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The Other Brother_A Billionaire Hangover Romance

Page 18

by Natalie Knight

  But maybe…maybe she won’t want to go back to him.

  After all, he fucked her over pretty hard—and a number of other women besides, as it would appear.

  Maybe she can recognize that she’s been with the wrong brother this whole time.

  Maybe she’s more than ready to try the other brother on for size.

  Chapter 30



  I melt as I gaze into Liam’s eyes. He’s so strikingly handsome and so genuinely interested in what it takes to truly please me—and damn, is he a quick study.

  I open my mouth, but Liam leans over me and places his finger on my lips.

  “Shhh,” he whispers.

  I don’t know why, but I immediately obey.

  He gives me a reassuring grin and kisses me passionately. His mouth still tastes of my sweet pussy, and mixing it with his saliva is so hot. I’m already getting wet for him again.

  My wrists are slightly sore from getting tied up. It doesn’t hurt; it’s just a subtle reminder of my submission to Liam. Each slight twinge from it as I rotate my wrists makes me that much wet.

  Liam has me sit up on the bed and face the top of the mattress. He walks away for a moment to grab a few items that catches his eye. Clearly, this kind of intimacy is one he’s no stranger to, and I’m dripping with anticipation to see what’s in store for me.

  I’ve never done any ‘kinky’ stuff with Dan. And honestly, I’m not sure he’d ever go for it. Why not let it all happen tonight, just to get it out of my system?

  A warm, strong hand greets my shoulder.

  “Are you ready for this, Becky?” Liam asks. As if I had ever been more ready for anything in my life. He turns me back around, his selection still a mystery to me.

  “I’m ready, Liam.”

  He approaches me softly. “Good. I’m glad,” he says, carefully removing what’s left of my clothing. “Lie down.”

  I lie flat on the mattress. Liam locks my limbs to the corners of the bed with Velcro. I give them each a solid tug and realize I’m not going anywhere even if I wanted to—not that I do.

  Liam leaves me on the bed for a moment to retrieve another tool. When he returns, I feel a pressure at the foot of the bed, followed by a squeak of the mattress springs.

  “Tell me, love, openly and honestly,” he begins as he reveals a rather large vibrator in his hand. He studies the buttons and selects one of them. A buzzing sound fills the room. “What is it that makes you tick?”

  He takes the toy and places it on my nipple, which hardens. I shudder at the sensation.

  “Mmm…” I moan.

  Liam smiles. “I see.” He chuckles lightly.

  There’s a definite dominant side to Liam, and I’m eating up every second of it. The vibrator travels to my other nipple and circles it, tickling me.

  The vibrator then travels down my torso, landing just above my pussy. My hips ache for his touch.

  “Remember, you’re obligated to be a hundred percent honest with me right now,” Liam says. Oh lord. What can he possibly want to know? “Why were you with my step-brother?”

  Fuck. Of course.

  Shit. Why now? Why is he bringing up Dan the Man now?

  I’m torn between being incredibly honest and being incredibly not.

  The immediate truth that pops into my head is that he’s just the responsible choice.

  Financially. Practically. It just makes sense to marry Dan on paper.

  Nervous that I’m taking too long to respond, I finally say, “I loved Dan for a long time. Like, at least eight months. He took care of me, and the idea of not being with him was…terrifying. So, when he asked me to marry him…well. He’s my comfort zone, and I enjoy having that. Or at least—oh, please, use the vibrator on me, please!—at least, I thought I did.”

  “But that’s not your nature,” he purrs. “Is it, love?”

  He’s right. I’m not me around Dan. I’m someone different—someone quieter and less intense. Intensity annoys Dan the Man. He’s so stern and so uptight. I was afraid to be who I was before I met him, and I hated the person I became under his guidance.

  I thought Ballin’ Becky died a long time ago with vomit in her heels while she cried on the front steps of Liam’s casino.

  But tonight, I’m learning that it’s okay to be the wild me I once was.

  Ballin’ Becky rides again, bitches!

