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Love's Deceit

Page 4

by Flynn Eire

  "Dimitri, don't say that," he gasped as he stepped towards me.

  "It's the truth. I wish you had killed me," I replied before I turned and walked back to my room. I didn't even bother checking his expression or looking to see if he was following me. Instead I walked into my room and slammed the door behind me. I couldn't deal with him right now. I needed to be alone and lick my wounds, quite literally, considering my hips were still bleeding.

  * * * * The next night after dinner I headed back to my room to be alone. When I got there, I found a note on my door. I opened it up and read the message.


  I heard you played with Ben and Dean last night . . . that you were looking for a little sub of your own now. If you want me, I'm all yours big boy. Come to my room after dinner, I left the door open for you. I'll be naked and ready for your big cock to pound my ass!



  I read the note at least five times before the words sank in. Even with my broken heart, I had thought it was a note from Alexander. How fucking stupid was that? Probably as stupid as I was pathetic.

  Even more confusing, how had Rune heard about last night already? Living in the main house on the warrior camp was like living in a dorm the way everyone gossiped. I had always done what was needed to stay out of the gossip before. It never crossed my mind that last night would be so juicy everyone talked about it.

  Could I really do this? Go fuck another warrior I barely knew? It had to be better than being on the receiving end of casual sex. After last night I knew I would never be involved in anything like what Ben and Dean did to me again.

  I opened the door to my room, tossed my gear and the note on my bed. Glancing quickly in the mirror, I decided I was presentable enough. I took a deep breath and prepared myself to play someone else's master before leaving my room and jogging to Rune's.

  Once I reached the door, I didn't bother knocking on it. I just opened it and walked right in. What I saw almost made me turn and book it out of there. Rune was spread eagle on the bed stroking himself.

  "Oh, thank god, you came," he said excitedly. "I wasn't sure you would come, if I was too forward? But who knows, right? Some people like it when a man is forward with them, even if it's not typical submissive behavior . . ." Rune was talking so quickly I could hardly understand him.

  "Shut up," I told him and he immediately closed his mouth and stopped playing with himself. He got up off the bed and fell to his knees in front of me.

  "May I suck your cock, master?" He asked as he eyed my groin before looking back up to my face.

  "No," I answered. Not because I didn't want to know what it felt like to get a blow job. It was more the fact I hadn't gotten hard yet. I didn't want Rune to realize the sight of him naked wasn't doing anything for me. "Go over to the desk, bend over it and spread your legs."

  Rune's eyes went wide, and he smiled at me before jumping to his feet and doing exactly what I asked. Even though it was dark in the room I could see just fine with my vampiric sight. From across the room, looking at Rune from behind, I realized something. He was about the same height and build as Alexander. He also had black hair that he had pulled back into a loose ponytail. The instant I recognized the similarities and thought of Alexander I was hard.

  "Are you ready for me?" I asked as I shed my clothes before walking up behind him.

  "Yes, master, I've prepared myself for you," he replied quietly. Rune was shaking with anticipation. But in my mind, he wasn't Rune anymore, he was Alexander.

  "Good," I said as I let my hands roam over his back and ass. The shudder that went through him at just my touch made me rock hard. "Then I’m going to fuck you now. I'm going to fuck you so hard and so fast you'll be screaming in pleasure."

  "Oh god," he moaned as a shudder went throughout his body. "Be rough with me, master. I want you to dominate me, take your pleasure from me."

  "I will," I growled as I spread the cheeks of his ass and started to push my cock into his prepared hole.

  "Fuck, you're huge," Alexander, I mean Rune, moaned. Then I thought, fuck it. I could pretend he was Alexander. Like Rune would care anyways. He was getting what he wanted out of this. "Yes, master, please, master. Give me more, master."

  "You want more? Beg me."

  "Please, please, please," Alexander moaned as I pushed myself into him. I thrust my hips forward and pushed the rest of the way in. Both of us moaned loudly when I bottomed out in his ass. "Hurt me, master. Fuck me until I bleed."

