey, you good?” Another guy ran down the steps towards them.

  Trey held up his hand, “I’m good.”

  Jesse smirked at the guy coming onto the court, took her hand in his, and then he circled his arm around her shoulder. “He hit me first,” he kissed her forehead.

  They walked over to the building holding each other as Trey and his friend watched them. He was still catching his breath from the blow.

  "Is he your ex?" Jesse asked, feeling at bit jealous.

  Maya chuckled, "Hell no. He was the fool that dropped me off at the hospital, and left me. However, I'm thankful because I met you." She opened the door to her room.

  “Does he have a thing for you?” Jesse walked in.

  “He did, but I have a thing for a wonderful, sexy man,” Maya added closing the door. "Trey has a problem with interracial relationships, especially when it’s with a white man dating a black woman. He’s voiced it more than once after he found out I was dating you."

  Jesse sat on her twin size bed, "Maya, I really like you, I don't want this to end."

  "Why would it end?" She slipped a DVD in the player, turned on the TV, and then sat next to him.

  “I don’t know,” he laid back on the bed. “I know this interracial thing is new to you.”

  “And,” she watched him. “You make me feel so special, wanted. I feel safe when I’m with you. I have never felt that way before. I don’t care that you’re white or Hispanic.”

  He chuckled, “You don’t know my race?”

  “See,” she laughed too. “That goes to show you that I don’t care about that stuff now.”

  “Now?” He leaned up on his elbows.

  “I used to,” Maya laid on
her back, looking up at the ceiling fan. “When you asked me out that night, the first thing that went through me mind was, what will my friends think? And now I know with the way Trey acted.”

  “Do you regret saying yes?” Jesse waited for her answer.

  “No, I don’t regret getting to know you,” she turned her face to the side, staring at him, and caressed his neck with her fingers. “You made me open my eyes, it’s what’s in our hearts that matters, right?”


  “Our bodies are all the same, if we were to get cut, we would bleed the same, my heart beats the same as your does. What makes us different is the color of our skin.” She paused, “I always thought I would marry a black man, because that’s what was instilled in me since I was a little girl.”

  “Do you still think that?”

  “If I did you wouldn’t be laying in my bed, would you?” She giggled.

  Jesse just gazed at Maya, mesmerized at the woman next to him. “I want things with you that I’ve never wanted with anyone else, and it’s only been three months.”

  “Do you think we’re moving too fast?” She rapidly sat up frowning.

  “No,” In his eyes they were taking it too slow. She’d misunderstood what he meant, he wanted more. “I would like you to meet my parents.”


  “What?” her eyes widened in surprise. He wanted her to meet his family? That meant so much to her.

  “They want to meet the woman their son can’t seem to stop talking about,” he gently combed the strands of hair that were falling from her ponytail in the back of her head with his finger.

  “You told them about me?” Maya had never met any past boyfriends’ parents. Would they like her? Would they have a problem with her race? She kept her questions to herself.

  “Yes,” he sat up. “Maya, I meant it when I said I want a future.”

  She just stared at him.

  “It’s okay if you’re not ready to introduce me to your family. I understand, they expect you to bring home an African-American man, I get that.”

  Maya shook her head. “My parents already know about you.” Her parents gave her the speech, wondering if the relationship was serious. Asking if he treats her right. And the one she was waiting for, are you sure you’re ready to deal with what mixed couples have to put up with. Her answer to all questions was yes.


  “They lectured me for about five minutes, and then they said I’m my own woman, and they raised me well enough to know that they raised a smart, strong woman,” She lifted her index finger. “Who knows what she wants,” Maya got serious, “and I want you.”

  Jesse grinned pulling her on top of him, “So, you’ll meet my parents?”

  “Yes,” she said, hoping she wouldn’t regret that decision. "We're in this together, remember I'm yours."

  He grinned, "Yes you are love." That night they slept in each other's arms, and that's when Maya knew Jesse was the one. He wanted her to meet his parents, and he defended her with no questions asked. Unlike the men she'd dated before, he didn't make any moves to try to seduce her into bed. Jesse and Maya Harvey, the thought of them taking their relationship to another level made her heart race.


  "Kiss me," he twisted his face toward her.

  Maya smiled, the doctor warned her that he would still be sedated when he woke up. "You want a kiss huh?"

  "Yes, I missed your lips," his voice was deep and husky, making her tingle to her core. "You're my dream come true," he half smiled.

  "You are too," she caressed his jaw feeling his five o'clock shadow growing in. “Jesse,” she gazed into his light brown, with a mixture of blue and green, eyes, “I can’t believe I have you back.”

  “I didn’t want it to happen like this.” He twisted his head, shying away from her. "So many times I wanted to come home."

  "Why didn't you?" She stared at him, thinking there was no time like the present. He would talk now while he was medicated.

  "I was embarrassed," he touched his stomach, she assumed it hurt.

  "Of what?"

