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Replay Book 5: Night Music

Page 6

by Nia Farrell

  She lifted her head, releasing his cock, and answered, “Yes, Sir Josef.”

  Luc and he switched places. Aubrey climbed on top of Luc, fit his crown into her opening, and lowered herself on his erection. Josef eyed the condoms. Later, he decided.

  Moving to the head of the bed, he knelt by Luc’s pillow and teased Aubrey’s lips with his cock. She turned her head and opened her mouth, whimpering when he fisted her hair to control her. He pushed his way inside, shallowly at first, inching his way deeper, and deeper. When she started to gag, he had mercy and did not force himself further. Instead, Josef pulled back her head with one hand and pushed himself down with the other, his intention clear.

  Luc opened his mouth and sucked him in, swallowing his length down to his root. Josef fucked his face, pushing deep into his throat, relishing the feel of his lips and talented tongue. He looked forward to the day when Aubrey could match her teacher.

  For now, though, he wanted to sink his length into her depths, plunder her treasures, and feel Luc doing the same. Leaving them long enough to roll on a condom, he lubed its length, nudged Luc’s legs apart with his knees, and knelt between his thighs. Pressing Aubrey’s back so that she lay on Luc’s chest, Josef worked lube into her ring, notched his head, and sunk his length inside her.

  Heaven. Sheer heaven.

  Only a thin wall of tissue separated him from Luc’s massive erection. Burying himself inside Aubrey’s ass, Josef introduced her to dual possession and took great pleasure in the sounds that she made, mewling, panting, moaning, begging, chanting both their names. She was still fairly new to anal, but she’d been handling Luc. She had no problem taking all of him. Shoving down on Luc’s cock, she ground against him, while Josef worked his length in and out of her ass.

  She writhed between them, whimpering, asking—then pleading—for release.

  Josef reached around, found her aching point of need, and pressed against it with his fingers. “Komm furch mich jetz—Come for me now,” he grated, rubbing against her clitoris to send her hurtling over the edge.

  Feeling her release, Luc came, too. Josef followed close behind, burying his length in Aubrey’s ass and emptying himself into his condom.

  He took care of his used rubber in the en-suite. Returning with warm, wet cloths and towels, he tended to Aubrey while Luc cleaned himself. One more trip to the en-suite with the used linens, and he slid beneath the sheet that Luc had pulled up over them.

  Josef smiled to see that their little sparrow was already asleep.

  Chapter Thirteen

  It was the first morning that they hadn’t set an alarm. Because they weren’t on today’s shooting schedule, they were able to sleep in and catch up on the rest that they had been missing. When they finally got up, a shower was in order, shared by the three of them. Washing each other led to more intimate touching, and foreplay led to sex, this time with Luc in the middle. After they were clean again, they dried and dressed.

  Josef fixed breakfast for the three of them and served it in the breakfast room. Located in the northeast corner of the house, it was well-lit, with a wall of windows that brought the outside in. Beyond the double doors that opened onto a flagstone patio was a garden meant to rival Monet’s.

  “Do you have plans for today?” Josef asked them as he seated himself, enjoying the view inside as much as the late summer blooms. Aubrey’s skin was still flushed pink from their time in the shower, a delicious contrast to Luc’s brown tones.

  “I should probably get online at some point and check on things,” Luc told him. “I’m sure Michelle would appreciate hearing from us, but I thought I’d send an email. If we call, she’ll keep Aubrey on the phone for an hour.”

  “Hey!” Aubrey objected, but she was smiling when she wagged a finger in Luc’s direction. “There are times when we talk half an hour…maybe.”

  Josef unfolded his napkin and spread it across his lap. “Given the hours that you have had to endure, I thought, perhaps, I could arrange for two of the resort’s massage therapists to pay a visit. If not, a session with the flogger would work wonders. Aubrey has yet to experience it, or to know what it is like to achieve an altered state, ja?”

  Luc slid a look at their lover. “She has only been in your dungeon, Sir. I haven’t played with her outside of it. I told her that if she is to be trained as a submissive, that you would likely prefer to do it.”

  Again, that adorable blush.

  “Danke. You guessed correctly. I have not taken on an untrained sub in several years, but I’m certain that I am up to the task, if Aubrey is willing.”

