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Unexpected Hostage (Unexpected Series Book 1)

Page 11

by Layla Stone

  Rannn looked at Sci. "How many people are on this ship?"

  Sci scanned the minds. "Fifty-three."

  Pax rubbed his chin.

  Rannn shook his head. "That's too many for the two of us to take out."

  Sci interjected, "You misinterpreted my answer. There are fifty-three people on this ship. That includes us, two boys who are slaves and will be eaten in the next twenty-four hours, six female hostages that are now pregnant—the captain uses their children for food—and nine children who are hidden throughout the ship by their mothers who are afraid they will be used for food. So the number you are looking for, Rannn, is twenty-three males that would need to be removed or incapacitated."

  Pax spoke, "I'll take twelve, you take eleven."

  "I'll take twelve. You get winded easily."

  Smirking, Pax said, "You're older, you take eleven."

  "Shouldn't we first figure out how to get out of these chains?" Ansel asked, shaking the chains for emphasis.

  Rannn shook his head, and Pax smiled. Ansel asked, "What?"

  Pax answered, "It's simple. When they come to take us off to the ovens or whatever, they have to unchain us from the wall. Sci will mentally attack whoever has the guns pointed at us, and then Rannn and I will take care of the rest while you stay here and stay alive. We need you to ensure that our crew lives."

  "Federation law states you must save the slaves, hostages, as well as the mothers and children of the ship," Sci announced, concerned that they would focus primarily on their band of six. Then he suggested, "Ansel and I should not wait here, we can be of more use in the medical room."

  Rannn looked him over. "You don't have any defenses but upsetting someone's thoughts. You will both wait here until it's safe." Then the captain gave Sci a hard look. "You will stay here. That's an order, and if you can't follow something so simple, then I can assure you, it will be brought up to the council when they review your case."

  Sci remained silent. According to Ansel's memories, Rannn didn't trust Sci, and anything that he interpreted as a threat would most likely result in Rannn urging the Federation to not return Sci to his world. That would be too dangerous.

  Sci saw a group headed their way. The door opened, and the captain walked in. Behind him were two males with guns pointed in their direction. "Naw, we're gonna do this nice an’ easy like," he said. Another male walked in with the key and unlocked them from the wall and floor. The savage captain smiled with several teeth missing. "Good. Naw, keep bein’ cooperative, an’ everythin’ will go smooth like."

  Rannn gave Sci a death glare, but Sci ignored it. He waited until both Pax and Rannn were out of the door before he kicked the knee of the captain standing near him, and then flung himself into Ansel and shut the door. Ansel quickly went to the captain and stomped on the male’s back, and then reached around when he stopped moving to break the male’s neck, killing him. Sci watched, eyes wide. He felt things he couldn't name.

  "Are you helping them? Attacking the males who are trying to kill Pax and the captain?" Ansel urged.

  Sci scanned the minds of their captors. Being in the heads of males as they were dying was not an experience Sci wanted to go through, but he had to keep the attackers’ minds occupied so they were easier to kill. In the end, Sci wanted to sit down and orderly go through his thoughts. "We have taken over the ship." At least he deduced since he couldn't see through the savage crewmembers’ minds anymore.

  Time passed before the cargo door opened and both Pax and Rannn walked in holding guns. "Let's go check medical and see if there is anything we can use. Then, let’s get Yon checked over."

  Ansel quickly jumped up. “I bet I’ll be able to make anti-venom from their supplies. Hopefully, everything is still working.”

  Pax told Sci, "You and I are going to gather all the hostages. Let's go." He slapped Sci's shoulder and pushed him forward. Sci didn't appreciate the physical contact at all.

  The others on the ship were terrified of Pax. It didn't help that he was covered in blood that he had used to coat his clothes and arms.

  Sci led Pax to each victim, using their mind to pinpoint where everyone was. Sci pushed open a door and pointed to the wall. “It’s fake. Two children are waiting for their mother to return for them. They have been trained to stay quiet and hidden. If you open that door without the proper knock, they will crawl through the underbelly.”

