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Wild Girl: A Cowboy Romance Trilogy (Wild Men Texas Book 3)

Page 16

by Melissa Belle

  “No.” My mouth drops open. “Maybe that was a big error.”

  “Oh, it was for sure,” Mrs. Huggins says solemnly from her seat next to him on their couch.

  Logan and I sign off on our license, and Mrs. Huggins coerces us into staying for some sweet tea so she and the mayor can, “Be the first to toast the happy couple.”

  “I know we must be the first.” Mayor Huggins chuckles. “Because Logan had to have gotten down on one knee as soon as his plane landed.” He winks at me. “You had him right where you wanted him, didn’t you, doll?”

  I look over at Logan with a smile, and when we leave, Logan mutters to me, “I’m never gonna live this down.”

  “I’ll make sure they all shut their mouths,” I promise him.

  Logan and I arrive at my parents’ house holding hands, but before we can say anything, Free rushes over to show me her diploma.

  “Mrs. Tiensley just dropped it off last night! Isn’t it beautiful?”

  Logan gives her a kiss on the cheek, and I wrap her up in a hug.

  “Amazing,” I say. “Congratulations.”

  “Thank you for helping me through the rough spots,” she says to me.

  “I didn’t do much. You came out pretty brilliant.”

  She’s too distracted to catch on to anything between Logan and me.

  But Riley isn’t. “Oh, my God, you guys finally did it, didn’t you?!” she shouts from about twenty yards away.

  Daddy looks up sharply from the grill, and Mama lets out a joyful scream as Logan puts his arm around me protectively.

  “That’s awesome,” Ben says as he walks over to us and holds out his hand—palm up—to me.

  I bite back a smile as I reach into my purse and hand him a quarter.

  “Even though I didn’t actually bet,” I whisper to him.

  “Details.” He pockets it before Logan can open his mouth to ask why.

  Free smiles. “So cool. You two are the only couple I know that don’t make me want to hurl.”

  “Thanks,” Logan says to her. “That’s quite a compliment coming from you.”

  “Took you long enough,” Riley says as she comes up and hugs me. “But I bet it was worth it, right?”

  I glare at her. “First of all, not that it’s any of your business or anything, but as you well know, it wasn’t the first time we’d slept toget…”

  But Riley’s looking closely at my face. “Oh, it was worth it,” she says, laughing. “It was definitely worth it. Look at your flushed cheeks and those bruised and battered lips. You two must have been up all night long just screwing each other senseless…”

  I put my hand over her mouth.

  By now, Daddy’s really agitated. His eyes narrow in on Logan, who nods at him calmly. Mama looks over at Daddy and hurries to raise her glass of sweet tea in a toast. “To Freedom, my brilliant high school graduate, and to Macey, my oldest baby on her twenty-sixth birthday. The Henwoods are very proud.”

  Then, she races over to Logan and me to give us both hugs.

  “You just always loved that boy,” she says to me. “And him you. To think, he was your first time.”


  I turn in horror to Logan, but he’s grinning.

  “What?” he says. “It’s a great story.”

  I hold up my left hand and show Mama the ring on my finger.

  She’s momentarily stumped. I wait, and wait, and wait.


  I’ve reduced my mother to utter silence.

  “That’s right,” Logan finally offers. “We’re engaged.”

  Riley, Ben, and Free all start laughing and shouting, and then Mama lets out the loudest scream I’ve ever heard in my life, followed by a two-armed hug around Logan and me.

  “Engaged?!” She turns to Logan. “You’re a miracle worker! Macey swore she’d never marry! Again,” she adds with a glance at me.

  I glare at her. “Can we just be happy for me and let it go?”

  Mama pretends to zip her lips. Then, she continues to talk. “Oh, what wonderful news! Isn’t it, honey?”

  Daddy comes over to give me a kiss and shake Logan’s hand.

  “Happy for you both.” He nods at Logan. “You’re the only man I’ve ever thought was good enough for my baby. I’m glad she agreed with me on this one.”

  Oh, Daddy, you have no idea how good a man he is, and what he did for you and our family.