  That snapped me out of my lust filled haze. Make him bleed? What the fuck did that mean? Man, it was just like I attracted all the crazies.

  "Bleed from where?" I asked as I started working my cock in and out of him.

  "I only prepared myself a little for you," he panted under me. "I like the pain of rough sex. I want it to hurt. I want you to fuck me so hard while I'm tight that you cause my ass to bleed. I'll be healed by tomorrow, but I like lots of pain with my sex."

  "If that's what you want," I answered, shrugging my shoulders before grabbing his hips. I threw all my strength and weight behind my next thrust. The desk banged hard against the wall but I could barely hear it over Alexander's scream. I pounded into him with everything I had, loving the tight feeling wrapped around my cock. He had lubed himself up well, but I hadn't put any on my cock, so it was a rough ride for sure.

  "Yes, oh yes, master," Alexander cried out in between thrusts. "Yes, it hurts so good. Harder, the desk is biting into my cock."

  I kept up my ferocious pace, but turned my head so I could see what he was talking about. Sure enough, he was bent right over the edge of the desk, his cock smashed up towards his stomach over the corner. Ouch! That had to fucking hurt like a bitch. Well, it wasn't my dick there. Though I can't imagine the blisters and splinters he was going to have in his cock.

  "I need more pain master," he grunted as I fucked him like an animal. "Hit me, pull my hair, hurt me, please."

  "Shut up," I growled as I kept thrusting into him. While I wasn't going to judge him for the type of sex he wanted, the visual he was giving me was ruining the sex for me. I wasn't going to start beating on him while I fucked him, instead I moved one hand to his shoulder and the other to his hair. I pounded into him harder now that I had better leverage. I fisted his hair and pulled his head up roughly.

  He screamed in pleasure as I heard some of his hair being ripped out from his scalp. I ignored it and kept thrusting into him. He started screaming out, "harder, harder," over and over again. Alexander stiffened under me before he cried out so loudly the walls shook. I felt the muscles in his ass clamp down on my cock. I assumed he had reached his climax, and him tightening like that around my cock pushed me over the edge.

  I screamed in my head, Alexander. Then I gave his ass a few last thrusts as my cock exploded inside of him. The last thrust was so hard the desk broke. We landed in a heap on top of the broken desk, my dick still pulsing inside of him. When I stopped panting and my cock had softened I pulled out of him and stood up. It was only then I realized that it really had been Rune I had fucked, not Alexander.

  Rune had passed out. I shook my head as I reached for my clothes and got dressed. What the fuck had I just done? Instead of thinking too hard on it, I went back and picked Rune up and put him on his bed. I would have been concerned if it wasn't for the big smile on his sleeping face. His chest and abs were cut up a little from the desk shattering, but other than that he looked okay.

  I felt dirty. I was disgusted with myself and felt like the whore Alexander had called me. As tears started to form in my eyes I ran from Rune's room. I didn't stop running until I was back into my own room. Not bothering to clean myself up I crawled into my bed and pulled the covers up over my head. Then I let the tears fall. I lay there, curled up in a ball on my side, and sobbed. I cried for what I had just done, what I did the night before, and the regret in my heart that it still hadn't helped me forget Alexander.

  Chapter 4

  The ne
xt morning I still felt about the same about life and my feelings for Alexander. I had really hoped to have a change of heart to enjoy with the afterglow of sex. But at least I wasn't teaching the early morning class for the pre-transitions today. Instead I rolled out of bed later than normal and headed for the mess hall. Once there I loaded up my tray and found Matteo.

  "How are you feeling?" I asked, wary that he'd let me join him.

  "Dude, you've got to let it go already," Matteo replied rolling his eyes. "I told you the next day I was fine, Dimitri. I had a bump on my head and a dislocated shoulder, no big deal, man. I've had a lot worse."

  "I'm glad you're okay," I said quietly as I started shoveling food into my mouth. "I felt really bad about it."

  "Well stop, Dimitri, there's nothing to feel bad about," he snickered. He got quiet all of a sudden, causing me to look up from my food and see what he was looking at. Matteo was watching Rune give me lover's eyes from across the room. "Dimitri, please tell me you didn't sleep with Rune?"