  Was she?

  Josef believed so. He certainly hoped so.

  “Spätzchen? I know that this is what Luc and I want, but only you can make it so. You have proven that you are an apt student. There will be lessons to master, challenges to be faced, boundaries to be explored. I confess, I look forward to the first time that you achieve subspace. I want to see our little sparrow fly.”

  “Oui,” Luc agreed. “She will be a thing of beauty.”

  Aubrey smiled softly, her cheeks flushed pink at his praise. Encouraged, Josef quoted Lord Byron.

  She walks in beauty, like the night

  Of cloudless climes and starry skies;

  And all that's best of dark and bright

  Meet in her aspect and her eyes:

  Thus mellow'd to that tender light

  Which heaven to gaudy day denies.

  “It could have been written for you, Liebchen,” he said. “You are young, but wise beyond your years. Your sight is dimmed, yet there are times when you see what others do not. Physically, you are the smallest here, and yet you wield the greatest power. A true Dominant only takes what a submissive willingly gives. But come,” he cajoled when she grew flustered. “Eat. Such talk can wait at least until after breakfast, ja? I have made a nice one for you. On your plate, Luc has put yogurt-filled crepes, fresh fruit, and bacon, cooked crisp, the way that you like it. The coffee is your favorite, the one roasted with chocolate nibs. I was skeptical, but I must admit, it is very good.”

  Thinking of how he could make things easier for Aubrey, he had sent Nadine shopping for black china table service. The color of the plates provided the most contrast against a white linen tablecloth, as well as the food served on them.

  “Thank you,” she said, smiling now, smoothing her napkin in her lap with her left hand and wielding her fork with the other.

  Josef took great satisfaction in watching Aubrey enjoy what he had prepared. Such a tiny thing, she was. But his sparrow had a hummingbird’s metabolism, which let her finish most of the normal-sized portions. Meeting her body’s nutritional needs might prove easier than avoiding her allergic triggers, something that they had so far managed to do.

  Nadine was still mourning the loss of her nutmeg, but he refused to put Aubrey at risk.

  After breakfast dishes were cleared, Luc used his phone to check emails and message Michelle. He read it aloud to Aubrey, so that she would know what he was sending.

  The movie is going well. Off today. Aubrey and I have met someone very special. We’re dividing our time between his home and our suite. Call my cell if you need anything. Otherwise, text my cell or leave a voice mail, either on my phone or at the resort.

  Luc looked to Josef for his approval, then asked Aubrey if there was anything she wanted to change or add. There wasn’t. “Here goes, then,” he said, and hit send.

  Aubrey caught her lower lip between her teeth and rocked like a metronome, marking the time until Luc’s phone rang seconds later.

  The two of them smiled at each other.

  “Allô? Michelle!” Luc greeted their friend. “Oui. She is here. For you, chérie.”

  Shaking her head, Aubrey refused to take the phone from him. “Aubrey,” Luc pleaded, but to no avail. He ended up talking to Michelle for twenty more minutes, describing Replay, the filming, Sir Josef, and his home. When Michelle pressed for details, Luc revealed nothing intimate that invo
lved Aubrey. At the end of the call, Michelle remained ignorant of the change in Luc and Aubrey’s relationship, and unaware that Aubrey was sharing Josef’s bed, too.

  The psychiatrist in him understood why she was hesitant. The Dominant is the one who spoke. “For the first time, I am disappointed in you, Spätzchen. You refused to speak to your friend. You refused to obey Luc. You refused to acknowledge me. You created a situation that could have and should have been avoided, if you had spoken to Michelle yourself and not made Luc speak for the both of you. You were a bad girl, and bad girls must be taught lessons, mustn’t they, Luc?”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Luc had been in the lifestyle long enough to know how these things worked. But how to do it? The possibilities were endless.

  Luc nodded. “Oui, Sir Josef.”

  “Little sparrow, do you understand? I cannot let this go unpunished. You will stand in the corner with your nose to the wall and contemplate your sins against us. You will stay there until you are told that you can move. You have three minutes to use the bathroom, starting now, and report back here. Tardiness will earn a spanking.”

  She did not argue, or try to avoid the punishment that he had ordained. Indeed, she seemed relieved that she was not to be whipped or spanked. She had yet to learn that Josef preferred to keep those as rewards.

