Teddy: A Brothers in Blue Novelette

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Teddy: A Brothers in Blue Novelette Page 1

by Jeanne St. James

  Teddy: A Brothers in Blue Novelette

  The Final Chapter

  Jeanne St. James

  Copyright © 2017 by Jeanne St. James

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


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  Books by Jeanne St. James

  Audio Books by Jeanne St. James

  Author’s Note:

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Also by Jeanne St. James

  About the Author

  A Sneak Peek of Only Him

  Only Him - Chapter One

  FREE Erotic Sampler Book

  Warning: This book contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language and may be considered offensive to some readers. This book is for sale to adults ONLY, as defined by the laws of the country in which you made your purchase. Please store your files wisely, where they cannot be accessed by under-aged readers.

  DISCLAIMER: Please do not try any new sexual practice (BDSM or otherwise) without the guidance of an experienced practitioner. The author will not be responsible for any loss, harm, injury or death resulting from use of the information contained in this book.

  Keep an eye on her website at http://www.jeannestjames.com/or sign up for her newsletter to learn about her upcoming releases: http://www.jeannestjames.com/newslettersignup

  * * *

  Author Links: Jeanne’s Blog * Instagram * Facebook * Goodreads Author Page * Newsletter * Jeanne’s Review & Book Crew * Twitter * BookBub

  Books by Jeanne St. James

  Made Maleen: A Modern Twist on a Fairy Tale


  Rip Cord: The Complete Trilogy

  * * *

  Brothers in Blue Series:

  (Can be read as standalones)

  Brothers in Blue: Max

  Brothers in Blue: Marc

  Brothers in Blue: Matt

  Teddy: A Brothers in Blue Novelette

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  The Dare Ménage Series:

  (Can be read as standalones)

  Double Dare

  Daring Proposal

  Dare to Be Three

  A Daring Desire

  Dare to Surrender

  * * *

  The Obsessed Novellas:

  (All the novellas in this series are standalones)

  Forever Him

  Only Him

  Needing Him

  Loving Her

  Temping Him

  * * *

  Down & Dirty: Dirty Angels MC Series:

  (Can be read as standalones)

  Down & Dirty: Zak

  Down & Dirty: Jag

  Down & Dirty: Hawk

  Down & Dirty: Diesel

  Down & Dirty: Axel

  Down & Dirty: Slade

  Down & Dirty: Dawg

  Down & Dirty: Dex

  Down & Dirty: Linc

  Down & Dirty: Crow

  * * *

  You can find information on all of Jeanne’s books here:


  Audio Books by Jeanne St. James

  The following books are available in audio!

  Down & Dirty: Zak (Dirty Angels MC, bk 1)

  Down & Dirty: Jag (Dirty Angels MC, bk 2)

  Forever Him (An Obsessed Novella)

  Rip Cord: The Complete Trilogy


  * * *

  Coming soon:

  Down & Dirty: Hawk (Dirty Angels MC, bk 3)

  Double Dare (The Dare Menage Series, bk 1)

  Daring Proposal (The Dare Menage Series, bk 2)

  Author’s Note:

  This is the last story in the Brothers in Blue series. Someone suggested I write Teddy’s story. So, when the opportunity came about to write a novella for a charity box set (where the profits to went to the March of Dimes) I jumped on the chance, since it gave me an excuse to visit with the Brysons just one more time. Teddy’s story is a little different from the other three main books, because Max, Marc, and Matt’s stories are all heterosexual romances. They found the women that changed the rest of their lives.

  * * *

  In every one of their books, Teddy hoped to finally land a Bryson of his very own. Unfortunately for Teddy, all the Bryson boys were straight… Not that he didn’t try anyway. He was nothing, if not determined. Therefore, when it came time for Teddy for find a mate, it had to be a Bryson. I just needed to dig one out of the closet!

  * * *

  I am a strong believer in equality, so I apologize, dear reader, if a gay romance story is not your cup of tea, but, again, Teddy needed to find his own Happily Ever After. I hope you agree!

  Chapter 1

  Theodore David Sullivan, affectionately known as Teddy to all who loved him, formerly known as Theo to his blood relatives before throwing him out of the family for being—as his father called him—one of those homo-sex-you-alls, stomped his foot and pouted. “But I wanted to be a bridesmaid!”

  Amanda Bryson handed her daughter Hannah to her husband before putting a consoling arm around him. “I know, Teddy, but they aren’t doing the formal, traditional shit. We’ve gone over this a million times.”

  “But I walked you down the aisle.”

  Amanda rolled her eyes. “That’s because my father was…is dead.”

  “But I don’t have a part in this wedding at all,” he complained, sounding overly whiny even to himself.

  “You did the hair,” she reminded him.

  Teddy pursed his lips and regarded his closest friend in the whole wide world. “True.”

  “And Leah’s hair is perfect.”

  “Of course it is. She does have a nice head of hair.”

  Amanda nodded and patted his arm. “And don’t you think it’s a little late to be having a ‘flair-up’ right now since the wedding starts in about—“ She glanced at her cell phone. “Oh, thirty minutes?”

