Alpha Wolf Defender (Alpha Wolves Book 0)

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Alpha Wolf Defender (Alpha Wolves Book 0) Page 1

by Emilia Hartley

  Alpha Wolf Defender

  Emilia Hartley

  © Copyright 2019 by Blues Publishing. - All rights reserved.

  The contents of this book may not be reproduced, duplicated or transmitted without direct written permission from the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  Legal Notice:

  This book is copyright protected. This is only for personal use. No part of this book may be scanned, uploaded or distributed via the Internet or any other means, electronic or print, without the author’s permission.

  NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR: This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental. The author does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for third-party websites or their content.

  Chapter 1

  “Tess, find your useless brother and tell him to take out the trash,” shouted her father from the den.

  Alex could hear it easily enough. He was sitting at the kitchen table just a few feet from Tess. She shot him a sideways glance to make sure he heard. Alex rolled his eyes and parroted father’s speech with his hand and sighed.

  “You better take out that garbage before dad gets mad,” Tess said.

  She tugged at the plunger in the sink while Alex wrapped up the trash. As the water drained Tess was startled by a pair of lights flashing in the woods. Her evening’s entertainment was early. Her heart fluttered with excitement as she hurried to finish what remained of her task.

  Alex hefted the trash bag over his shoulder and kicked his way out the back door. Meanwhile, Tess tucked a few picnic items together, bundling them up tightly in a towel, and set them just outside the back door.

  Tess saw her brother leaning against a wall, talking to the darkness and could just barely make out a few words.

  “Come with me,” he said, “we don’t have to stay.”

  Tess cocked an eye and wondered to whom he might be talking; she couldn’t make out the other voice in the darkness. Her brother’s voice chimed in again.

  “Tonight,” he said.

  Before Tess could make any more sense of the conversation, the door slammed shut loudly behind her, startling Alex from his conversation.

  He turned from the surprise and saw only his sister. Alex looked back at his ally in the darkness for a moment before starting his way back to the house.

  Upon seeing the bundle of food Tess had just put next to the door he had only one question.

  “Where are you going now?” Alex asked.

  His tall, lanky frame sauntered closer in the crisp evening air. Tess looked down at the bundle of picnic goods and tried to come up with a lie, but nothing came to mind.

  “Nowhere,” she replied.

  Alex let out a defiant laugh and rolled his eyes.

  “I guess you’ll be needing snacks in ‘nowhere’,” he said with air quotes.

  “I never know when I’ll be hungry,” Tess said, smiling, “even in nowhere.”

  Alex sighed and pushed past his sister to get inside. Tess exhaled and followed close behind. As they both made for the stairs to their bedrooms they passed the den where their father was entertaining three large pack members. Tess caught the intimidating gaze of her father as she tried to sneak past, causing him to stand to his feet.

  “Tess, how long are you goin’ to wait before finding a man?” he asked plainly while hobbling over to the stairway.

  His walking stick ticked along the ground with each step. Tess could remember the day he got his limp. She held herself responsible for getting her dad in the situation that caused his lasting injury. He never chided her nor raised his voice at his misfortune.

  His guests perked up, they were attractive men, and single. In fact, it was probably the reason they were here at all; trying in vain to get close to her father to have a chance with Tess.

  “Maybe I’ve been looking but never found one worth having, around here,” she replied.

  “Where the hell else are you goin’ to find a mutt able to run this pack? We got the biggest and the strongest around and sooner or later you better wise up and pick one before he picks you,” her father continued.

  Tess stared into her father’s eyes. Where she expected a snarl and furled brow was instead an expression of urgency. She started to wonder what her father was really trying to say.

  Tess glanced over her dad’s shoulder at the group of men he was entertaining. They were all right around her age, each one of them strapping and somewhat attractive. They’d all come barking up her way at one time or another.

  “I’m not goin’ to be around forever, and the Night Howlers are goin’ to need a new leader. Sooner rather than later,” he father continued, whispering in her ear.

  Tess opened her mouth to speak but words didn’t come out. She was lost in thought, wondering why he would say such a thing. Should I tell him that I already met someone, she wondered, someone she was getting ready to sneak off with tonight?

  Tess was fairly certain he’d be furious to find out the man she loved was from a rival pack. She knew her father was just looking out for her well-being. And, it was hard being a single girl, in such a tight knit pack, when there were so many guys looking for mates. She was lucky her father was the alpha. A fact that afforded her certain liberties that none of the other girls were really allowed. Rarely did any of the girls make it to twenty-three years of age without getting married.

  Alex was stopped at the top of the stairwell and looked on with interest.

  “You always have me, dad,” Alex said, softly.

  The Alpha looked up at his son and just shook his head before returning to his old tattered chair in the corner of the den.

  “I’d as soon leave a kitten in charge of the pack,” he said casually.

