Teddy: A Brothers in Blue Novelette

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Teddy: A Brothers in Blue Novelette Page 2

by Jeanne St. James

  Before Teddy could even take the first deep drag, Adam yanked the cigarette from between Teddy’s lips, snapped it in half, and dropped it to the pavement where he grounded it under the toe of his dress shoe. Damn. Teddy stared at the flattened cancer stick with a frown.

  Adam tucked a finger under Teddy’s chin and lifted. “I don’t like men who smoke.”

  “Oh, but you like men who don’t?”

  Adam tucked his bottom lip between his teeth and nodded. “When I kiss you I don’t want to taste that toxic habit.”

  Teddy rubbed his ear. Did he just hear that correctly? He clutched a hand to his chest, his breath hissing out. “How soon were you planning on doing that? I just might have some mouthwash in the car.”

  Adam chuckled, his eyes lighting up and his smile widening.

  Suddenly, Teddy had a hard-on that wouldn’t quit. The man was simply beautiful. The urge to tackle the guy and plant a kiss on his lips came over him. But he didn’t want to scare him away with his over exuberance.

  A little conversation, a little laughter, then—BAM—the necking could commence. He just needed some patience. He leaned against his car and studied the man in front of him. Adam had to be in his early thirties, only a bit younger than him. But not too young, and hopefully, he came with plenty of experience.

  Blood rushed through Teddy making him feel a bit dizzy with the anticipation. He took two steadying breaths and asked, “Why weren’t you at Max and Amanda’s wedding?” Because he sure as hell would have been all over this guy like white on rice if he had been.

  “I was still enlisted.”

  Ah, yes. He figured Adam was military by the haircut and his demeanor. “Let me guess… Marines. It’s a Bryson family tradition.”


  Teddy ran a hand down his arm, feeling the strength under the cotton dress shirt. “Don’t ask, don’t tell?”


  “Did anyone figure it out?”

  Adam shrugged, and a sly smile crept across his face.

  “Ah, you were a busy little boy with all of those hot military men.”

  Adam’s lips twitched in answer.

  “Mmm. That’s delicious. I’m so jealous.” Teddy quickly glanced around the parking lot to make sure the coast was clear. They seemed to be alone. He traced a finger down the line of buttons on Adam’s dress shirt until he reached the waistband of his dress pants. “So, are you out?”

  Adam captured Teddy’s hand before it went any lower and held it flat against his lower stomach. “Sort of. Like you, I also live in a small town. My immediate family knows, but that’s about it.”

  “Ron’s boys?” Teddy asked cautiously. He didn’t think Max, Marc, or Matt would judge, but he didn’t want to accidentally out the man to his extended family.

  Adam shook his head slowly. “No, my cousins don’t know.”

  “Cousins,” Teddy repeated.

  “Yeah, our fathers are brothers.”

  Teddy ran the back of his free hand along Adam’s jawline. “Those Bryson genes are strong, no doubt about that. It seems like the gods used a cookie cutter when they made all of you.”

  “Is that bad?” Adam asked, a twinkle in his eyes.

  “It would be if you all looked like trolls.”

  Adam threw his head back and laughed, causing Teddy’s toes to curl in his shoes. His laughter sounded warm and deep, and it sent a shiver down Teddy's spine. His balls tightened, and he desperately wanted to adjust his erection, but he didn’t want to appear like an untrained gorilla. He needed to show some decorum.

  At least until the man agreed to get down and dirty with him. Then decorum could take a flipping hike.

  “Are you ready to go back in and join the festivities?” Adam asked, glancing at his watch. “I’m starving.”

  Teddy really didn’t want to go in and share the man with everyone else. He wanted to tuck Adam under his arm and go hide. He sighed. “I suppose that’s for the best. Though I’d rather be selfish and keep you all to myself.” As they moved toward the venue, Teddy asked, “Do you live far?”

  “West of here, about an hour and a half away.”

  “Is that where you grew up?”

  “Yeah. But I’m only staying with my parents temporarily. I’m here to talk to Max about a job. Well, and for the wedding, of course. A ‘kill two birds with one stone’ situation.”

  Teddy couldn’t contain his excitement. “So, are you going to be in town for a while?”

  “Just a couple days. I’m staying with Ron and Mary Ann until I can sit down and interview with Max.”