  He swallowed, "I left that day to prove to you that I did have something to offer you, but shit didn't turn out the way I wanted it to. I applied for jobs, went to interviews and never received a call back. I applied at fast food restaurants, and they said I was over qualified. My parents would’ve had a fit if they knew what I was going through, Maya. I didn’t want to ask them or anyone for help. I thought I had control over my life."

  “Why didn’t you call me and tell me?”

  “So you could tell me what a disappointment I was to you.”

  “I didn’t mean the words that came out of my mouth that day.”

  He sighed. “It’s water under the bridge.”

  Maya swallowed, her heart was hurting. “It’s not,” she whispered. He left because of her words.

  “How are my parents and sister?”

  "Your dad and Sarah are fine.”

  “What about my mom?”

  “Your mother blamed me for everything that happened to you after we got married," she sat next to him. “She hasn’t said much to me since your memorial. Your mother thinks that I was the worst thing that ever happened to you, and now I’m believing it too,” she emotionally said.

  "You were the best thing that ever happened to me,” Jesse leaned up staring at her. “I didn’t care what my mom or father thought about you. I wanted to be the man you married, not a bum," He tilted his head to the side. “Maya, me leaving wasn’t your fault. I set out to prove something to myself and it backfired on me. Instead of turning back home, I continued down a dangerous road to self destruction.”

  "Where have you been?"

  "Everywhere," he exhaled. "I got mugged and my life changed in a blink of an eye."

  “You got mugged?” Maya asked concerned. Jesse nodded his head. “That explains the car.”

  “I guess they were covering their asses,” Jesse said in a stern voice.

  “If you hadn’t been mugged, would you have come back home?”

  “I don’t have an answer to that question.” He pulled the covers over his chest, “I needed to better myself, but instead I made things worst. I made promises to you when we took our vows that I couldn't keep. I wish I could change the past."

  "Me too," her eyes stung with tears.

  "What kind of man am I?" he grabbed the railing, and pushed himself further up the pillows. The stitches on the side of his stomach ached making him moan in pain. "I'm a fucking disappointment."

  "You aren’t." Maya raised her voice. “We all make mistakes, Jesse. It will take some time, but we will overcome this. I don’t care about the past, you’re here now.”

  "I'm broken in more ways than one, Maya." He lifts his limb, "I'm missing a foot," Jesse raised his voice. "Our son," his voice cracked. "My memories. When I lost my foot, I didn't care because I was alive and you were by my side. You were carrying my seed. My pride and joy," he squeezed her hand. "When you lost him, I lost myself. I hated that you had to see me so fucking weak. I couldn't get up out of that bed to be with you. I should've been by your side through the delivery."

  Maya squeezed his hand, "Jesse, you were there with me. Your love saw me through so much. You were my hero, my rock. You never complained about anything. Jesse, why couldn't you open up to me like you used to?"

  He turned his head away from her, and gently pulled his hand away. "It doesn't matter now. You've moved on and I respect that."

  She stood, "It matters!"

  "I saw the way that man looked at you," he gazed at her. "I don't have a right to be jealous. All I ever wanted was for you to be happy. You’ve built a life without me."

  "You made me happy," Maya leaned in giving him a feather kiss on his lips. "I don't love him. I love you, you are my past, present, and future, that has never changed. We have a lot of things to deal with, but we can get through it."

  Jesse's eyes were heavy, "I'm sorry for everything
I put you through..." he closed his eyes as a single tear ran down his cheek.

  Maya wiped it with her thumb. "In time I will forgive you, my love, but you'll never forgive yourself after you find out about Bella." She looked at her uniform covered in blood, she needed to go home and freshen up. Maya kissed him, and grabbed her purse, dug her cell out, and dialed. "Sarah, are you sitting down?"


  "Your brother's alive," she headed out of the room as Sarah screamed.


  "Who the hell is Bella?" Jesse asked himself after Maya left, "And why won't I forgive myself?" He was tired of answering questions. In time he would get strong enough, and get his life together. No more living shelter to shelter, he would get help for himself. Maya was better off without him, she had a life that didn't include him anymore. Jesse took a deep breath and leaned up, realizing that the medication was wearing off. His whole body ached. He looked down at his bandaged hand, and picked up the nurse's call button and pressed it down.

  After a few minutes a nurse entered. "Yes sir, is something wrong?"

  "Where's my wedding ring?" Jesse didn't break his finger for nothing.

  She took a couple strides and picked up his file, "It was given to your wife. The doctor had to cut it off, the swelling was very bad."

  He sighed.

  She dug into her pocket, pulled out a pen and started writing, "Are you in pain?"


  "From one to ten, what level are you?" she stared at him.

  "Nine," he closed his eyes. "Can I please have some water?" his throat was dry.

  The nurse poured some water from the pitcher in a cup and handed it to him. "I'll be back with your meds."

  "Ma'am," he was embarrassed to ask, "is there any food I might be able to get?"

  She smiled, "I'll make sure you get some dinner. It's not the best food though."

  "Anything is good to me," he said as she walked out the door.


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