  Pax narrowed his gaze. “Okay, then what exactly are you proposing for these two?”

  Sci pointed down the hall. “Free the mother first. She’s hiding with the other young girls. She’s kept her children a secret for four years. It’s so ingrained in her to pretend otherwise, that you will need to separate her from the group and bring her here.”

  Pax’s head fell forward with a curse. “Those bastards didn’t deserve a quick death. I wish I could rip them apart again.”

  Sci heard the words and, after a moment, agreed.

  Heading down the hall, the overhead speakers turned on, and Rannn’s throat cleared before he said, "My name is Captain Rannn. I am a Federation officer. As of this moment, I will consider all of you Luris. Once we get your information processed, we will return you to your home planets. If you choose not to return to your homeworlds, you will have the option of being dropped off on Marank. It's a Federation-run planet for refugees. It is up to you."

  Chapter Fourteen


  Sasha was in a new room, lying on a medical bed. The mattress was soft and let her body sink in. It was ten times more comfortable than the Federation cot. A Minky screen showing her biometrics and Ansel’s notes on her current health sat to the side of her bed.

  In the large medical room, she saw many females and children in a line, and Ansel in a chair with a Minky pad in his lap. Sasha could hear his voice but not what he was saying.

  Yon was in another bed beside her. The bed’s lid was shut, but she was able to read his current bio-status. He was 75% stable. There was another blinking alert stating that the anti-venom was being administered.

  Sasha moved out of the bed and thought about checking in with Ansel first. The medial doors slid back, and Sci walked in, her white leather jacket in his grip.

  Her cheeks tingled as the grin grew into an all-encompassing smile. Her feet shot out, and she ran to him, leaping to wrap her arms around his neck. "You’re okay!"

  Sci had hunched, trying not to fall. Sasha released him, surprised that he had not hugged her back.

  She bit her lip. "Was that strange for you? Too much?"


  "You didn't hug me back," she said.

  "Hug you back?"

  His confusion tugged at her heart in a way that made her take his arms and wrap them around her. "Put your arms around me like this, like I do you." It took a few odd attempts before his arms, strong and sure, pulled her close. She squeezed his neck again and said, "That's it. Like that."

  She didn’t want to let Sci go, so she held the hug longer than necessary. But when she felt him begin to get stiff, she blushed and let go. She also couldn’t help looking.

  Yep. Sci was aroused. And he was bigger than most.

  Hoping to make the moment less awkward, she pointed to her jacket. “You saved it?”

  “I hid it when the Donnies ransacked the cabin.”

  Hid it? She wanted to know how but didn’t want to give him away. Yet she had to ask… “So you’re free now?”

  He shrugged. “Free to roam because I’m useful and I haven’t hurt anyone. At least that’s what Ansel thinks.”

  Sasha found Ansel still working with his line of patients.

  Sci held out the jacket. “I need to go.” His voice wavered, and she snuck another look at his sex; it was still stiff and even more engorged, tenting his pants.

  She didn’t comment, but he saw her looking.

  Turning quickly, he left the medical bay, and Sasha’s lips curled up. She felt mollified that her hot al
ien liked her back. Licking her lips, she wondered if she should have followed him.

  Then she remembered he had never hugged before, so she would have to take things slowly for the poor guy.

  Chapter Fifteen

  What Is This

  The very second Sci felt Sasha's warm body, it had felt like every ounce of blood in his body rushed to his sex. Lust, like never before, blasted through him in an alarming force, leaving him trembling. He wanted to run back to her and pull her back into his arms. Keep her body next to his, the tender touch against his sex caused such a visceral reaction that he couldn't let the feeling go. Didn't want to let that be the only time he felt so incredible.

  He could fully admit to himself that he no longer wanted to keep the proper Cerebral distance from her. He was no longer curious about why he wanted to keep her. His body reacted to her, craved her touch, and he never craved like this.