  I take my father’s arm. “Come with me for a minute.”

  Logan gives me a warning look, but I whisper to him, “He won’t say anything.”

  I bring my father into the garage. “Daddy, I have something to tell you. Nobody can know. I need your word.”

  My father’s eyes get big as he puts his hand on the safe that holds his gun. “You have it, darlin’. Tell me what’s going on.”

  By the time I’ve finished explaining the truth about Logan and Gigi, Daddy’s slumped in a lawn chair with his chin in one hand as he stares up at me.

  Over two minutes of silence pass between us.

  “Gigi’s mother reminded me how we’d met,” he says finally. “At Brick’s. I nearly bolted straight out the front door. But she told me that was her husband walking through it in that moment, and I just wanted to disappear. Married? I didn’t know she was married. I swear to you, I didn’t know.”

  “But you cheated on your own wife all the time,” I say, surprised how angry my words sound. “Don’t you get it, Daddy? Your actions have repercussions for more than just whatever the hell you feel like doing in that moment!”

  Daddy bows his head under the chastisement. “I know. I’ve been a slow learner. I swear, Macey, I’m changing. I know you shouldn’t believe me after all these years of letting you down, but I’m going to make you proud someday. And I’m going to do right by your mother, finally.”

  I kneel down and put my hand on his arm. “I know you’re trying, Daddy. And I won’t tell Mama what happened. Logan’s parents will keep it between themselves.”

  “That’s not right. Logan shouldn’t take the hit for something I did. He’s a hero, and he deserves to be treated as one. I’m the screw-up. All he was doing was trying to save the family of the woman he loves.” He shakes his head. “I’ve always admired him, always loved the way he treated you. But now—now I owe him.”

  “He doesn’t want anyone to know,” I say. “He didn’t even want me to tell you.”

  But my father stands up. “One of the things they teach you in the twelve-step program is to take responsibility for your actions. I’m starting with this.”

  I chase him out of the garage and into the yard. “Daddy! Wait! You gave me your word!”

  My father turns back to me. “That was when I thought I’d be protecting you by staying quiet. Now that I know the truth, I’ll protect you and my future son-in-law by speaking up. It’s the right thing to do, darlin’. You know it is.”

  When Daddy reaches Logan and throws his arms around him in a big hug, Mama looks over at me.

  “What did you say to him?” she asks me.

  Logan wrestles himself out of my father’s grasp and immediately tries to tell me I shouldn’t have said anything. But my father shushes him.

  “I’m thrilled she told me the truth,” he says. “I’ve never been prouder of you, son, or more ashamed of myself.”

  He turns around and faces his family. “I need to tell y’all the truth. About why Logan was engaged to Gigi.”

  When my father’s finished telling Mama and my siblings what happened, a moment of silence follows as everyone stares at Logan and me.

  “Holy shit,” Riley finally says. “In a million years, I wouldn’t have guessed that was the reason you were engaged to that New Yorker, Logan. But I like the reason a hell of a lot more than I thought I would.”

  Ben shakes Logan’s hand. “I was so pissed at you all summer. I thought you’d really screwed up. I’m happy to know the truth.”

  “Me too,” Free says as she puts her
arm around me.

  Mama’s face is ashen. Then, it turns red. Then, purple for a brief moment.

  Who knew there could be so many temporary shades of colors to a human being?

  She slaps Daddy across the face and then hurls her body at Logan. He catches her as she mumbles her thanks.

  But she’s not finished. With a gasp, she comes for me.

  She lands in my arms, her weight nearly pushing me to the ground.

  As I’m trying to peel her off me, she says quietly, “He’s a real man, Macey. Just like Mr. Darcy was. A real heroic man with a great heart. I’m so happy for you, baby.”

  Daddy takes her into his arms then and whispers, and whispers, and whispers, into her ear. After several minutes of this, Mama plants a kiss on Daddy’s lips. And then, another.

  “We can’t stay,” I say. “But we wanted to come by and invite y’all to The Cowherd tonight. There’s going to be a July fourth wedding there after all!”

