Alpha Wolf Defender (Alpha Wolves Book 0)

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Alpha Wolf Defender (Alpha Wolves Book 0) Page 2

by Emilia Hartley

  From the corner of her eye she sensed movement. First a light swaying of the brush nearby, but then her vision snapped to a deer on the opposite side of the lake, lowering its neck into the still water for a drink. Tess’s instincts flared along with her hunger, she had to fight the urge to shift and hunt.

  The echoes of footsteps rang from behind her but when she turned to look the sound was gone. For a moment she thought she smelled her brother, his scent being carried by the wind.

  “Hello?” she said in the darkness, “Alex?”

  No answer. Tess pulled the blanket a little tighter still and readied herself to fight at a moment’s notice, her wolf instincts beginning to take control. She strained her eyes against the dark and concentrated so intently on finding the source of the noise that she didn’t even notice Connor return.

  He carried the small bundle of food from the car. Tess exhaled her anxiety as he joined her again under the blanket.

  “Did I scare you?” he asked.

  “I don’t think it was you,” she replied, “I thought I heard something in the woods.”

  He turned to try and discern what might have startled Tess but waved it off.

  “Probably the wind,” he said.

  With Connor by her side, she calmed herself realizing that there was nothing to worry about. Tess offered the blanket to him and he accepted, joining their body heat together. From the bundle came a smattering of leftovers that they both heartily dug into.

  “How late can you stay out,” he wondered, “it’s so serene. I could just lie out here all night.”

  “I told Alex to cover for me until morning, but I think I can stay for a while longer,” Tess replied with a smile, “I have breakfast to make, and a class to teach in the early afternoon. If I’m not home in time, my dad might lock me up on the porch.” She said with a laugh.

  Tess knew he wouldn’t, but the thought of it happening was enough to keep her interested in not offending her father.

  “You know, dad’s been trying to set me up with some shifters from my pack,” She began, gathering Connor’s interest. “It’s really frustrating. Sometimes I wish I weren’t the daughter of the Alpha. That way, nobody would bother me about my love interests.”

  With a laugh, Connor added “Father keeps telling me that if I wait any longer to take his spot as Alpha, I’ll be past my prime.”

  “He’s right, I mean, 27, you’re getting old!” Tess joked, causing the two of them to laugh.

  Once their laughter settled down, they sat in silence for a few moments, in deep thought.

  “As much as I don’t want to admit it, I’m getting worried about my dad.”

  “What makes you say that?”

  “He spends more time as a wolf than a man. And, it’s been getting worse lately,” Connor said.

  He discarded the bones from his meal into the tall bushes and lay on his back. Tess brushed her hands clean of the food and joined him, lying on his chest that dipped up and down with each breath.

  “I think he’s starting to lose his grasp on his own humanity,” he continued, “People have started to talk, and it’s nothing good. But, nobody would dare defy him. He’s the alpha for a reason and his need to groom me to become his replacement is making me hate him.”

  Tess shifted her head up to his chest and listened to his heartbeat. The rhythmic thumping was relaxing and she could feel her eyes begin to droop.

  “Does he know about us?” she asked with a yawn.

  “Do you want him to know about us?” he asked in turn.

  Tess paused and thought about the question. She knew her own father well enough to know that he would be none too happy to know that she was dating the son of a rival pack. She could easily imagine Connor’s father would feel the same way.

  “It’s probably for the best he doesn’t,” She replied.

  She heard Connor let out a loud yawn and his arms wrapped around her upper body.

  “We should go,” Tess said.

  But, she only said it half-heartedly. She was satisfied and comfortable from the food. When she looked up at Connor’s face she could see that he was already sound asleep. Perhaps a little bit of sleep was good. They could wake up after a nice nap and get home before sunrise.

  Chapter 3

  Tess awoke to the sound of breaking glass; the shards skittering on the street. It sounded as though a driver had slammed into Connor’s truck. Under the moonlight she could see that Connor was still asleep beside her. He had looked exhausted so she didn’t want to disturb him. She stood from the ground, wishing she could have stayed wrapped around Connor a few minutes longer. The heat from the blanket was already dissipating in the morning’s dew.

  Tess shifted and ran toward the truck to sate her curiosity. The morning was gray and she suspected it would rain soon, and just as she thought about it a drop of rain splashed on her nose. With every step the rain grew harder.

  Another smash and the groan of metal resounded in the echoing forest. By the time she arrived the forest floor had become pocked with mud. There was no use trying to avoid it, even as she slowed and hid in the thick brush near the truck.

  It wasn’t a car at all, but something far more imposing awaited her. An enormous bear was ramming into the truck and taking swipes at the truck bed. With a second, smaller bear working its way to the front, almost looking like it were getting ready to climb the truck. At first she thought it amusing that they would be attacking a parked car that did little to them, but then Tess saw something moving in the bed of the truck.

  Tess had to hold back her own instincts. Narrowing her gaze for a better look she tried to make out what the bears might have been after.

  Without any luck she resorted to sniffing the air, quickly finding her answer. Alex, she thought, he must have stowed away in the back of the truck. As she watched, she couldn’t suppress the low growl that was beginning in the back of her throat.

