Well good. I am glad you all stopped by. It would have been nice to have you all stay for dinner or something.

  "Yes, maybe next time, MS. Myers," Cassie responded. And with that, they were out the door. I shut the door behind them and turned to mom. I asked to be excused from the dinner table. Mom raised an eyebrow. She asked, "Are you sure?"

  I said, "yes, I just want to get to lie down a bit. Looks good though mom."

  She nodded. Then she said, "Well, I guess I will save some for Jason then."

  "Yeah, mom, you do that."

  And with that, I hurried back to my room. I changed clothes and glanced out my window. The moment I noticed my crew pull up across the street, I jumped out the window and hurried towards the car. I got in, and we drove to the nearby roller rink. I laughed all the way there. I said, "Boy, it's only been a day. I don't think I can handle a couple more days of being cooped up in the house. What am I, eight?"

  Sally said, "yeah it's great to have you out the house with us. We will have fun tonight."

  And at first, that is we had fun skating around the ring to the sounds of classical music.

  Then we joked about the rich guys and the rich girls. But then all that stopped the moment all four rich girls step into the building. I gasped. What in the world are they doing here?

  Cassie leaned in and said, "oh ho, here comes trouble. Don't worry; we got your back."

  I nodded.

  The leader of the pack, Lindsey, walked up to me. My friends stood by my side.

  I frowned.

  She forced a smile.

  Then her girls stood by her side. I thought hell what are they doing in this part of town? Are they lost or something? Shouldn't they be up in their mansions sipping tea or drinking their lattes?

  I braced myself for whatever they had planned.

  I thought what's the worst that could happen, which girl one said, "we're here for a truce."

  I shrugged and shook my head a truce? Do you here to call it a truce? She nodded and said, "yes, that's exactly why we're here or were you thinking? I said to her, "I'm surprised why would you want a truce after everything you did."

  She smart and said, "We think it's the best thing for us. I mean, why can't we all be friends, right?"

  Her girls nodded.

  My crew frowned.

  Cassie leaned over my shoulder and whispered into my ear, "I wouldn't trust her if I were you." I nodded, and he just kept staring at Lindsey.

  I said to her, "if you did nothing, then why would you want a truce?"

  She laughed and said, "it's obvious you don't understand what happens at the elite school. We rule the school, and even though you have this great scholarship, they can rescind it just like that."

  And with that, the girls next to her snapped their fingers.

  I guess they wanted to reinforce what she said, but I found it very amusing.

  Sally seemed a little irritated.

  He said to them, "listen, we should probably take this outside and not messed things up here you come to our parts we can we can I deal with you."

  Lindsey laughed and said, oh I'm terrified now."

  She flipped her hair and said, "Listen, I want a truce so we can be friends. So where can I get my skating shoes? Let's have fun."

  Sally scuffed and looked away.

  That's the moment I gave her the benefit of the doubt.

  I said to her, "if you were here to call a truce, and that's what we're going to do but if you think you can come here and cause a fight or travel? I was don't care anymore because thanks to you guys I could lose my scholarship and even worse. So…"

  She cut me off and said, "we had nothing to do with that you know that don't you?" I stared into their eyes.

  I hated lies.

  But I felt I had to ask my crew’s opinion. Maybe, it's best to have a truce with the rich crew.

  The fewer problems I have, the easier it will be to graduate.Then again, I could easily mess things up and get transferred to a different school, but that would hurt mom.

  Linsey shook head, and then she pulled me aside and said, "Are you seriously considering her request?"

  I'd be lying if I said I wasn't because I was.



  I turned back to the rich girls and walked up to them.

  “So have you decided? Are you going to call your vicious crew down?” Lindsey said, glancing at my crew.

  “You should do so. We should all be friends?” She said, flipping her head from side to side. What int he world is she talking about? She just called my friends vicious. I could see Cassie clenching and unclenching her fist.