  "Do you want me to lie?" I asked glancing away from Rune. I hadn't even noticed he was in the mess hall with everyone. I also couldn't believe the man was giving me goggly eyes after last night. What kind of man wants more of the treatment I gave him last night? I left him passed out and bleeding after fucking him so hard I broke his desk.

  "Dimitri, Rune's into some weird ass shit, man," Matteo said carefully. Now I knew he was really worried about me, sarcastic Matteo wasn't known for his careful approach to a situation. "I mean, it's not my business who you hook up with, but I'm your friend. I'm worried about you, Dimitri. I know something happened after you challenged Alexander. I also know you think you managed to hide from everyone that you love him, but I'm your best friend. I know."

  At first I felt bad for worrying Matteo, but the more he talked, I started to get pissed off. It wasn't any of his business and I didn't have to answer to him. "Yeah, great, you figured out my big secret, Matteo. But I'm not the only one hiding who I'm in love with, am I? I'd be careful where you throw stones, buddy."

  "I'm not throwing stones, Dimitri," he replied sighing. "I've known for a while that you knew about my feelings for Nate. I'm just saying I understand what it's like to love someone you can't have. I know what you're going through and I want to help if you would just let me."

  "You have no idea what I'm dealing with," I hissed at him as I slammed my glass down on the table hard enough for it to shake. "Nate would be with you in a blink of an eye if you'd just pull your head out of your ass. Alexander doesn't love me, he doesn't want me, okay? Is that what you wanted to hear? Or is it that he keeps playing with my feelings and watching me," I continued, trying to hold the tears at bay. "During the sex it was all, you're mine forever, Dimika. As soon as it was over he said he didn't love me, didn't want me and to move on. But every time I'm trying to move on, it's like he's there watching me, playing with my heart."

  "Oh, god, Dimitri," he whispered, looking lost as to what to say next. It took a few moments before he continued, "I know Alexander cares. I don't understand why he's doing . . ."

  "Yeah, great, thanks for the pep talk," I said, interrupting him. There was no way I could sit here right now and listen to this shit. Alexander didn't care, he just liked to fuck around with my heart to boost his ego. "This was fun, but I'd really rather be pulling my fingernails out one by one than having this talk."

  I stood and took my tray over to the dishes area. Yeah, I had been a prick to my friend, but seriously? I mean, seriously? He thinks lying and telling me that Alexander cared for me would help? Right before I was about to turn around, I felt a hand slide over my ass.

  "Will you come and play with me again tonight, master?" Rune whispered in my ear as he pressed himself up against me. "I'll beg or do anything you want for sex that awesome again, master."

  "Don't touch me without permission, sub," I hissed turning my head to the side but not quite looking at him. He immediately stopped touching me and took a step back.

  "I'm sorry, master," Rune replied quietly. "I suppose you have to punish me now."

  The tone of his voice told me he was anything but sorry. He sounded like he was shaking with excitement at the prospect of me punishing him. I decided to try playing with him again, but this time on my terms.

  "I want you ready for me right after dinner," I said quietly so that no one could hear us. "You are to be prepared for me. I want your hands tied up over your head, facing the wall, back turned towards the door. Do I make myself clear?"

  "Yes, master," he replied, his voice full of lust. "I will be patiently waiting your arrival."

  "Good, now leave me," I answered as I scraped my plate into the garbage. When I finally turned around, Rune was gone. I was in charge of the training schedule for the pre-transition warriors and I had scheduled myself to lead their morning exercise today. This meant I had to get my ass over to the obstacle courses right now.

  Jogging over there I ignored the whispers and glances I was getting from the other warriors. Honestly, I always thought I would mind being part of the latest gossip, but I just couldn't bring myself to care. Instead I was ready to give my trainees one of the hardest workouts of their lives.

  "Alright, that's enough talk," I said loudly to the group when I got close enough. The chit-chatting stopped instantly. "We're splitting into two groups today and heading over obstacle course C, there and back. At the sound of the whistle, I want one hundred push-ups, two hundred sit-ups, and fifty chin-ups. The same will be repeated at the halfway point and the finish line."

