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Page 8


  I swallowed and raised an eyebrow at Jason how did he know all this.

  He said, "I bet you think I knew, right?"

  I nodded.

  Mario said, "all I know is you should stay with from them that bad news."

  I didn't know how I could do that. And we should wear that easy.

  My mom said, "I think I've had enough for one day, but as you just go to your room."

  I raised an eyebrow at her; she's never asked me to cause the room. I did. That night I barely slept fantasizing about the three canes. That was my nickname for them. I still wanted to know what the tattoo meant.

  So I started googling things about the rich guys since I couldn't sleep. But nothing stood out. I thought to myself stop it Blair don't go looking for what you cannot handle. Besides, relieving the memory of how he got to be with the three of them have with them couldn't believe I fantasize about them. I paced the room for a little while and then slumped back on the bed, exhausted from quite a magical day. I wondered what lay ahead in the next couple of days? Speaking of which, none of my crew called or sent a text. Why is that? I sensed something was wrong.

  So I shot Cassie a text.

  She responded, "I'm a little busy right now. Maybe I'll call you later." And with that, she hung up before I couldn't say a word. I thought to myself, what's going on why are they ignoring me? Am I now an outcast in their minds?



  I decided, damn I couldn’t win. What’s the point in trying? So the following day, I decided I had to understand things.

  Who’s spreading rumors about me and why have I gotten the cold shoulder from everyone, including my crew. I didn’t have to wonder for long because before I knew it, Lindsey walked up to me right before the start of the first class she smirked and said, “Well I see you are still here. Too bad you haven’t told the principal you want out.”

  I rolled my eyes and said, “Linsey if you have nothing to say, then just shut it. I am not afraid of you.”

  She laughed wickedly and said, “Even if it means your mom losing her job?”

  I spun around at stared her in the eyes. What in the world are you talking about now?"

  She leered at me and said, “I am talking about nothing so you know there are cameras all over and you were on candid camera yesterday. Oh, I know nothing about it, but I am sure the principal will call you in for a discussion in about, hmm say five minutes?”

  I scoffed at her, thinking she’s out of her mind. But then like clockwork, I heard over the loudspeakers.

  “Good morning students, I hope you all had a fine day, get settled in your classes oh and remember the eyes of the school is on you. You all need to be on your best behavior throughout the day. I’d hate to see anyone disciplined for skirting school rules. But I trust you are all fine young man and women, and by that I mean you would do the school right and not do something I wouldn’t do. Well, enjoy your day.”

  I swallowed. Well, Ms. Rosen didn’t exactly come out and say Ms. Myers come to my office, so I ignored Lindsey. But then the moment I sat down, Emma walked up to me and snatched my notebook away. She said, “I don’t know if you’d need this throughout the day considering how you stay chasing our guys, chars but you are no longer chars are you, you have moved up. You are now a fucking gold-digging bitch!”

  That did it I got up and moved into her space. She gasped and said, “Whoa what are you going to do hmm chars, this isn’t the hood. This esteem institution isn’t some trashy park where you think you can come in and rule the school. You have no idea what the truth is around here. So what are you going to do? Hit me? Well, go ahead then. My father owns all the lawyers in your city. And my boyfriend who we know you want, also flirt with from time to time, whose dad’s company your whore mom works for will make sure you no longer exist.”

  I glanced around the room, Xander Killian and Tyler were not around.

  “Why are you looking around hmm searching for our guys, what you want to be their concubine? Is that what you are after, chars? Well, sorry to break it to you that won’t happen. And besides, if you knew anything about them, you would know they are at and practice right now. I hope you take my words to heart leave or we will force you to leave.”

  What the hell is going on there is she threatening me? I hope not. And with that, I clenched my fist, ready to do something I might regret.

  Emma laughed and said, “are you trying to hit me hmm. It seemed you did not hear what I said about my dad. Don’t kid yourself chars; you don’t want to ruin your life and..”

  I interjected, “My moms is not a whore, but I can say the same about your mom though, rumor has it she goes to the highest bidder.”

  Angered by my words, she lunged at me. I pushed back, and she stumbled to the floor.



  The next thing I knew, I got called into the principal's office after lunch. I wondered what happened. I heard the rich girls laughing in the background as I stoically made my way to Ms. Rosen’s office. Holy freaking hell what'd I gotten myself into now?

  I almost had a panic attack when I noticed Ms. Rose looking through her phone at something? Oh no, what was it? She turned to see me standing there.

  "Seat down, dear… we need to talk." She said in a stern voice. Rumor has it when she says, "we need to talk," something's wrong.

  "Is it true, you were in the men's locker room? And did you go crazy at a party?"

  Startled by her words, I couldn't respond. There was nothing to say. I wondered. But then I stammered, "What happened at the party shouldn't concern this school."

  "That's true for other schools, but here at Bexley, we hold our values high. Wherever you go, you represent the school. We have a name to uphold. Now, do you want to lose your scholarship?'

  I shook my head. Then she asked, "Now what were you doing in the boy's locker room?"

