And with that, he crushed his lips on mine. It was a deep possessive kiss. Stunned, I gasped, but then I kissed him back, oh no, what am I doing? I should not be locking lips with my mom's boss’s grandson. What does that make me? He snaked his hands around me, and in one swoop, he unclasped my bra.

  I let out a moan. Xander wrapped his muscle filled arms around my body so I couldn’t pull away, not that I wanted to. But still, this wasn’t a good look.

  “I want to be your first,” He said in a firm low voice. He slid me on the couch and continued deepened the kiss, while his hands slid down to my pants. I thought oh no this is not how I pictured my first time, Besides I only just met him. I will not be his conquest. I know all about guys like him, rich spoiled and entitled. He slid his lips on my neckline and sucked hard leaving a deep mark.


  Touching her, sent wanting signals to my brain. I hated the fact that she was “chars,” meaning charity in my book. I honestly wished she was a blue blood like me. But unfortunately she’s not, she is my grandfather’s help’s daughter.

  I slid my fingers between her legs. She writhed her thighs against my hand, wanting and needing more. I groaned. Even though we had just met, it felt right. I knew she was a virgin it was written all over her face. Plus, I already met her mom, and you know what? All she did was talk about her wonderful, smart and pure daughter.

  I spun her around. I slid my lips off her and kissed her neckline and moved lower. She let out an audible moan. But then the moment I slid my fingers on her bare sensitive spot she winced and pulled back. I slid my lips back on hers. She pushed back and said, “I am sorry I cannot do this.”

  I groaned.

  It was the perfect moment why did she change her mind suddenly?

  “Can’t do what? I like you, and you like me, we can play a little.” She shot me a dark look letting me know she’s not that kind of girl.

  She might be a chars, but she caught my attention the moment I saw her. I found it amusing. She had no idea I was the same guy she met on the beach years ago. Damn, I guess it's best to keep it a secret. What difference would it make if I told her?

  But gosh, I want her. I was used to girls wanting me not the other way around. I don’t see what the problem is here. She picked up her top and slid it back over her head covering up her ample globes. Blair then apologized for being in my room.

  I laughed and leaned back on the bed. I slid my fingers coated with her taste into my mouth. Then I let it out of my lips with a freaking popping sound. I loved the way she tasted, but I would not show it.

  Boy, she has no idea what she just missed out on, a once in a lifetime chance at a pleasurable fuck. Yes, my mind is damaged.

  Yes, my brain’s fucked up. But hey, it’s called life.

  She took in a deep breath and exhaled, watching my ministrations. Then she hurried to the door. I didn’t stop her. Instead, I let her go with a parting shot, “You tasted amazing chars, maybe next time we will go all the way? I would love to taste your lips again, and I don’t mean the one on your face.”

  She shook her head, turned, and said, “That will never happen.”

  I laughed and said, “Oh, it will happen, just not today. But mark my words, it’ll occur someday.”

  She slid her hair behind her ears, averted my gaze, and walked out. Amused by her reaction, I stayed in my room and laughed. Yeah, we are young now, but someday she will be mine. She’s been marked and she does not know it. But she will.

  Too bad she’s not an elite, we would have had a great future ahead.


  Two years later.


  Mama always said when life gives you lemons you should suck it…. Or did she say so? Well that’s what I heard.

  I stood staring at the magnificent stoned walls in front of me, clutching my book bag to my chest. The day’s finally here.

  I will begin my senior year at Bexley Elite Academy and not Livingston. I sighed, freaking hell I missed my old school. I would have to get used to being at this prestigious institution.

  “Well, welcome to Bexley Elite Academy, your new school. We weren't expecting you this early. But you are right on time. The principal, Mr. Braxton, seemed explicitly interested in me.

  And honestly, his deep interest seemed a little weird, but I told myself he was just a nice, caring man. I should be grateful.