  The men in the den all chuckled at the insult but Tess could feel the sting in the words. She narrowed her gaze and pursed her lips trying to stifle her frustration but she knew Alex would be feeling it worse.

  “There are worse things,” Alex added.

  Alex’s shoulders drooped as he sloughed off to his room. Upon climbing to the top of the stairs Tess eyed her brother’s bedroom door. She knew she had someone waiting for her outside and yearned to run off and join him, however, being the dutiful sister she always was, she turned to her brother’s door and knocked lightly before letting herself inside.

  Alex was standing by the window. He wasn’t showing any signs of distress but Tess knew him better than that.

  “He doesn’t mean anything by it,” she started.

  Alex breathed a heavy sigh.

  “I know,” he replied, “he just never takes me seriously. At least he listens to his daughter.”

  “You don’t have to always take it lying down; you could try to stand up for yourself sometime,” she suggested.

  He shrugged it off.

  “That’s funny, Tess. That really is. You know what happened the last time I tried to speak my mind,” he replied.

  She did remember, dad had him collared on the porch for a week and wouldn’t let him shift back to human the whole time. It was humiliating for him whenever someone would pass. He learned his place.

  Tess leaned against the bedroom door.

  “Dad can be rough a lot of the time but he still loves you. Maybe someday he’ll figure it out for himself.”

  “And maybe I won’t be here to wait for him to figure it out,” Alex added, “where are you going tonight?”

  Tess was reminded of the man waiting for her outside.

  “I’m going to see Connor again,” She said, giddy with excitement.

  “You know if dad finds out he will do something much worse than have you spend a week on the porch,” Alex chided.

  “That’s why you have to help me make sure he doesn’t,” she replied.

  Alex sighed and massaged his forehead out of frustration.

  “How long this time?” he asked.

  “Just for the night; I’ll be back by morning,” she replied.

  “Can I come?” he asked.

  Tess struggled to stifle a laugh.

  “Like that would ever happen,” Tess said, rolling her eyes.

  “And why not?”

  “Because it’s a date, why would I bring my brother on a date?” she asked rhetorically.

  “I could always tell dad what you’re doing when you sneak out,” he said with a facetious grin.

  Tess glared at him and crossed her arms.

  “You wouldn’t,” she said.

  “I will if you don’t at least let me come sometime,” he replied.

  Tess sighed and tossed her head back.

  “Tell you what, I’ll talk to Connor tonight and maybe we can figure out something for next time,” she said.

  Alex exaggeratedly aped her pose and Tess couldn’t help but laugh.

  Alex leaned back and ceased his antics.

  “I really wish you’d stop relying on me so much,” he said.

  “Hey, who covered for you when you were out all night with Cynthia?” Tess asked.

  “At least my girlfriend is still part of the pack,” he replied.

  “Oh great, hold that over me now,” she said.

  Tess closed the gap between the two of them while they spoke.

  “Alex, if you want to be a leader, you’re going to need to get used to people relying on you. Maybe someday I’ll be the one relying on you for something more than keeping a secret,” Tess continued.

  She reached out her arms for an embrace, and it took a moment but her brother eventually relented and returned her affections. For a moment things felt at ease.

  Tess knew she had to leave. She’d already lingered far longer than she intended. She pulled herself away from her brother.

  “Just until morning,” she said, reassuring him with a wink.

  She stepped out of his bedroom and her giddiness started to take over. She danced down the hallway to her own room. Any troubled thoughts she had about sneaking away tonight faded fast.

  Tess always liked to dress herself up a little more when she could, but the situation denied her the opportunity. The last night they spent together was under the stars. She could still remember the feeling of Connor’s coarse but warm fur. Tess longed to feel it again.

  She silently pried open her bedroom window, shutting it tightly behind. Stepping out to the creaky deck awning she tried to make as little noise as possible.

  The moonlight draped the farmhouse in a welcome blue glow. The surrounding houses were darkened and once she was satisfied that no one else was about she lowered herself to the grass by the porch, landing with a small thud.

  Waiting for her, within arm’s reach on the porch, were the items she’d stashed away earlier. She quickly grabbed them before venturing off into the woods to meet her date for the evening.

  She meant to stay more silent as she ran but was too excited to care. Each step got her closer to her goal until finally she could see Connor waiting for her in the cab of his old and battered truck. His delighted expression only hastened her pace.

  She tore open the door and hopped inside, throwing her arms around him and kissed him as though it were her first time. Connor had to fight to pull himself away from the surprise to regain his breath.

  “Geez, let a man breathe sometimes,” he said, “you saw me two days ago but you act like it’s been two years.”

  “Maybe it felt like two years?” she replied.

  He clicked the key in the ignition and the truck roared to life. As they started to pull away from the area Connor put his arm around his girl’s shoulders and she melted into his side.

  Just knowing that she’d be spending the night with Connor made her evening a delight and she had a feeling it was about to get much better.

