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Bearly Saved My Life: Madison Range Shifters (Quake Lake Bears Book 2)

Page 9

by Margery Ellen

  Heidi bared her panda teeth and snarled. Tom instantly stopped laughing.

  “I thought pandas were sweet and cuddly.”

  “Only when we want to be. The rest of the time, it’s a whole different story. Now, what about the children?” Heidi wasn’t going to lighten up until she knew exactly was going to happen.

  “They will be placed in foster homes.”

  “Homes? You mean they’ll be split up.” Heidi was starting to fume.

  “Well, yes. We don’t have anyone that is equipped to handle three shifter kids. The twins might be able to stay together, but not with the sister.” Tom was beginning to realize this argument wasn’t going to end well.

  “They just lost their parents and now you want them to lose each other? What if they stay with me until a home can be found. A home that can take all three of them?” She looked at Robert. “Do you think it would be okay with Charles. I’ll care for them. I’ll do everything and make sure they don’t bother Jackie.”

  “I don’t know. I’d have to talk to him,” he told her. “Tom, could it be done if Charlie agrees. Could they stay with us until a real home is found?” Robert wasn’t sure taking on three kids was a good idea, but he was ready to do just about anything to make Heidi happy.

  “It’s highly irregular, but if Charles agrees, I imagine it could be arranged. Luckily, fostering rules for shifter kids aren’t as strict as human kids. Right now, they need to be checked out by the medic when he arrives. He’ll determine if they need to be hospitalized or not and we’ll go from there.”

  “Thank you,” Heidi smiled, “now, if I can have a few minutes alone with Robert, I’d greatly appreciate it.”

  Tom gave her a nod and left them alone. Heidi waited until he was gone, then turned to Robert.

  “I’m sorry. I love you so much. I thought my heart would stop when I thought I might never see you again.” She stood there, staring at her feet, waiting for him to say something.

  “Heidi,” he whispered and put his arms around her. “I love you. I wasn’t going to let you go. That’s why I came looking for you.” They held each other. “I think we need to go and check on some kids. What do you think?”

  “I think it’s a great idea. Do you think Charles will let us bring the kids home?”

  “When he hears what I have to say, I think he will.” She gave him a questioning look. “I’ll tell you after I talk to Charlie. I think you’ll like what I have in mind.” He kissed her forehead. “Come on, let’s get out of here.”

  Airborne Rescue finally arrived. Robert was pleasantly surprised when he saw Dr. Shannon Stevens get off the helicopter.

  “Shannon, how are you?” He called to her.

  “Robert, what a surprise to see you here.” She gave him a smile. “I understand I have some patients.”

  “Right this way.” He took Dr. Stevens to meet Heidi and the kids.

  “Dr. Stevens is here to check the kids.” He introduced her. “Dr. Stevens, this is my fiancé, Heidi Chow, and these children are Simon, Colin and Elyse. Heidi found them yesterday afternoon and they spent the night in a cave. The children were on their own for four days before Heidi found them.”

  “Well, you sound like you’ve had quit an adventure,” she said to the kids. She looked at Heidi. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss Chow. Was Robert with you yesterday when you found the children?”

  “No, I was alone. I found them by accident.”

  “You were alone?” Dr. Stevens continued to check the kids while she talked to Heidi. “I’ll need to check you out as well. What were you doing out here?”

  “I was looking for the children. Robert went to look for the parents.”

  “But you said you found them by accident.”

  “Yes, I did. I found a cave for shelter for the night and they were there.”

  “Oh. And where are the parents?” She looked a Robert. He shook his head and glanced at the kids.

  “Our parents are dead,” Elyse spoke up. “Hunters killed them. My dad told us to run and hide when we heard shooting.”

  “I’m so sorry. Shot by hunters? I don’t understand. Were they murdered?” Colin started to cry and ran to Heidi.

  “I don’t like that lady, Miss Heidi. I don’t want to go with her. I want to stay with you.”

  “It’s alright, Colin. You’re not going anywhere with that lady.”

  “I think Search and Rescue will have something to say about that.” Dr. Stevens looked to Robert for his support.

