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Bearly Saved My Life: Madison Range Shifters (Quake Lake Bears Book 2)

Page 16

by Margery Ellen

  Reluctantly, Heidi agreed and they all went back into the house. Robert told Mack where to find Colin and followed Heidi. Robert realized the night before, Mack was a natural when it came to handling kids, it was a shame he never had any of his own. Now he had a family and Robert knew Mack would make everything better.

  It was about an hour before Mack finally came in with Colin sound asleep in his arms. No one made a sound as Mack quietly carried his sleeping son to his room and put him in bed. Mack made himself comfortable next to Colin and held him while he slept. There were a dozen things Mack needed to do for the events of the next couple of days, but it would all have to wait, he was where he needed to be.

  Bill and Mary went home, Jeremy and Andrea were spending the day and night, it was too cold out to take the baby home. Everyone else finally relaxed. Jackie and Charles retired to their room so Jackie could rest.

  “Where did he find him?” Paula finally asked.

  “Hiding in one of the compartments under the motorhome.” Robert answered.

  “Did Mack find him, or did you?”

  “I did,” Robert told her, “but I felt it was Mack’s place to go to him. Whatever happened between you and Colin, I’m sure he’ll understand.”

  “I hope so. I must apologize to you and Heidi, I should have talked to you about what happened before getting mad at a little boy that has recently been through so much.”

  Robert sat beside her and held her hand. “I’m sure everything will be fine, Mack seems to have a way with kids, especially these kids, let’s wait and see,” he wanted to change the subject, “now, I’m starving, what’s for dinner?”

  Chapter 29

  Peg and Heidi started dinner. Elyse set the table and Simon played on the floor with some of his toys.

  “Nanna, where’s Colin?” Simon asked.

  “He’s taking a nap with papa. I’m sure they’ll be down in time for dinner.”

  “Are you mad at Colin?” Heidi looked at Peg, curious what she would say.

  “No, I’m not mad at him, I think he’s mad at me. I said something to him I shouldn’t have.”

  “Everybody gets mad at Colin, he talks too much.” Simon continued to play on the floor as he talked. The conversation was interrupted when Mack walked into the kitchen.

  “We have a problem,” he went straight to Peg, “Colin isn’t feeling well, he has a fever. I think you better go to him.”

  “I’ll call Doc.” Peg reached for her phone.

  “Peg, go to Colin. If you still think we need Doc, I’ll call him.” Peg gave him a curious look and left to check on Colin.

  “Papa, is Colin really sick?” Elyse asked.

  “He’s sick in his heart and right now Nanna is the only one that can make it better.”

  Elyse nodded her head. “I think I understand.”

  “Good. Now, is there anything I can do to help?”

  “Everything is almost done,” Heidi told him, “I was just going to check on Andrea and the baby. Do you know if Jeremy is still with her?”

  “I think it’s about time he took a break. Come on, let’s go check.” Mack headed for the guest room. Jeremy was coming down the hall.

  “How are you doing, dad?” Mack asked with a laugh.

  “I had no idea having a baby was going to be so stressful, I’m exhausted,” but he said it with a smile. “You don’t mind if Josh comes by, do you?”

  “Not at all. Does he know yet?”

  “No, I just realized I hadn’t called him. He’s going to be pissed I didn’t call him when she went into labor. He’s been like a mother hen.”

  “Well, be sure to invite him to dinner. How’s Andrea and the baby?”

  “They’re awesome. Mack, is Colin okay?”

  “Yeah. He’s been through a lot and he’s been putting up a good front. We thought it was Simon we had to worry about, only to find out it’s been Colin holding everything in. He’s a very sad little boy.”

  “If Josh and I can do anything to help, just ask.”

  “Thanks Jeremy.”

  “By the way, we named her Bella. According to Colin, she told him that was her name. He’s an awesome little kid.”

  “We’ll talk more about that later, call Josh before he disowns you.” Mack looked in on Andrea. She looked like she was sleeping, but she heard him.

  “Mack, is everything alright?”

  “I’m supposed to be asking you that,” he laughed, “how’s the baby?”

