Book Read Free

Finally Home

Page 19

by Ancelli

  “You’re finally home,” she squeezed his finger. “No more thinking of what I’m doing, because you’ll be right by my side. I love you, my superman,” she drew an S on his chest. “Even superman has a weakness, kryptonite, but in the end he always wins.” She chuckled. “We have overcome so much together, but we won.”

  Jesse leaned forward, kissing her. “I won…”


  Two years later

  Jesse smirked making another shot, "I can still beat that ass," he tapped her butt. He ran down the court, leaving Maya without a ball. Lucas and Tyler smirked, staring at him. “Maya is insisting on playing.”

  “Really, dude?” Tyler looked up at him from his wheelchair. “I didn’t come here to see your wife beat your ass.”

  “Whatever,” Jesse bounced the ball.

  “I thought Sandra was bad, but,” Lucas laughed, “Maya has you wrapped around her finger.” They all looked down the court as she was about to make another shot.

  Where did she get another ball?

  “Shit,” he handed the ball to Tyler. “I’ll be right back,” Jesse ran, and hit the ball out of her hand making another shot.

  Maya placed her hand on her hip, catching her breath. “Really!”

  “You’re tired already,” he stared at her chest heaving up and down. “I thought you said you can hang?” He chuckled. “Maya, for real please sit down. I want to play without worrying about you.” Jesse drew his eyebrows together.

  Maya watched him through narrowed eyes. “The doctor said it’s okay for me to exercise.”

  “I don’t think she meant playing basketball,” Jesse held onto the ball, not letting the issue go. “I let you play a little, that’s enough.” He playfully bumped her ass. “Maya,” he watched her, “you said one game. We played and I beat you even with my disability,” he wiggled his foot.

  She wiped the sweat off her forehead with her t-shirt. "I'm impaired too, sweetheart," she touched her growing belly. "And it's all your fault."

  "It sure is," he inched closer to her and cupped her sweaty face. “Maya, if something happens to you or the baby because you’re out here overdoing it, I won’t forgive myself,” he gave her a peck on her lips. “So, please have a seat and let me play.”

  “Fine,” she smiled, “but all I did was make three shots, how is that overdoing it?”

  Jesse just stared at her, and then caressed her stomach. “I know Mom is being hardheaded.”

  “Jesse!” Tyler yelled from the other side of the court. “You playing or not?”

  He guided her to the bleachers and made sure she sat. “Watch your husband beat some ass,” he jogged down the court.


  Maya’s lips curled into a grin as she rubbed her belly.

  “I have never seen you this happy,” Sandra stood in front of her.

  “Because I’m in love with life,” she raised her t-shirt. “Look,” she touched her stomach. “I’m finally showing.”

  Sandra took a couple of steps forward, and caressed her tummy. “I’m so happy for you and Jesse. He’s come so far.”

  “Yes, he has.” Maya lowered her shirt and glanced down at Jesse. He was laughing and having fun with his friends. He made a shot, and shouted in Lucas’ face. The old Jesse was back, she understood why he was so overbearing with her pregnancy, but she was fine.

  “What are you doing here dressed like that?” Maya pointed at her two-piece suit. “Aren’t you overdressed?”

  “Your husband called me,” Sandra waved at the guys.

  “For what?” Maya drew her eyebrows together,

  “To take you home,” Sandra crossed her arms over her chest, staring at her through narrowed eyes.

  “I’m okay right here,” she leaned back on the bleachers. “I love watching him play.”

  “I understand that,” Sandra climbed up, and sat next to her, “but your husband is worried about you.”

  “I know, but Bella’s pregnancy was smooth sailing,” Maya continued looking at Jesse.

  Sandra placed her hand on Maya’s knee, “He wasn’t here for that, but he was for the birth of Jr.” She softly stated. “He’s not trying to control you. Harvey is trying to protect himself.”

  She remembered what her mother said, that there are times when you have to compromise, and this was one of those times. “I thought you weren’t my shrink anymore?” Maya smirked. “Just kidding,” she looked at her dear friend. Where would they both be without her? “I promise to take it easy.”

