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Clutch of the Demon (Cursed Ancients Series Book 1)

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by Jensen, A. P.

  "Rage, you bastard, come to me," she hissed.

  The demon was firmly embedded in the human's heart. She streamed more of her magic into the puppet, demanding Rage give himself up. When the demon detached himself from the man and launched himself at her, the impact toppled her backwards. The back of her head smacked the pavement and white-hot shards of pain bolted through her skull. Rage ricocheted inside of her like a pinball and jacked up his power. Her blood boiled and every fiber in her demanded she finish the job the puppet came here for. Murder, retribution. Kill everyone in sight.

  Cara rolled onto all fours and her body bowed as she tried to contain Rage. The demon filled every inch of her body with hate and a need to make everyone fear her. She struggled to focus. She chipped the pavement beneath her fingers as she fought the demon's compulsion. Her hand rose and hovered over the unconscious man beside her. His coat was open and the guns on his torso gleamed seductively in the light. An image flashed into her mind and it was enough to block out the poison drowning her. She jerked her hand away from the guns and glanced up to locate the security cameras. She whispered under her breath, gathered herself and screamed.

  People rushed around the corner of the building and Cara burst into tears. It took only a matter of minutes for airport police to arrive. They examined her bruised throat, knot on the back of her head and ripped clothes.

  "He attacked me and I fought back," Cara wept. "I don't even know him!"

  Medics arrived and treated the wound on her head and checked to make sure her throat wasn't damaged. She didn't tell them that this was the second time within an hour that someone had gone for her throat. Cara gratefully accepted some painkillers and made sure she cried a lot when questioned about what happened during her encounter with the would-be terrorist. She made sure her story matched what they would see on the cameras when they replayed the video.

  "He said he was going to k-kill everyone," Cara stammered. "Good thing I went to defense classes."

  The police treated her with great care and assured her they would take care of her unconscious attacker who was rushed away in an ambulance with a police escort. By the time she gave her statement and limped to the ticket counter, the sun began to rise.

  People stared at her mussed and bruised appearance, but no one asked questions. Rage's spirit beat against her insides and she staggered. Someone asked if she needed a wheelchair and she declined. When she slipped off her shoes for TSA, someone shoved her from behind. Her leash slipped on the demon and she turned with murderous intent on the asshole before she caught herself. She stood in place, so rigid that she trembled. She closed her eyes and tried to control Rage who was furious at being thwarted.


  Cara opened her eyes and saw a female TSA agent regarding her with a combination of suspicion and wariness. Cara swallowed and winced. It felt as if she had glass shards in her throat.

  "You okay?" the agent persisted.

  Cara nodded and walked through the metal detector. She wasn't surprised when TSA pulled her aside for a more thorough search. Cara knew the agent that asked her if she was okay was responsible for this 'routine procedure.' Although Cara didn't appreciate it, the agent had good instincts. Cara was dangerous. Once the inspection was over, she limped to the nearest bathroom. She scrubbed the dirt and blood off of her face and brushed her hair. She didn't have the energy for more than that. Rage howled inside of her and flashed gruesome images in front of her that temporarily blinded her before she bitch slapped him. She zipped her jacket up as high as it could go to cover the mottled bruises on her throat. She bought a bottle of water, painkillers and sleeping pills with the last of her money. She collapsed in her seat on the plane, turned towards the window and downed four pills. She made sure Rage wouldn't slip away from her while she was unconscious. Who knew what havoc he could wreak in a plane cabin? She didn't want to know.

  She switched planes in London and felt like a stiff zombie. It was the last leg of her trip and she was beyond exhausted. She bared her teeth in a painful grimace as she sat and tried to find a position that didn't make her feel like shooting someone. Her voice wasn't louder than a whisper and no matter how many pills she took, she was in agony.