  I swallowed.

  I didn't have a response to her question.

  I looked at her wide-eyed.

  She leaned in and sighed.

  She said, "We have video evidence of you walking in the bathroom and coming out with our highly regarded male students, Xander, Killian, and Tyler. We don't condone that kind of behavior here miss."

  I stared down at the desk. The tears welled up in my eyes. How did I let this happen? What was I thinking? I should have known they were cameras out there.

  I rose my head up to face Ms. Rose. She shook her head and said, "Listen, we honestly expected more from you than this. I will say I am highly disappointed; you got an incredibly important scholarship. You should not take this lightly. So I have no choice but to…."

  I swallowed, oh no, what was she going to do?

  I got off the chair and pleaded, "Please, don't expel me, please."

  Ms. Rose's eyes widened. She said, "No one's expelling you ms. Myers, please sit down."

  I started hyperventilating. My anxiety kicked in. Oh no, there was no way I could get out of this. I haven't had panic attacks in years, not since my previous school had a deadly black mold incident.

  "You are not getting expelled. But consider this a cautionary tale. You will stay home for two days, and today you will not have classes. Now is there anyone I can call to pick you up?"

  I shook my head. Mom's at work and my cousin Mario? Well, god only knows what he's up to at the moment.

  "Surely you have someone… I have no choice but to call your mother. Next time you must think of the consequences before you act, understood?"

  She dialed my mother. She didn't get a response from mom. I gave her my cousin Jason's number; she called him too, but he didn't answer. She hung up and said, "Well, I guess we have no choice. You stay in the detention room until the end of the day."

  I protested.

  "But my classes."

  "I am afraid you'll not have classes today. Here," Ms.Rosen said. Then she handed me a note.

  "Give that to your mom when she picks you up later on. You cannot retur
n to school for two days. And when you return, you must make up your classes to keep your scholarship. The Cameron family scholarship takes pride in its students. Academics have always been the cornerstone of the highly sought after scholarship which you got on a silver platter. It's up to you now to carry on the legacy. You may go to the detention classroom."

  I swallowed and clutched the note in my hands. I thought what choice do I have? None. I grabbed my things and walked out of the principal's office and walked down the hallway. I noticed some students standing by their lockers. I ignored them all and just stared straight ahead. I'd no idea the school had a detention room, but hey it is what it is right? I hurried into the room as fas as my legs could carry me. The minute I walked in I fell apart and slumped on the chair in this stark, darkroom. I glanced up at the wall.

  Xander's grandfather's picture was in there, staring back at me with disdain.

  I slumped into the chair and stared at the picture. Xander's father's painting's eyes stared back at mine as though staring into my soul. I remembered all the things mom said about him and how what a kind, sweet man he was. Freaking hell, he must be rolling in his grave now knowing what's going on with his home and the scholarship. How could I have done anything with Xander? How could I have been so stupid to believe they cared about me? When all they wanted to do was get into my pants? Why aren't they here in detention with me?

  I folded my hands and twirled my thumbs. The minutes seemed to drag on forever. I slumped my head on the desk and stared up at the clock on the wall with sad eyes. When the final bell for the day rung. I gathered my stuff and walked out the door. That's when it got worse. Some girl bumped into me and said, "Oh. I am sorry, slut. I didn't see you. Then again must be hard fucking three of the hottest players in school? How are you still able to walk? I heard they are hmm, endowed. But then again, you are so loose down there I bet they were swimming in your…"

  I didn't let her finish her words. I wasn't getting slut-shamed when I'd done nothing to deserve it. So I pushed back her and hurried out the iron doors into the parking lot. That's the moment; a Porsche screeched next to me. It was none other than Xander. He asked me to get in. I said, "No." He spun the car around and brought it to a halt. He stepped out of the car and walked up to me. I said, "Listen, please go. You have done enough already. My mom's waiting."

  "I am sorry that happened to you, Blair. Believe me. I never meant for it to happen."

  I shook my head and said, "I have to go."

  I pushed past him and his over-privileged life.

  I hurried towards my mom.

  She stared daggers at Xander.

  I got in the car next to mom. Once I placed my seat belt on and drove away. I knew she was angry. Oh no, how do I get out of this now?



  Mom was furious, and she made it clear.

  She screamed at the top of her voice, “How could you let this happen, Blair?”

  I stared out the window determined not to look her in the face, but she wouldn’t stop talking.

  She said, “You have shamed the family. After everything, I went through with Mr. Cameron? I will be honest; I expected more from you. I am disappointed. What were you doing in the guy’s locker room? What were you doing there? Oh god, I sacrificed my life to make sure you had the best, and this is my reward? Hmm? A daughter who forgot who she is. I don’t want you hanging out with anyone. You will spend the next two days in your room reflecting on what you have done to this family and me. God, what was I thinking? I raised my girls to be better than this. Jason wanted to pick you up. But I refused to let him do so. Boy, he wouldn’t have been easy on you, and you know it.”

  She dint signal as she changed lanes.

  Holy freaking hell — I hadn’t seen mom this angry.

