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Single Dad Boss: A Small Town Romance

Page 95

by Kara Hart

  “I don’t know why I’m helping you,” I admit. “I’ve never helped anyone in my life. I’m a snake, don’t you see? I belong in the shadows.”

  “Do you always speak in riddles?” she asks. “It’s kind of weird, you know.”

  I smile slightly. “Today could be my last day on this earth,” I say. “So I took a chance. I followed you.”

  “Don’t you know how fucking creepy that is?” she asks me. I’m standing close to her now. I can practically feel her. Her breath quickens. When she breathes in, her tits press against her shirt and I can’t help but stare directly at them.

  “Judge me all you want,” I tell her. “It’s like I said. Today could be my last day here. Carpé diem, right? This is me seizing the day.”

  She swallows hard when I say the word, “seize,” and I wonder just how wet she is right now. She’s practically trembling against me.

  “I don’t care about helping you,” I say. I can see her house in the distance. “I care about fucking you. I care about taking you behind this trashcan, ripping those black panties off, and stuffing my face between those dripping legs. I care about making you cum, over and over again, until you beg me to stop because the pleasure is too strong for you to handle.” I gulp down hard and I realize our bodies are touching. Shit. If anything were to happen, now would be my chance.

  I move my hand over her tits, thinking about all of the ways I would rip the seam to set them free. God, they look incredible. My cock presses against my suit pants. It’s getting harder and thicker by the second.

  “Don’t,” she whispers, shaking. “Just don’t.” She closes her eyes and I pull my hand back. Be a gentleman, I think to myself. I take a step back.

  I quickly turn around and walk away from the scene. She’s left standing at the exit of the alleyway to her house. “It was nice talking to you. See you on the other side,” I mutter, about to turn the corner.

  “Wait,” she calls out. I stop, but I don’t turn around. I just want to hear those words: Stay. Come to my house. Peel back my panties and fuck my brains out.

  Of course, that’s just a fantasy I’ve built up in my head. I’m a crazy person, right? I’m a nobody who’s hell bent on killing everyone before going out in a blaze of glory.

  “Will I see you again?” she asks.

  “If you want to,” I say.

  She hesitates. I have no fucking idea what’s going on in her head right now. She says “Maybe I do. Maybe I don’t. I’m not sure yet.”

  “What’s your name?” I ask her. “I never got it.”

  “Bianca,” she says.

  “Maybe I’ll see you soon, Bianca. Then again, maybe you won’t. We’ll have to see.” I turn the corner and I don’t look back.

  Bianca. Shit. I’m destined to be thinking about that ass and those tits all night.



  Holy shit. Holy fucking shit. Did that really just happen? Did he really just try and fuck me back there?

  I take a few deep breaths and feel the rush of adrenaline and excitement flood my body. My heart is going crazy, beating like a hummingbird’s. I run straight into my room and slam the door, pressing my back against the wood.

  “Holy shit!” I whisper to myself.

  Part of me thinks he’s a total pig. Just another made man, looking for another side chick or gumad. Then again, he did kind of save my ass back there. At least he got my purse back.

  I think to myself, that’s what chauvinists do though! They save you so they can get some kind of hold on you. He’s not a nice guy. He’s a killer. Stay away.

  But the way he was looking at me, the way his eyes widened as he stood near me, was proof he desired me more than anything else in the world. At least, those are the delusions that run through my mind.

  Don’t. It was probably in my best interest that I told him to back off, but that didn’t keep me from fantasizing about the whole encounter. I will never actually get together with him. I don’t get with men like him. It’s fucking hot to fantasize about though.

  I lock my door and squeeze out of my dress. I look down and run my hand across my pussy. I’m soaking wet. Fuck. I fall into bed and close my eyes, running my fingers over my wetness.

  I imagine him, tapping on my window. I don’t open it for him, so he breaks it open himself. I don’t say a word as he crawls into my bedroom. It’s night and he blends into the darkness. He’s in between my legs now, forcing them open with his big hands.

