Finally Home

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Finally Home Page 7

by Ancelli

  Maya slowly cracked the door open. They were both knocked out. Bella resembled both her and Jesse. She had his eyes and nose, but had Maya's oval face, lips, and personality. She made the right decision breaking things off with Richard. Jesse and Bella were her future. She strolled in the room, and sat next to the bed.

  "We interrupted her nap," Jesse's eyes fluttered open. The swelling in his eyes was going down.

  "Was she a handful?"

  "No," he kissed Bella's temple. "I missed out on so much."

  "Yes you did," Maya stared at him. "I don't think you can make up for all those years, but," she paused. "You can try."

  He bent his head, "You're right, I can never make this right."

  "I didn't say that. I said you can't make up for the lost years, however you can make it right. Bella is too to young to remember the last two years, what counts is from this point forward. She needs her father, and I'm hoping he needs her too."

  Jesse cocked an eyebrow. "Of course I want to be in her life, Maya. You know me better than that."

  "Do I?" she inhaled.

  "I've changed in a lot of ways. I probably will never be the same, but one thing that's hasn't changed is my love for you." He looked away from her. "You still know me."

  "Then come home with me." Maya knew she was pushing it, but she would do whatever it took to have her family together. "I have a guest bedroom, you can recover there and wait on your new prosthetic to come in. We can get to know each other again, but this time with our daughter. We can go from there, and see if what we had is still worth fighting for."

  "We are worth fighting for..." he gazed at her. “But I don’t want to impose on your life.”

  “You’re my husband!” She raised her voice. “I’m not taking no for an answer.”

  “Are you going to shoot me?” He laughed. Oh how she missed his laughter.

  "No more running away, no matter what," she took his hand in hers. "Do you understand me? My heart can't take it again."

  He caressed the side of her neck, "I'm sorry."


  “Excuse us,” his dad entered the room. “Can we come in?”

  “Yes,” Maya was about to pick Bella up, but Jesse stopped her.

  “She’s okay.” Jesse couldn’t get enough of his daughter.

  “Are you sure, she looks like she’s hurting you?” Maya looked at the way he touched his side.

  “She’s not,” he kissed his baby’s fingers. “Mom,” he stared at his mother. “I’m sorry for all the hurt I put you and Dad through. I was in a bad place and I couldn’t see a way out. I should’ve turned to the people I love, but I didn’t want to disappoint you.”

  “You could never disappoint us,” she took a few steps forward and took his bandaged hand in hers. “I’m so happy to have you back. My heart was broken years ago, and now it’s whole again,” she smiled. “Jesse, don’t ever scare us like that again.”

  “Son,” his dad watched him. “I am always here for you. You can come home with me if you want.”

  His mom’s lips thinned, and she glared at his dad. “No, he’s not staying with you and that hussy. He’s staying with me.”

  Jesse’s eyes widened in confusion. “What?” He raised his voice, waking Bella up.

  She stretched her little hands up over her head as her eyes fluttered open. “Hi,” she whispered, and then she closed her eyes again.

  His parents were silent, staring at each other.

  “Jesse,” Maya interjected. “Your parents are divorced.”

  His chest heaved up and down, “What do you mean they’re divorced?”

  “Son,” his dad spoke up. “Your mother and I moved on two years ago.”

  “Because of me?” Jesse’s voice rattled. His actions hurt so many lives.

  “No,” his dad answered. “The problems between your mother and I started long before you disappeared. It’s not your fault, but we are finally happy.”

  “You’re happy,” his mother softly stated. “Jesse’s coming home with me.”

  “Mom,” he gazed at Maya. “I’m going home with my family. I don’t want to miss out on anything else. I promise to call you and visit as soon as I can.”

  “I understand,” his mother touched Bella’s thigh. “Can I spend some time with you and my granddaughter before I leave?”

  “Yes Mom,” he squeezed her hand.

  “Now she’s your granddaughter?” His dad spat.

  Bella opened her eyes wide, “Papa!” She sat up extending her arms to his dad.