  It took me everything I had not to burst out laughing at all the jaws hanging open. The course I selected was a six mile trek over hell. And to make them run it twice . . . well I knew it was mean, but there was a purpose to this torture.

  "I'm sorry, Dimitri," my buddy Yuri said quietly, coming over towards me. He was about as good of a friend to me as Matteo. I normally had one or the other of them to help me as trainer with my classes. "Did you just say course C, there and back?"

  "Yes, I did," I said to him but loud enough so everyone could hear me. "How many of you are less than six months away from turning twenty-five?"

  About half the class' hands went up. Pre-transition vampires from warrior families came to training camps based all around the world the day after their twenty-fourth birthday. Since every vampire hit their transition midnight of their twenty-fifth birthday this gave them a year to prepare and learn a good foundation for being a warrior before their bodies caught up to them.

  "Alright, those that have less than six months are with me," I instructed. "Those with more than six months are with Yuri."

  "If that's what you want, Dimitri," Yuri said quietly, studying my face carefully. "Are you sure this has nothing to do with recent events?"

  "Yes, I'm sure," I snarled in his face. "I've had this on my training schedule for months, Yuri. You have a problem with my tactics, or think you can do better, I'm ready to accept your challenge."

  "I'm not challenging you, Dimitri," Yuri replied holding his hands out in front of him and a gesture of surrender. "I'm just checking on the program, that's all."

  "You done checking?" I asked sarcastically.

  "Yeah, I'm done," he answered as he turned to go back towards the second group.

  "I want ten minutes between the groups," I said, ignoring the interruption with Yuri. "In theory, my group should be faster anyways. But if you've never run this course before, pair up with another in your group who has."

  I waited as everyone got situated and ready. When the time came, I blew the whistle and dropped to do my push-ups along with my class. After which I did my sit-ups and pull-ups as well. I wasn't surprised when I was done before most of them even started their sit-ups. Pretransitions were much stronger than a twenty-four year old human, but they weren't even in the same league as trained warriors.

  There was a reason I wanted their arms to stay tired before and during the course. That many push- and pull-ups should have most
of them feeling as if their arms were gelatin. The course started with a three story rock climbing wall to climb up and then rappel down on the other side. I had been watching the class rely way too much on their upper body strength to maneuver through most of the courses.

  The proper way was to split between upper and lower body strength during the courses. No matter how many times I corrected them, I still caught them doing it wrong. Now that their arms were exhausted, they would have to rely more on their lower bodies to complete the course.

  "Use your legs more," I yelled as I watched the first few start on the wall. "Climbing isn't all about using your arms. Push up with your legs to reach the next handle."

  I almost laughed when I saw the light bulb go off over Yuri's head as I was instructing. He understood the method to my madness now. I twisted and gave him a smirk, in turn he gave me a full smile and shook his head. I wasn't a fan of explaining myself and I was glad he'd caught on. While I wouldn't give in and clarify my actions to Yuri, especially in front of the class, I also didn't want him to think I was letting my emotions run me.

  Nate, my best student, was the first up and over the wall. He led the group to the next part. Climbing the ten foot ladder wasn't the hard part. It was crawling along the hundred foot rope upside down. Again, most of the class had been pulling with their arms and using their legs to balance. Now, with their arms tired, they had to use their abs and back to push themselves along and bring their legs back up towards them.

  The goal was to teach them alternative ways to handle any situation. Right now it was just how to run the course with tired arms. But out in the field it could be how to escape with a torn shoulder or ligament. Not to mention if your back was clawed up. Zakasac claws had a type of poison in them. I could speak from experience when I said it felt like acid was being poured into the wound.

  Once the first of them were almost caught up with me and done with the rope I led the short run to the overand-unders. That's what we called the different sizes of logs that were held up on stilts. Basically, you'd jump over the first one, drop to the ground, and roll under the next. Then you'd get back up and repeat the process. It wasn't as simple as hopping a fence that came to your chest.


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