  He slips his tongue around my clit, swirling it around my lips. When his mouth is around me, he slides two fingers in and rhythmically eats me. He sucks on my lips and clit like no other man has before. He's hungry for me. It's like he's been dreaming about this for years. He's drinking water in a dry desert, soaking up what's left.

  I'm pressing his head against my core, forcing as much pressure as I can against me. When he's finished with me, he picks me up and sets me on his cock. I sit on him, moving my hips from side to side. “Cum all over my shaft. I want to feel your wetness,” he says with those threatening eyes. I smile and grind downwards.

  He's inside me, deep. I can feel his head hit just the right point of my g-spot. Our breathing folds in and out, bouncing off the walls of my room. “Don't wake my parents,” I say.

  But he doesn't give a fuck. He holds me down and pounds away. Then he shoots his cum inside of me, pushing it in as deep as it can go. He falls back to his knees, to finish what he started. That's when I cum.

  My knees buckle and my toes curl in. It's my fantasy and it’s left me squirming and wet. I rub my fingers around my clit slide my dildo inside. It vibrates wildly and I cum. I cum so hard that I have to sit up to try and get ahold of my body. “Fuck!” I scream, immediately covering my mouth out of fear that one of my family members can hear me.

  I sink back under my bed sheets, put my pillow over my face, and scream. What's wrong with me? Do I really want a guy like him to sneak into my room and have his way with me?

  He told me he wanted to stuff his face in between my legs. He said he wanted to take me behind a dumpster and leave me soaking. In all of my life, I've never had a man say something like that to me. My ex sure as hell never did. It was so fucking dirty.

  Outside my window, it's still afternoon. I clean myself off in the shower and put on some pajama pants. Okay, I tell myself, what happened in there is just fantasy. That's it. None of it's actually real. If I see him again, I'll just tell him to leave me alone. That's it. No harm done, right?

  There's a knock on my door and the sound of Dad’s voice. “Honey, you in there? You okay? I heard a loud yell or something.”

  Oh, God. Please tell me my dad did not just hear me... I open the door and peek my head out. “I dropped my curling iron,” I lie, “but I’m fine. It almost hit my toe.”

  “Oh,” he says, “sorry sweetie. Hey, you busy? You want to get lunch or something? I think I have to get out of this house for a bit.”

  “Sure. Let me just put something on,” I say, closing the door and taking a deep breath. That was… awkward. Still, I never pass on a chance to bond with my dad. It’s been a long time since I’ve even been home, and I can tell he’s been lonely lately.

  “Alright, Dad.” I open the door and walk out into the living room. “You ready?”

  “Ready as ever,” he says, grabbing the keys to his brand new Tesla car. Yeah, he is definitely going through his mid-life crisis. Lucky for him, he’s a single guy with a slew of money behind him.

  We jump in the car and he puts on a pair of old sunglasses, turning on the radio. “Let’s do this!” he yells, looking at me while smiling. On the stereo is AC/DC and with each guitar strum, he bangs his head.

  “Dad, will you watch the road?” I whisper at him.

  “What’s the matter? You hate AC/DC?” he laughs and cuts through a gas station to avoid a light.

  “As a matter of fact, I do,” I say, holding on to the handle above my door. We zip through another corner and the ca
r skids loudly. “Come on!” I yell, but I can’t help but smile. He’s laughing loudly, enjoying the fact that his daughter is having fun with him for once in his life.

  When he sees the small burger shack ahead, he pulls off into the dirt and comes to a halt. “Here we go,” he declares. “The best burger in all of Detroit.”

  “Man, I haven’t been here in ages,” I say, getting out of the car. I walk slowly with my dad up to the wooden shack and smile. “Remember when we used to always come here Friday night?”

  “Damn right I do,” my dad says. “I used to look forward to it all week.”

  It’s cute, the way my dad reminisces. I totally forgot about this place, but there are memories here. It’s the small things in this city that really make me want to come back sometimes. Even though the city is half vacant or destroyed, there are things on the outside that call to me. Simple things, like this this burger shack.

  “Two cheeseburgers, and an extra-large fry for us to share,” Dad says to the cook at the window. The guy nods amidst a plume of smoke. He throws two patties on the grill.