  I thought what’s the point of fighting. We were here to have fun, but the rich girls didn’t want a truce. They were here to provoke my crew. I took in a deep breath and exhaled. Freaking hell, I wouldn’t let them get away with it.

  “So what’s it going to be? Hmm? Are we friends now?” Lindsey asked. Then she slid her hair behind her ears. That’s the moment; I looked up to see Tyler walking into the room. I gasped and thought what’s going on tonight? Was tonight the rich kids visit the wrong side of the tracks night?

  My feelings for him also concerned me. I loved being with them, but I still wonder if the rich boys told the principal about our tryst in the bathroom.

  Or if they didn’t, then why did they get in trouble. The rich girls spun around to see who distracted me.

  They beamed when they Tyler walked into the room. Tyler’s assumed girl hurried to him. She wrapped her hands around his neck.

  He slid her hands off and made a beeline towards me.

  “Blair, can we go outside, please,” Tyler said. “We need to talk.”

  “What do we have to talk about?”

  He glanced around the room. Then focused his gaze back at me.

  “This thing between us.” He folded his arms and sighed. I averted his gaze. He ran his fingers through his hair and said, “Fine, Blair but just so you know….”

  He paused, leaned in and whispered into my ear, “You are gorgeous and you taste amazing.”

  And with that he pulled back and walked out the the building, leaving me stunned and speechless. But then as I turned, I realized a fight between the rich girls and my crew had begun. I guess one of the rich girls said something or got in my crew’s face because they fought and I got caught in the middle. Luckily, the owner of the establishment broke it off and asked us all to leave. I was worried he would report us to the authorities but the didn’t.

  When I retuned home mom was asleep. She didn’t know I stepped out, I fell onto my bed and tended to my bruised arm.

  Freaking hell—

  I sighed and decided to get some sleep.



  A few days later, I returned to Bexley.

  My body still hurt.

  Everyone's talked about the fight, and I knew right away that we had a problem, but a good one.

  No one would mess with us now. And of course, the students didn't. But then, later on, that day, I got called into Ms. Rosen's office.

  Is this never going to end? What now?

  I walked in to find Ms.Rosen pacing the room and livid.

  If I thought she was angry the last time this time around she is livid. She says to me, "haven't you learned a lesson. You go around fighting you will never win."

  I shrugged and frowned. It was rude of me, but this time around, I wasn't going to take the blame. The rich guys and the rich girls also had a hand in this, so why was I the only one getting blamed for things? These thoughts ran through my head, but of course, I didn't there say it

  I thought about it, but I didn't say a word. She shook her head. I'll be honest I've seen that look before. I braced myself for the worst.

  Then she said, "even if you were not at fault which I can tell by the way you're looking at me, you think so, you shouldn't have been there." She looked at me once more, her face riddled with disdain.

  I frea
king wanted the floor to open up and swallow me right at that moment, but it didn't. Ms. Rosen said, "you may go. I'll talk with the school board to determine your fate. It's unfortunate you messed up a good thing."

  Ms. Rosen rose up to her feet.

  She ushered me out the door.

  I nodded and left. I decided the rich girls wouldn't get away with this. Neither would the rich boys. They will pay for what they did. Later on, my crew asked if I wanted a ride. I declined. Besides Jason was supposed to pick me up. They wondered if "Are you sure."

  I said I'm fine, go ahead.

  And with that they drove away, leaving me behind the front of the school and hour went by of course Mario didn't show up.

  What the hell is going on now? I got worried as the clouds turned dark. This behavior was so unlike Mario. How could he leave me like this? That's the moment I wondered what was I thinking in the first place? I tried calling mom, but she didn't answer.

  Great, I am seriously screwed now.

  I guess I am screwed up now. The next thing I know Xander pulled up beside me. I glanced at him and shook my head. I thought, there's no way, I would get in his car. I asked him to keep on driving his black Tesla. He persuaded me to join him. After a while, I had no choice, so I did. I got in his car. He said he wants to take care of something on his way. I said, okay.