  “I guess I just channeled my inner party girl tonight,” I fess up. “Back in my pre-Dan days, I was a bit of a wild child. I frequented parties, got drunk a lot, and really learned what fun was.”

  I shift my hips as Liam circles the vibrator all over me―except my pussy. “I haven’t really thought about that part of my life in a long time. It’s no use doing anything crazy around Dan; it makes him uncomfortable. I decided that he was more important, so I gave up my partying to be the responsible girlfriend he wanted.”

  I’m impressed I’ve been able to make the words come out of my mouth. I’m so concerned about the sex toy teasing me that I just said whatever was off the top of my head.

  “I had suspected something of the sort, love. Your candidness is appreciated,” Liam admits, speaking very coyly and letting the vibrator rub against my pussy lips.

  Liam gets the dildo nice and slick from my pussy juices, and he rests the tip against my clit. I moan happily and ball my hands into fists, trying to cope with the sensation. As I squirm, Liam chuckles to himself.

  I look up at his face to give him the evil eye for teasing me for so long, but then he catches me off-guard again when he turns that fucker up all the way and makes my clit twitch.

  I burst out into loud moans and tears, orgasming because of that little silicone phallus. I close my eyes tight and bite my lip as I lay back and feel the jolts of pleasure coursing through my body.

  As they dissipate and I relax, Liam turns the toy off and kisses my overstimulated clit, making me jolt again. He releases me from my restraints slowly, limb by limb.

  I sit up and pant. Before I can fully catch my breath, Liam already has new plans for what’s next, and I’m ready, despite my lack of recovery. He rubs my shoulders briefly, caring for me and helping me relax before instructing me.

  “Stand up and bend down against the wall over there,” he commands. I get up from the bed and follow his instructions.

  I bend halfway down the wall, my body looking like a ninety-degree angle. Liam approaches me with another tool.

  He spreads my legs further apart, and captures my ankles between a circular chamber on either side of a spreader bar. Oh goodness.

  I really love all of this…deprivation. I enjoy submitting to Liam.

  Being dominated involves such primal instinct…and a level of hotness I rarely experience anywhere else. I bask in it while I still can.

  My hands are hard pressed against the wall, awaiting Liam’s next move.

  I don’t dare make one myself. I can’t spoil the moment. I’ve been waiting for this for so long.

  Liam positions his rock-hard cock against my pussy hole.

  “Tell me what you want, Becky. Tell me right fucking now.”

  “I want your cock inside me.”

  “That’s fucking right you do.”

  Liam thrusts his cock inside of me slowly.

  I could have come right then and there. I’ve been aching for him for what feels like forever and, finally, I have him.

  As he pushes his full length into my pussy, I whimper and throw my head back. Liam’s hands firmly grip my hips. I can’t stand on my toes, and I can’t wiggle my legs, so…I just take him.

  Every inch of him.

  And I love every second of it.

  He uses my hips to pull himself back and forth against my body. His thrusts get harder and faster. I throw my head down and see my tits bounce as he humps against me.

  I couldn’t imagine our fucking to be any sexier than it is now. I don’t know if I can ever have fulfilling sex with Dan or wi
th anyone ever again—not that it’s my concern right now.

  As we fuck, Liam gets friskier. He brings his hands up to my nipples and starts pinching them tight. I wince at first, but when I feel that little sting paired with his cock in my cunt, I feel exhilarated. I don’t want it to stop.

  “Fuck, yes. God, Liam, I want to come!”

  He leans in, breathing onto my neck, and fucks me harder. “Not yet.”

  He lets go of my nipples and wraps an arm around my waist. His other arm comes up, and he wraps his hand around my neck, starting to restrict my air flow slightly. I can still breathe, but it’s more difficult. His grip is just tight enough for everything to go fuzzy.

  I’m so incredibly turned on that I don’t know if I can handle any more of his cock without bursting all over him. Just as I think I’m about to disobey, he utters the magic words.

  “Come for me, my little slut.”

  And I fucking do. I gush cum all over his cock, and it spews out of my tight little hole, running down my thighs and dripping down to the floor.