  “Don’t forget the milkshakes!” I yell. “Chocolate please.”

  “Ah, I almost forgot!” My dad smiles and pays at the register. It’s not long before our food is hot and ready to eat. We sit down on a bench outside and enjoy the view.

  “So, what’s up? I feel like I haven’t seen you in years. How’s school?” He takes a big bite from his burger and chases it down with the shake.

  I’m already halfway through my food, devouring every bit of it. That booze earlier left me starving. I swallow and say “It’s good. I’m halfway done at least. It’s a little weird going back to school at my age though.”

  He shrugs. “It’s less weird than going back when you’re 40 like I did. But finishing school becomes easier with age,” he says.

  “Yeah, I guess you’re right,” I say, mouth completely full. “I’m chugging along.”

  There’s a short silence as we sit and digest all of the grease. Finally, he says “Tell me, what’s the boyfriend situation. I haven’t heard anything about Travis in a while.” He looks at me, smiling and I feel my face turn red. I absolutely hate talking about my love life with any of my family members. I probably always will.

  “Travis? You remember him?” I ask him. “He was… interesting. Not really relationship material, I would say. Let’s just say that I don’t think he knows how to stay with one woman for a long period of time.”

  Dad sets his burger down and wipes his hands off. “I’ll kill that son of a bitch,” he says. “Just give me his info. Me and Ricky are going to pay him a visit.” He makes a few gestures of strangulation and laughs. This is our family, joking about handing my exes over to the Don.

  “He’s fine. He’s been dealt with,” I roll my eyes. “Anyway, how are things here? Besides gramps, of course.”

  He sighs and stares off into the distance. “Oh, it’s okay. The city is getting better, so that’s always a plus,” he says. “But I’m getting tired of the same old game. All I hear about is the damn ‘family business.’ I’m getting to be an old man now. I want some adventure before I go.”

  “You’re not an old man, Dad. Fifty is the new thirty,” I laugh. “What you need is a good woman.”

  “What I need is your brother to move out,” he shakes his head. “I swear. He’ll be 40 years old before he’s gone. It’s driving me crazy.”

  “You need a woman and for Giovanni to leave,” I say. “Just kick him out already. You’ve been telling him to get a job for years. He can’t mooch off you forever, Dad.”

  He waves his hand at me and groans. “What can I do? Leave him on the streets? He’s my son. I have to be there for him, even if I don’t always like it.”

  “Oh, bullshit. You don’t have to let family drag you down, Dad,” I tell him. “I’m worried about him. As much as I dislike him, he’s still my brother. I’m afraid he’s going to get more involved with Ricky and everyone.”

  “He already has. I don’t know what to do about it. I hardly see him most nights. He’s always hanging around Ricky’s club,” he says. He’s not looking at me. I can tell it’s hard for him to even admit. “And when he isn’t, I’m pretty sure he’s out making money for them.”

  “Dad, is he slinging on the streets?” I ask him.

  “I don’t know what the hell they’ve got him doing,” he says. “But I’d rather him sling drugs on the streets than be a made man. If he starts shooting people, I don’t know what I’ll do.”

  “Jesus,” I whisper to myself. “I didn’t know it was that bad. I thought he just romanticized the whole Italian thing. I didn’t know he was actually gearing up to be promoted within the ranks.”

  “Who the hell knows with that kid? He never lets me in,” he says. “He acts like I’ve betrayed the family by not meddling in any crime. You know me, Bianca. I used to get involved in all of that shit. It’s just not a good plan in the long run. You either die or you get caught. There’s really no other option.”

  “You don’t have to tell me,” I shake my head. “I know about it. Try not to worry too hard, Dad. I’ll be a lawyer in no time and I’ll handle all the family cases if I have to.”

  It’s not in my life plan to be the family lawyer, but I can tell all of this stuff is eating away at my father. If anything, I need to get my brother out of this place or he’s going to do lasting damage.

  “Bianca, that’s the last thing I want for you. You have to help people who need it.” He crumples his burger wrapper and finishes his milkshake. “I think I’m about to explode.”

  “Same. You ready to go?” I ask him.