  But this was her first offense. That—and her small size—made him more lenient, perhaps, than he should have been. Another Dom would have made her stand, or kneel, on rice.

  Instead, he made Aubrey stay there doubly long, for him and for Luc. By the end of two hours, her already-complaining muscles were crying as clearly as her tear-filled eyes.

  Taking the handkerchief that he offered, she dried her cheeks and blew her running nose. “I-I’m sorry,” she sputtered. “I should have at least talked to her. But I didn’t want to lie, and I wasn’t ready to tell her the truth, that I don’t want to go home, that I want us to stay here. I know we haven’t talked about it, the three of us. How we want to do this. What we need to do to make it work. Luc will be starting over, with no students, and there are bound to be fewer here than in the city. The work that I do now requires travel, and for that I need Luc. If you can’t come with us, we’ll be leaving you alone, and I don’t know how you’ll feel about us deserting you. I just…I just—”

  Josef cradled her face in his hands and kissed her forehead. “My little sparrow,” he crooned. During her time in the corner, Aubrey had done far more than penance. She had been thinking about them, and the future that she hoped they would share. “I’m getting you into the hot tub. The water will benefit your muscles, and it’s something that Luc and I will enjoy as well. Time for sunscreen, my dears, and swimsuits—at least for now. I will call Nadine and Jorge and suggest that they take in a movie or go shopping. I believe there’s a mindless bit of mayhem that Jorge has been wanting to see, and Nadine usually humors him.”

  Aubrey wasn’t the only submissive female on the property.

  Before heading upstairs, he had Aubrey take an over-the-counter analgesic that worked as an anti-inflammatory. While Luc was applying sunscreen to them both, Josef called his housekeeper and gardener, suggested a movie, and freed them for the rest of the day. He returned to the sight of Luc and Aubrey, both naked, skin glistening with sunscreen. Aubrey had the tube in her hand and was on her tiptoes, spreading sunscreen over Luc’s neck and back where he could not reach.

  Josef stripped and put on his Speedo. Two pairs of hands ministered to him when he joined them, Aubrey in front and Luc in back. Ignoring his body’s response, he helped Aubrey into her bright red, one-piece suit while Luc got into his.

  They fetched towels from the en-suite and made their way downstairs. Behind the house, his swimming pool promised cool relief and the bubbling hot tub offered relaxation and hydrotherapy for Aubrey’s aching muscles.

  He was pleased to see her response to the water and the pain relievers that she had taken. She sat in front of a jet, sunk down until she was neck-deep, and started moving back and forth so that the pulsing streams massaged the muscles of her back. After a time, she moved between the jets, leaned back, and relaxed.

  Thinking that she’d feel even better after an orgasm, Josef edged closer. In response, Aubrey sat straighter, rising slightly from the water. Luc seemed to read Josef’s mind and was sliding towards her when a bee swooped down, attracted by something—the water, the sunscreen, possibly the red of Aubrey’s suit?

  It landed on her shoulder. Reflexively, she tried to brush it off, and in so doing, it stung her.

  Josef kept a bottle of meat tenderizer pool-side for just such occasions. He went to grab it and turned to see Luc stepping from the hot tub with Aubrey in his arms.

  “Her purse!” he yelled, hurrying toward the house. “She needs her pen!”

  Praying that her reaction wasn’t as bad as he feared, Josef sprinted to the door, flung it open for Luc, and then raced ahead of them. As was her habit, Aubrey had left her purse on the dresser in their bedroom upstairs. He met Luc at the bedroom door with the injection in hand. A quick glance told him that there was not a moment to waste. Josef stabbed Aubrey’s thigh and administered her medicine. Only when he was done did he fully assess her condition. Aubrey’s lips and tongue were swollen. Her throat was mostly shut. Without immediate treatment, she would likely have died.

  “Does she have another?” he asked Luc, his voice breaking with emotion, knowing how close they’d come to losing her.

  “In her travel kit,” Luc told him, fighting tears himself. “She’ll need more.”

  “I’ll call the pharmacy and have them delivered.” But that would wait. Right now, he needed to stay with her, see that the injection was working.