  Liam releases his hand from my throat and gets himself ready, too. I can hear it in his breathing; I can feel it in his movements. He’s close, too.

  Before he gets the chance to say anything or even actually come in me, we hear footsteps. My heart skips a beat, and I push my ass hard against him, shoving him out of me.

  He quickly jams his hard-on into his pants and looks at me, realizing there’s no hiding me as a sight. My legs are cuffed to a bar, I’m stark naked, and I’m dripping in my own cum.

  The whole scene screams We’re busy here.

  “BECKS!” Percy bellows from the doorway. I can hear Mysti May giggling behind her and Sammi’s cooler voice rumbling behind them. “BECKS, WE GOTTA GO!”

  They race into the room, smelling like smoke.

  “Perce,” I say as Liam unlocks the spreader bar. “Did you light something on fire?”

  “Uh-huh,” Percy says, out of breath and apparently unfazed by the scene before her.

  “Perce,” I say, “was it because you were lighting farts?”

  “My one true vice,” Percy says, hanging her head and shaking it. “Also, uh…I might have stolen Celine Dion’s vibrator. Not gonna lie.”

  “Yeah,” I admit, “we better go.”

  I look down at Liam, and we laugh. I’m roaring so hard that my stomach hurts, and I have tears rolling down my cheeks.

  After a moment, we calm down and Liam makes a proposal.

  “Have you ever visited a male strip club?” he asks.

  “It’s been a while.” I scrunch my nose. “What’s it called?”

  “The Post Office.” Liam chuckles. “You’d like it…” He leans in and nips at my ear. I can feel his breath hot on my skin. “I know how much you fancy big packages.”

  Chapter 31



  It’s a fucking first for me, on so many levels.

  It’s the first time my wife stormed out on me during an argument, for one.

  And it’s a first for a woman to walk out on a date with me, period.

  Becky really is a woman of passion. Headstrong, determined, fiery as hell.

  Unfortunately, she’s also fucking confused.

  I shake my head. Tempted as I am to follow her, I decide against it. She’s not in a frame of mind to listen to anything I’ve got to say.

  She’s a savvy woman—she just needs time to process what I’ve put in front of her. It’ll take time for her to get around, but she’ll get there—eventually.

  Fucking Dan. I understand Becky’s loyalty to him, but I don’t understand her unwillingness to see the truth.

  It seems so strange. Becky claims to have no recollection of what happened. I understand blocking a nasty memory from your mind, but if you dig deep and try, you usually come up with the memory.

  Becky not only seems to have suppressed the memory so fucking well—it’s as if she was never present when it all happened.

  When the waiter comes to the table, I order an espresso and a port. Might as well enjoy the rest of dinner on my own. I don’t like to end things abruptly—not dinner, not arguments, and certainly not relationships when I give a shit about them.

  If Becky had tossed her engagement ring at me the way she tossed it at Dan, it would have shattered my fucking heart.

  When I finally walk into my office, I see Dahlia typing away at her desk. It always amazes me how hard my assistant works. Of course, since she’s between relationships, she doesn’t like to go home to an empty apartment, which means right now, she practically lives at her fucking desk.

  “How’s the wife?” She almost sounds smug.

  Little sadist is enjoying my relationship woes while she wallows in her own.

  “Don’t ask.”

  “Didn’t go well then?”

  The woman was fucking impossible. A know-it-all, a—I pause. “I think I’ve made a little progress. She remembers who I am, but I think she hates me now as a result.”

  She’s stopped typing and has now fixed me with a knowing look. “What did you do?”

  I do my best to look affronted, but Dahlia disarms me with another piercing look.

  “Apart from rescuing her from my step-brother’s man-whoring clutches, fucking her brains out, marrying her, and giving her the best night of her life…I can’t imagine.” I sigh. “But I suppose for Becky, it’s more complicated than that.”

  “Huh,” says Dahlia. “I mean, if she’s going to hate someone, it ought to be your step-brother then, right?”