  I knew I didn't deserve to be here after all I should be with my mother. I am no longer wealthy. Thanks to moms late employer who I also suspect was her onetime lover, Mr. Cameron, my new life at Bexley began.

  "Having a scholarship at Bexley sure had its perks. For example, access to its elitist facilities," I whispered underneath my breath. I should be ecstatic, but there's just something dark about being here. I glanced up and noticed a wall of pictures.

  I smiled and looked at it, and then I asked, "What's all this? The principal still behind me.

  He said, "The valedictorians, yes, maybe someday you will break that elite rule’s curse?” I winced, turned around and asked him, "what curse?"

  He paused momentarily. Then He smiled and said, "I wouldn't exactly call it a curse. I would say it's a winning streak does never been broken."

  I turned around and asked what he meant.

  He said, "there are five families here who alway make it to the to[. No one can break that streak."

  I gasped and said, "I bet the families are brilliant."

  The principal said, "Just like you. If you excuse me, I have to meet all the students. I'm sure you'll find your way around Bexley Academy’s campus. You are welcome, Ms. Myers."

  And with that, he walked away.

  I stood still and stared at the wall dreaming my picture will be up there someday.

  That's the moment; I noticed there were specific last names underneath the pictures. I didn't understand why only a few families got the chance at getting the top honors.

  Everyone who got honors at the school ended up a Billionaire or royalty.

  I stood there, pondering this mystery when another Girl walked up to me.

  She shook my hand and said, "Hi, there you are new right?"

  I nodded. Nervous, I said, "hello."

  She chuckled, "oh, don't be nervous. New students school are anxious on their first day. But seriously, it's not a big deal. I have gotten used to it. I join Bexley last year during my junior year.

  I nodded and acknowledged her presence.

  Then I glanced back at the picture on the wall.

  She laughed and said, "The new students always do the same thing, they walk in here and stare at the wall."

  I asked, "really?"

  She chuckled and nodded.

  She said, "that's normal around here. I did the same thing. And guess what? I am a senior hoping to break that blue blood streak. But they don't play fair. It's virtually impossible unless you have a wealthy billionaire name."

  I nodded and said to her, "yeah, that's what it seems. I wonder why?"

  She said, "who knows? It's just the way things are around here. Listen there five families as you can see and three families belong to the Wolfpack. I chuckled and said, "the wolf back?" She nodded and said, "yes." Then she turned back to the picture and stared at it. She said, "it might seem like a joke, but it isn't they can be vicious, especially, if they think you are a threat.”

  I laughed and said "oh believe me, I have no intentions of trying to break their fancy streak. I don't plan on being here that long. Besides, my scholarship will probably run out quickly by the time they notice my grades."

  She stared at me thoughtfully and said, "you're taking this lightly. but it is serious."

  That's the moment I realized I still don’t know her name? She said, "you know I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself properly; my name is Cassandra. Everyone calls me Cassie."

  I nodded and said, "It's great to meet you, Cassie; you seem to be very knowledgeable about things here."

  She chuckled and said, "you have to
be to survive, but I don't know how I made it through junior year. You are lucky. You only have to deal with the senior year."

  That's the moment she stared at the forever hickey on my neck.She pointed at my neckline and yelled, “Oh my God!”

  I shrugged and said, "yes, I know I was trying to get rid of it for a while; it's a Hickey."

  She swallowed and said, "that's not a regular Hickey."

  She turned away. I raised an eyebrow. She turned to face me once more.

  I glanced at her face, and she looked pale.

  I said to her, "are you all right? You look like you saw the ghost?"

  She said, "They marked you.”

  I gasped shook my head.

  I said to her, "I do not understand what are you talking about, what do you mean they have marked me?"

  My first day was turning out a little strange.

  She slid her hair behind the ears; then she bowed her head.

  Just then, three other students joined us. Cassie introduced them. She said, “Blair, meet Sally, Ethan and Peter, all transfers here.”