  “Thank you,” she stood. “Now let’s go. Jesse said you have a doctor’s appointment, and you don’t want them smelling your sweaty ass.”

  Maya stood, “Bye, J!” she yelled across the court.

  “I’ll pick you up!” He shouted back, throwing her a kiss.


  Maya laid with her hands behind her head, on the small exam table, looking up at the pictures on the ceiling.

  "Love, are you okay?" Jesse sat in the rolling chair besides her.

  She turned her head toward him. "I'm okay," she softly said. "I just can't wait to meet the brand new addition to our family." Jesse couldn't make her first sonogram, because he had an important meeting at work. He tried to get Mr. King to change the date, but it was too late.

  "I won't miss another appointment." He placed his hand over her stomach. "I finally get to experience these moments with you."

  “Another little Harvey.” Maya placed her hand over his, "Jesse, don’t worry about me and the baby. We’ll be okay."

  “Love, I can’t help it,” he wiggled his fingers.

  She twisted her body, staring at him. “I promise to take it easy, no more basketball.”

  Jesse kissed her nose, “Thank you.”

  Someone knocked on the door, and then entered. "Good afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey," she typed on the keyboard in front of the monitor. "Are you ready to see and hear your baby?"

  "Yes!" Jesse blurted, making Maya and the doctor laugh.

  "Can you please come down a little?" The doctor asked, sitting in between Maya’s thighs. Maya scooted down, making sure her bottom was on the edge. "This is going to be a little cold," she said, pulling down the sheet exposing her growing belly.

  "Oh I know," Maya watched as the doctor squeezed the cold blue gel on her stomach, and started rubbing the wand over her skin.

  Jesse stood watching the monitor, "Where is the baby?"

  The doctor smiled, "Hold on, Dad," she said and continued moving the wand up and down. "Oh there he or she is," she pressed down on Maya's stomach. She pressed on a couple of buttons, taking pictures of the fetus, “The size is about eighteen weeks.” The baby’s heartbeat pounded, bringing tears to Maya’s eyes.

  Jesse was in awe, staring straight at the screen. His eyes lit up, "That's his heartbeat?"

  "Yes," the doctor answered, still pressing on her stomach. "It's very strong," and then her smile disappeared, squinting her eyes.

  "What?" Maya leaned up on her elbows.

  "Is something wrong?" Jesse glared at the doctor. “Is he okay?”

  The doctor kept taking pictures, “Nothing’s wrong” she grinned. “How many kids do you have?”

  “One. Why?” Jesse asked.

  “Well,” she pointed at the screen. “Mom, Dad, here’s baby A” she pointed at a fetus and then pointed next to it, “and baby B.”

  They both looked at each other confused. Two more Bella’s running around the house.

  “You’re having twins,” she smiled. Maya’s heart stopped for a few seconds. Did she just say twins?

  “Twins,” he grinned. “Were having twins,” he pumped his fist.

  Maya exhaled, trying to wrap her mind around the concept of twins. Jesse was grinning like a fool, while she was nervous. Two babies at the same time meant double hormones, crying, feeding, changing. Now Jesse would be double overbearing.

  “Now that changes everything, Mom.”

  “What do you mean, changes everything?” Jesse
didn’t tear his eyes away from the monitor.

  “This puts your wife at risk,” she placed the wand on it’s stand, and she wiped Maya’s belly with a small towel. “Having twins takes a harder toll on your body. Any pregnancy with twins or more is considered high risk,” she stood, and tore the pictures she took off the machine. “The more babies you're carrying, the higher your risk of complications. The greatest risk is that you'll deliver the babies prematurely, which increases their chances of health problems, so I will see you more often.”

  Jesse’s brow furrowed. “Is she supposed to be exercising?”

  Here we go, she said to herself.

  “Yes, she can exercise,” she wrote on a chart. “As long as she takes it easy.”

  “You heard that, love,” he screwed up his face. “Take it easy.”