  “You would think so, wouldn’t you? And yet…”

  Dahlia narrows her eyes. “She’s not thinking of going back to him.”

  I shrug. “She might. She doesn’t remember his…offending incident. Repressed it too well.”

  “But you told her about it, didn’t you?”

  I feel her questioning eyes on me.

  Christ, how do I even begin to explain?

  “I don’t want her to be with me based on a second-hand memory from a biased source,” I finally say. “I trust her. And—fuck—I love her, you know? I really do. If she wants to spend the rest of her life with me, I don’t want there to be a doubt in her mind.”

  “Sounds like a mess,” Dahlia says, shaking her head. “Are you sure it’s gotta be her? I mean, look—there are a lot of redheaded bimbos in Vegas, Liam.”

  I sigh wistfully, striding over to the window. “Maybe. But she’s my redheaded bimbo. Only sees the good in people. And she’s got such a big…heart.”

  Which is true.

  Of course, I don’t mind that she’s got such a gorgeous set of tits, either.

  Dahlia still looks dubious, but before she can ask any more questions, my phone rings.

  I would say ‘speak of the devil’, but I honestly would prefer Satan’s calls to this.

  “What the fuck do you want, Dan?”

  This time, I don’t want to engage in fucking pleasantries.

  “Liam?” Dan’s voice comes through the earpiece.

  “Of course it’s me,” I bark at him. “Who were you expecting? The president?”

  Dan does not laugh. I can only hear breathing. From the background noise, there seem to be other people present.

  “Fucking funny, Liam,” Dan says.

  I’m so fucking tempted to hang up on him. But if I do, he’ll only ring back straight away. Maybe I need to change my number and make sure my brother dear doesn’t get a hold of it.

  If there weren’t so many people that would be inconvenienced by it, I would seriously do it, but there are billions of business cards out there with my fucking number on it. Bad idea.

  Back to the fucking drawing board about how to get rid of the unwanted caller.

  “If I want comedy, I wouldn’t be fucking calling you,” Dan growls at me. “I’m just calling you about Becky.”

  Of course he’s fucking calling about Becky. He still seems to think that he’s got half a chanc
e in hell with his ex-fiancé—who is now my wife.

  “She’s busy,” I inform him. “You’ve lost her, Dan. Move on.”

  I’ve just seen the perfect spot on the wall to hang one of those wedding photos. It will have to be enlarged, and then I think I’ll get it put on canvas.

  It’ll hang right behind my desk so the minute I walk through the door, I can see it. And whenever I turn around in my chair, she’ll be there.

  When I’m working, I’ll know she’s always looking over my shoulder. A warm feeling envelopes me at the mere thought.

  The photo I’m thinking of is incredibly sexy. It’s a profile shot of Becky in that hot little wedding dress of hers. Her hair is up, with a few stray strands curling over her shoulder. Those tourmaline eyes of hers stare into the camera.

  “Are you even fucking listening to me?” Dan’s voice is rising with anger.

  I shake my head. “You’re calling about Becky. I get it.”

  The man was really gnawing on my nerves—no, more like sawing away at them. If he keeps going, they might just fucking snap. And when I snap, I don’t know what I’ll do to him.

  In my mind’s eye, I’m already tearing Dan apart.

  “Stop fucking around, Liam. I need you to concentrate.”

  That was a bit fucking rich, to tell me to stop fucking about.

  “You have my full and undivided attention, brother.”

  “God—don’t call me that. Look, Becky’s been dialing my number, okay? But I’m three days deep in a bender and still recovering from last night. Frankly, I’ve been coked out of my fucking mind—bet you know exactly how that feels.”

  I roll my eyes. How fucking passé. Cocaine hasn’t been glamorous since the late 1980s, and benders are for poor little rich fucks who don’t have anything more important going on in their lives.

  I have a business to run. Obviously, Dan the Man does not.

  “So look—Becky’s fucking friends last night. You saw them, right? They were drunk out of their minds, and Becky probably was too—or else she wouldn’t have done something so fucking dumb like break up with me.”


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