  They nodded and smiled at me. I smiled back and said, “great to meet you guys.”

  And at that moment I knew I’d found my crew.

  She said, "well it's great meeting you. I have to go to. Class is starting, hmm you we should go.”

  I said, “Why don’t you all go ahead, I will join you.”

  “Are you sure?” Sally asked.

  I nodded.

  “Alright see you there then,” Cassie said.

  And with that, they hurried away. I sighed, touched the mark on my neck and ran my fingers through my hair. Okay, something's going on in the school. I can't put my finger on it. But yeah, I decided not to worry about it.

  I will attend classes for who knows, a week? Then perhaps if things don't work out, mom will transfer me to a different school. God stop it, Blair, you can't let your mom down like that. She’s gone through a lot to get you here!

  But then that's the moment, I noticed a handsome naturally tanned guy walking towards me. God he looked like he just stepped out of an All-American Male catalog. And get this he had a commanding presence about him.

  He got close, I took in a whiff of his lavender scent. It smelled like the most expensive perfume ever made in the entire universe. He paused in front of me and rubbed his jaw. Then he stared deep into my eyes for a moment. His gorgeous dark eyes then darted down, and that's the moment, he noticed I got turned on. My nipples gave it all away.

  I flinched and tried to hide my arousal.

  He rubbed his jaw and smiled and said, “You are cold, or maybe you want something else?”

  It wasn't a question; it was a statement. I nodded then I looked up into the perfect guy's eyes. His eyes narrowed on mine, as though hypnotizing me? I thought okay something is going on in the school, but I can't put my finger on what it is.

  Little did I know that things were about to get worse.

  He leaned in and brushed his lips on my earlobe. I thought oh my God this is so unlike me to have a sudden crush on a guy I’d just met. I figured he would say he wants to show me around and walk with me to class or something.

  But instead, he said, "you are not welcome here. you should leave or we will make you. Chars. By the way my name is Killian”

  And with that, he nibbled on my ear, touched the mark on my neck and walked away.

  I winced.

  I couldn't believe what just happened?

  Who is this guy? That's the moment I heard the bell ring for the first class.

  I quickly hurried towards the door. Some girl hit my shoulders as she pushed past me. I said to her, “hey watch, were you're going." She paused and looked at me; then, she gave me a dead stare.

  Oh God, what's up with this place? I glanced at her book bag, her name was scribbled on it, Lindsey main queen. I raised an eyebrow.

  She noticed and said, "You'll learn soon enough; you don't walk ahead of the Queens.”

  I scoffed and said, "the only queens around here are those who think they're queens. I am a queen and you don't scare me at all." She was about to say something else when the teacher said, "everybody, take your seats. Your first test begins now." I winced.

  I ‘d just gotten here, and the taunts have already begun? What kind of school is this? I will not let them break me,


  I am filthy rich, by all accounts. She's the new girl at Bexley. I have had every girl in this school falling at my feet, but she was different. There was something glorious about her. She had an innocence about her. I noticed Xander already marked her hmm, well that's fine because we are open to sharing. I wished she was a queen. I would be with her in a heartbeat and damn what my family has to say about who I date. But for right now, the wolf pack or as the chars call us, the rich boys stick with the rich girls.

  Fucking hell—

  I will be lying if I said, walking away from her was easy. I smiled at her reaction to the first test. She is new, but she will learn soon enough that this is no ordinary institution. We live by code here, and everyone adheres to it too, no exceptions. Well, I take that back if you are a rich boy or girl, you might get a pass. The administration wouldn't want to lose the wealthy parents support, so they let whatever craziness we get into slide.

  Hell no, they wouldn’t dare take a chance.

  I twirled my pen between my fingers and glanced at my rich crew. They glanced back and nodded. I thought about ways I could get with the new girl without incurring the wrath of the good girls. It's insane, but the queens believe they own us because that's the way its been for generations. But not this time. Things are about to change.