  After all, it's not like mom's waiting for me at home.

  I got in his car, and we drove to what looked like a nursing home. I asked what we were doing at the facility. He chuckled and said, "I volunteer here a few times a week."

  I nodded surprised to hear him say so. I blurted out as we stepped out of the car, "Is this for a scholarship or something?"

  We walked in and immediately Xander grabbed an apron, washed his hands, and began serving the men and women at the facility. He asked if I wanted to help out. And I did. That moment solidified how I felt about Xander. Maybe he wasn't so bad, after all?

  I watched as he fed the last patient. Then he turned to look at me and smiled. He introduced me to the patient, and he says this was his happy place. I nodded. She was an older lady who loved to talk about her past life as a ballet dancer. She asked if I loved to dance? I told her I used to until it got too expensive. She said, "Well if you want anything, you can call my daughter, and she will hand you all my stuff. I am sure you can make use of it."

  I blushed, touched by her compassion. She was a sweet lady who cared about me, even though we had just met. Once Xander got done with Volunteering. He thanked everyone, held my hand, and led me back to his Tesla. He asked if I wanted to go home or check out his favorite place. I wanted to learn more about him as I did the others.

  I wanted to know why they all seem guarded.

  But I wanted to learn about their shared tattoo.

  I nodded and agreed to go over to his favorite place. Pleased, he turned to me and smiled. He leaned in to kiss my trembling lips, but I pulled back. Shocked by my action, he asked, "What's wrong? Have I done anything."

  I cocked an eyebrow and said, "You know why I was asked to stay home? And why I got into the fight with your rich girls? That incident in the shower, that's why?"

  He chuckled.

  "Incident…well, I happen to think we all had a fun time pleasing you that day. I would love to do it again if given a chance."

  I sighed and said, "Be serious."

  "I am dead serious. Listen I had nothing to do with the video and whatever might have gone down. You have to believe me."

  I turned to him and said, "Could we table it? I want to see your special place, please."

  I will be honest. I thought Xander was going to take me up the home he shared with Killian and Tyler. But no instead we drove to a quiet, beautiful private beach. I gasped I hadn't seen anything like it before.

  I asked, "Wow, this is beautiful."

  "Thanks its been in the family for a while."

  "What? The entire beach?"

  He chuckled and said, "yes. My grandfather bought this place years ago, and my dad raised us here. Right in that home over there."

  We got out the car, Xander pulled a blanket from his trunk and set it on the sand. We then sat down on the beach and watched as the waves crashed the reefs.

  I stared in the distance and noticed a beautiful beachside home. I will be honest it did look a little run down though.

  As though reading my thoughts, he said, "Yes, no one has lived in it for years. I enjoy hanging out here because it's my special place before my dad's accident."

  I just had to ask about his dad's accident. So I said, "Accident?"

  He nodded and said, "Yes. We never talk about it, but dad changed after the fact. He became a recluse. He also got angry a lot. And when that happened, he would drink and push me out of the house for stupid things. I was nine when it happened. He called me weak. He said I would never live up to the Cameron name. So I got mad. That's why I got closer to grandpa. He raised me. Dad was the one who asked they fight your mom over grandpa money. I knew he would have wanted your mom to have what he offered her, but my father wouldn't let it happen. I tried to live up to dad's expectations and in the process lost sight of who I was."

  I trembled next to him. I slid my clothes off to the sand. The moonlight cast it's ideally low light on my petite body. He rose to his feet and slid his top off, the perfect moon's light cast shadows and caressed the hard panes of his ripped abs. I bit my lower lip desperate with need. I needed to touch him; I wanted to feel his body on mine. He pulled me close, cupped my face, and parted my lips with his magic tongue and slid me down on the blanket. The cool evening breeze moved over our bodies as he snaked his finger between my inner thighs. I let out an audible moan as his digits touched my most sensitive spot.