  Inwardly cursing, he shook his head to clear the images of Sasha from his mind and slowly wandered back to his seat on the main deck where Rannn had asked him to stay. The pressure he felt was subsiding, and the large tent in his pants became less noticeable. He adjusted his pants to conceal the effect this new life had on him.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Sasha stayed with the Luris until they reached Pegna. She missed Sci, who had been absent for the last several hours. She wondered if he might be upset with her. Before the attack, she had acted rudely.

  The medical team took Yon into a separate room. Ansel was able to create an antidote to the scathy barbist venom that was inside Yon. Ansel had been using a medscope to keep the huge Angny snake’s venom at bay, but on the relief Federation ship, the Numan was able to do more than just hold off the effects. However, despite developing the cure, once the ship docked on the station, the acting medical officer took Yon into custody and prohibited access to anyone else. Ansel argued that he needed to go with him, but the Yunkin in charge wouldn't let him help.

  Sasha stayed by Ansel’s side, silently supporting her friend. He was not happy, and Sasha couldn’t fix it, but she could at least give him her time. "At least they want to help instead of the Bolark that wanted to leave everyone to die," Ansel admitted.

  Sasha wasn't prepared for the Numan’s honesty, but now that he’d put it out there, she questioned him until he told her everything that had happened. She was relieved but also scared by the implications.

  "I am going to see the captain real quick." She had to know where she stood now that they were at Pegna. If possible, she needed to start working to get a paycheck or take leave to sneak out her mother and Jandy and get them off Lotus Nexis.

  It took some time to find Captain Rannn. He was near the docking bay with Pax. They stopped speaking when she headed in their direction.

  "Captain, what are my orders now that we've docked? Will you take command of another ship?" she asked.

  Rannn looked down at her. "I will be here, awaiting orders. But you, you’re not an official pilot. You need to get into the system and start your training. I’ll add my recommendations once you have an official training plan."

  He pointed to the Pegnan receiving desk. “Sign out a Minky and start on it today. I don’t know how long we will be here, but it’s best if you get that finished as soon as possible.”

  "Thank you."

  "Find somewhere comfortable because training is not quick. On average, it takes years. For you, let’s hope you can do it in months."

  Sasha was unsure if the captain would take it wrong, but she needed to ask… “Will I get paid while I train? And how long do I have to work for the Federation before I’m officially a citizen?"

  Rannn folded his arms over his massive chest. "To be a citizen, it will take years. Even after you finish training, you will be on probation. Technically, you are not paid until you are an active employee, but you can live on the station while you study. Room and board are free, which includes food. But most FAVIIs are used for other side jobs while they train.”

  Not what she wanted to hear. "What about time off? Will I be able to study some and then take some time off to maybe go home?"

  Rannn hesitated. "No. Once you're here, you have to stay here until it's over. Federation standards for their citizens. Work is an honor, and honor comes first. Is this going to be a problem for you? It would behoove you to sit down and get to work—and don’t let anything or anyone distract you."

  Stupid Yunkins and their honor.

  Years. That was not going to work, but Sasha had no alternative. Swallowing back her emotions, she walked to the reception desk and signed out a Minky pad, holding it up to show the waiting captain that she was being dutiful. "Thank you for this. I'll go find a room and start training."

  But Sasha was also loyal, and she needed to find a way to help her mom before it was too late.

  Leaving Rannn was easy, but once again, finding a room was not. Every Yunkin she tried to ask for help flat-out ignored her. Frustrated at everything, she found a seat in one of the main level galleys. Turning on the Minky pad, Sasha began reading the list of job options.

  Sometime later, her eyes started to blend words together.

  "Interesting read?" Pax said, making her jump.

  Relived to see him but trying to keep the eagerness from her tone, she said, "Reading the list of jobs I can get training on. Need to pick one."

  "Oh, really? I thought you already had one picked out? Last time I checked, you said you were a pilot," Pax said. He sat down in the chair on the other side of the table. His massive arms spanned the entire length of the table from elbow to elbow.