  “Ready when you are,” he says.

  We walk slowly back to the car and I lazily fall onto the leather seat. “Ugh. Food coma,” I mutter. “I think I’m going to sleep the rest of the day.”

  He starts the engine and rolls out of the dirt lot, making his way back onto the dilapidated road toward the freeway. In the back of my mind is that man, Hunter. I can’t stop thinking about him.

  He’s a total creep, sure. But something tells me there’s more to him. Maybe I’m just being naïve. I grew up with these mobsters though. And nobody acts like him. He’s outside the realm of even their world. Part of me thinks he’s not even involved with any gang.

  Maybe he’s like Robin Hood or something. Either that or he’s a hitman. Jesus. Have I been fantasizing about fucking a hitman? No, I can’t. I can’t get with someone like that. Could I?

  “Dad?” I blurt out. “Have you noticed anyone weird hanging around the house lately?”

  “Anyone weird?” he wonders aloud. “Sure. There’s been plenty of weird people around, especially lately with all of the attacks. Everyone’s been on edge and I’ve seen a lot of new faces. You have to get your soldiers ready in case a war breaks out.”

  “But like, have you seen any older guys, maybe in their mid 30’s? I’m talking about experienced looking criminals,” I say.

  My dad slows down his driving and looks at me out of the corner of his eyes. “What’s gotten into you?” he asks. “Why are you asking?”

  “No reason,” I lie. “I just saw someone at the funeral. He just kind of stood out to me is all.”

  “My God,” he laughs, “you have a crush!”

  “Dad, no,” I shake my head. “It’s not like that. I—”

  “You’ve got a crush, dammit!” He ruffles my hair. “Don’t lie to your father. I know everything. Go ahead, tell me about him.”

  “Okay, first of all, I don’t have a crush,” I begin. My chest tightens up with annoyance. “Second, I’m dropping this now. I was just wondering because he seemed weird. I’m just looking out for you.”

  “Well, everyone at the funeral was someone I’ve seen before,” he says. “At least, I think. I was kind of busy grieving.”

  “I know,” I sigh.

  We get home in ten minutes and the sun is beginning to head down from its afternoon blaze. I jump out of the
corner and hug my father. It’s been a rough week for him and he deserves all the love in the world. God knows my brother won’t acknowledge his pain.

  “I had fun, Dad,” I tell him honestly. “We should do this more often.”

  “It’s nice sneaking away with you again. It’s like the old days, before Mom passed,” he says. The thought hits home hard. The days when Mom was still with us… They were different. My brother was a normal kid. I was happy being home. When she died, all three of us fell apart. Now, everything felt so disconnected. Shit, my brother could hardly handle it still.

  “Love you, Dad,” I whisper and give him a big hug. We head inside.

  Out of the corner of my eye, however, I swear I see Hunter, in that alleyway next to my house. But when I turn my head, there’s no one there. Weird. Just my imagination, I guess.

  “Bianca’s got a crush,” my dad sings, laughing. Ugh. Okay. I’ve got a crush on a psychopath. Let’s not discuss that any further.



  I can’t stop watching her, dammit. I’m turning into a fucking stalker. It’s those curves of hers, I reason. And those lips. Shit, it’s her tits and strong personality.

  The truth of the matter is, I want her to ride my face every single day. That’s all I’m fucking thinking about at this point. Sure, there’s my revenge, but that can wait. It’s better if I lay low anyway. It’ll give them time to think everything is okay again. And right when they start to feel better about their insignificant little lives, boom. I’ll be the one smiling.

  I pull out a cigarette and light it, watching her house. One drag, two drag, three drags, and it’s practically done. I put it out and light another. This is my life. This is what it’s like to be a fugitive. Fuck, I even rub one out to pass the time. When I cum it gives me barely any joy. It’s nothing like fucking her would be.

  When the sun has set, I see her again. My eyes light up as she steps off of the curb and sits down. She grabs a cigarette and lights it. I shouldn’t waste my time with this woman. I should be in complete and total isolation. Any sudden misstep is like asking for trouble. Still, I have to talk to her. I have to, dammit.


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