  Alex was already dodging away from their powerful claws and biting at anything that came near him. The two bears swiped and bellowed out their deep roars.

  Tess started running and barking to save her brother. Even without a pack of wolves to support her, she would do anything to protect what she held dear. She was already salivating with excitement, wanting to rip at their throats.

  The bears ceased their attack on the truck and searched the forest line to find the commotion. Tess having the element of surprise and being quick on her paws was already pouncing on the closer, smaller bear. Even being the smaller of the two, he was still nearly twice her size, if not more, but she didn’t care. She was slashing and biting, trying her best to get the bear’s attention away from her brother.

  Her surprise attack worked a little too well as both bears converged and quickly overwhelmed her. Alex watched on from the truck bed, his jowl clenched with fear of what might happen to his sister.

  She stood her ground, growling and baring her fangs, but this did little to scare them off. Knowing the tight spot she was in she tried to run but the large bear was upon her quickly, striking her to the ground with a single strike from a massive paw.

  She was thrown five feet and slid along the muddy ground, whimpering with pain. The larger bear pursued her across the ground and readied another strike but was stopped by Alex leaping to its back.

  He bit and tore into the bear’s neck causing the large creature to yelp with pain. Tess tried to limp to her feet but couldn’t find her footing, and lost what little strength she had left, spilling back to the ground.

  Alex continued to bite but was swiftly knocked aside. These two bears fought with way too much coordination, Tess thought, what the hell had the bear shifters been doing in wolf territory?

  She watched as her brother fell to the ground but rolled back to his feet, only to lunge again, continuing his assault. He had wrapped his fangs around the larger bear’s neck but it was too strong for him and he was again tossed into a nearby tree. With a loud yelp, he collapsed to the floor.

; He wasn’t moving, and the bears were approaching for the kill. Tess found a surge of adrenaline take over and she acted as fast as she could but she knew she wouldn’t make it in time. Her heart sunk and everything slowed; the seconds ticked by as hours as she watched in horror, fearing that Alex would die protecting his sister.

  Loud barking echoed through the woods and gave the bears pause. They turned their backs to Alex as Connor leapt from the brush and tackled the largest bear to the ground.

  Looking around to assess the situation for half a second, Connor let out a menacing growl from deep within his throat. He felt alive. All his senses urged him to continue his assault. He wanted to tear their hearts out for what they had done to Tess and Alex. He attacked with tooth and claw at anything that came within striking distance. Blood poured from the gashes the bears had already received and they must have seen it as futile to continue their attack. As they turned to flee, Connor gave chase, nipping at their heels as they disappeared into the woods.

  Tess watched as Connor furiously scared them off, making the larger bear, which almost took her life, look as dangerous as a teddy bear.

  Bruised and in tears, Tess shifted and knelt down beside her brother. His fur was muddy and matted with blood. His breathing was labored and weak. It took Alex a great effort to shift.

  “Did I get 'em, sis?” he asked, weakly.

  She brushed a tear from his cheek and strained a smile.

  “You did,” she replied.

  “That’ll show ‘em. If only dad saw that,” he said.

  His head went limp and he fell into his sister’s arms. She held him close with no idea what to do.

  Connor came back and shifted. His body caked in mud.

  “He needs a doctor,” Tess shrieked.

  Connor knew his truck was the only way to get Alex anywhere in time to save him. He dug around in the pockets of his clothes that lie soaked and muddy on the floor from the other night for his keys. Wasting no time, he tried the ignition causing the truck to roar to life almost instantly.

  “Take my truck; get him home as fast as you can,” he said.

  Tess nodded while pulling on her clothing. Connor lifted Alex into the passenger seat and latched the buckle.

  “Go, now!” he shouted.

  “But, what if the bears come back,” Tess frantically asked, “No matter how strong you are, their coordinated attacks will give you trouble”

  “My pack hunting grounds aren’t far. I’ll just have to outrun them. My pack needs to be warned. Stay safe and drive fast.”

  Connor gathered up his clothes and shifted while carrying them in his mouth. Tess punched the accelerator hard and tore off down the road; hoping beyond hope that she might get home in time to save her brother.

  Chapter 4

  The rain didn’t help the drive. The poorly maintained roads formed large pools of water in the street that the truck skidded over constantly, but Tess wouldn’t slow down.

  Tess briefly took her eyes off the road to look at her unconscious brother. Why the hell did he have to hide in the truck! She pushed aside her emotions and filled herself with resolve to get him to the only doctor that would know how to handle a shifter.

  It took nearly half an hour before the road became more familiar. She needed to take him home to their family doctor. What were the bears doing in wolf territory? Her mind running with questions.

  What got them so riled up that they would attack a single shifter in a truck? What would she do with the truck? Would she abandon it and walk the rest of the way?

  No, it didn’t matter. She didn’t care if her father saw her driving a Moon Runner truck; she had to get Alex home as fast as possible. She could deal with the consequences.

  As she approached the dirt driveway that would lead her home, two of the boys at the gate tried to flag her down to stop. If she had the time she may have obliged them but not now.

