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Divinity: The Gathering: Book One

Page 19

by Susan Reid

  I took adoration in her wonder of me. Her guess had been correct. It was my main weapon, a full, obsidian, double-edged, diamond grade, sword, baptized in my own blood, with a glyphic inscribed edge of light to add more power to its deadly strike.

  “It’s something like that.” I told her.

  “They’re incredible. I like them. Where did you get them done?” She then asked, appreciating the design and artwork.

  I smiled, unable to keep from watching, and admiring her again.

  “A friend, it was freelance work.” I lied again.

  “Oh.” She seemed disappointed.

  I wished I could tell her that one of the divines gifted with the affinity of weaponry, would be branding hers onto her own arms and hands after she had been trained. Because then, I could also warn her that it was going to be the worst, and most painful experience that she has ever felt in all her life as well.

  I wondered what her weapon would be. I pictured her with maybe something like a mace, ninjato like sword or cross bolt, but nothing too heavy for her size — not that great strength would be an issue. She would have that automatically no matter what her stature.

  And then another thought saddened me to even contemplate.

  “So, are you a nurse or thinking of being one?” I then asked her to change the subject, and push that thought away.

  “I’m not a nurse, I just volunteer there as an aide.” She said.

  “Volunteer? I find that virtuous in a place like that.” I replied.

  She smiled coyly again, averting her eyes from mine, pretending to admire the diner’s décor. I found myself gazing at her in awe once again too, I couldn’t help doing it.

  “Here we go, a burger with the works, with tater tots fresh and hot,” Rahab announced as he pushed through the doors, toting the well stacked hamburger, small golden brown discs and an unopened red can of Coca-Cola.

  This sandwich was nearly as big as her head, and I wondered how she would eat it. It did look mouth-watering, arranged and plated picture-perfectly, and smelling just as delicious as it all looked. It wouldn’t have taken Rahab any time at all to finish her order, but being the good friend that he was, Rahab had purposefully taken his time to give us a moment to be alone to talk.

  I glanced at Rahab for a moment with furrowed brows, as my eyes traveled to the size of the monstrously thick burger— complete with the works, and then to her mouth.

  His mouth formed a silent ‘O’, as if he didn’t even consider how she’d be able to eat it.

  “Um, I could cut it in half or quarter it for you,” he offered.

  She shook her head, “No, no need. It looks amazing, thank you Ray.” She smiled, carefully licking her lips and pushing a stray tendril of hair behind her ear as Rahab slid her meal and coke in front of her.

  Rahab and I exchanged surprised glances. We watched as she opened the bun, and commenced to drown the cheese covered patty in ketchup.

  “You are quite welcome,” He bowed and gushed in the compliment she gave.

  Rahab loved to cook, and even more when his guests gave him positive feedback, as any chef would. Rahab pretended to wipe the counter, but we were both amused and curious, as I ate my pie. We both continued to enjoy watching her out of our peripheries.

  She hesitated, and worked her mouth a bit to test how much it would hurt before she managed to finally take a good sized bite out of it— impressing us both. For someone as small as she was, I couldn’t see her finishing that burger let alone the burger and tater tots, but she did.

  Being satiated and full had definitely changed her demeanor, and she no longer seemed preoccupied with what happened. That had been my whole goal. Now, I could pick up on the exhaustion from her drained energy, and I knew it was time to take her back to her apartment. It was evident that she needed much rest. Though I wanted to talk to her longer, just us two alone, I knew I’d get more opportunities soon, so I would be patient. Rahab loved her already, I could tell, and so far there were no visible signs of Drakael or the displeasure of Elohim over my interference in the mortal realm…yet.

  She made herself comfortable, and leaned back in the passenger seat, silent at first so I didn’t speak either in case she wanted to sleep on the drive back to the University. It allowed me to think about what was to come, and what I would do about it. She hadn’t moved or spoken since leaning back, so I assumed she had indeed fallen asleep. Her face was turned away from me, towards the passenger window, and her body rocked gently with the motion of the cruiser.

  She was so vulnerable right now, and the seeds of trust that I meant to plant, were slowly being sown.

  At least it was my master plan.

  She awoke and yawned just as I pulled into the street paralleling the expansive parking lot of the university on the left. She stretched, and sat up straighter, realizing where we were.

  “Oh, I’m sorry. I hadn’t realized I’d fallen asleep. That was one big burger but it really hit the spot.” She said.

  I laughed softly, “Don’t worry about it. I knew it was coming anyway. Once all the adrenaline died down— not to mention topping it off with food, it was inevitable.” I told her.

  She laughed a bit, “The burger was delicious though. I— didn’t snore did I?” She hesitantly asked me with sincerity, as she rubbed her eyes, and then glanced over at me.

  I laughed again, “Just a little.” I joked with her.

  She was mortified.

  “I’m kidding.” I smirked.

  She pursed her lips in a wry smile, but with a look of relief.

  Actually, I hadn’t been kidding, but I didn’t want her to feel embarrassed, and I liked that fact that even though she was beautiful, she was a human being. Strong willed, imperfect, and vulnerable, yet brave, and that in itself was something I admired more than anything about her and mortals in general.