  Mama gives one more attempt at a scream, but it’s all too much for her. She faints right on the spot, and if Daddy wasn’t there to catch her, she may have been in some trouble. But he saves her from a nasty concussion, and by the time we leave, she’s conscious and babbling again about this being the very best Independence Day ever.

  “I can’t choose between the two of you for maiden of honor,” I say to Riley and Free. “So you’ll be my two best bridesmaids and Ginny will be the maiden.”

  I take Logan’s hand in mine, and we leave the yard quietly.

  “Told you not to say anything,” he says to me once we’re safely inside his truck.

  “I know. I just didn’t feel right having you shoulder that burden for the rest of your life. It was my father’s sin, not yours.”

  His eyes are warm and clear as he looks at me. “I understand. But I was okay. I don’t need to be a hero in this crazy town. I only want to be your hero.”

  “You don’t have to worry about that. You’ve always been my hero, Logan.”

  Ginny cries so loudly when I stop by her house to tell her the good news I have to remind her it’s supposed to make her smile, not cry.

  “It’s the hormones!” She hugs me. “This is so the way it was supposed to be. You and Logan at the chapel, exchanging vows!” She chews her lip. “Oh, no. What are you doing about rings?”

  “I’m going to wear this as my wedding band.” I hold out my hand with the ruby ring on it. “And I’m giving Logan back the bull ring. We can always buy new rings later on if we really want to.”

  “That’s perfect,” Ginny says, and she relaxes. Then, she chews on her lip again. “Where are y’all going to live?”

  “Well, since renting my duplex costs money, and Logan’s cottage on the ranch is pennies in comparison, we’ll live there until we find the right home. I hope I can handle living on the ranch. I’m not used to parents being so close by.”

  “It’ll fly by,” Ginny assures me. “You’re in the honeymoon phase—all you’ll be focusing on is each other.”

  I remember last night with Logan, and I can’t hide my smile.

  “So what exactly happened between him and Gigi?” Ginny asks. “Did he give you the whole story?”

  “Oh, he did. And what a story it is.” And then, because I know my father’s about to make a big announcement of his own at the church, I tell her everything.

  “Holy cripes.” Ginny’s hands go to her mouth when I finish. “I knew Logan was always on your side. I knew it!”

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Later that evening at my place, Mama’s screaming.

  Riley’s laughing.

  Free’s concerned we’re behind schedule.

  And Ginny’s desperately trying to get me into my dress.

  When my phone rings, I gesture them all to quiet down.

  “It’s the mayor!” I say.

  “Oh, the mayor,” Mama says in hushed tones. “How very formal.”

  He says he insists on sending a limo for my wedding party. “To make it look more presentable. Then, hopefully, everyone will forget Logan’s other woman.”

  “I don’t think they’ll forget,” I say to Mama when I hang up. “They called her the Darcy heroine all summer.”

  “Don’t you worry about that,” Mama says. “Daddy said he’s going to make everything right.”

  Ginny nods. “Macey, you look so beautiful.”

  “Remember how much Logan loved you in that dress.” Mama smiles at the floor-length green bridesmaid dress I’ve converted into a wedding gown. “He nearly gave himself away that day.”

  “It was another chapter in your love story,” Ginny gushes.

  “And you getting married will ease the pain of the legend of Darcy coming to a close.” Mama’s voice is tinged with sadness. “Our favorite ghost, Macey. It just doesn’t seem fair that she’ll never get out, does it?” She perks up. “At least you’re not cursed.”

  I’m too happy to be irritated.

  “Thanks, Mama.”

  I finger the strand of pearls around my neck, the ones from Logan’s mama.

  “Aren’t those lovely?” Mama nods at the pearls. “They fit you, Mace.”

  I swallow. “I do love them.”

  They mean so much to me already, because they mean so much to the Wild family. Logan told me how his mother showed him the necklace when he introduced her to Gigi, and he said he’d been waiting to give them to me ever since.