  “But I’m dressed to perfection,” he claimed, glancing down at his fitted burgundy pinstriped suit and polished dress shoes. He even pulled up his pant leg to show Amanda his stylish, but cute, patterned dress socks.

  “You certainly are, you handsome devil,” Max Bryson quipped, turning to face the parking lot when another vehicle pulled in.

  “Don’t tease,” Teddy said, then turned his gaze to where Max looked. “Oh, here comes Matty and the Doc. He was my last hope for marrying one of you Bryson bucks. But, nooo, you all had to be as straight as an arrow.”

  “We didn’t have a choice, we were born this way,” Max murmured, bouncing his fussy daughter in his arms.

  “That’s what they all say,” he grumbled. He would’ve given his left nut to have had just one night with any of the Bryson brothers. He sighed. But instead, they ended up being more family than anything. Not that he was complaining about being accepted into the Brysons as one of their own. He loved it, loved them. But living in a small Podunk town like Manning Grove made finding a man a tad difficult.

  More than a tad. Try almost impossible. It had been too long since his last hookup, and even for that, he ended up driving all the way to Harrisburg. Now, the last time he had been in a relationship? Hell. He couldn’t even remember; it was that long
ago. Sometime when he lived in New York City. Which had been years ago. Years.

  If he didn’t get some soon, he was going to wither up into an old queen. Did he regret leaving the city to come back to northern Pennsylvania? He watched Matt Bryson and Doctor Carly approach.

  No. The love of the Brysons made it all worthwhile. Even if they wouldn’t sleep with him.

  He pouted and reached out to straighten the youngest Bryson brother’s collar. “You look extraordinarily handsome, Matty, and not so broody today. It’s a good look for you.”

  Carly shot Matt a blinding smile. “He does clean up nice, doesn’t he? No BDU’s, no camo cargo pants, no uniform…”

  “Well, they all do look delicious in their uniforms,” Teddy murmured. Nothing like having all three sons from the same family taking after their pop. Not only going into the Marines directly out of high school but becoming cops for the local department after doing their military duty.

  “I agree,” Amanda said. “Nothing like a man in uniform.”

  “Amen, sistah," Teddy answered, and they slapped palms in a high five while giving each other a knowing look.

  Suddenly, both Carly and Amanda’s gaze beelined back to the parking lot. Teddy swore both of their jaws dropped. He turned in slow motion, saw the target of their intense focus, and involuntarily released a high-pitched gasp.

  There couldn’t be a secret fourth brother. No way! But he had no doubt that the man who swaggered toward them was definitely a Bryson. And wonder of all wonders, he didn’t have a woman on his arm.

  Ding, ding, ding. Winner, winner, chicken dinner!

  “Whoa! Who is that handsome hunk of Bryson meat?” he whispered fiercely at Amanda. “Have you guys been hiding one?” He yanked at Matt’s suit. “If you have, I’ll never forgive any of you.”

  Matt brushed Teddy’s hand off. “Why would we subject him to you, Teddy? You’re practically raping him with your eyes.”

  “I am doing no such thing,” he answered. “I am making hot, sexy, consensual love to him with my stunning jade eyes.”

  Before Teddy even realized what he was doing, he jogged out to meet the mystery Bryson buck halfway through the lot. When the man paused in surprise, Teddy did a quick precursory circle around him before stopping in front, hands on hips. He tilted his head and inspected the stranger up and down.

  “Hmm. Let me guess… We’ve got Marc, Matt, and Max already… Mason? Mick? Mike?” Teddy’s shaped brows rose at the deep chuckle that escaped those luscious lips. The low, super-sexy laugh sent an adrenaline rush right down to the V in his dress pants.

  “Well, I like Mick. That sounds like a manly name. But no…” He stuck out his hand. “Adam.”

  Adam. Well, hello there, lover.

  Teddy winced hoping he didn’t say that out loud. He wasn’t known for being very subtle. He clutched the strong, broad hand, barely shook it, and reluctantly let it go, though he let his fingers linger on the man’s smooth, warm skin. “Theodore. But my lovers call me Teddy.” He ignored the snort that came from behind him.

  “Nice to meet you, Teddy,” Adam replied, a gleam in his eye.

  Oooh, yes. This man didn’t seem afraid to play. Teddy bounced on his toes, and shot Amanda a wicked smile and a raise of his eyebrows, as the crew approached... probably to rescue their cute relative from his clutches. “Nice to meet you, lover.”

  “Well, well, well, stranger, how the hell is it hanging?” Max boomed, a broad smile on his face. They did the typical manly hug and back-slapping thing. Then Teddy realized how much he wanted a hug from the man also. Hopefully, he wouldn’t lose his opportunity before the day was over.

  Matt stepped up, and the same gestures were repeated. “Damn, Adam, I was wondering when you’d get back.”

  “Why? Were you jealous that I might be still over there making sand castles?” Adam ribbed the youngest Bryson.

