Copyright © 2019 by KC THORNROSE

  All rights reserved.

  Publisher's note: this is a work of fiction. Names locations characters are a product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to anyone is purely coincidental. Any resemblance to anybody living or dead, actual events or organizations is coincidental.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author

  All characters are over 18

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  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23


  They are kings and there are queens, some are born to rule, some just know they will rule someday.

  I haven’t had the easiest life and now I have thrust into an school where without a doubt, I shouldn’t be. The boys are billionaires and future kings, the girls are future queens and billionaire wives or that’s that what they think. I am Chars, yes thats what they call me and you will see why?

  “Blair…You just need to relax, everything is going to be awesome. My mom ever positive words echoed in my ears but now I am not so sure. Why? Because they consider mom the help and I’d never be good enough to be queen.

  They want me out. But they have no idea. I’m going nowhere or am I?

  I am tough as nails and this is my story……



  My name is Blair, they say it sounds like a name from a famous documentary. Well that couldn’t be further from the truth because, yes mom named me after a famous movie project, but that’s beside the point. They said Blair’s a cute name for a girl with curves, and a great personality. Well that’s their opinion.

  Honestly, I would have preferred the name Berkeley or Olivia, don’t ask me why, I just do. Then again who knows I might just change it someday. You might be wondering why I am going on and on about my name? Well because my mom’s version of why she named me Blair deserves a prestigious movie award. She claimed the flick with the same name played while she had sex with my dad. Yes, she conceived me while the documentary played in the background. I know, too much information but that’s what she claimed happened.

  She says, they were very much in love and vacationing in at a luxurious mountain cabin, when they got snowed in. They claimed they picked the wrong day to go down there. An avalanche occurred, and they was no way out.

  And after days of intense “Lovemaking” watching the freaking movie repeatedly as mom put it, they conceived me. Once I was born, dad created a successful Technology firm, while mom stayed home because dad didn’t want her to work.

  I got everything I wanted and more.

  So you could say I lived the spoilt precious, happy life. But it all came crashing down at our annual summer vacation. The moment mom uttered the words divorce? I cringed in fear. I became fearful of the future without a father.

  Mom, then announced Dad was leaving. He was in love with his executive assistant.

  I realized at that moment; there was nothing I could do about it.

  Dad left mom for the woman he worked with 15 hours a day?

  I heard the front door of our summer vacation condo slam.

  I knew immediately; Dad left us forever.

  Later on that day, I was alone in my room when mom walked in. I hovered around her. I thought of things to say to make her feel better, but nothing worked.

  Mom looked distraught. She walked into my room, slumped down on my bed, palmed her face and sobbed like a baby. I didn’t know how to react. But then minutes later, she wiped her tears and stared straight ahead.

  I thought about the handsome guy I had met earlier on the beach. We had a fun hanging out. Still, he didn’t tell me his name. But I promised to see him the following day. But now that’s not happening.

  I didn’t want to leave the resort because I realized this might be my last time having this summer experience.

  Mom wouldn’t be able to afford it once the divorce is final.

  * * *

  Months later, Once the divorce got completed, Dad left her with nothing. Dad had an iron-clad prenup, which honestly made no sense. My father got off the hook from taking care of me because I wasn’t adopted by him. Yes, I wasn’t his child. Oh, and that fake story about how they named me was just that, a story. They lied about my birth through the years.

  They got married after I was born.

  I didn’t know I wasn’t my father’s daughter until one day a drunk relative made it known. He left a note for all to see:

  Your wife is fucking lucky. She found a doctor entrepreneur like you. You fell for her lies, and that bastard of hers is now yours. How could you let that happen?

  When will you get back to working as a fucking doctor? When will you get off this dreamy world? When will you realize you will never be a tech entrepreneur you wished you could be?

  That letter hurt back then; Dad didn’t make much before my birth because he didn’t complete his residency because he had this app idea. He hoped his plan would make him millions someday. And mom supported him by working two jobs to pay the rent. So when he finally got funded, our lives changed. But I never forgot that letter.

  Boy, that letter hurt like someone had stabbed a knife through my heart. Mom denied it back then when I asked about my paternity, but eventually, she admitted the truth. I couldn’t believe it. But I accepted, and Dad never acted like I was not his he gave me everything, especially when his app got bought out. He made sure I didn’t feel alone.

  It broke my heart when dad decided he wanted to get away from mom. I mean, why would he do that? Dad left mom and me homeless because, guess what, he claimed him and mom were not officially married.

  So he was off the hook? I mean mom fought it, but he had the best lawyer money can buy, so he got off easy.