  As soon as Daddy shows up at my duplex, Mama insists on a toast. When we all protest, she starts screaming, “With sweet tea, of course, with sweet tea!”

  “To our beautiful daughter Macey as she embarks on a new chapter of her life.” Mama wipes a tear from her eye. “I know you and Logan will make each other very happy.”

  It’s a perfect mother-daughter moment until she adds—

  “Macey, stop playing with your hair. I’ve told you once, and I’ve told you a hundred times, it’s just not pretty, and a beautiful girl like yourself. I bet you Logan doesn’t love you for your split ends.”

  Then she reaches into her bag. “I’ve brought a surprise! Instead of waiting until the chapel, we agreed you could put this on now.”

  She pulls out the Ms. Bennet bonnet.

  “George has been entrusted to make sure Logan wears the Mr. Darcy cowboy hat, so don’t you worry.”

  Mama reaches over and helps me tie on the bonnet.

  And I feel…weird having it on my head. Like it doesn’t quite fit right. I tug it this way and that way, and this way and that way, until finally Mama shouts at me to keep my hands at my sides before I tear the bonnet by mistake.

  So I leave it be. But it’s itchy and hot underneath, and my hair wants out.

  We pile into the limousine and make our way down Main Street. When we pull up to The Cowherd, I smile at the five horses tied up to the fencepost.

  “Logan said he and Blake and his brothers would show up to the ceremony on horseback,” I say.

  Daddy and I are the last ones out of the limo, and I stop him before we walk inside the bar.

  “Daddy, are you going to be all right? There’s a lot of alcohol in there, and I know you’re emotional right now…”

  “You’re my baby girl all grown up,” he says to me as he gives me a kiss. “And maybe I finally am, too.”

  I give him a hug. “I’m proud of you.”

  Dozens of flashbulbs nearly blind me as Daddy and I start down the aisle. I try not to blink because I know that won’t make for a pretty picture, but I can hardly make out Logan at the altar.

  “I assumed this would be small,” I whisper to my father as we’re waylaid by a reporter begging for a still shot of us halfway through the walk. “It’s so last-minute. However did they fill the chapel?”

  “Everyone in the damn room seems to have a camera,” Daddy whispers back as he poses with an awkward smile for the cameraman. “And there are a lot of local reporters. I think the mayor outdid himself.”

  We finally get the go-ahead to
start moving again, and Daddy picks up the pace considerably. “Let’s get you there, darlin’.”

  I glance to the right of the chapel, back into the darkest corner of the room, where two bright eyes get my attention. I slow down and smile. Mr. Bingley somehow found a way to be present. His first wedding when he wasn’t locked up in the liquor room. I blow him a kiss, and he opens his mouth in a silent meow.

  Daddy hustles me forward again. “Come on now.”

  Skip waves as I pass him and gives me the thumbs-up. “We’re rooting for you, Macey. Free that ghost!”

  I try to tell him to shut up, but Daddy pulls me along so fast that I’m standing face to face with Logan before I know it.

  He looks so handsome. His green tie highlights the hint of emerald in his eyes, and it matches my dress exactly. I love the way his hair is styled, and I have to stop myself from knocking the Mr. Darcy cowboy hat off his head to get a better look.

  Logan inhales as he catches my wrist with his hand and leans in. “You look so gorgeous. Despite that God-awful bonnet.”

  I break into a laugh.

  He leans even closer to whisper, “Every time I see you in this dress, I want to rip it off you.”

  “Remember to meet me at the bar afterward,” I say in his ear. “I have a feeling the crowd will be crazy.”

  “Don’t worry. I’m never losing you again.”

  I try to focus on the moment, but Lord, this bonnet is so freaking itchy. I resist the urge to scratch at my head like an animal and smile up at the reverend.

  “We’re here to celebrate this man”—Reverend Sands gestures to Logan—“And this woman,” he says as he nods at me. He gives a wry smile. “We were supposed to be witnessing a different union today, between this same man”—again he turns to Logan—“but not this woman…”

  Logan glares at him. “Got it. The whole town’s got it. Let’s move it forward to what’s actually happening.”


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