  “It wasn’t that I didn’t want to talk. I guess I didn’t realize just how exhausted I really have been lately. The catnap was much needed for me. Oh, turn here and make the curve, then a right at the stop sign, and head all the way down past sorority row towards the end, and then make a left at the next stop sign. My apartment building will be the last large, gray brick building on the left at the end of the circle,” She said as she shifted and moved to gather her things.

  “You don’t live in the dorms?” I asked her.

  “The apartments are still considered on campus living.” She replied.

  “Why not just live on campus?” I questioned.

  She groaned at the mention of it, “I used to last year, but my roommate and I moved over the summer once we were able to. I guess since I’ve been an only child, I’m a little spoiled and used to having everything of my own. My roommate is my best friend anyway, so it works fine for me. Privacy is a pricey privilege, but it’s worth it to have your own bathroom and kitchen. I mean the apartment building is still set up like the other campus halls inside, and we have several RA’s too.” She explained.

  “I see. Well I can definitely understand that. Is she there now?” I smiled, and then asked.

  “More than likely, but I’m sure she’s already asleep.” She said glancing at the time on her cell phone display that she had been scrolling through to check messages, I assumed.

  I felt awkward for a moment, wanting to ask her out, but unsure how she would take it. Would it be too forward? Maybe she had a boyfriend. I did see the name Joel Carson on her phone when her cell phone rang earlier. She did meet him in the courtyard earlier before they left together for lunch. He certainly adored her from the scent and vibes that I picked up from him, but her scent and vibes about him remained neutral to me, even though she obviously liked and cared about him it seemed. I found him peculiar too, something about his aura struck me as strange yet familiar, and I couldn’t quite put my finger on it.

  I found myself becoming more and more charmed and reverent, over being simply filled with lust for her. The longer we talked, and we talked about many general things s
urrounding the university, a few topics in the news — the more I became captivated with her. Even Rahab had turned on the charm, and couldn’t stop flirting with her either. There was something about her that brought out warmth and benevolence, and I wondered for a moment, if that was what made her so different; why her aura so bright. I wanted to know more about her. This could not be the last time I would be with her.

  I prayed that the gift from Elohim was that he would grant me permission to be able to have more time with her, even knowing that it would lead nowhere. Regardless, her time as a mortal was running short, and coming to an end very soon. I knew that I was not allowed to have this, because he would stop it or take it away from me if it came anywhere remotely close. Even I would not be able to push those limits, and get away with it nor would I even try to especially when I’ve already given my word.

  If Elohim remembered anything in his creation of me, it was that I’ve always kept my word. Morning Star may have been right on one aspect as much as I hated to think and remind myself of it. I was cursed to forever be used as a tool for pleasure mine and by both mortal and immortal women. I would always be desired and idolized for my looks alone, but in my defense, none of the women actually took the time to know me, and I never bothered to get to know any of them.

  However, I often pondered what would happen if I actually took that time for once? I wanted to with Star, but she was going to be a divine warrior. She wouldn’t even know or remember me after that. We would become and remain enemies. She would hate me, and desire to slay me, and I may just let her to end my existence once and for all.

  I found a space and parked the cruiser; turning off the engine. I think it surprised her in wondering why I had done so. I wasn’t about to let her walk in there on her own, especially considering her bad ankle. Who would stop or question me? I was an officer with a badge and a gun.

  She moved to open the passenger side door, but I spoke first, “Wait, I still want to know what really happened to your face.” I said to her, and she turned to face me in surprise.

  I figured I’d take another shot at the question, and hope to get the truth this time since we had broken the ice per se.

  I heard her sigh, “You wouldn’t believe me. No one would so what does it matter?” She replied softly.

  It was my turn to look at her with my full attention now, and I fixated her with a serious gaze that I hoped conveyed to her that I was listening, and that I would believe her, because I already knew anyway.

  I switched on the overhead light so she could see me better, and she looked away for a moment in thought.

  “Try me.” I then said.

  She paused, and then shook her head, “It…was a freak thing.” She began as if she didn’t want to give me the truth, just yet.

  “I’m listening.” I replied.

  She looked up at me, and then closed her eyes for a minute.

  The shape of her face was like a perfect, fragile doll. I hated that ugly bruising that spoiled her perfect pout.

  She sat back against the seat for a while, and we both sat in silence as I waited for her to speak.

  “In my experiences, I’ve seen the ugliest sides of humanity at its worst, and horrors that you could never even begin to imagine. I’ve always managed to keep an open mind, I’ve had to. Anyone in this world would be a fool not to, so don’t think that anything you want to tell me will seem…silly, unbelievable or ridiculous.” I told her to give her an opening.

  She looked over at me then and eyed me, “Don’t be so sure about that. What horrors are you talking about?” She asked with interest. Her pretty eyes were brightening, and she seemed more alert once again.

  I smiled, “Let’s just say that there is very little that would or could ever shock or surprise me.” I then said.

  She paused for a moment. “Do you believe that there’s more in this world around us…than meets the eye? Like other-worldly forces?” She asked.