  His actions forced Mom to find a job. She applied to a few dead-end jobs. She finally got a stable gig working as a nursing assistant while I attended the public school rife with contradictions. I got into things I shouldn’t have, more on that later.

  Now it took a little while, but, I pulled through. My grades had gotten better. Now that’s where things changed. Mom took a job as a home health aid for a rich older man who liked her a lot. She wanted him too.

  But because it would have been unprofessional to be together, they instead had a great friendship, or at least that’s what mom said to me.

  When the man passed away, he left her with something priceless? He left mom his luxurious Paris apartment. Plus, he also gave her a nice chunk of his European estate. However, the family fought hard against it. They said my mom forged that part of the will. Which was absurd? Mom wouldn’t do such a thing.

  Plus, she didn’t have access to his will, so how could
that have been possible?

  But they fought her all the way and guess what? They won. But they compromised by agreeing to fund my tuition to a school of my choice. Mom decided she would get back at them by picking the most expensive school. And she did.

  She decided on Bexley Prestigious Academy.

  Now here is the kicker, there was this one time I stopped by the Older guy’s home to visit mom before his passing. Mom asked me to remain in the study until she got off work, but I didn’t listen. I explored the mansion.

  I should have listened to mom and not explore the estate because the boy was it a mistake to do so.

  I walked into a room which looked like a kids’ room. But then my eyes widened the moment I glanced at the trophied wall. I smiled and thought wow, who owned all these prizes.

  It turned out this was no ordinary room. It belonged to the older man’s grandson. I hadn’t met him yet.

  I gasped and thought lucky him, trust fund kid but athletic.

  I glanced at the trophies on the wall and ran my fingers on with the delicate gold prize. I smiled and wondered if the older billionaire’s grandson was as handsome as him? That is the moment I turned and noticed an incredibly cute shirtless guy’s picture on the wall.

  I bit my lower lip and smiled. Holy fuck, this guy was gorgeous. I was still staring at the picture on the wall when suddenly; the door swung open. I winced when this tall 6 foot four inches, handsome and naturally tanned guy walked in shirtless. I gasped staring at his ripped body; He was all muscle with incredibly intricate sleeve tattoos on both arms.

  Holy fuck—

  I stared closer and realized he looked like the guy from the beach!

  Could he be?

  No, it’s just a coincidence. I glanced at the name underneath the pictures, Xander Cameron.

  That’s the moment I heard the door open.

  Startled, I slid my fingers off the trophies and tried to hide in the closet but it was too late, a towering shower stood above me.

  The handsome grandson and the owner of the athletic tropics walked into the room. Shocked to see me in his private chambers, he stared at me. His eyes raked my body. Honestly, at that moment, I almost died. Fear engulf my senses, I didn’t know what to do. He narrowed his eyes on mine.

  Why was he staring at me like that?

  He growled.

  “Who the fuck are you?”

  I trembled on the spot, praying an earthquake would occur and it would suck me down into the ground. I figured, Xander wasn’t the guy on the beach, just a look-alike.

  “You are not anyone known to me. So what are you doing here?” He moved closer, and I pulled back.

  “I asked you a question, or are you deaf?”

  I am Blair. Hmm, my mom walks for…"

  He folded his hands and cut me off.

  “Oh, so you are the help’s daughter?”

  I swallowed.

  I wouldn’t consider my mom, the help. She worked hard to get her home aid certificate. I trembled as he moved closer. His magnetism drew me towards him.

  I just wanted to kiss him.

  His mean words bothered me. So I corrected him.

  “Yes, my mom is his nursing aide and …”

  He scoffed and once again interrupted me.

  “ She’s still my grandfather’s aide, help same difference. And you? What talent do you have?”


  “You heard me. What’s your special talent?”

  His eyes raked my body. Honestly, I wanted to disappear. Hell, how did I get myself wrapped up in this mess? I slid my hair behind my ears.

  “I am sorry I will leave now,” I said, trying my best to make a beeline for the door. But Xander stopped me. He spun me around, so my back hit the wall. Xander pinned me against it.

  He leaned, his warm breath moved across my neck. He purred, “You are going nowhere.” He teased my curves with his fingers. I swallowed.

  Oh fuck, am I in trouble?

  He growled into my ear, “So what are you great at doing?”

  I shook my head.

  Xander narrowed his eyes on mine. He slid his hands up, cupped my face, and tilted my head.

  He brushed his lips against mine.

  He pushed his muscle filled chest on my petite frame. I winced and said, “I dance.”

  Plus I love swimming but I wasn’t going to tell him that.

