The Legend of Alundi - Journey to the Emerald Skull

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The Legend of Alundi - Journey to the Emerald Skull Page 9

by Russell Claridge




  All three of them stood on Watchman Point looking back at Mountain Rise. Alundi's sight was stronger than both of the Annabels' and he could see some had started their day as light had started gracing the horizon. He shared his sight with both of them. And for over an hour they did not move. All they did was watch as people the Annabels had known all their lives began their day, oblivious to the fact that the Annabels were gone or ever existed in the first place. Annabel knew it was necessary to save their lives but at the same time she was struck by the thought that if she perished during this journey there would be no one to mourn her, no one to miss her with the exception of her world; her daughter, graced by the gods and the spirits of the world. She was all that mattered now. She would lay down her life for her and she knew that Alundi and Assard would gladly make the same sacrifice. The thought warmed her blood. With such friendly and powerful Men protecting them, they could not fail Little Annabel. She would not fail her daughter. 

  The climb had been relatively easy to Watchman Point but worse was to come. Even Alundi would struggle to climb the Harana Mountains. He would have to use all his skill and tracking ability to find the safest and quickest route through the mountains. By the time the sun had fallen they had gotten further than Alundi thought they would. They found an out-cropping of rocks that would shield them in the unlikely event there should be an avalanche. The Annabels were in great spirits and took great pleasure as Alundi struggled to pitch the tent. The giggling continued until the tent was perfectly upright. Alundi built a fire just outside the tent. Unwilling to struggle with cold stones and water sodden branches Alundi used magic to ignite the sticks he had found. Before long the fire was radiating heat. All three sat around it. Annabel poured two bowls of the fish stew she had prepared the previous day. It did not take long for the air to smell of fish. They ate in silence, Alundi understanding that the smell would bring back memories of home. When the night got too cold both the Annabels retired to the tent. Alundi followed after extinguishing the fire and cooling the cauldron. He sat on the ground outside the mouth of the tent. 

  ‘Do you need help sleeping?’ Alundi asked, not taking his eyes from the path they had taken. 

  ‘Yes.’ Little Annabel said. Alundi turned to Annabel and after a few moments she nodded. Walking over to them both they covered themselves, Annabel wrapping her arms around her daughter and Alundi could not help smirking. He placed his hands on their brows and within moments their eyes flickered and closed. He doubted he would need to do that again. The climb tomorrow would be dangerous and very tiring. 

  Alundi sat at the entrance of the tent until dawn. He woke the Annabels and quickly lowered and rolled up the tent. The temperature did not increase much as the sun rose. The higher they climbed the more bitter and harsh the air and wind became. Alundi twice had to stop to find a route that they all could tread. When they found one they would barely get a few hundred yards before the road was blocked again. The fourth time the road was blocked Alundi cursed in frustration and with all his might he threw the tent and his bag over the sheer cliff face before them. Both were magically protected and would not be damaged. He wrapped his left arm around Little Annabel and did the same with Annabel with his right arm. 

  ‘Hold tight.’ Alundi croaked. Slowly their feet lifted off the ground. Both held tighter as they ascended. Even with the bitter cold, sweat started pouring down his face. His magic started to waver, he quickly had to tap into the magic of Excalibur to keep them from falling to their deaths, the moment their feet touched solid earth the world around Alundi started to spin and he collapsed. All measure of strength, will and magic had evaporated. Shouts and screams of concern rattled in his ears. He felt Little Annabel’s touch and pushed her hand away instantly. Magic flowed back into him and slowly he struggled to stand. 

  ‘We should stay here tonight,’ Annabel urged. 

  ‘No.’ Alundi replied immediately. He stood straighter taking a few long meaningful breaths. 

  ‘We need to get over the next mountain. We will freeze if we stay here.’ 

  ‘Alundi, you are exhausted!’ Annabel pleaded. 