  Chapter 2

  The truck barreled down the dark roads, the only light came from the headlights and the nearly full moon. Tess could feel her instincts calling and she nearly had Connor stop the car to give in. She wanted to run and feel the wind whip against her face. But, she restrained herself and the car just continued, further and further.

  “How long are we gonna drive for?” she wondered, staring at his face, illuminated by the moon.

  “Patience, babe,” Connor replied, smiling, “this place is worth the wait.”

  Suddenly Connor’s stomach growled, causing Tess to laugh. She dug for a snack in her basket.

  “Good thing I’ve brought snacks,” She said, withdrawing some food from her bundle, passing some to Connor and eating some herself.

  Some time passed as they sat in a comfortable silence, both enjoying each other’s company. The road continued to carve a path through dense forest. Tess watched the trees fly past, silhouetted by the stars, and found herself entranced. Her eyelids became heavy and, in the comfort of the moment, she fell asleep.

  “Wake up,” he said, “we’re here!”

  Connor roused her from her sleep and kissed her on the cheek. She eased up to her feet and looked around through tired eyes. It appeared to be the same road, with thick trees on both sides, and the moon was still set high in the sky.

  “You wanted to show me a long stretch of nothing?” Tess wondered.

  “It’s something much better,” Connor said, stripping off his shirt, “but you’ll have to keep up.”

  Before she could react Connor was dashing off into the woods. Tess barely even had her shirt off when she heard him howling just ahead of her.

  With her wolf getting excited, she began running after her mate and, after jumping, she felt the familiar feeling of her bones reshaping and her senses opening up to her. She could hear the small creatures all around her and smell the trail left by her mate. She hungrily followed the scent into the thick brush as fast as her legs could move.

  Connor was stopped a few hundred feet away, waiting for Tess to join him. As she got closer, he would take off again, giving her quarry to chase. Then she lost sight of him. With her nose to the air she tried to pick out his scent, only to have him leap from a bush nearby and tackle her to the ground. Tess nipped at his ears and rolled out from under him. Again he started running.

  This time she kept pace beside him as they ran; Connor bit playfully at her ear and she returned in kind with a lick on the side of his face. Their teasing continued as they forged their way through the thinning brush.

  When the underbrush cleared, Tess ran as fast as she could. It was something she could rarely do around her pack’s den, and she relished the burning in her muscles.

  Connor eventually caught up, beckoning her to follow him with a slight flick of his neck. Tess was exhausted but satisfied. She could smell the animals nearby and dreamed of tearing into red meat with her sharp teeth.

  Connor shifted back into a human, leaving Tess confused. Normally they would spend the night frolicking as wolves before falling asleep beside each other.

  Tess examined his muscular body as it glistened with sweat from the run. The moonlight dripped from him with each bead that streaked down his perfectly toned abs. Had Tess not been so distracted by his physique, she probably would have paid more attention to her surroundings and the stunning sight that began to unfold around her.

  “I found this yesterday after another fight with my dad,” he said, “It felt so peaceful that I wanted to share it with you.”

  Tess decided to shift and stand beside him, spent of nearly all her energy. They were beside a large lake with a surface as smooth as
glass that perfectly mirrored the night’s sky. Surrounding the bowl of the lake was the dense forest and in the distance she could see the water disappear over a fallen tree. Tess marveled at her surroundings, reaching an arm around Connor’s waist and he in turn hugged her around her shoulders.

  “It’s beautiful,” she said, breaking the silence.

  “Only second to you,” he replied.

  Tess giggled.

  “That’s the cheesiest thing I’ve heard you say,” she mocked.

  “I’m only telling the truth,” he replied, “is it working?”

  “Why don’t you kiss me and find out,” she said.

  He leaned down while she craned her neck and they kissed beside the tranquil scene. She felt so small while being held by him. But, she felt safe. There was nothing in the forest that could match a shifter, and Connor was the strongest of them all.

  Their lips entwined into a passionate kiss, his hands massaged along her back, while the night’s chill made Tess shiver almost uncontrollably.

  Connor took her by the hand and led her along the rim of the water until they found a small patch of grass where a large quilt hung from a tree was waiting for them.

  “I sometimes manage to plan ahead,” he said, tugging the blanket down.

  He wrapped the large blanket around the two of them and Tess could feel life return to her extremities. She welcomed the heat that emanated from his body as she hugged him closer.

  Connor smacked himself in the forehead.

  “And, sometimes I don’t,” he added.

  “The food?” Tess asked.

  He nodded with a smile.

  Tess laughed and punched him limply in the chest.

  “I’ll be right back,” he said, as he sprinted for the car.

  She watched him as he disappeared into the forest. Part of her regretted not asking him to bring her clothes as she pulled out the blanket tighter around her shoulders.

  It was nearly silent. An owl bleated out its evening call while a zephyr wafted lightly through the leaves of the trees. Tess sat herself on the soft grass and stared at the night sky while waiting for him to return.


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