  “The children are going home with Heidi and Robert.” Gary Morris, Shannon’s boss had walked up and heard the previous exchange. “They will be their foster parents until a permanent home can be found.”

  Elyse immediately ran to Robert and hugged him. “Really, we get to go home with you and Heidi?”

  “Yes. You are going home with us.” Robert hugged her back. He looked at Simon. “But, we’d better ask Simon, he’s the man in charge. What do you say, Simon? Would you like to go home with Heidi and me?”

  “Yes sir.” He didn’t say anything else.

  “Dr. Stevens, could I speak to you for a moment?” Gary wasn’t happy. Dr. Stevens and her boss walked off some distance so they wouldn’t be heard.

  “Shannon, what is the matter with you. You know better than to talk in front of victims, especially children. You have totally disrespected protocol, and what’s with the attitude?”

  “The children said their parents were killed by hunters. What is this about?”

  “That will all be explained to you later. It still doesn’t excuse your unprofessional behavior.”

  “I don’t know what’s the matter with me. I apologize, and I’ll apologize to Robert McCormick and his girlfriend.” She was embarrassed.

  “McCormick? The same McCormick that took you to lunch a while back?”

  Shannon nodded. “I’m sorry. I’ve been bothered by something else lately. It has nothing to do with Robert, really.”

  “All right, but when we get back, you and I are going to have a talk.”

  “Yes sir. I need to finish my exam.” Dr. Stevens returned to finish checking the kids. She apologized to Robert and Heidi for her behavior.

  “The children are fine. Nothing more than a little dirt and grime. Nothing a good bath and a hot meal can’t fix.”

  “Thank you, Shannon.” Robert shook her hand. Dr. Stevens packed up her equipment and headed for the helicopter.

  Robert walked over to talk to Gary Morris. “Captain Morris, is she alright?”

  “Hello McCormick, I didn’t recognize you at first. She’ll be alright. I’ll find out what the problem is. Can I ask you to keep this between us?”

  “Yeah, sure. Hope she feels better.”

  “Stanton gave us all the info we need for our report. Good luck with those kids.” They shook hands and the crew boarded the helicopter. They were in the air and gone in no time at all.

  Chapter 16

  Air rescue was gone and the SAR team packed up their gear.

  “What do you say we head back to base camp,” Robert asked the kids.

  “Can I have a piggy-back, Mr. Rob?” Colin asked.

  “I’d like to walk with Miss Heidi for a little while, then I’ll give you a ride. Okay.” Colin gave him a big smile.

  “Okay, Mr. Rob. I’m a good walker.”

  “Simon, are you ready?” Robert asked.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Good man, let’s go.” The team was already going down the mountain.

  “Can I catch up with Mr. Tom?” Colin asked.

  “Yeah, sure. Go ahead.” He yelled to the crew chief. “Chief, company coming.”

  Chief Stanton kept walking and watched the young man run to catch up. Colin marched along beside Tom as pleased as pie. It wasn’t long before Colin was sitting on Tom’s shoulders as they hiked through the woods. There wasn’t as much snow in the woods and it was easy walking.

  They didn’t have to do any searching, so it didn’t t
ake long to get back to their base camp. The crew truck was back and parked next to the motorhome.

  “What are they going to do with our parent’s motorhome, Mr. Tom?” Elyse asked the crew chief.

  “Well, I guess I’ll leave that up to Robert. He can sell it and put the money in a savings account for you.” Robert walked up while they were talking.

  “Could Mr. Robert keep it? At least for a little while. Maybe we could go camping in it one more time to remember our parents.” Elyse asked.

  “I think that can be arranged.” Robert kneeled and gave her a hug. “I’ll tell you what. Why don’t you go into the motorhome and see if there is anything you want to keep that belonged to your parents. Then we’ll clean out the rest and give it to someone that can use it. Heidi will go with you, okay?” Elyse nodded.

  While Heidi and the kids looked through the adult belongings in the motorhome, Robert discussed what was going to happen with his crew chief.

  “This is quite a responsibility you’re taking on, Robert. Three kids. You and Heidi are just starting out. Are you sure you want to do this?” Tom asked.