  One gave her chase, barking as loud as possible and stirring up the alarm. Up ahead, Tess could see the small arrangement of houses that formed the den in which she grew up. Seated prominently in the back of the compound were the farmhouse, her father, and her destination.

  The barking had done its job and, as she came to a halt in front of her house she was greeted by a pack of wolves ready for a fight.

  “Stand down,” shouted her father from the porch, leaning on the railing.

  “Dad, it’s-”

  “Dad, nothing,” he replied, “what’s the meaning of you stirring up all this racket-?”

  “It’s Alex!” Tess interjected, “he’s in bad shape.”

  Her father paused, a look of surprise betraying his normally stoic face.

  “He was off with you?” he asked.

  “More like he snuck off with me,” she replied, “he needs a doctor, quick.”

  The old dog bullied his way over through the wolves and saw his son lying in the passenger seat, bruised, battered, and lifeless. Tess knew he might be a little upset about it, but was shocked at the emotion she saw coming from her father when he found Alex in such a state.

  “Get the medic, now,” he shouted.

  The pack scrambled about the area, searching for the old doctor. The Alpha turned and gestured at two of the boys close by.

  “You two, get him inside and lay him down on my bed.”

  Within seconds, Alex was being carried inside. His father’s eyes didn’t leave him as he disappeared from view. He gritted his teeth and scrunched up his face in frustration only to breathe a huff of smoke from his nose.

  Dad had seen Alex get injured before, when he fought with other shifters in the pack, or when he did something stupid like fall from a tall tree, but his reaction was different this time. He’d normally just lecture Alex about standing up for himself or caution him against stupidity; this time he just looked upset.

  “How the hell did this happen,” he asked, letting out a sigh and brushing his hand through his hair.

  “The bears, pop,” Tess said, “I woke up and bears were attacking him.”

  He cocked an eyebrow as she spoke.

  “If it’s just bears then he should be fine by supper,” her father said.

  “Not just bears, dad. Shifter bears. That’s the only thing that could leave wounds like that,” she returned.

  His eyes narrowed as his mind began to race. “I thought we had a deal with the bears, why the hell would they be attacking?”

  “I dunno, I only found him after they were attacking,” she replied, “but Alex is a real hero. He fought two of them off me. I thought I was dead.”

  Tess flashed the large wound on her side by pulling up her shirt. It looked worse than it felt, but she knew that would change shortly.

  “You better get yourself looked at, too. Where were you when this happened?

  Tess wanted to lie, but she knew he was wise enough to see through it.

  “We were near Moon Runner territory,” she replied.

  “I thought I told you to stay away from there,” he chided, “You’re important and they know that. I don’t know what I would’ve done if you got hurt by those pea-brained sacks of mange.”

  He reached out for a hug, a rare occurrence, and Tess fell into his arms. It was then that she felt the shake in all her joints and the spin in her head. She nearly gave in to the darkness that prodded the edge of her vision but held on, pushing the feeling away for a moment longer.

  “I suppose that’s where you got this truck?” he asked, clanking his walking stick against the twisted metal and pointing at a small spray-painted emblem on the side he added, “You steal this thing?”

  “No, but it helped me save Alex,” she said, “I’ll tell you everything when I know he’s okay.”

  Her dad nodded but she could see the wheels turning in his head as she had seen before. She knew that he would get to the heart of the truth soon enough.

  “There’s the doctor,” he said.

  He pointed to the old man with his medical bag in tow, now running
up to the farm house.

  “This isn’t over,” he said, “when the doctor patches him up, you and I have a lot to talk about.”

  Tess could feel the pit in her stomach. She knew the truth would need to come out soon; he needed to know about Connor. Thinking about the man she loved, she started to wonder if he was alright. No matter how fearsome Connor was, she knew bears were dangerous, especially when outnumbered. Worry began to creep into her mind.

  The rain continued to patter and Tess finally allowed herself to cry. Her father’s arm rested around her shoulders as he led her toward the house. Everything was in chaos, the forest covered in a blanket of rain, and Tess didn’t have any idea what tomorrow might bring.

  Chapter 5

  Connor ran until his muscles ached and screamed for him to stop, then he ran further. He was already soaked to the bone, and his fur was doing little to staunch the biting cold that followed the rain. He wanted to stop and rest but knew that something was wrong.

  The bear shifters weren’t known for attacking, especially when completely unprovoked. For the most part, they mind their own business. Connor had passed through their territory hundreds of times and received nothing more than a shrug from any that might have seen him.

  Why would they attack Tess and Alex? He thought as he jumped over a fallen tree, paws splashing in the mud as he landed. He thought about how there was more tension between the two wolf packs than there ever were with the bears. Whatever had provoked them must have been serious. If it weren’t for the two wolf pack alpha’s being so stubborn then they may have reconciled their differences by now and, with increased territory protection, this situation could have been avoided. He thought.

  He continued his sprint through the forest. He considered going out to the road but knew any humans passing by would find it odd to see a wolf, running with a bundle of clothes in his mouth. Even so, the forest wasn’t much better. If all the bears were just as aggressive as the two he’d fought off earlier in the day, then he would have to tread lightly.


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