  “Hell no. Not anymore.” Matt turned and introduced Carly. "Everything I want is in Manning Grove now." He gave his girlfriend a sweet kiss on the forehead, and she patted him on the chest lovingly in return.

  Max introduced his wife and child, causing Adam to murmur, “Damn. You guys have been busy.”

  “How about you? It’s been so long since we’ve seen you. Still free as a bird?” Max asked, humor in his voice.

  “Hell yes.”

  That was music to Teddy’s ears. His little heart went thumpity-thump. Teddy quickly pushed Max out of the way. “So, you didn’t bring a date?”

  Please say no. Please say no.


  “Well, how about that. Neither did I.” Teddy ignored the chorus of groans that rose up and tucked his arm within Adam’s. “Want to escort me?”

  Adam hesitated, shooting both Max and Matt a glance, before saying, “Uh… sure.”

  “Don’t worry, I don’t bite,” Teddy assured him, then leaned closer. “Hard anyway.” He was thrilled that Adam didn’t react negatively to his words or push him away. He whispered, “Unless you’re into that.”

  Adam turned his crystal blue eyes toward him and simply cocked an eyebrow. He then led a thrilled Teddy toward the wedding venue.

  Chapter 2

  After going through a half pack of travel tissues during Marc and Leah’s short, but sweet, outdoor wedding ceremony, Teddy was on a mission to find Adam Bryson before the reception so he could make sure to sit at the same table.

  He felt disappointed with his built-in gaydar since it normally was on point and he wasn’t sure about Adam yet. But then the Bryson men were so naturally masculine, even if they were leaning the other way, it might be hard to pick up on. Especially since they were so testosterone-filled being Marines and cops and all.

  The only way to know for certain was to feel him out. Or...simply ask him if he was or he wasn’t. But that would be so uncivilized. He couldn’t just ask.

  Or could he?

  Teddy cleared his throat. His flirting skills were a bit rusty. The only men who tolerated them in Manning Grove were the Bryson men, and they all took his over-the-top attention in stride. Anyone else in this town would’ve probably laid him out flat. Tolerance wasn’t at the forefront when it came to rural northern Pennsylvania.

  His heartbeat did a little pitty-pat when he spotted the subject of his thoughts and desires. He rushed over to Adam, who just extricated himself from a conversation with people Teddy didn’t recognize. “There you are! How did we get separated during the ceremony?”

  Adam’s deep masculine voice caused lightning to shoot down Teddy’s spine. “I don’t know.” A shadow of a smile graced his lips. “You must have gotten distracted when I went to find a seat.”

  That certainly wasn’t it, but Teddy decided to play along anyway. “Yes, of course, you know how it is when the crowd becomes unruly.” He waved an arm toward the “unruly crowd” of about seventy-five peaceful wedding guests. “Well, anyway, I’m so glad I found you again. I got worried for your safety in case of sudden mayhem. Because who would protect you other than me?” He puffed his chest out. “The very capable Teddy Sullivan, hairdresser extraordinaire.”

  Adam’s grin broadened to a blinding smile. “Yes, how would I ever be able to take care of myself?”

  When Adam made a fist and flexed the bicep where Teddy’s hand laid, his fingers gripped harder around the hard-to-ignore large, firm muscle under the pastel-colored dress shirt. Somewhere along the way, the man had shed his suit jacket. Which was A-Okay with him.

  “Oooh,” Teddy whispered, eyes widening. “Well, maybe you will have to rescue me instead.”

  Adam, broad across the chest, was about an inch taller than Teddy. He sported the same closely cropped hair as the rest of the males in the family. A harsh haircut by Teddy’s standards, but he understood the clean, “squared-away” look it gave police officers and military men. “Wanna go for a smoke before we head in for the reception?”

  Smoking wasn’t a priority, but getting some alone time with Adam was, so having a cig break
seemed to be a good excuse.

  Adam hesitated, looked in the direction of the fancy “barn” that was used for events, then bounced his gaze back to Teddy’s face. “Sure.”

  Teddy bit his lower lip and clenched his fingers to keep from squealing and clapping his hands in glee. He tilted his head toward the front of the building in the direction of the parking lot. “Follow me.”

  He was dying to grab Adam’s elbow again for the walk, but they were in a place where it might be frowned upon by other guests, so he refrained. Being a hairdresser, the locals tended to accept him as being gay, but he also never had been seen with another man. At least in that capacity. He feared it might go over like a lead balloon if he publicly flaunted his sexuality. And if Adam swung the other way, or even teetered, he didn’t want any of the man’s family, who attended the celebration, to judge or ostracize him.

  Teddy tried to stroll calmly back to the area where he had parked, but inside he imagined himself skipping. A little giggle escaped at the visual.

  “Something funny?” came the low, deep voice behind him.

  “No. Nothing. Just remembering a dumb joke someone said earlier.”

  When they reached his vehicle, he dug his pack of cigarettes and lighter out of the center console. He offered one to Adam, who simply shook his head. With a shrug, Teddy plugged one between his lips and lit it.


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