  Rage didn't help matters. During the layover, she snapped at anyone that jarred her and when someone rolled a suitcase over her foot during the layover, she got up and kicked the offender's suitcase. Fortunately, the woman was in such a hurry that she didn't have time to do more than toss Cara a harried, disbelieving look before she rushed onward. Rage ravaged her insides brutally as everyday drama unfolded around her during the layover. Bratty kids screamed for candy while a wife screeched at her husband when she found a text on his phone that indicated he was cheating. Two seats down, a grandmother tried to convince her granddaughter that the child she carried would ruin her life.

  Cara's head throbbed with the need to scream, to vent and punish these people for being so callous, weak and human. There was no restraint, no order. She bowed her head as people boarded the plane in an uncoordinated, slow trickle. She blocked out the urge to shove people into their seats and rail at the chatty women sitting two rows behind her. Rage sensed how perilously close she was to losing control. He gleefully shoved her towards the edge of a cliff from where there would be no return. Panic fluttered through her. Was she strong enough to contain Rage from London to Ireland? Her hands trembled over the belt buckle, debating. She didn't have the money for another ticket, but what if she went postal during the flight?

  Are you possessed?

  The Ancient's voice broke through the panic and she stilled. What?

  You let the demon possess you.

  Cara scowled. I had no choice. I couldn't let him possess the police or one of the passengers.

  Are you strong enough to hold him?

  She was about to snap back at him when Rage viciously sank his teeth into her heart. The belt around her waist was the only thing that kept her in place as Cara bent over, the top of her head touching the seat in front of her. The man across the aisle watched her excitedly. Freaking pervert.

  Are you strong enough?

  The Ancients voice was cold. It forced her to focus. Pride reared its head and she bitch slapped Rage again. He was momentarily stunned and it gave her enough time to catch her breath and answer. I'm almost at the end of my rope, but I can handle him.

  Do you do this often?

  The knot on the back of her head had its own pulse. She dug around in her purse for more pills and ignored the teenagers that sat beside her, holding hands and whispering sweet nothings to each other. She tilted her head back to swallow the pills and ignored the wary glance the couple shot her.

  The demon knew your name.

  So, the Ancient watched the fight she had with the human and Rage. She couldn't help feeling a bit miffed that he hadn't stepped in to help. If he had, she wouldn't be such a battered mess.

  I'm a demon hunter, she said shortly.

  But you're human.

  No shit, Sherlock, she thought.

  How did you know the human was possessed?

  She huffed impatiently. I can sense when a demon is near. It's like getting a whiff of a sewer.

  Cara jolted forward when a large woman hit her seat from behind. The woman's strong perfume wreathed Cara's senses and when she sneezed, her whole body shrieked in protest.

  You're able to resist being completely possessed by a demon. How?

  She rubbed a shaking hand over her face. She should be grateful that the Ancient distracted her while people settled into their seats at a snail's pace. Some asshole held up the line as he tried to shove a huge bag into the overhead bin. The flight attendants tried to squeeze their way through the masses to get to the asshole and Cara closed her eyes as her head throbbed. Rage tossed tempting images into her mind. She felt as if she was drowning in his power. She desperately reached for a memory of her mother and let her heart fill with love. Rage howled as bits of his spirit disappeared, ravaged by
an emotion he didn't understand.

  I love my mom and sister. As long as I keep my eyes on my family, I can resist the demons temptations. Demons can't possess someone filled with more love than hate.

  There was a long silence she didn't understand. She could hear the flight attendants trying to reason with the cheap ass who wanted to take things out of his bag and toss them into the other overhead bins. She blew out a long breath and tried to get comfortable. This was going to be a long flight.

  Some puppets carry out demons' biddings unknowingly.

  Even though he didn't say it, the man that Rage possessed appeared in her mind. Did the Ancient think the human had been an innocent victim? She relaxed fractionally as everyone settled and the plane began to move.

  He wasn't innocent, she informed the Ancient wearily and closed her eyes. He's been a bully all of his life. He would adopt dogs from shelters just to beat them to death. Rage didn't possess him long, he just pushed the human to the next level. He wants to punish the world for his life and die in glory.