  “For what?”

  “To join the department.”

  Holy hell. Another Bryson would be on the force? They might as well change it to Bryson PD, especially if Leah takes the family’s last name. “I might have to put in a good word. Or two,” Teddy murmured, his mind spinning.

  If Adam landed a job at Manning Grove PD, he'd have to move closer, and he would be within arm’s reach of Teddy. That sounded like a good plan. Once he found a Bryson who swung his direction, there is no way he wanted to let him escape.

  Teddy cleared his throat. He could never say that out loud. It might sound a little too stalkerish.

  As they entered the venue, the loud music assaulted their senses; guests were scattered across the dance floor, moving to the rhythm of the song. Teddy glanced to where the caterers were setting up a buffet. His stomach growled but it wasn’t for food, he shot a sly glance at Adam. The man was downright scrumptious.

  Adam surveyed the room and asked, “You think there’s assigned seating?”

  “Doesn’t matter. You’re sitting with me.”

  Adam cocked an eyebrow at him. “That’s a little bossy, isn’t it?”

  Damn it. He didn't want to screw this up. This may be his one and only chance to land a Bryson, and he couldn't be too pushy. He needed to reign in his excitement a little bit. “Sorry, I will gladly let you take control. Just say the word.”

  The double entendre wasn't lost on Adam, and he smiled as he gazed down into Teddy's face. "That's better."

  Oh, so he was another typical type A personality. That also ran in the family. But it would get no complaints from Teddy. If the man wanted to be in charge, he had no problem with it.

  “I haven’t been to many weddings, but aren’t we supposed to eat before we all do the Macarena and the Chicken Dance?”

  Teddy lifted a shoulder in a half-shrug, unable to break their gaze. “Normally, yes, but it’s Manning Grove, expect the unexpected. Are you hungry?”

  Adam gave him a heated smile that made Teddy want to faint. “Yes. You?”

  “Oh yes. I certainly am.” But once again, Teddy thought, not for food.

  “Do you want to find a seat or do you want to dance?”

  Wait. What? Teddy clutched a hand to his chest and tried to keep his voice at a level pitch. He recognized his weaknesses… One being that he could get overly dramatic. “You’re willing to dance with me? Here? In front of your complete family?”

  “I was just thinking, why the hell not? It’s no better time like the present to come out to the whole family.”

  Whoa. Teddy’s mind spun with the issues this could cause. Not to mention, them dancing together could create a stir that might draw attention away from Marc and Leah’s big day.

  His gaze landed on the newly-wedded couple slow dancing on the floor.

  “Lover, I would love to dance with you, and I would certainly love to be the one you come out with. But, can you give me a sec? I just need to check something first.”

  Adam gave him a questioning look.

  “Trust me on this,” Teddy added quickly. He ran a hand down his arm then patted him on the chest. “I’ll be right back. Don’t move.”

  Teddy swore he floated over to the center of the dance floor and when his feet finally touched Earth, he was directly in front of Marc and Leah. Leah had her cheek against Marc’s chest and her eyes closed in—what Teddy c
ould only imagine was—wedded bliss.

  Marc noticed him first. “Hey, Teddy. What’s up?” He didn’t stop his feet from shifting as he moved his bride in a slow circle.

  “Uh, sorry to interrupt. Congratulations and the ceremony was beautiful, by the way. And Leah, your hair was on point, of course.” He cleared his throat. “Actually, can I join in for a second?”

  Marc brought the couple to a sudden stop. “Huh?”

  Teddy opened his arms, and Leah laughed, taking one of Teddy's arms, and once Marc understood what Teddy wanted, Marc offered him one too. The three embraced and began to move slowly to the ballad that the DJ played.

  “What’s this about?” Marc asked, suspicion thick in his question.

  “You know I love you both…”

  “Oh fuck, you’re preparing us for something. Just get to it,” Marc said, frowning.

  Leah laughed, but told Marc, “Baby, stop.”

  “Well, you see that handsome cousin of yours standing over by the front entrance?”

  Marc’s head turned that way, his eyes widening. “Holy shit, Adam’s here.”

  “Yes, he certainly is.”

  The familiar Bryson males’ crystal blue eyes bore into Teddy. “So, what about him?”