  Make sure that she did not leave them, as if he could make that happen by sheer force of will. Whatever he and Luc shared, Aubrey was their connecting point, the one who brought them together and completed them.

  Luc carried her to their bed and laid her in the middle of it.

  “I would feel better if she went to the hospital,” Josef said. “If she has any problems, she needs to be there.”

  He loved his house, but its rural location meant any emergency treatment would take at least fifteen minutes longer—a potentially deadly situation, when every second mattered.

  Aubrey cracked open her eyes, gave the barest shake of her head, and mouthed no.

  “Liebchen.” Josef’s voice held a tone of warning. “Do you want punished again so soon? The next time, I will not go so easy on you.”

  Her beautiful blue eyes never wavered. “Please,” she croaked, the barest whisper of a word. “Stay.”

  “I am sorry,” he told her. “We cannot take the risk. As soon as the three of us get ready, Luc and I are driving you to the hospital. They may keep you for observation. They may let you come home. Whatever is best for you, that is what you will do. Accept it with grace, mein Spätzchen. Do not deny me in this.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Luc packed an overnight bag for Aubrey, just in case they kept her, and drove them to the hospital. Josef rode in the back seat with Aubrey, constantly monitoring her condition. The emergency room was filled with others in need of care, some more urgent, where her swelling continued to subside.

  A nasty strain of summer flu had the beds mostly filled. Aubrey was seen, examined, and released into Josef’s care.

  Back home once more, he carried her upstairs. Luc preceded them, turning down the sheets so that Josef could lay her in the center. Aubrey’s stomach growled, reminding Josef that none of them had had anything since breakfast. With Nadine gone, he arranged to have lunch delivered. It wasn’t a service that Chez Cuisine normally offered, but Madeleine took pity on them and had one of the kitchen staff deliver it.

  The beefy French onion soup, topped with bread and cheese was soft, wet, and easy to swallow, perfect for Aubrey. Once she was fed, he and Luc split a roast beef au jus and took turns dipping the corner of their sandwich hal
ves into the single cup of broth.

  Done, Josef looked to where Aubrey lay sleeping. Once more, he was hit with the realization of how close they had come to losing her, all because he’d insisted on using the hot tub by his pool. “I suppose I should fill them in,” he murmured, unwilling to put Aubrey at risk.

  “You could enclose them,” Luc said. “Or install one of those retractable covers that would allow it to be used both ways. For the times that Aubrey is with us, you could close it at night when the bees sleep for our use the next day. There are times when she will prefer to stay inside alone and practice and will happily send the two of us away for a run or a swim or whatever. She does that now, with me. She needs to feel…normal. Independent. Even if it’s only for an hour or two. Enclosing it either way will be an expense, and a retractable cover will require planning for Aubrey to use it. If there is one thing that I have learned from her, nothing is impossible. But you must want it,” Luc told him. “Want us. What Aubrey said this morning was true. Moving here, being with you…there are a great many things that must be dealt with and handled for that to happen. We’ll have to close up the apartment, decide what to bring and what to liquidate or donate. I must swallow my pride and be willing to allow you to provide for us. For her sake, I can do it. She loves you, you know. She loves us both. Needs us both. It is the same for me,” he confessed.

  Leaning across the table, Josef kissed him tenderly. “And for me,” he said, his voice rough with emotion. “When I offered to play Cyrano de Bergerac and advance your cause with Aubrey, I did not realize how much that I would want her, too. I was already attracted to you. I had hoped to console you, should she reject your advances. When the bottle stopped spinning and Aubrey wanted you to kiss me, you have no idea how hard it was to say no. But even then, your needs and hers came before mine. That much has not changed. Will never change,” he swore. “As your Dominant, it is my duty, and my desire, to care for you, provide for you. To create and maintain an environment where you can flourish, as artists, as lovers, as my submissives. There will be adjustments to make. I’m used to serving as a dungeon monitor in the evenings at Replay. At times—especially on the RACK side—I may prefer for you to keep Aubrey at home. Other times, I will want you both with me, if you are here and available. I don’t want slaves,” he told Luc. “I realize that I must share you and your talents with the world. Between Aubrey’s schedule, yours, and mine, somehow we will find a way to make it work. We will,” he swore. “And that pool is getting enclosed.”


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