  “She’s beautiful, come and see.” Mack went in to see the sleeping baby all dressed in pink. “Peg had to give me the babies Christmas gifts early so I’d have something to dress her in.”

  “It’s amazing how all those blue baby clothes turned pink.” Mack teased.

  “Alright, I wanted a boy for Jeremy, but it turns out, it didn’t matter. Jeremy loves her.”

  “Of course, he does,” Mack admired the sleeping baby, “you’re right, she is beautiful. I’m going to steal Jeremy from you for a while so you can rest and he can have a beer.”

  “That sounds like a great idea, I think he could use one about now. Thank you, Mack.”

  “That’s what friends are for.” He gave her a smile and left. Heidi stayed with her for a while before going back to the kitchen.

  It wasn’t long before Heidi announced dinner was ready. Everyone came to the dining room. Josh, Jeremy’s brother, brought Andrea a fresh change of clothes and a basket for the baby to sleep in. Peg and Colin were still MIA. Half way through dinner, they finally came down to eat.

  Colin kept his eyes down, he didn’t want anyone to see he’d been crying. Simon went to him and gave him a hug. “I love you, Colin,” he whispered.

  When everyone finally finished dinner, Elyse and Heidi cleared the table, Charles and Robert did the dishes.

  “Hey, Charles, Robert, everything is all set. The bonding ceremony is all arranged,” Mack announced, “tomorrow evening at six.”

  “Where at?” Charles asked.

  “The banquet room at the lodge.”

  “The lodge is closed, isn’t it” Charles remarked.

  “What better time to have a shifter ceremony, only those that have been invited will be there. We’ve arranged an informal dinner after. I hope that’s okay. Besides, it’s already decorated for the wedding.”

  “Sounds perfect. Thanks Mack.”

  “No problem, big brother. Glad I could help.”

  Robert hugged Heidi. “Are you excited?”

  She gave him a brave smile. “I can’t believe it’s really going to happen,” she sighed, “I was afraid you would be ashamed of me and back out.” She looked up at him. “There’s still time to change your mind.”

  “I will never change my mind, I love you.” He hugged her tighter and kissed the top of her head. “I couldn’t imagine my life without you.”

  While they stood there, Colin came to them and tried to hug both of them. “Don’t be sad, aunt Heidi, I still love you and uncle Robert. You’re going to have lots of babies to keep you busy, you won’t even miss me.”

  “I will miss you,” Heidi protested with a laugh, “and were are all these babies going to come from?”

  Colin patted her belly, “Right here.”

  Robert was catching on to Colin’s quirks. “Colin, does Aunt Heidi have lots of babies there now?” The room got very quiet. Peg was about to retrieve Colin and froze in her tracks. Colin nodded. Robert looked at Heidi. “Heidi, are you pregnant?”

  “I don’t think so,” she looked at Robert, “I don’t know.” She looked at Colin. “How many is lots?” Colin played with his fingers for a moment and then held up three.”

  “Whoa, triplets?” Charles bellowed, “congratulations little brother.”

  “Hold on, we don’t know for sure, yet.” Robert replied.

  Heidi looked Colin in the eye and he smiled. “Yes, Robert, I think we do.”


  Heidi sat down and gave Colin a hug. “Boys or girls?”
she whispered in his ear.

  “Two boys and a girl.” He whispered back.

  “What was that?” Robert asked.

  “I can’t tell you, it’s a secret and only Colin can tell you. Do you want to tell Robert?”

  Colin shook his head, “It’s a secret.”

  “I’ll tickle it out of him.” Robert threatened. Colin ran and hid behind Mack. Everyone laughed as Robert went after him.

  “Sorry brother, he’s under my protection now, I can’t let you have him.” Mack said with all seriousness.

  “That’s not fair, you’re my brother, we’re family.”

  “Yup, but he’s my son. He came to me for protection.”

  Robert turned around and looked at Heidi. “I guess I’ll just have to tickle it out of my mate.”

  “No, no, no.” Heidi ran and stood behind Jeremy. “You’re the sheriff here, you have to protect me.” Everyone was laughing so hard, they never heard the knock at the door. Luke and Paula walked in.