  “Well, here’s the thing… I know it’s your day and all… But would you mind terribly if I danced with Adam?”

  Marc brought the three of them to a screeching halt. “What? Why would… First of all, why would Adam want to dance with you? And second, why would you feel the need to ask?”

  “Okay, here’s the thing—”

  “Teddy, get to the fucking point,” Marc interrupted, his frown deepening, his brows pinned low.

  “Adam is gay. Or at least bi. I haven’t gotten that far yet. And he’s asked me to dance, but since I doubt most of the family knows he… Uh…”

  Leah laughed again, patting Teddy on the back. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard you at a loss for words.”

  Heat crawl into Teddy’s cheeks. “No. You’re right. I’m here. I’m queer. And I’m proud.” He smiled crookedly. “But Adam will kind of be coming out of the closet by dancing with me. And I don’t want to upset you two if it causes a stir.”

  “Ah, shit. I had no idea he swung that way,” Marc said, staring across the room at his cousin. “If so, he sure hid it well.”

  “I have no problem with it, Teddy,” Leah said. “The point of a wedding is to get family together to celebrate love. And to have fun. So, dance away. I couldn’t care less if the focus ends up on you two. If people have a problem with two men dancing together, they can just leave.”

  “Baby—” Marc began, looking at her in surprise.

  “No, don’t ‘baby’ me. We have no problem with it. Have fun, and I hope you get some."

  Teddy suppressed a little squeal and gave Leah a quick peck on her cheek. "I'm so glad you're a Bryson now!"

  She gave him a wide smile. “Me too.” She shot a look at Marc. “And don’t you make me regret saying that,” she warned her new husband.

  “Fine. If Adam doesn’t care, then I don’t,” Marc finally said. “Just try to refrain from swapping spit on the dance floor.”

  Teddy giggled. “Deal!” Before Marc could stop him, Teddy landed a big, sloppy kiss on Marc’s cheek.

  The man made a face and wiped at his cheek. “Ew. You kiss like Menace!”

  “Yeah, but I don’t drool like that big-ass Mastiff. At least not as badly.” He winked at Marc and Leah before practically floating back to where Adam waited, hardly able to contain his excitement.

  “Well?” Adam prodded.

  “Well… Are you sure you want to do this?” Teddy asked. He didn’t want Adam to make a mistake. If anyone knew how hard it was to live in small-town Pennsylvania as an outed gay man, it was Teddy. Adam could always choose to keep his sexual orientation to himself and forego all of the judgment. Especially since he wanted to become a local cop.

  “Do we have their blessing?”

  Teddy studied him for a moment. “Yes. But remember, once you step out, there’s no going back.”

  Adam gave him a small, sharp nod. “I’m okay with it.”

  Teddy blew out a breath. “Okay, then.” He offered Adam his hand. “Ready?”

  Adam smiled and accepted it, wrapping his strong, long fingers around his. “Absolutely.”

  Adam took over, pulling Teddy to the edge of the dance floor before taking him into his arms. As Adam gripped Teddy’s waist, Teddy snaked his arms around the man’s neck. At first, they felt stiff in each other’s arms. And not the good kind of stiff… They moved in a stilted manner around the dance floor, ignoring the looks and whispers.

  When they spotted smiling faces around the room, on Ron and Mary Ann, on Max, Leah, Carly, they began to relax, melt into each other. Amanda gave them a wink, a thumb’s up, and an eyebrow wiggle.

  His heart swelled as he saw Adam’s uncle, Ron, pull Amanda’s special needs brother, Greg, onto the dance floor to teach him to dance. Max grabbed his brother Matt for a spin around the dance floor, making sure to dip him here and there. Though, Matt wore a brooding look the whole time.

  This was his family. This was Adam’s family. And he never felt so accepted and so loved than at that moment.

  Teddy turned his attention back to the man in his arms, his eyes burning with tears. “I fucking love this family.”

  Adam pressed his cheek close to Teddy’s and whispered, “Me too,” against his ear.

  Teddy felt his cock stir as Adam’s hands slid from his waist down to his hips to pull Teddy tighter against him. It seemed that he wasn’t the only one with an erection.