  I glanced at the class quiz with trepidation. The teacher leaned over me and asked, “Is there a problem?”

  I shook my head.

  “No,” I said.

  “Good, I hope you understand we don’t take quizzes lightly here. That’s what makes us different from other institutions out there,” the teacher said. “Everyone, your quiz begins now.”

  I nodded and turned back to the test. Honestly, it all seemed like a blur. I didn’t understand what’s going on in my head. I couldn’t concentrate, I guess I was just a little stressed out. Oh yes, as crazy as it sounds, I have been on medication most of my life to cope with my anxiety.

  There was this one time, under pressure from school and everything, I experimented with drugs.

  I shouldn’t have done it, but at the time I thought it made sense to do so. A guy at the school was also a dealer, and he provided the stuff on credit.

  I paid for it with money from my meager allowance.

  Mom knew nothing about my actions for a while, and I wanted to keep it that way. The less she knew, the better. I didn’t want her to worry. But then the experiment went wrong, I almost died.

  They rushed me to the hospital, and I promised mom, I wouldn’t do it again. But then after my drug scare, mom made me change schools, and that’s how I ended up at Livingston high school. The new school worked out well until the offer from the billionaire older man’s family.

  Oh and get this, she now works for a firm owned by the very same names I saw on the school wall.

  I ought to be grateful for this opportunity to attend the prestigious academy, yet I can’t help but wonder if I would succeed with all the taunts? Then again, how many girls can say they got a scholarship to an incredibly elite school?

  The pristine walls seemed to cave around me, or maybe it was my imagination. I turned and noticed Xander looking my way.

  He stared at me and smirked. I averted his gaze for a moment and blushed. Embarrassed by my actions, I looked back up at him. He chuckled.

  Holy fuck—

  I wished he would focus on his test and not on me. But honestly, I would be lying if I said the thought of him raking my body with his gorgeous perfect dark eyes didn’t turn me on. What is wrong with me?

  It’s the first week, and alrea
dy I’m pining over the guy who barely paid attention to me, back in the day?

  Get it together, Blair. Get it together, girl.

  I took in a deep breath and exhaled, then I focused my attention back on the books. I still felt Xander’s dreamy eyes on me; why is that? I wondered why the teacher didn’t notice Xander’s actions?

  Blair Xander’s is flirting with you. You need to put a stop to it.

  Xander kept his eyes on me while with his pencil. Once the quiz and the class ended, the teacher walked out with the papers. Xander rose to his feet and leaned against the wall.

  He smiled at me, but I ignored him but only for a moment. I looked back up at him and noticed a mischievous god-like grin from him. He rubbed his jaw and glanced at me as though he fucking owned me.

  I took in a deep breath and exhaled. Then I walked out of the class and down the hallway. I knew he was close by watching as I moved, but he didn’t say a word. My crew joined me in the walk. Cassie said, “Hey lady, what’s up? I hope you can catch up on the assignments and tests.” I nodded and told her I had planned on doing so. Soon, Peter, Ethan, and Sally said they had to go. They claimed they had to take care of some project they were working on for extra credit.

  “Don’t worry about it, Blair, we got you. Listen, if you want to come with us, we can work on it together.”

  I smiled and said, “No, you all go ahead. I will catch up with you later.”

  I noticed Xander at a distance smiling and smirking mischievously.

  I blushed.

  I thought holy fuck, why am I blushing?

  This guy is not for you, Blair. My crush on Xander was driving me freaking insane. You are stronger than this Blair, get it together.

  I averted his gaze and started walking in the opposite direction.

  That’s the moment to my surprise. Lindsey walked up to me. I frowned as she got close. It’s not like we are friends or anything, why is she walking next to me?

  The thought ran through my head. She kept walking beside me and then she smirked mischievously. She said, “listen, I think we could be great friends.” I scoffed. There was no way I’d be great friends with her after the way she acted earlier. I was on a mission to get even.


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