  His father gently picked her up, and blew kisses on her cheeks, making her giggle uncontrollably. “Papa’s baby is getting so big.” Jesse watched the interaction between his child and his father, and then he turned to his mother. She didn’t move an inch to touch or speak to Bella.

  “Mrs. Paulette,” Maya said. “You can stay at my house.”

  “No, thank you.” Her lips thinned “I’d rather stay at the hotel and come see him.” Jesse glared at his mother, she didn’t change. He would have a talk with her about the way she would treat his wife and child.

  “I would love to stay with you guys,” His dad added. “We have a lot of catching up to do.” He stared at Jesse. “Will that be okay, Maya?”

  “Of course, Mr. Jack,” she said. “You deserve as much time with your son as you want.”

  “Thank you.” He bounced Bella up and down. “Our family is finally complete.”

  Chapter Seven

  Walking from the car to the house was more than he could handle at the moment, he was tired and his armpits hurt from the use of the crutches. Jesse laid his head on the fluffy pillows on the couch. His finger ached from the pressure the bandage was causing. The nurse wrapped it up too tight, so he started slowly taking the material off, and redid it himself.

  Five days at the hospital had been torture, and he was now happy to be home with his family. His father was checking out of the hotel, and Maya was picking baby girl up from the daycare. He looked around her house and noticed that everything in her home was new to him. He wondered if she sold the house they’d bought together at her last duty station. Jesse never thought he would meet up with Maya and Sandra miles away from where he left them. He stared at the pictures hanging on the wall, and smiled. Maya was glowing when she was pregnant with Bella, but there was also sadness in her beautiful brown eyes. He looked at a picture of Bella with his dad and Sarah, then studied the wall looking for one of his mom and his little girl. Jesse sighed, hoping his mother didn’t shut out her only granddaughter just because she didn’t like Maya.

  He glanced at the shelve on the left and his eyes widened when he saw a picture of a pregnant Maya with a ghost of him in his uniform kissing her stomach. He was speechless as he stared at the image in front of him. Jesse pushed himself off the sofa, picked up the picture, and sat back down. He traced the image of him and then her protruding belly. A tear rolled down his cheek and onto the frame. Maya added him without him even being there. What have I done? he whispered.

  Jesse picked up a photo album from the table, and opened it. He slowly flipped the pages one by one. It started with a picture of their wedding day, and went on to Bella’s second birthday. Maya made a collage of their life together, and then hers and Bella’s without him. Tears stung his eyes, even though he knew that depression and stress didn’t mix. Jesse dug in his pocket and pulled out the cell phone Maya gave him. She’d added a few numbers in his contacts, he searched for Sandra’s number and called.


  “Hi Sandra, this is Jesse.”

  “Hey J, what’s up?”

  “I need help,” Jesse leaned forward. “I need you to move up my session.”

  “Are you okay?” She asked concerned.

  “Yes,” he touched a picture of Maya getting pinned to Chief. He wished he could have been there. That’s one of the proudest moments in his career, when he was pinned to Chief, he could imagine to her. Jesse knew Maya would do great things, she was on
e of the best leaders he knew. “I want to get better for my family. I need to be the man they deserve me to be.”

  “The next available session I have is next week. Is that okay?”

  “Yes, thank you.”

  Sandra had always been there for them. Lucas and Sandra had even stood up for them at their wedding.

  “If you need to talk we don’t need an appointment, I will get in my car and be there.”

  “I know, but I don’t need you as a friend. I need you as my therapist.”

  “I understand,” she chuckled. “Mrs. Valle will see you first thing next week.”

  “Thanks,” Jesse hung up. He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.


  “Dad…dy here!” Bella yelled running into the house when she saw him sitting in the living room.

  Jesse started laughing, he loved hearing her say daddy. His life was turned upside down in less than a week, and he was so happy it did. Bella was a ball of energy and happiness. “Hi, bubbles,” he picked her up not caring about the pain he was in, and nibbled on her neck and tickling her tummy.

  “Stop.” She giggled nonstop. “No,” she laughed harder, and then cupped his face and kissed his cheek. “Hi.”