  “What in the world is going on in here,” Luke asked.

  “Oh Luke, you’ve missed all the excitement. Jeremy is the proud poppa of a beautiful baby girl and Colin just informed Heidi, she’s going to have triplets.” Robert informed him.

  “Well, I’d say congratulations are in order.” He set a grocery bag on the counter and pulled out two bottles of champagne. “Anyone have a glass?”

  Mack got wine glasses out of a cabinet. “These will have to do.”

  Luke poured a glass of champagne for everyone. “I’m sure a couple of sips won’t hurt anyone. A toast. To our beautiful women, may we be as strong.”

  They all sipped champagne. Jeremy left the room and came back with his beautiful baby girl in his arms to show her off.

  “You said Colin told you.” Luke remarked to Robert.

  “That’s right. He told Andrea she was going to have a girl and she was ready to be born, even told us her name. Then he told Heidi she’s having triplets. Heidi didn’t know she was pregnant.”

  “So, what was all the fuss about when we walked in?”

  “Colin has a secret about the triplets and won’t tell me.” Robert told him.

  “I see,” he looked at Colin, “if you can keep that secret, you’ll make a good FBI agent one day.” Colin peeked out from behind Mack and smiled at Luke. Luke looked at Colin and thought about everything Robert said. “It appears that your little man there has a gift. I think Vicki and Dorran need to come and visit with him when they get back from the north.”

  “Why would they do that?” Peg asked.

  “Well, it seems our Vicki is the host of a great wise spirit, a healer and she can see things no one else can. She can see in to the past and the future. I’ve witnessed it myself. Dorran’s people call her the Spirit De Kloka. They have gone to see an old wise man up north to explain everything to her.”

  “Jackie said something about Dorran being a healer.” Peg looked at Luke.

  “Yes, he is, and he is very good at what he does.”

  “Jackie mentioned that, also.”

  “Well, enough of this talk for now,” Luke raised his glass, “congratulations to Charles, Robert and to Jeremy.”

  Chapter 30

  The evening finally came to an end. Peg and Mack tucked the children in bed, those that were going home, left, and everyone else called it a night. Robert and Heidi decided to spend the night in the motorhome. It was the first time they had been alone in weeks. Always taking care of the children, always having other people around.

  “Finally, alone,” Robert breathed a sigh of relief, as he wrapped his arms around Heidi. He kissed her neck and made his way up her throat to her mouth, where he kissed her with so much passion, it took her breath away.


  “Um hum.” He continued to ravish her neck. When she didn’t answer, he stopped and looked at her. “What’s the matter?”

  “Can we talk for a few minutes, it’s the first time we’ve really been alone since we met.”

  “Can’t we talk later?” He kissed her forehead.

  “I’d like to talk now. Please.”

  “Can I undress you while we talk?” he whispered, kissing the tip of her nose. Suddenly, she stiffened and tried to move away from him. Memories of her past and her boss came rushing back.

  He instantly realized his error when he saw the fear in her eyes. “Oh, Heidi, forgive me. I’m sorry. Come and sit down. Of course, we can talk.” He knelt in front of her and held her hands. He kissed each one. “Please forgive me, I didn’t mean to scare you.” He leaned forward and kissed her stomach. “How are my babies?”

  “That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. Robert, how can Colin know these things? I don’t even know if I’m pregnant. Shouldn’t we make sure first, before we start making plans for triplets?”

  He gave her a questioning look. “You don’t think you’re pregnant?”

  “I didn’t say that, I don’t know if I’m pregnant.”

  “We could go and get one of those pregnancy test kits, would that help?”

  “I don’t think they work this early.” Suddenly, her eyes got real big. “Robert, remember when Colin said I was going to have a panda girl?” Robert nodded. “Do you think he could have known then? Do you think he knew I was pregnant three weeks ago?”

  “I don’t know. I should have been able to scent a change in you. We all knew Andrea was going to have a girl from the day she found out she was pregnant.”

  “So, you can tell the sex of the baby, too.”

