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Finally Home

Page 6

by Ancelli

  "Dad, we'll talk after I have a moment with my family."

  His dad gave him a bear hug, "I'll be right outside," he tickled Bella's leg making her giggle. "Papa's grandbaby," he said before opening the door. Now everything was making sense. His dad and sister accepted baby girl, they had a relationship with her. He wondered about his mother.

  “Bye, bye, Papa,” Bella blew a kiss, and waved her palm in the air.

  “Bye, sweetheart,” his father answered, and then looked at his mother. "Paulette, leave them be." He waited as his mom marched out of the room, and closed the door. He closed his eyes, what a welcome home he thought. His heart ached for his mother and Maya. They were both hurt and needed answers.

  “Hi,” Bella sang staring at Jesse as he opened his eyes. “I Bel… la.” She grinned showing her teeth.

  “Hi,” Jesse’s heart pounded against his chest. He had a daughter, after all this time he thought he’d missed out on knowing his son, and he had a living daughter.

  Maya kissed Bella’s forehead. “How old are you?”

  She raised two fingers in the air, “Two.”

  “Who’s that?” Maya gazed at Jesse.

  “My,” His little girl pointed at him, “Dad…dy.”

  “Yes, that’s Daddy.” Maya whispered.

  Jesse just gazed at his little girl. He couldn’t control what he was feeling. He had a daughter. Tears stung his eyes. He missed out on loving her for over two years, because of his need to feel in control. “She’s mine?”


  “Can I hold her?” He extended his arms.

  Maya took a few strides forward and gently passed Bella to him.

  Jesse took her, she threw her arms around his neck, and laid her face in the crook of his neck. Bella smelled like heaven and strawberries. He couldn’t explain the feeling, having his daughter in his arms for the first time. He showered her head with kisses, “Mine,” he leaned her forward memorizing her gorgeous face, and then he counted her fingers “Perfect.” Jesse smiled to himself, his very own mini Maya. They’d sat up for hours talking about having kids, and their dreams and aspirations. And years later they were pregnant for the first time, and they both were over the moon. They’d decided on names before finding out if it was a boy or girl. Jesse Jr or Annabella. It hit him, “Annabella.”

  Maya’s lips curled into a smile, “Yes, Annabella Harvey, aka Bella.”

  “Maya,” Jesse played with her curls. “She’s my daughter,” his voice rattled.

  “Yes, Jesse,” she sniffled. “She’s your little girl. After our argument that day, I went into the bathroom and took a pregnancy test,” she sighed. “When I came out to tell you the results you were gone. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  “I know,” he whispered. “You did what you thought was right.”

  Bella leaned up, “No…” she shook her head. “No, cry…” she wiped his tears with her small fingers, and kissed his nose. “Mommy hurt you?”

  “No,” he smirked. “Mommy gave me you.”

  “Me,” Bella’s mouth formed an O. “Mommy good girl?”

  “Yes she is,” he tickled her belly, making her giggle. It was music to his hard hearing ears. “We have to make up for lost time, baby girl.”

  “Daddy has a boo boo.” His baby girl pointed at his bandaged finger.

  “Yes,” Jesse continued to stare at his little girl. “The doctor took care of it, I’ll be fine.”

  “K, I make better,” she kissed his finger.

  “You made everything better, baby girl,” he caressed her cheek.

  Maya backed away slowly, opened the door and slipped out.

  Bella twisted her head around looking for her mom, she pouted when she realized she’d left, and then she stared back at him and grinned. “Where my mommy?” she pointed at the door. “Mommy go bye bye.”

  “No, beautiful,” Jesse sat up, and she slipped right next to him. The pain he was feeling on his side didn’t matter at the moment, all that mattered was his daughter. “Mommy will be back,” he held her small hand in his.

  “Okay,” she said and pulled her hand away, grabbed the TV remote, and started changing channels.

  “Princess.” Jesse chuckled to himself. His little girl was just like her momma.

  Bella laid her head on his chest and wrapped her hand under the covers. “Sleepy,” she mumbled, her eyes growing heavy. “Nap time.”