  She wasn’t sure if he was mocking her or not. Ignoring his comment, Sasha looked at the drink in his hands. It was dark amber in a fancy, glass cup. "What's that?"

  Pushing the glass to her, he answered, "Old-fashioned Terran whiskey."

  Despite herself, she laughed. Did Pax prefer a Terran drink to otherworldly alcohols? She took a sniff and remembered the burn when she tried it as a girl. She pushed it back to Pax with a scrunched face. “Thanks, but I prefer something that does not burn going down.”

  Taking back the glass, he indulged in another sip. "So, are you a pilot or what?"

  Setting the Minky pad aside, she answered, "I have no Federation training as a pilot. I thought that if I came on as a FAVII, it would automatically sign me into the courses. But the captain told me to find something to train on.”

  Pax turned the glass with his thumb and index finger, "You can test out of some courses by taking an entrance exam. Then you only have to learn what you failed on your test."

  She didn't know that. Pax must have seen the hope on her face because he laughed. "By the way, did you settle into a room yet?"

  "No. I didn't get that far yet; didn't know who to ask. Well, I tried to ask the Yunkins, but they ignored me. I have no idea where the cabins would even be."

  "Most Yunkins are officers and won't talk to those of lower rank. It's all about rules and hierarchy. They use it to keep control of the chaos." Pax took her Minky and pulled up the blueprints of the ship. “We’re here on the main deck. It’s where the food, training rooms, and supplies are located. If you travel up, you’ll get into medical. Above that is what they call 02 or the officer cabins. Above that is 03, the admiral’s cabin. And above that, is the bridge or 04.” Pax then moved the photo to the levels below the main deck. Pointing at the first level down, he said, “Enlisted cabins: mine, yours, and everyone who actually works will be on this floor. Below that is engineering, and below that is cargo. The brig is under that. Where your friend should be, but the brig is full, so I made other arrangements for Sci.”

  Pax watched Sasha as if he were waiting for her to ask him something. She wanted to ask where he’d put Sci, but she didn’t.

  "Captain was able to secure rooms for everyone. I will be alone in mine, but most of the pregnant females are double-bunked in rooms near the medical bay. The two boys we save
d are sharing a room with Sands." Pax pointed to the enlisted cabins. "They seemed to think that he's the strongest because he's part metal," he mockingly said. Sasha didn't believe Pax was put-out for a second.

  "And the other females and their babies? Where are they?"

  "In the brig. The admiral," he said with derision, "a green, scaly Bolark, considers them pirates, and is holding them until they are tried and put through a kind of rehabilitation."

  Sasha was disgusted by the admiral’s choice but amused at how Pax had described the Bolarks. On Nexis, she’d known the race well. They were arrogant and elitist. You had to be a Bolark to speak to a Bolark. It was that kind of culture. Knowing that the station’s admiral was one didn’t give Sasha good feelings. "That's wrong. Putting a baby in a brig? That’s horrible,” she said.

  "Yeah, that's why Rannn had several blankets, baby beds, clothes, and healthy food brought to them."

  Sasha nodded. "Captain Rannn is a good guy."

  "Yeah, he's dreamy, too," Pax said in a fake, female tone.

  Rolling her eyes, she said, "Not my type. But I respect Captain Rannn, even though he can be abrasive."

  Pax turned the glass around in his hands a few times before draining the last of its contents. Sasha thought he might be gearing up to ask her a question. After he’d set the empty whiskey down, he asked, "So, what is your type, hellcat?" She carefully watched Pax’s face for any expression that would give away what he was driving at.

  "Are you making me an offer? Because last time you acted like I was scum." Not that she was interested at all in a blitz, but she was interested in what had changed.

  "If I was, would you be ready for my kind of fulfillment?" he asked seductively. "I always please my partners. Please them to the point where they can’t find the type of satisfaction I gave them in another."

  Sasha leaned back and folded her arms. She had heard the lore about the Red Demons. "That’s probably because you do the nasty kind of kinky, and no one wants to repeat that stuff." She faked a gag.


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