  “Usually. I keep forgetting you never knew about any of this. You haven’t met Nancy, yet, Bill’s adopted daughter. We could tell she was pregnant, but we couldn’t tell if it was a boy or a girl. It was because she was having twins and we didn’t know. Does Colin know?” Heidi nodded. “Oh, my, god.”


  “Maybe that’s why we can’t tell if Jackie’s baby is a boy or a girl, she’s having twins. I’ll bet Colin knows.” Heidi started to laugh.

  “Now what?”

  “She could be having triplets. That’s way too many babies for one house. When we get back, you’re going to have to get busy and build us a house.”

  “No, remember the other night when Mack asked Charlie? He said, boy or girl, it didn’t matter, he’d love them both. They’re having twins.”

  Heidi gave him a big smile. “I think you’re right.” She thought for a moment, calculating in her head. “If I am pregnant, that means I’ll be due early April. How do you feel about becoming a dad?”

  “You’ve given me the best Christmas gift ever, you’ve made me very happy. I couldn’t help thinking about how much we were going to miss Elyse and the boys. Now we’ll have our own children. Are you going to tell me?”

  “According to Colin, you’re going to have two boys and a girl.”

  “Two big, strong boys to look out for, and protect, their cute little panda sister. Heidi, you have made me the happiest man in the world.” He leaned in and kissed her.

  She put her arms around his neck and kissed him back. “And you have made me very happy. I think we should go to bed, I want to show you how much I love you.” She took his hand and walked to the bedroom. Robert enjoyed one of the best nights of his life.


  The next morning, when Robert and Heidi walked into the kitchen, no one was there. “Anybody home?” Robert called out. No answer. “Where is everyone?”

  “They all went down to the café,” Jeremy told them as he walked into the kitchen with Bella in his arms.

  “To the café? What in the world are they doing there?”

  “Bill wanted to give Peg a break. She’s been working like crazy getting everything ready for the wedding and the kids. Bill wanted to fix everyone breakfast for a change so she wouldn’t have to. He invited all our friends. You better get down there if you want breakfast. You can use Peg’s snowmobile.”

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m going
to take Andrea and the baby home. She wants to rest and be ready for the ceremony tonight. If you guys want to go, I’ll close up. Congratulations, by the way. Are you really having triplets?”

  “According to Colin.”

  “That is one amazing little kid.”

  “No kidding.” He looked at Heidi. “Are you hungry?”

  “I’m starving.”

  “Okay Jeremy, we’ll see you tonight. Take care of that little beauty.”

  “I will. Get going or you’ll miss out.”

  Robert and Heidi joined everyone at the café. Bill was making omelets and pancakes for everyone. When they arrived, Colin ran to them.

  “Aunt Heidi, Uncle Robert, this is really cool, Uncle Bill owns his own restaurant and he knows how to cook, too.”

  Robert laughed. “He does? Wow.”

  “You’re silly, Uncle Robert, you knew all along, huh.”

  Robert picked him up. “Yup, I’ve known Uncle Bill for a long time. You know what else?” Colin shook his head. “I know the secret.”

  Colin looked at Heidi. “Did you tell?” he whispered.

  “Yes, but I didn’t tell anyone else, so it’s still a secret, okay?” she whispered.

  “Okay.” He whispered back.

  “Alright big guy, we need to get something to eat, we’re hungry.” He set Colin down and they joined Mack and Peg. “Is everything okay this morning?”

  “Yes, I think yesterday was a combination of being in a new place, being over tired and a little sad. I think Colin will be alright now. We’ll take things slow.” Peg told them.

  “Good. I think we figured out why we can’t scent Jackie’s baby.”

  “Because she’s a cat, right?” Mack said.

  “I think she’s having twins,” Robert whispered, “and I’ll bet Colin has known all along. I don’t want to spoil Charlie’s surprise, so don’t say anything.”

  “I’ll bet you’re right,” Mack replied, “how are you guys doing after receiving your news?”

  “Couldn’t be better. We realized Colin actually told us three weeks ago, but we weren’t paying attention.”


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