  Jesse had made some huge mistakes, but he was going to make up for every second he missed. Starting with Maya and Bella. He would be the man they both needed him to be. He didn’t have to be perfect, but he needed to get himself right first. Jesse needed to get his driver’s license, social security card, and all of his bank cards. Jesse called the bank and was shocked when he learned the balance. He knew Maya was going to kill him when she found out about his bank account. He assumed she had access to all his accounts. Jesse made sure she would be taken care of, now he was happy he made that decision. He could support his daughter until he got a job, even if it was turning burgers.

  “Princess, Daddy fucked up big time, but I’m here to stay,” he whispered. “I will never leave you or Mommy again.” He reared back holding his little girl, and fell asleep.

  Chapter Six

  Jesse's father walked over to where Maya was seated in the waiting area and joined her. "How's my son?"

  She turned her head to face him, "I'm praying he's okay."

  "Jesse's not the same man that left years ago. He has been through something hard, he’s a changed man. He’s missing his spunk; he hardly spoke about where he’s been, only to defend you. I'm not asking, just stating," he sat back. "Thank you."

  Her eyes widened in question, "For?"

  "For loving him even though he abandoned you and Bella." She went to answer, but he continued. "Paulette might buy that crap you spilled in there, but we both know it's a lie. You're covering for Jesse."

  Maya was silent.

  "I know my son loves you," he smiled. "And believe it or not, I'm happy you loved him through Paulette’s and my nonsense. Jesse's in pain and it's not only physical. I know only you and my granddaughter can heal him." Jack handed her a napkin to wipe her tears, and he stood. "Don't let Paulette get to you, she's hurt. I'll have a word with her." He took her hand and pat it, “Keep being the strong woman that you are. I’m so proud to call you my daughter-in-law,” Jack walked away.

  Maya wiped her eyes again. She was tired of crying. Where were all the tears coming from anyway, she should’ve run out by now. Maya was emotionally drained. The last two days were unbelievable, finally finding the love of her life after thinking she'd lost him forever. Maya picked up her cell and dialed. It was time to end things with Richard.

  "Maya, where have you been?" Richard answered.

  "At the hospital." She studied the small area, it reminded her of the first time she met Jesse. He changed her life, he treated her like she was taught a woman was supposed to be treated. Jesse loved her for her, with all her flaws, and he helped her pursue any dreams she wanted.

  "Are you okay?" he asked concerned.

  "Yes," she cleared her throat. Richard was a great guy, but he wasn't her guy. Jesse was the man she'd vowed to love eight years ago. Maya knew they had a lot of baggage to get through. They would have to get to know each other all over again. "I'm okay."

  "I'm on my way to you," Richard said.

  "No, don't come." Maya took a deep breath.

  “Why not? You’re not making any sense.”

  She stared at her in-laws talking down the hall. "Richard, my husband is back."

  "After all these years?” He raised his voice. “What does he want?"

  "He doesn’t want anything, but I can't see you anymore."

  "What the hell do you mean you can't see me anymore?" He didn't let her answer. "We were working on something, Maya. He can still be a father to your daughter without him being in your life." Richard added. He hadn’t met Bella. Maya was very careful who she let arou
nd her daughter, because she first had to make sure the relationship was headed somewhere before introducing them to her child. “Are you just going to let him back into your bed after he fucking abandoned you?”

  She took a deep breath, trying to control herself. Maya pinched the bridge of her nose. She couldn’t take anymore shit from anyone, she was about to blow up on the wrong person. "I'm still in love with my husband," she closed her eyes waiting for his reaction.

  "What about me, Maya?" he yelled. "I don't mean shit to you?"

  “You’ll make someone very happy, it’s just not me.” She didn't want to hurt anyone, but her heart wants what her heart wants, and that's Jesse. “I told you my situation.” Regardless of the years, he was and is her soul mate.

  “You told me yesterday that you were ready, now your deadbeat husband reappears and you change your fucking mind,” Richard huffed. “Maya, think about this. Don’t make any hasty decisions.”