  He smiled and pulled back.

  “Dance as in cheerleading? Show me some moves.” He pulled back and sat down on his bed, watching me. I don’t know what came over me, but I did as he requested. I slid my hands up and danced. He stayed watching and smiling.

  Then he said in a low voice, “Take your top off.”

  I gasped.


  “You heard me, take it off. Don’t act like you have done nothing like this before?”

  “No,” I stammered and averted his gaze. “I haven’t.”

  He shrugged and said, “so you’re a virgin.”


  He beamed as though it was the best thing he heard all day. Then he remarked, “Really?”

  He got up and walked circles around me. I swallowed and thought, what did he have in mind?



  There was no way in hell, I would take my top off for him. No, Blair you shouldn’t do it. Don’t do it! Your heart’s beating so fast it might explode out of your chest!

  But as he walked circles around me, my resistance waned. My mind played filthy tricks on me. And once I took in his expensive fragrance, I got hooked. I took in a deep breath, why do I want this guy? Blair wake up he looks like someone you once knew.

  No scratch that, could it be the one and the same guy from the beach two summers ago? No it can’t be, you’re mistaken. My legs wouldn’t move, I was suck oh no would mom lose her job thanks to me? He walked circles around me as though ready to pounce on his prey. I spun around and my eyes met his incredibly dark yet beautiful lens.

  He looked magnificent. His hypnotic fragrance drew me in, as though he had on the most expensive scent in the entire universe. He moved close and trailed his fingers along my sides, I shivered. Then as though ready to slow dance with me, he intertwined his fingers in mine. He groaned and pulled me close so my nipples pressed on his ripped chest.

  I pulled back and pushed him away. You could say I tend to live my life through movies lens, and hey that’s what they’d would have done in a movie script.

  Only this time, this was no movie. This was my reality.

  He chuckled, took a step back and slid down on a his luxurious fit for a king white sofa. He spread his legs part, my eyes darted down to his bulge. I gasped, how could anyone be that big. Stop it Blair, that’s not your problem. And dear god, he noticed. Amused by my reaction, he chuckled, rubbed his jaw and leered at me. I slid my hair behind my ears.

  “I am sorry.”

  What the hell Blair just get out now

  I decided now was the best time to leave so I turned towards the door.

  Then I heard him say in a low deep voice:

  “ Not so fast, I am not done with you yet, my little virgin.”

  Trembling, I spun around and faced him.

  Take your top off, darling? Makes it easier to dance, don’t you agree?”

  I swallowed and stammered, wondering if he was joking or deadly serious?

  “I don’t have any music,” I said, thinking why I uttered those words. But then I continued, “I am sorry, but I can’t do this?”

  “Oh, then I guess I will have to tell my grandfather about your trespassing in my room and touching my things. I don’t think you would want that for your mom, now would you?” I swallowed.

  How could he be so mean?

  “I took nothing.”

  “I didn’t say you did,” he said between bits of laughter. “I want to see you dance. Is that too much to ask? Hmm. You said you are an amazing dancer and I want to see it in action. Listen here; I will play s
ome music. It's either you dance, or I’d have no choice but to go out and tell my grandfather about my interesting discovery. So it is up to you darling dance, Or…”

  “Fine, I will do it.”

  “Good… You never know, with my connections, I can make things happen for you.”

  I shook my head. I was as nervous as hell. I thought, why is that? He reached for his phone and turned on the music. I gasped when I realized he turned on my favorite song.

  The music had a cool beat to it. I danced for him. He leaned back on the chair, and watched with rapt interest. His clearly lust filled eyes raked my body as though undressing me with invisible fingers. He sat up at one point to adjust his bulge.

  Holy freaking hell, this is insane. Watching me, Xander got raging hard. I figured why not make it more exciting?

  I danced around the room. I guess I got caught up in it. I spun around the chamber like a freaking tornado.

  Xander gasped and groaned as I twirled and shimmied.

  His eyes widened the moment I slid my top over my head. Then I let it cascade down to the floor like falling Autumn leaves.

  I placed my hands protectively around my heaving chest.

  He smirked mischievously loving my moves. I don’t know what came over me, but I moved close to him. I placed my hands on his thighs, making sure my fingers brushed on his tented pants.

  I giggled.

  For such a tough guy, he couldn’t hold back. He reached up for me. But I pulled back.

  Anger flashed in his eyes. I leaned in closer, and this time, he couldn’t hold back any longer, He captured my hand and pulled me close.

  “Don’t tease me, chars. I hate getting teased.”

  Chars what did he mean by chars? That’s not my name.


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