  “Other-worldly? Like Aliens? Ghosts?” I said on purpose, wanting her to come right out and say the word— even though it agitated the mere surface of my skin and ears to simply hear that misnomer in regards to myself, and those in my legion.

  She sighed and chuckled a bit, “No, not ghosts or Aliens. Other things like the forces of good and evil.” She went on to say.

  I nodded, “I’ve always believed that.” I carefully told her.

  She seemed surprised at my response, which was a good thing.

  She smiled, and nodded with a glance out of the window towards her apartment.

  “Well, I’ll leave it at that then, for now. I’m on the verge of crashing again so I don’t really wanna get into anything heavy.” She then said as she stifled a yawn, and opened the car door.

  I couldn’t believe she was going to leave me hanging like that that, or was she implying that she’d like to see me again? Should I take a chance and ask her out anyway?

  I opened my door as well, and I didn’t wait for her to protest, feeling that she was about to, as I got out and came around to help her.

  She stepped out and gathered her things, “Um, thanks. You don’t have to walk me to my apartment though.” She said.

  “No, but I want to make sure you make it okay,” I told her.

  “The only danger here would be the trip up to the second floor, we don’t have elevators.” She chuckled referring to her sore ankle.

  “Stairs? Dangerous enough there’s no question then,” I quickly cut in and picked up her, the crutch and her bag, all in one move, and carried her all the way up to the front doors. She weighed nothing, which further angered me more thinking back to the void demon that hit her.

  She gasped with a look of surprise branding her face, but held onto me while clutching her purse and tote bag against her body with her other arm.

  I believe I rendered her speechless.

  “Don’t— really, I can walk…” She said, but I ignored her, and held her firmly against me.

  She continued to argue against my assistance, to which I continued to ignore her protests until she eventually resigned with a sigh.

  Giving up, she pulled out a card key with her photo printed on it; attached to a retractable badge clip, and waved it in front of the electronic reader. It beeped and the red light changed to green.

  I backed up to open the door, and headed inside. There were a few female students sitting around the lobby, and engaged in quiet conversations on the sofas. This appeared to be a common lounge area, complete with several types of vending machines, a wall mounted television, tables, chairs and couches. The instant they saw us, they all ceased what they had been doing with mouths agape in curiosity.

  I already knew what they were staring at, and she blushed, not saying a word.

  “Down the hall to the right at the very end, there’s a stairwell. It’s apartment sixteen B on the second floor,” She said to me, as I headed straight for the directions she gave me.

  “I’m never gonna hear the end of this one,” She shook her head, her face red with embarrassment.

  “Being injured?” I smiled.

  “That part I can live with,” She replied.

  “Well, you’ll definitely be popular in the next few days explaining this one.” I joked with a simper.

  “Thanks.” She said meaning it sarcastically, as she closed her eyes in order to avoid further eye contact with the other curious girls.

  I made a point to move quickly, as we rounded the corner into the stairwell, and I briskly climbed the stairs and pushed through the next heavy wooden door. For behaving as if she didn’t want me carrying her, little did she realize that her body was conveying a much different message…or maybe she did?

  The scent of lust and craving permeating from her was incredibly strong, but she was playing it off well. Her face showed no sign that she without a doubt, obviously found me sexually attractive. That didn’t surprise me though. I could hear her heart thumping rapidly with the excitement of lust in her chest. As for me, I d
on’t think I’ve ever fought against something so hard in my existence, and I prayed that I remained— not so physically obvious by the time I put her down.

  Once we entered the corridor where her apartment was located, she sighed in relief that it was empty.

  “I can walk from here, thanks.” She said, and I finally conceded by putting her down gently.

  I heard her barely moan softly when I purposefully slid her down the length of my torso, and I smiled internally to myself.

  She seemed flustered, as she blushed and worked to fish her keys out of her purse all while avoiding eye contact with me. I remained following close behind her, and watching her walk. The limp that she had earlier wasn’t as bad as it had been, but it was still there. I looked around, memorizing the place…to be able to ghost into later.

  I had no intentions of spying on her but I needed to know how to get to her quickly if I had to.

  “Well, this is it. Thank again, for everything Officer…”

  “Just Cam,” I stopped her.

  She smiled, her face blushing to that adorable pink again.

  “Right, sorry. Cam,” She corrected herself with a smile.

  I made sure to stand at enough of a distance away from her, so she didn’t have to look so far up at me. I should have changed my height to something more reasonable, but I didn’t want to be unprepared for one of the main reasons I was here in first place.

  “You should stay off of your ankle for a day or so if you can.” I suggested.

  “I will, or I’ll try. I have classes early unfortunately, and I’m gonna need it to work by Saturday. I can’t disappoint my students.” She replied.

  I wrinkled my brow, “Students?” I asked.

  “Yeah, I’m a gymnastics coach at the YMCA on the weekends.” She said.

  “Wow, you have a full schedule. Volunteer too?” I noted with surprise.

  She shrugged a shoulder and laughed a bit, “No, gotta make some sort of a living. I mean it is minimum wage, but I love kids and gymnastics so it doesn’t even seem like work to me anyway.” She smiled.


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