  Maya picked up her purse and stood. "I don't love you, Richard." The line went dead, and she placed the device back into her purse. "I'm sorry," she whispered. She needed fresh air, so she sauntered to the elevator and pushed the red triangle button lighting it up. The double doors dinged opened and she stepped in.


  She was startled, Maya thought she was alone. She looked back to see it was her sister-in-law. “Sarah, I thought you left,” she hit the lobby button.

  “You know me better than that,” Sarah moved in front of her, and wrapped her arms around her. “He’s back.”

  Maya embraced her tightly. “I’ve dreamt of this day for years.”

  “It finally came true,” Sarah backed away, looking at her. “Did you see his eyes when he realized Bella was his daughter?”

  “Yes,” Maya’s lips curled into a grin, remembering the way Jesse’s eyes lit up when he held their little girl for the first time. He couldn’t stop staring and kissing her. Bella didn’t care much for strangers, but she latched on to her dad. Maya made sure Bella knew who her daddy was. They would pray for him each night. Baby girl would kiss his framed picture every night before bedtime. “Bella is all he ever wanted.”

  “I hope what my mom said didn’t get to you,” Sarah stared at her. “Dad loves Bella, we didn’t listen to all the crap she said about you or my niece.” She chuckled. “Bella resembles me, just a darker version.”

  “Your mother stopped getting to me the day Jesse said I do,” Maya smirked.

  “Do you know why she didn’t like you?”

  “Why?” Maya stared at the numbers on the panel.

  “Because you made Jesse happy.”

  She cocked her eyebrow.

  “After Jesse met you, things changed. You were all he ever talked about, Maya this, Maya that. You became his everything.” Sarah added. “He used to call home everyday and that turned into once a week. Mom knew she was losing him to you and she didn’t like it. She tried to ruin your relationship and it didn’t work.”

  “Jesse chose me,” Maya smiled again.

  “Yes, and I’m so happy he did.” Sarah said as the doors opened, and they stepped out. “Where are you going?”

  “I just need some fresh air,” she said and held on to her purse.

  “I’ll join you, and then I’ll go to the hotel and get some sleep,” she walked beside her. “I just needed to hug him before I checked in. I have jet lag.”

  “He’ll be right here when you get back.” She wasn’t letting Jesse get away again.

  “Sorry about Mom.” They both walked outside the hospital and sat on the bench.

  “She’s hurt.”

  “Hurt?” Sarah asked confused.

  “Your dad has moved on.” Jesse’s dad was a different person after he divorced his wife. He called and visited Bella more often. “He’s found happiness again, and she hasn’t.”

  “My mother can have happiness too. She dated a few men, but they weren’t Dad,” Sarah crossed her legs. “Mom is miserable because she wants to be. Maybe now that Jesse’s back she’ll be able to move on.”

  “I hope so,” Maya said and took a deep breath. Sarah continued talking and her mind drifted off to the day Jesse asked her to be his wife.


  They stood outside the restaurant waiting to be seated. Jesse had his arms around Maya’s waist from behind, kissing on her neck. Every time Jesse touched her, goose bumps crawled up her skin. The man was amazing with his hands, lips, tongue, and his manhood was made especially for her. So many nights Jesse had her screaming his name. Maya’s body was tingling just thinking about his loving. She giggled remembering their love session just a few hours ago.

  “What’s got you smiling?” He whispered against her sensitive skin right under her earlobe.

  She turned around and circled her hands around his neck. “You.”

  “Me?” He pulled her closer.

  “I never thought we would be here,” she replied and raked her fingers through the hair at the back of his head.

  “At Waffles, Soul and More?”

  “No silly,” Maya pinched his neck. “Us, being so happy.”

  “I knew we would be here,” he took the chance and gave her a peck on her lips. “In love and ready…”

  “Jesse party of two,” the hostess said and held the door open. “Your table is ready. Follow me please.” He held her hand and they followed the hostess in and sat at a table in the middle of the restaurant.