  “Hi, sweetheart.” Jesse’s heart swelled gazing into his daughter’s eyes. He couldn’t explain the love he felt for her, “I love you.”

  She pointed at her heart, “I luv yu.”

  He glanced over to the door waiting for Maya to stroll in. “Where’s Mommy?”

  “Car,” Bella sat next to him, and looked at his bandaged limb sitting on the pillow on top of the coffee table.

  “Foot,” she pointed at his leg and then she slipped off the couch and touched his limb. Bella studied it, and then gently touched it. “No foot.”

  “Daddy’s foot is like a Lego piece.” Maya said and stepped into the house with two grocery bags in her hand.

  Bella raised her little eyebrow watching her, and then Jesse. “Le…go.”

  “Yes,” Maya confirmed and walked into the kitchen, dropped off the bags, and came back to the living room with a plastic bag in her hand.

  “Legos?” Jesse chuckled.

  “Yes,” Maya smirked. “She loves those things. Bella loves to build and connect them.”

  “So you compare me to a Lego?” He questioned and sat up, fixing his leg. “I’m more like a Mr. Potato Head.” They both laughed.

  “Really?” Maya smiled. That’s the smile he fell in love with. Her perfect bow lips were one of the things that captivated him the night they met many years ago.

  “Yes,” He moved his limb. “He can take off his foot and change it out for another.”

  Bella was bored with their conversation. Baby girl grabbed a doll from her toy box, and strolled out of the living room and down the hall.

  “That girl thinks she’s grown,” Maya said sitting next to him, and stared at the framed picture.

  “Should I get her?” Jesse pushed up.

  “No,” she started taking items out of the bag. “We have a routine down. Bella is going to take a nap.”

  Jesse cocked his eyebrow. Bella went to take a nap so easily. “Really?” He questioned in disbelief, and looked at the clock mounted on the wall. “Will she still sleep tonight?”

  “Yes, she doesn’t take naps at the daycare, but as soon as she gets home she takes about an hour nap. After she wakes up we spend some time together, make dinner, and then it’s bath time. I read her a book before tucking her in, and that’s that,” she said, removing the gauze and ointment from the plastic bag.

  “Every day?”

  “Just about,” she smiled. “Your daughter is a ball of energy. Your dad said she’s just like you when you were a toddler.”

  “Then she’s a handful,” Jesse smirked.

  “She’s my Annabella,” her lips curled. “She’s a sweetheart.”

  “She already has my heart,” he glanced down the hall. “Thank you,” he picked up the picture. “You thought about me.”

  “All the time,” Maya wiggled her fingers. “Give me your foot.”

  “Foot,” he chuckled, placing the frame down. “You mean this,” he wiggled his limb.

  Maya glared at him as she tapped her lap. He placed his limb on her legs. She carefully began unwrapping the bandages.

  “Ouch,” he joked.

  “Does it hurt?” Maya stopped what she was doing.

  “Nah.” He paused.

  “Your dad said he’ll come by tomorrow. He wanted us to have an evening together.” She gently removed the bandages.

  “Aren’t you disgusted?” Jesse got serious for a moment, looking at her taking care of him. His wound was slowly healing.

  “No,” she raised her voice. “Why would you even ask that? Nothing about you disgusts me,” she said and continued cleaning the wound with some cotton and re-wrapped it, then she started massaging his calf. “Does that feel good?”

  Jesse swallowed, her fingers digging into his skin felt more than good. He closed his eyes, the sensation was hitting a spot he’d thought had died long ago. He moaned, and then realized that Maya had stopped rubbing his calf. He opened his eyes and she was staring at him.

  “Did I hurt you?”

  “No. It felt pretty good,” he answered. Why had he left this woman, his heart behind? Why? He didn’t have an answer. When he left he was in turmoil with himself, in a war in his own mind, but he was finally home where he belonged. No more running. “Thank you,” he gazed at her in appreciation.

  “You don’t have to thank me,” Maya stood. “I’m going to take a shower and then prepare dinner.” She said taking off her shoes. “Are you comfortable?”

  “Yes, the couch is soft and comfy,” he responded and patted the cushions.