  “I have a plan, Tom. My little brother Mack found his mate last year. She’s human and too old to have kids. Mack has always wanted a family. I have to talk to Charlie and see what he thinks about the idea, but I think they would adopt those kids in a heartbeat. We’ll keep the kids with us for now and take them to meet Mack and Peg at Christmas. I know as soon as they see them, they’ll fall in love with them, we did.”

  “Yeah, you’re right on that point. That little Colin is a charmer.”

  Robert laughed. “It didn’t take long for him to talk you into giving him a piggyback.”

  “No, it didn’t. Simon might have a harder time adjusting. The young girl seems to understand and is accepting things.”

  “I think their parents did a good job of preparing them for something like this.” Robert rubbed the back of his neck . “We see so many orphans in the parks that don’t survive. I wish all shifter parents prepared their kids.”

  “Well, I hope it works out. Let me know if you need any help.”

  “Thanks Tom. I think I’ll go and see what my new family is up to.”

  Robert went to the motorhome and knocked on the door. Heidi peeked around the open door. She was in her underwear and a sweat shirt.

  “May I come in?” Robert asked.

  “Yes, but be quiet. The kids are taking a nap. They’re exhausted.”

  Robert closed the door and took Heidi in his arms. “I love you, Heidi. Please don’t ever scare me like that again. I don’t think my heart could take it.” He whispered.

  “Don’t worry, whatever I do, I’ll do it with you, not against you.” She kissed him. “I love you back.”

  “What would you say about taking a walk in the woods and getting naked? I want to fuck you so bad.” Robert whispered and snuggled her neck.

  “Robert McCormick, watch your language.” She whispered. “The children might hear you.”

  “Sorry, I can’t help it. I’ve been dreaming of having my cock in you since I got that damn phone call.” He grabbed her ass and pulled her against his hard cock. “I’m sorry, I can’t help it. I want you.” He continued to whisper as he slid his hand in her panties and fingered her wet pussy. Heidi moaned softly and moved against him. “You’re already wet for me.”

  “We can’t here, the kids.” She protested, but didn’t move away.

  “I have an idea. Come sit on my lap and we’ll see how quiet we can be.” Robert sat on the small couch in the motorhome. With Heidi facing him, he unzipped his pants and released his throbbing hard cock. As he pulled her towards him, she pulled her underwear to the side and lowered herself on his stiff shaft.

  “Oh. My. God. You feel so good.” Robert whispered as he sunk his cock as far as it would go. He grabbed her hips and slowly rocked back and forth. It didn’t take long for them to start to come at the same time. It was hard not making a sound. When they were done, Heidi didn’t move.

  “That was intense.” She whispered. She kissed his forehead and carefully climbed off his lap. She grabbed a small blanket off the sofa to wrap around her and dashed to the bathroom to clean up. She came back and handed him a washcloth so he could do the same.

  “Robert, there is a whole lot of food in here. I think there is enough to fix cheese burgers and hot dogs for everyone.” She cuddled up to him on the couch with his arms around her. “All these kids have had to eat is granola bars and soup.”

  “That sounds great. I think I saw a BBQ grill in the storage compartment and some charcoal. I’ll get that out and fire it up.” He gave her a kiss and got up. “I love you. Let me know if you need anything.”

  “You can slice the onions for me later, I don’t want to cry anymore.”

  That made Robert laugh. “Okay. I’ll be back in a while.”


  Cheese burgers and hot dogs were a great success. Everyone had plenty to eat. Colin complained of a belly ache because he ate too much. Randy let out a belch and made Colin laugh. Colin tried to do the same, but couldn’t

  “How do you do that?”

  “Come here and I’ll show you.” Randy showed him how to swallow air and belch. Colin tried and tried and finally let out a belch just as Heidi came out of the motorhome.

  “Tell me you did not teach that little boy how to belch.”

  “I did it, I did It. Miss Heidi, Mr. Randy taught me how to belch, I don’t have a tummy ache anymore.” He was so proud of himself.

  Randy tried to hide behind the little boy and everyone else busted up.

  “Well, in that case, I’ll allow it this one time.” She smiled at Colin, he was so cute. Randy whispered something to him.

  “Miss Heidi, can we see your panda? Peas, peas, pretty peas.”