  “Thank you,” Jesse told the young lady as he pulled out the chair for Maya, and inched her in.

  “Thank you,” Maya smiled. Jesse was a gentleman in every sense. He opened doors for her, pulled out chairs, and he was always on time. Jesse always walked her up to her door, paid attention to the smallest detail, and he was all hers. Jesse was always respectful even when they argued. He tried not to curse in front of her, and when he was pissed, he would just leave and call or come back the next morning.

  "When was the last time we ate here?" Maya studied her surroundings. The restaurant was remodeled, it was now more modern with bright colors and pictures of past patrons, and historical moments in history. It had been over a year since their first date, and she couldn't be happier. Jesse was everything she dreamt of when she was younger. As she grew older and went on dates, she thought men like Jesse didn’t exist, until she twisted her ankle.

  "At least six months," he was sitting next to her with his arm wrapped around her shoulder. "How was your day at work?" He caressed her collarbone.

  "I can’t remember,” Maya laughed. “My legs still hurt.”

  Jesse chuckled, and started messaging her bare legs, “You weren’t complaining earlier when they were wrapped around my neck.”

  Her mind drifted back to his tongue sucking and licking her pearl. Her body trembled just thinking about it. “Stop it or we won’t finish our meal."

  “We haven’t ordered yet, we can leave,” His fingers crawled up her thighs and she smacked his hand.

  “I’m hungry,” she picked up the new menu.

  “Me too,” his lips curled into a naughty smile. “But not for food.”

  She twisted her head to the side and kissed him. “Behave.”

  "Maya," he whispered against her mouth. "I love you."

  "I do too." She nipped his lip.

  "Say the words," Jesse cupped her face.

  "I love you," Maya fell head over heels for Jesse. They had their moments when they couldn't stand each other, but the good outweighed the bad. She came first in his life, and he'd proven it more than once. He was thoughtful, loving, and helpful. She didn't want for anything, and they weren't even married.

  "Do you remember our first date?" He caressed her cheek.

  "The night you held my medication hostage."

  "I couldn't let you slip away," he held her hand. "I knew then that you'd make me happy."

  "My superman," she traced an S on his chest. "And I beat you on the court, several times."

  "I let you," he smiled, exposing his di

  "Okay if you say so." He couldn't keep his hands off of her, and she loved it. Jesse made her feel safe and protected. "I want to try something different tonight," she glanced at the new items on the menu.

  "Why?" he placed his hand on her knee.

  Maya raised an eyebrow. "Because I'm tired of always getting the same thing. There’s a lot of new stuff on the menu. I might like something else, maybe meatloaf and mashed potatoes."

  "But if you like what you've already tasted, why keep looking?"

  Now Maya was confused. "Are we still talking about food?"

  "Maya, we've had an amazing journey together so far. Don't you think we're ready to take the next step in our journey?" Jesse stood.

  She watched him closely. "What are you..." before she could finish he was down on one knee.

  "Love, over a year ago right in this very spot, I told you," he dug in his front pocket. "That you would be mine.” Jesse pulled out a small white box. “On that night I met my soul mate. You are the ying to my yang,” he chuckled. Jesse was so corny but cute.

  She covered her mouth with her hands, and tears of happiness filled her eyes.

  “Maya,” he opened the box, and inside was a sparkling solitaire ring. “I’m hoping you’ll do me the honor of marrying me.”

  She jumped out of her chair right into him, and they both landed on the floor. “Yes, yes, yes. I’ll marry you,” she kissed him as the other patrons at the restaurant cheered and clapped. “You’re my future.”


  “Maya, are you even listening to me?” Sarah asked as she stood.

  “Yes,” She looked up at her sister-in-law. “What did you say?”

  Sarah chuckled, “I’m heading to the hotel. If you or my brother need anything call me.”

  Maya pushed herself up and hugged her. “I will.”

  “Bye,” Sarah strolled over to the parking lot, and Maya went back into the hospital.

  “You are my future, Jesse,” she whispered to herself as the glass doors opened.



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