  I leaned back on the car seat and clutched my backpack to my chest.

  She turned momentarily to me before touring back to the face the road.

  She said, “you are lucky you are my daughter if not, I wouldn’t want to be around anyone who’s sleeping around. Are you still a virgin? Hmm?” I swallowed and tried my best to hold back tears. I let mom down. Would she even believe me if I tell I am still a virgin? I wondered. We arrived home. Mom got out of the car, walked over to my side, and slid the car door open. She grabbed my hand and yelled, “Now go to your room and stay there. I will deal with you later.”

  God, I cannot believe how ungrateful you are. You are messing with Mr. Cameron legacy. How does that make you feel?”

  God, I pushed past her and hurried to my room. I wondered whose side she was on — her lateness and lover. Yes, I said it, lover; it was an open secret even though she tried denying it. Everyone knew she had something sexual with Mr. Cameron. I let the door shut behind me. Then I slumped on the bed and sobbed my eyes out.

  My cell buzzed. I turned to see a message from Cassie. I thought about ignoring it, but then what good would that do? So I picked up the call. She said, “thank god I thought you wouldn’t pick up. What’s going on? Did you do it? I gasped and asked her, “Do what?”

  She said, “Did you hmm how do I put this… fuck all three? Sorry, I meant to say did you have sex with all three in the locker room? Come on, Blair tell me. Were they good? How big are their dicks?”

  I shook my head and said,” listen, the answer is no; we didn’t have sex.” I didn’t want to lie to her, but if she was a true friend, why didn’t she say something on my behalf. She always calls me after something insane happens. I finally told her, “nice of you to call me now. But you haven’t been on my side all this while.”

  She didn’t respond. For a moment, I thought about hanging up. But then I realized she was a true friend and was trying to make me feel better. I ran my fingers through my hair and apologized for my outburst.

  I let her know I have been dealing with a lot and could lose the scholarship if I don’t stay focused.”

  I doubt she was listening because she said, “It’s the rich girls. The queens of the school. They did it.”

  How do you know? What proof do you have? Can you tell me?

  She said, “I don’t know, but I heard Lindsey saying she had it in for you. She was the one who reported. She had you followed.’

  And how do you know this?

  I have ears around this school. You know the girl in my drama class, yes Jessica she is a cousin of Lindsey, and she can’t keep her big mouth shut even if she tried. So yeah, she is the one who told me all about it.

  Listen, I know you might not believe hit, but we have always had your back. We have always been there for you. We have to make the rich guys and girls pay for what they did to you. When you get back in school, I will have a plan drawn up then. Hey if you want me to stop by, the next couple of days with the school projects I will be happy to do so.

  I thanked her and said.that would be great.

  “Cool hang in there. We will not let the bullies win. I am glad you wouldn’t keep secrets. That is what friends are fore. Listen, I know your mom is mad how about I stop by your place tomorrow after class? You could tell her I stopped drop off study notes, and then maybe we can get a bite or something, Peter, Sally and Ethan would like to see you. We feel bad we should have been there for you from the start.”

  I thanked her and said, “It’s okay that would be great. I guess I wild to some studying tonight to catch up. Well, see you tomorrow then.”

  And With that, I hung up the line.



  The following day she kept her word and stopped by my place. Cassie, Sally Ethan, and Peter stopped by to cheer me up. Honestly, I couldn't stop talking about the parties and all the plans once I get done with studying.

  I smiled and said, "You know it will be great to have a break from all this." The left and that's when Cassie said, "you're right."

  I could use the break.

  "I didn't tell my crew that mom surprised me by letting all of them into the house?"

  They ch
uckled and said, "well I won't exactly call this a visit. we brought your study notes, and we're here with you to make sure you don't fall behind that's all."

  I laughed and then we go back to looking at the books.

  That's the moment Sally said, "you know we've had to study so freaking hard this school year. I mean we have daily tests when do we get a break?"

  It shouldn't be all about just getting good grades. Why don't they apply the same rules to the rich boys and the rich girls?"

  When she said those words, I thought about Xander.

  He's had such a privileged life.

  But then what dark stories laid underneath the calm exterior?

  Now even though he lately he's been incredible, a part of me still think, "I ought to be careful with him."

  I couldn't let my guard down.

  I guess you could say I am conflicted. I shouldn't underestimate the rich boys.

  They're up to something, and I could get hurt if I fall for their charms.

  You know what? Why don't we take a break right now? Peter suggested.

  I agreed we needed to take a break from studying. But then I couldn't get out of the house without mom noticing. That's the moment; Cassie got an insane idea.

  She said they would all walk out of the house and park the car close enough, so I could climb the window and join them. I thought about it for a minute.

  I thought oh no this is a bad idea, but hey what did I have to lose?

  They persuaded me to do it. So I agreed. I escorted them out towards the front door. The moment we stepped into the living room mom called out from the kitchen," Leaving already?"

  Cassie spoke and said "Yes thanks, MS. Myers. I think Blair's caught up on what she missed yesterday."


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