  And how do you know that?

  When I touch people who are possessed, I see visions. Cara said woozily as the pills began to take effect. Everyone has a streak of evil in them, so anyone can be possessed. But, if the good in that person is greater than the evil part, the demon will eventually flee because he can't force a human to do his bidding, he can only tempt and manipulate.

  How old are you?

  She was so startled by the question that her eyes opened. Twenty six.

  You are young to know so much about evil and demons. We have much to talk about when you arrive.

  Cara shrugged, propped her shoulder against the oval window and was asleep before the plane left the ground.

  Chapter Five

  Cara stood at the edge of the Cliffs of Moher. This time, she could see the cliffs in all their grandeur. It was a clear day and the wind that blew in from the sea took her breath away. She fell to her knees beside the goat path and looked out over the ocean. A swift glance down made her shuffle back a little. How she made it down this path the first time was beyond her. She couldn't see much of the trail before it disappeared from sight. She dreaded the climb down. She closed her eyes, tipped her head back and enjoyed the feel of the sun on her face. Was this the last time she would see the sun and sky? She ran her hands over the blades of grass around her and took a deep breath.

  You're procrastinating.

  The bad tempered voice made her wince. For the second time, she would be walking down a seven hundred foot cliff, jet lagged and exhausted. Her heart was a heavy weight in her chest and it felt ragged and torn. She had no idea what awaited her beneath thousands of feet of rock with a dragon, but he kept his word. She would fulfill her end of the bargain, but first she had to take care of Rage.

  Cara wrapped her magic around the demon that tossed waves of depression and loneliness at her. Horrible images from her childhood filled her mind. Cara tightened her hold on the spirit and the demon choked. She thought of Sky and Dawn and the demon recoiled when her heart flooded with emotion that eclipsed any other. He scrambled to leave her body, but she hunched over and kept him contained. His power diminished bit by bit. She made sure to keep good memories of her family uppermost in her mind. Rage struggled and fought to stay on earth to wreak more destruction but Cara held on. She braced her hands on the ground and heard him curse her as he slithered out of her and into the bowels of hell again. The residue of his spirit sloshed around inside of her. Only time would purge him from her. She tilted her head up to the sun and wiped the sweat dripping from her brow.

  She staggered to her feet. The dragon said something, but she couldn't hear over the ringing in her ears. As she started down the familiar goat path, white mist begin to invade the cliffs again and she wondered if the dragon was responsible. During the near vertical climb down, she slipped several times, fatigued and battered from her fight with Rage and Luc. Goats bleated at her as she passed. How the goats managed the narrow path with four legs was beyond her. Even when her legs quivered beneath her, she pushed herself on. When she slid down the hill and crashed onto the rocky beach, she lay there for several minutes, grateful to be on horizontal.

  It took an inordinate amount of time to pull on her wetsuit. She was shielded from onlookers by the cliffs and fog. She stood on the shore and geared herself up for the hellish trip back to the cave. She remembered the look on Luc's face when the Ancient spoke to him. The dragon and Luc knew one another. Hmm. The dragon would relinquish his protection from her family if she reneged on her end of the deal. All her life she'd been fighting to change her fate and this time she couldn't. Live or die, this was it. She couldn't quite release the fear that the dragon would eat her and use her bones for toothpicks. Whispering spells over the backpack, she waded out into the waves.

  It took her twice as long to make her way out to sea since there was no strength behind her kicks. She stared up at the Cliffs of Moher, which stretched out for five miles. She clutched the compass in one hand and struggled to keep her head above the choppy waves. She took a deep breath and duck dived before she headed towards the cliffs. The same spell made her drop like a stone and pulled her deeper and deeper. Knowing she had a ways to go before she reached the hollow tunnel, she tilted her head back and watched weak light play over the water before everything darkened.