  “There’s nothing to worry about now.” She handed Jesse a few of the pictures of the babies. “Mom is healthy, but I will keep a close eye on her,” she continued writing in her chart. “Mrs. Harvey, you can get dressed, I’ll see you in two weeks.” She walked out of the room.

  He just stared at the pictures, “Two babies…”

  Maya slipped off the examining table, and started putting on her clothes. “This is your fault.”

  Jesse’s head snapped up.

  “Yes, you heard me,” she pulled on her pants. “She didn’t say they were identical, that means your sperms decided to implant more than one of my eggs.”

  He chuckled, his eyes crinkling at the edges. “You’re blaming me,” he pointed at her. “You’re the nympho.”

  “Whatever,” Maya picked up her purse. “Twins, I can’t believe this.”

  Jesse stopped laughing, “You’re not happy?”

  “I’m not, not happy,” she touched her tummy.

  He cocked a brow, “What?”

  “I just have to get used to me having twins,” she looked at the pictures in his hand. “You’re getting a house full of Harvey’s,” she half smiled.

  “That smile is so fake,” he tapped her lips with his finger. “I’m over the moon with the news.” Jesse stepped closer and kissed her. “Our dreams are coming true little by little. We’re about to open a foundation. I know it’s not your own business, but...”

  “But it’s close,” Maya smiled.

  It was like opening her own. It was better. They were now in the position to give back. God had blessed them, and they would bless others. The foundation they were in the process of opening was going to help disabled veterans, service members who were separated from the military because of an injury they suffered in the line of duty. Jesse would set them up with interviews, giving them a head start in getting their lives back together. Brandon Stokes played a huge part in opening the non-profit organization. Brandon pulled in major donations from some A-listers in the city. Maya did all the leg work in getting the charity off with a bang. She got all the legal stuff and tax documents done to applying for grants. It was taking longer than expected, but it should be done before the babies were born.

  He dug in his front pocket, pulling out his phone and dialed. “Dad, were having twins,” he said excitedly as he held the door open for her.

  Jesse was right, their dreams were coming through one by one, and one of those dreams was having a house full of kids. Three little munchkins running around wouldn’t be that bad. The doctor said that she would probably have the babies a few weeks early, so right now her mission was to give breath to healthy babies.


  Four months later

  Jesse lovingly gazed at his amazing wife as she tried to push their new additions to their family out, but they weren’t cooperating. He wiped the sweat off her forehead with a wet rag. “Love, we made it,” he continued to caress her face.

  Maya gripped her legs that were on either side of her protruding stomach and then leaned back on the bed. “How much longer?” she asked the nurse in between breaths. “I don’t think my twat can take it.” Jesse chuckled softly at her antics.

  “It’s almost time.” The nurse stood from her seat, “I’m going to go get your doctor,” she walked out the room.

  She scratched her nose. “Jesse…”

  “Yes,” he took her hand in his.

  “I’m happy,” she squeezed his fingers. “Can you please play my favorite song?”

  He pulled out his phone, searched for it, and pressed play. Meghan Trainor’s Like I’m Gonna Lose You with John Legend began playing. Jesse placed his phone on the table, and extended his hand. Maya twisted her legs to the side of the bed and he helped her stand. He made sure the monitor around her belly and the IV in her hand wasn’t in the way. Jesse inched closer and wrapped his arms around his wife.

  He could tell Maya was in pain. She closed her eyes, inhaling and then exhaling as she circled her arms around his neck. Maya laid her head on his chest, and they swayed from side to side. Jesse massaged her from the arch of her back to her shoulders.

  Maya hummed to the music, her fingers gripping the back of his neck, “Uh… uh…”

  Jesse kissed the top of her head as they slowly danced from side to side. God, he loved this woman with all that he was. “Is it getting worse?”

  “No,” she said between breaths. “Bella’s labor was worse,” she clenched her teeth. “We’ve got this; our babies will be here soon.” Maya screamed out in pain, releasing him and holding her stomach. “They are coming now,” she spread her legs.

  “Love,” he helped her back onto the bed. “I’m going to get the doctor.”