  "You are soaked.

  I said yes I have been soaking for you all day."

  He smiled and said, "God, I want you now."

  And with that, he slid between my legs and lowered his head on my glistening manicured curls. He flicked his tongue on the insides outsides and all sides of my intimate folds. I was mad with desire. His hands slid up my skin and captured my breasts, making me shiver with need.

  His bold tongue swiping between my legs and his fingers teasing my taut nipples sent me spinning into pleasures arms. I let go all over his face and unbelievable he lapped me clean. Then he slid up and kissed my lips. Skin to skin, he pressed his body on mine.

  He groaned, and then he moaned as our skin brushed tenderly against each other. His hardness pressed upon my softness — his hard member on my soft curls. His kisses deepened, but I wanted more. I wanted him inside. I wanted him to be my first.

  "Please!" I pleaded.

  I didn't need to explain what I desired. Xander understood. With a growl, he pushed apart my thighs and rolled the condom on his tremendous length. He pressed his tip against my aching emptiness and filled me with a desire that threatened my very existence.

  Holy fuck--

  I screamed as I pressed my palms on his back, urging, crying, pleading as his thick length engulfed and throbbed inside me.

  At first, I felt pain, but Xander's words as he teased my sensitive nub made me relax. he purred, "Relax baby, it's okay."

  Still, partially inside my virgin core, he held his position and won't let me pull away. He lowered again to me and lay still, his body draped over mine still. "It's okay, baby," he murmured into my ear. "It's okay, relax. You're fine, relax and let me in, darling. Breathe darling; I'll take it, slow darling, relax." He stayed rubbing my clit as his thickness stretched me some more.

  Tears streamed down my face.

  Xander whispered reassuring words into my ear, as he pressed his cock against my defenses. his deep thrusts opened me up as I writhed underneath him. Soon Xander got fully seated. He hissed in pleasure.

  The relief was instant on my end.

  I slumped limply back on the blanket, feeling a huge relief, a tremendous accomplishment. I gazed into Xander's eyes and murmured, "Oh wow, I didn't th
ink it would fit."

  I kissed him softly and captured his bottom lip as he stroked rhythmically in and out of me. I felt every contour of his exceptional thickness as he drove in and out my wanting walls. Whatever pain I initially felt had now turned to pleasure.

  Impaled by him, I stared into his eyes and smiled as his face contoured in pleasure. I moaned as he drove into me and I, in turn, lifted my hips to take In meet his relentless yet delicate thrusts. The waves from the ocean, the cool evening breeze became to the soundtrack to

  He slid almost out of me. I groaned. Xander looked into my eyes and growled. My Kegel ring held him within my intimate walls. He cried and purred, "I could stay inside you forever."

  I could feel him, thrusting, filling me until I could think of nothing but the intoxicating strokes of his cock and the harsh sounds of his breaths. With a scream, I felt my world shatter in a million tiny bits and felt him shudder as his cock pulsed, releasing his warmth into my core.

  Spent and tired from our mutual surrender, We stayed locked in each other's arms, sated .

  "Thanks for sharing your first time fucking with me, Blair. You are amazing."

  I smiled and stared into his eyes. Apart of me wanted to believe this was it, we were now one. No more taunts no more secrets. Now was the time to ask about his tattoos and why they live together in a house. But I did because I was so freaking tired, I drifted off to sleep wrapped in his arms.

  Life seemed perfect until it wasn't



  When I woke up, Xander was gone!

  That’s the moment my cell buzzed. It was a message from Cassie. I quickly opened it to see what she had to say. And that’s the moment I received the shock of my life. I heard the news you need to call me right away looks like they have expelled you. I winced and checked the other messages a couple from mom oh no what the hell is happening? And where’s Xander?

  I quickly called Cassie and asked, “what is going on?”

  She paused. I couldn’t take the silence any longer. I said to her, “Come on, Cassie, please for crying out loud tell me what happened.”


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