  The light on her hands was dim and she knew that wasn't good, but she would save what was left of her magic for air. She slipped the compass into her wetsuit. When she saw the rectangular opening, she kicked off the invisible weights and entered the tunnel. She ignored the claustrophobia pressing in on her senses and used the last of her magic for the last breath she needed. There was an opening at the end of the tunnel, but she was weaker this time and she lacked the desperation that caused her to claw her way to the end. The light died from her hands and cold panic filled her. She kicked with all her might. One hand reached out into the darkness, but didn't hit the dead end she expected. Her lungs screamed and with every inch she advanced, her hands reached out for the rock wall that signaled the end, but it wasn't there.

  Cara swallowed a mouthful of water and this time when her hands pressed on the stone above her, there was no pool. She kicked and flailed but this time, she hadn't made it. Water filled her lungs and she blindly reached ahead, but there was only emptiness. She couldn't tell if her eyes were open or closed and the last image in her mind was of her sister and mom. She took another mouthful of water and felt something sharp cut into her side. She stopped fighting and let go.

  You are a foolish human.

  Eyes watery with pain, she cracked one eye open and let it flutter shut. She was in the cavern with the dragon and his blazing turquoise eyes. She licked her lips and tasted something sweet. Heat rushed through her and the blinding pain in her chest vanished along with the bruises on her throat and ribs. The constant, nagging pain from her head wound slipped away. The dragon crouched over her, wings unfurled. She knew that wasn't a good sign, especially with the addition of his exposed fangs.

  "What happened?" she gasped.

  She remained prone even though she had that superpower feeling again. It seemed safer to lie as close to the ground as possible. Razor sharp teeth snapped so close to her face that her skin vibrated. She didn't breathe for fear of inciting him further.

  You drowned!

  The mental shout made her writhe on the smooth stone.

  If you were so weak that you wouldn't make it, you should have told me.

  "You said I was procrastinating!" she protested.

  And if you died, how would I be paid in full?

  She snapped her mouth shut as the dragon turned from her. His tail whipped over her and the resulting gust of wind moved her two feet. The dragon let out a roar and blew streams of fire on the walls, which were unfazed by his wrath. She ran a hand over the shredded sides of her wetsuit.

  You were five feet from the pool. I nearly ran you through with my talons when I tried
to get you out.

  Cara sat up. The pain was gone, but the poison the demon infected her with couldn't be healed by dragon blood. Although she felt energized, her heart felt as if it weighed one hundred pounds. Rage's spirit was still alive and well within her and it caused her to glare murderously at the dragons back. If it wasn't for him, she would have drowned and this nightmare called life would be over for her.

  The dragon turned and she immediately lowered her eyes. As he moved towards her, she swallowed and reminded herself what the dragon did for her. Her temper dimmed. If it weren't for the dragon, Sky would be dead.

  Where's the demon?

  "I sent him back to hell."


  The dragon walked out of the cavern and disappeared around the curve. She got to her feet and followed, tucking her hands beneath the backpack straps. The dragon's bulk blocked her view of what lay ahead. She watched the way his scales reflected the light from the walls and rippled with every step. She kept a good distance away from his tail, which slithered behind him like a massive snake. She was so preoccupied watching his tail that she didn't pay attention to anything else until the dragon stopped. She looked up and let out a stifled cry when she saw his head rotate around completely. Her eyes rounded to the size of dinner plates and her hands covered her sagging mouth.

  Come here.

  When she didn't move, his tail thumped the ground and she staggered. She girded herself into action and carefully slipped between the dragon and the wall of the cave and faced what lay beyond. She stood on the edge of a cliff that overlooked the rest of the massive cave. To her left was a huge waterfall, at least a thousand feet high that covered the air in rainbows and a fine mist. The cave was monstrous and she suspected it extended along the natural formation of the Cliffs of Moher, which meant the caves went on for at least five miles. The caves extended thousands of feet above and below her and that faint glow within the rock pushed away the feeling of being buried alive. The cave was so massive that the dragon could fly to his heart's content here. Little lakes broke up the monotonous view of rock beyond the waterfall.


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