  Teddy tried to keep his wits about him, but he wanted to collapse into a puddle in relief. Adam wanted him as much as Teddy wanted Adam. It looked like his dry spell was coming to an end. And he couldn’t get any luckier with who.

  Teddy’s fingers brushed back and forth, playing with the short hairs along the back of Adam’s collar. “So, what did you do in the military?”

  He had to get his mind off their erections which were rubbing together with each sway of their hips. He hoped the DJ kept it to some slow songs for a little while, for if the tempo picked up, Teddy might end up losing it in his pants. He bit his lower lip to remind himself that they were in public.

  “I was an MP.”

  “MP,” Teddy murmured, feeling the man’s hands slide along his hips, his fingers moving ever so slightly closer to Teddy’s ass.

  “Military police,” Adam clarified.

  “Mmm. I know what an MP is, lover.”

  Adam’s low chuckle against his ear caused goosebumps to break out all over his body. He couldn’t help but shiver.

  “You can’t be cold.”

  “No, I’m very…hot,” Teddy purred, fighting the urge to thrust against Adam right in the middle of the dance floor. “Do you have the Semper Fi tattoo like the rest of the Bryson jarheads?”

  “Yes. I have—”

  Teddy quickly placed a finger against his lips, cutting him off. “Don’t tell me. The challenge is for me to get you naked, so I find it for myself.”

  Adam’s lips turned up at the corners. “Ah. Challenge accepted.”

  Teddy couldn’t hide his answering smile. “Really?”

  “Really. I like a good challenge.”

  Teddy placed his palm over Adam’s heart, feeling the strong beat. Teddy wasn’t the only one with a rapid pulse. “Oh, you’re getting me all verklempt.” He traced a finger along Adam’s collar. “Soo… How soon can we start this challenge?”


  Teddy’s lips formed an O. “Do you think anyone will pass out if we start by doing a little dirty dancing?”

  “Probably.” Adam’s gaze bounced around the room’s interior. “Or…we could go somewhere private to dance, but close enough to hear the music.”

  “Mmm. Music is always good.”

  “Somewhere we don’t have to worry about how dirty our dancing gets.

  “Dirty is good too,” Teddy murmured, his brain spinning and his heart racing. Then reality hit him like a brick wall. “But, uh…” It had been a while since Teddy hooked up with anyone, it wasn’t like he traveled prepared. And Teddy’s idea of dirty dancing required a little pre-thought. “I…I…” He lowered his voice to a whisper. “If we…I don’t…”

  Adam smiled and winked at him. “I’m like a Boy Scout. I’m always prepared.”

  Relief flooded him. The last thing Teddy wanted was to miss out on a lifetime opportunity because of a lack of planning. He would never forgive himself. “A Boy Scout, huh? What merit badge do you want to earn?”

  Adam’s lips twitched. “Woodworking.”

  “Ah. I hope it’s my wood you want to work.”

  “I’m going to slip out the back and head to my car. Why don’t you meet me… See over in the northeast corner of this building there’s a little hallway?”

  Teddy glanced in the direction he mentioned. “Yes.”

  “I scouted it out earlier when I went to the restroom. There’s a small room down the hallway, second door on the right, which is unlocked. Meet me in there in five.”

  “Oh, you are a little Boy Scout, aren’t you?”

  Adam chuckled and slipped away, shaking his head.

  Teddy watched him walk away, admiring the muscular ass in his dress pants. He couldn’t wait to see the man in the flesh. If Adam was impressive with clothes on, Teddy was sure that he’d look spectacular without them.

  He suddenly realized he stood on the dance floor like a lost soul with people milling about him. Teddy closed his mouth, chuckled at himself for being so bowled over, and then casually headed toward the hallway of his fantasies.

  Before opening the door to their little romantic hideaway—Teddy snorted at the silliness of his thoughts—he took a quick glance around to see if anyone watched before slipping inside the room.

  He found the light switch and then scrunched his nose at the sight. Not the prime location for getting some hot man-loving, but beggars couldn’t be choosy and all that crap.

  The storage room teemed with banquet-themed items. Some folding chairs and tables, a rolling popcorn machine, casino-type games, a chocolate fountain—Teddy ran his finger along the edge—a dusty chocolate fountain, and—hello, there—a chaise. He removed the sheet that covered it. In black leather, no less. Well, well, well. The boy scouted well.


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