  “Really, Jesse,” she placed her hand on her hip. “There’s a bedroom down the hall waiting for you.”

  “Thank you,” he grabbed his crutches, and got up too, making his side ache. Jesse glanced down at his worn out clothes. “I don’t have anything,”

  “You have everything you need,” Maya waved her hand so he could go before her. “All your things are in the guest bedroom.”

  “You kept my stuff?” he hopped down the hall.

  “Yes, I knew you would be back someday.” She passed him, and opened a room door. “If you need anything just holler. I’m tired, I might take a nap after I take a shower.”

  “Go rest. I’m fine,” Jesse entered the room, and she closed the door behind him. He looked around the bedroom. It was huge, with white curtains that hung from a window, and the queen size bed had a blue comforter and pillows. He moved toward the closet and opened it. Jesse didn’t believe her when she said she saved his things, but that all changed when he fingered some of his old fancy clothing. He hopped over to the dresser and pulled it open. Jesse grabbed a pair of boxers, a t-shirt, and sweats to cover his leg. He didn’t want to scare Bella with the sight of his leg. He placed the items on the bed and sat on the edge. He scooted himself to the middle of the mattress, and spread his arms, caressing the soft material on the bed like he was doing snow angels. Jesse thought the hospital bed was nice, but this bed was perfect. Before he knew it his eyes closed, and he was in la la land.


  Maya’s eyes fluttered open and Bella was grinning on top of her. “Mommy, grapes. Plea!”

  She kissed her little girl’s nose, and sat up, making Bella roll over in the bed. Maya stood, and picked her up. “Come on let’s start dinner,” she strolled out of her bedroom and gently knocked on Jesse’s door. There was no answer so she slowly opened the barrier. Jesse was sleeping peacefully.

  “Daddy,” Bella whispered pointing at him. “Night, night.”

  Maya backed out of the room, closing the door. “Daddy needs his rest. We’ll wake him up for dinner.”

  “Okie,” she shook her head dancing. “Grape.”

  She walked into the kitchen, placed Bella on the floor, and opened the refrigerator. Maya g
rabbed a bowl of strawberries and grapes, and sat it on the table. “Were you a good girl today?”

  She shook her head.

  “What?” Maya chuckled.

  Bella giggled. “Me good, Mommy,” she stood on her tiptoes and grabbed some grapes. She ate them one by one as Maya took out all the items she needed to start dinner. Maya turned on the radio on the counter and music blasted through the tiny speakers.

  Who You Love by John Mayer featuring Katie Perry was on. This was one of Maya’s favorite songs because that’s how she felt. She couldn’t help that she loved Jesse, regardless of everything that’s happened between them. The love they shared was special, nothing like she’d ever experienced. Until he fucking left on that deployment. Maya banged her fist on the kitchen island, making Bella jump. “Sorry, mama.” She apologized to her daughter, knowing that she needed to control her emotions better.

  “Luv who you…” Bella sang shaking her head to the beat of the music, making Maya sing along as she prepared dinner.

  “Mama, you can’t stop dreaming,” Maya turned the stove on. “Mommy didn’t stop dreaming, and Daddy’s here.” She smiled, knowing that Jesse was under the same roof as she was. God, thank you, she said in silent prayer to her self. Even if their marriage didn’t survive, at least she knew where he was, and that he was safe and sound. The song changed to, Yo side of the Bed by Trey Songz.

  Bella sat at her toddler table, eating more fruit, and playing with her oversized Legos. She babbled and sang. Her baby was such a happy little girl. If it wasn’t for Bella, Maya wouldn’t have survived when Jesse walked out on their home. Bella got her through the worst time in her life. Her baby became her lifeline, and now she understood what Jesse meant about how he felt when they lost their son. She continued cooking and singing.

  An hour later dinner was ready. She served three plates and placed them on the table. She strolled out of the kitchen and down the hall, with Bella following in tow. She knocked on the door.

  “Daddy! Dinner.” Bella banged on the door too. “Daddy.”

  “I’ll be right there,” Jesse answered in a voice that was groggy with sleep.


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