  “Randy, stop encouraging him to be rude. He needs to know it’s not polite to ask that.”

  “Peas, Miss Heidi, can we see your panda.” Randy imitated Colin perfectly. Next thing she knew they were all saying “peas.”

  “Alright, alright. Give me a minute. Robert, would you join me over here please.” Heidi disappeared behind the motorhome and Robert followed. “Did you put them up to this?”

  “Not at all. I think Randy is in cahoots with Colin. Come here and kiss me.” Robert pulled her into his arms. “You know, I’ve never seen your panda.”

  “Alright. Make sure nobody peeks.” Heidi quickly undressed and shifted. Standing in front of Robert was the prettiest bear he had ever seen.

  “You’re beautiful.” The panda shook her head. “Come on, it’s show time.” Robert came around the motorhome followed by the cutest bear ever. Colin let out a squeal and ran to Heidi and gave her a big hug.

  “Mr. Rob, can I shift and play with Miss Heidi?”

  “No, I don’t think so. You know we must keep it a secret, remember. When we get home, you can ask her then.” Colin wanted to climb all over Heidi. “Alright, little man, let Simon and Elyse come over and see Miss Heidi. All of you give her a hug and then she has to change back.”

  Heidi shifted back. Robert made sure the kids didn’t come to her until she was dressed. When she was done, she gave Robert a hug.

  “You are the most beautiful panda I have ever seen.” He kissed her nose.

  “Thank you. I think I’d better get the kids to bed. Are we going home tomorrow?”

  “First thing in the morning. When we get to Deer Lodge, we’ll stop for breakfast and I’ll be able to call Charlie.”

  “Are you going to tell me what you’re up to?”

  “Not until I talk to Charlie. Come on, you get the kids to bed. I need to take care of business with the team. I’ll join you when I’m done.” When they came around the motorhome, everyone gave Heidi a round of applause and Heidi took a bow.

  “Thank you, Heidi. That was a treat.” Tom told her. “I’ve never met a panda shifter before.”

  “There aren’t very many of us. I’ll probably be t
he only one you ever meet.”

  “Until we have babies.” Robert added.

  “We’ll see.” Heidi blushed. “Time to put the children to bed. Come on kids, say good night.”

  Elyse went to each one of the rescue team and gave them a hug and a kiss goodnight. Colin followed suite. Simon said good night and gave them a hand shake which everyone understood. He was the oldest boy and head of the family now.

  The twins slept in the overhead, Elyse had the pullout couch. That left the double bed for Heidi. She laid on the bed to wait for Robert. By the time Robert joined her, she was sound asleep.

  Chapter 17

  Early the next morning, Heidi woke and wasn’t quite sure where she was. It didn’t take long to realize Robert was spooned against her back and Colin was curled up next to her.

  “Robert, are you awake?” She whispered. She felt him pull her against him and he kissed the back of her neck. “Robert, why is Colin in bed with us?”

  Robert raised himself up and looked over her shoulder. “I have no idea.” He whispered. He carefully got up to put Colin back in his bed.

  “Come on, little man, back to your own bed.” He whispered. He put him back to bed without waking him up, then returned to bed himself. Robert snuggled up to Heidi. “Did you miss me?”

  “Yes, I did, my back was getting cold.” That made him chuckle as he snuggled up tighter.” His hands started to wander and cupped her breast as he kissed the back of her neck. “I love you, Heidi. Promise you’ll never leave me.”

  Heidi slowly rolled over to face him. “I love you, Robert. I promise I’ll never leave you.” She could feel his erection against her belly.

  She put her leg over his hip and reached for his cock. She softly rubbed his cock against her slit. That made Robert moan. She slowly rolled him back and got on top of him, sliding his cock into her warmth. She rode him slowly. Her long black hair curtained around them.

  Robert moved with her. They were both getting close. Robert quickly flip them over so he was on top. He reached between them and gently rubbed her clit. That got Heidi panting and moaning, she put her hand over her mouth to keep from screaming. Three more thrusts and he buried his cock in her as far as it would go. He buried his face in the pillow so his roar wouldn’t be heard. Heidi’s pussy milked him dry. He collapsed beside her and pulled her to him.


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