  She grabbed his arm, “It’s too late.” Maya placed her legs on the bed, “I have to push!” she grunted and pushed.

  Jesse was spazzing out as he watched the baby’s head crown. “Oh God, I can see hair.” He didn’t know what to do, yes he used to work at a hospital, but he never delivered a baby before.

  “Baby, hold on.” He sat in the chair where the nurse was, and stared. Jesse’s eyes widened as he stared at her stretching vagina. Maya pushed again, and he moved closer, remembering what he had previously seen on TV. Jesse gently placed his hand over the baby’s head, she pushed again and half of the baby’s body slipped out. His hands were covered in blood and some white stuff, and slowly his baby finally landed in his hands. “He’s here!” Jesse yelled looking at his son. “Maya,” he said looking at the umbilical cord. “Am I supposed to cut the cord?” Jesse studied the room looking for the crazy scissors they used to cut it.

  “Yes,” she said out of breath.

  Jesse wiped the blood and the white stuff with a small towel from the baby’s face. “There’s nothing to cut it with.”

  “Is the baby…” Maya said catching her breath, “okay?”

  “He’s perfect,” he laughed, and then his heart stopped.

  “Why isn’t he crying?” Maya glanced between her legs.

  Jesse looked at their son willing him to cry. “Do I smack his butt?”

  “I don’t know,” Maya’s voice cracked. “Make him cry!” She yelled. “Make him cry.”

  He softly tapped his son on his butt, but he didn’t cry. So, Jesse pinched his tiny leg, and their baby boy’s lips trembled, and then he burst out crying. He didn’t know he was holding his breath until he heard his little boy’s cries. Listening to his son cry was music to his ears. “There you go, lil man, use those lungs.”

  She leaned back on the bed. “Thank God, thank God,” she chanted over and over. Maya grabbed the railing and pulled herself in the sitting position yelling. “Contraction,” and then she started banging the bed.

  “What do I do?” Jesse asked holding his crying son as she pushed the placenta out. He almost threw up as it slipped out. He didn’t move a muscle. Where were the fucking doctors? And then Maya started pushing again. “Is the other baby coming?” He wasn’t ready for the next baby; he was still holding the first one.

  “Yes!” She yelled. Maya pushed again and the doctor and nurse strolled in as if they had no cares in the world.

took you long enough,” Jesse stood with their baby boy in his arms. His hospital gown covered in blood.

  “She had the baby!” The nurse ran over to Jesse and took the baby.

  The doctor sat in front of Maya, taking over for him.

  The nurse took their baby and the placenta to the side, “Dad, do you want to cut the cord?”

  Jesse didn’t know what to do. He looked from Maya to his son. “Go,” Maya gazed at him through hooded eyes. “You did good.”

  “We did good,” he kissed her and rushed over to his son. He followed the nurse’s instructions and cut the cord, and then he turned back to Maya. “You ready to push?”

  “Yes,” tears ran down her cheeks. Jesse touched his son’s fingers as the nurse cleaned him up, and then he ambled over to Maya’s bedside.

  “Together forever,” he helped her sit up as she pushed.

  She grunted and pushed three times, and baby B was out. No one had to make him cry, as soon as he felt the cold air he cried his tiny lungs out. “Thank you!” Maya chanted as she laid back. “Go, let them hear your voice. I’m okay.” She squeezed his hand.

  He kissed her forehead, and rambled over to where the nurses were cleaning up his twins, and then his breath caught in his throat. The babies were the spitting image of Jr. Jesse couldn’t stop staring at his little miracles. “I thought they were fraternal twins?” It was like looking at a picture of his first born.

  “They are,” the nurse wrapped baby A in a blue blanket. She handed him the scissors again and he cut baby B’s cord.

  God gave him more than a second chance, he took back an angel, and gave him three more. He covered his mouth with his hand, tears welling in his eyes. “My sweet boys,” he smiled, counting their fingers and toes. “Twenty fingers and toes,” Jesse raised his voice so Maya could hear him. “Two boys!” he chuckled. “I have two boys!”


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