  ‘Excalibur has supplied the magic, and I am healing. Give me a few moments.’ He said with a little more conviction. Soon Alundi grasped his bag and the tent and gestured for them all to continue. They did so grudgingly. For the rest of the day their path was rarely blocked. Twice Alundi’s legs gave from under him; both times he stood almost instantly. Annabel constantly glanced at him. He never met her gaze and continued as if nothing had happened. As night fell the temperature plummeted way below freezing. Even with the fire it was far too cold for either of the Annabels to leave the tent. Alundi cooked another pot of stew and carried it into the tent for them both. Alundi again sat at the mouth of the tent scanning the horizon. Both the Annabels fell asleep quickly. Snow had started landing and before long the ground was completely coated white. Alundi was startled slightly before dawn when Annabel grasped his shoulder. She sat next to him keeping within the tent. 

  ‘You almost died yesterday.’ The pain in her voice was obvious. 

  ‘No young Annabel I did not. The magic within me is very strong. With rest it will return. Do not worry about me. Concentrate on young Little Annabel. This day will be the most difficult. Soon we will be safe.’ Alundi winked at her, standing he stretched and pulled Annabel to her feet.

  ‘Come we must continue.’ 

  Annabel nodded. 

  As dawn came the tent was packed and on Alundi’s shoulder and the Annabels were ready. 

  There was no road or track to follow. Alundi kept back helping both Annabel and Little Annabel. A number of times their footing failed. Curses were shouted often enough, mostly from Little Annabel. After the first few oaths Annabel ceased correcting her. Rain started falling as high sun took hold of the sky, warming the air just enough so it did not snow. They rose over the summit and were smashed hard in the front by a howling wind. Alundi immediately stood in front of the two Annabels and after a few moments the wind stopped. 

  ‘Young Little Annabel, remember how I taught you to look within that plant. Do it now.’ She was exhausted but did not complain. Using some magic to heal her fatigue she struggled to do as she was instructed. The colours exploded but unlike the foliage and the hedge she had seen before, there were no yellows, greens and reds, striking violets and blues echoed from the ground ahead of them, melding with mixtures of browns and pinks, which brought a smile to Little Annabel’s face. It was shockingly beautiful. She scanned the horizon and her feelings of joy and pleasure evaporated, she noticed a stream of black surround a single cliff of one of the largest mountains. 

  ‘Do not be troubled. That is active magic to conceal what is there.’ Alundi reassured her.

  ‘What is there?’ Annabel asked feeling completely left out. 

  ‘Ice.’ Alundi muttered quietly and started down the cliff heading directly towards it. The wind struck the two Annabels again and both staggered back. A few curses followed, most directed at Alundi but he paid no attention. The journey so far had drained him so much all he could really think about was a warm bed to sleep on and a good hot meal. The Annabels followed resentfully. The closer the three of them got to this black light the colder it got until Alundi himself slipped. Standing slowly Alundi noticed a low mist gathering at their feet. 

  ‘Get close.’ He commanded, throwing both the tent and his bag to the floor. With the two Annabels at his sides he took deliberate and cautious steps forward. The mist thickened to the point that Alundi could only see the faces of the Annabels and no further. Panic drawn breaths could be heard from both the Annabels. Alundi grasped their hands and pulled them even closer. 

  ‘Annabel, close your eyes tight, you too young one.’ They did so. Even with his tight grip on their hands Alundi could still feel their shivering. Summoning what magic he could, letting go of Annabel’s hand he guided it to his b
elt. She grasped it instantly. Slowly he drew Excalibur from its scabbier and he whispered.

  ‘Popalas Excalibur.’ 

  The blinding white light erupted from the blade. The mist evaporated in an instant and the ice at their feet turned to water then steam. As the blade dimmed the Annabels opened their eyes to see a woman standing in front of them. Her skin had a pale blue glimmer to it and was perfectly smooth. Her body was slim and sleek. She wore a thin purple toga that covered her torso and hips but left her legs and arms exposed to the bitter cold air, wind and rain. Her face was flawlessly gorgeous making both the Annabels stare with wonder. Alundi sheathed Excalibur, brushed Annabel’s hand from his belt and let go of Little Annabel’s to step forward alone. 

  ‘Fla-nucala pobrim, Mistel.’ Alundi muttered and bowed his head. There was no reaction in her face. She stepped forward on tiptoe and kissed Alundi on the forehead and then they embraced, both starting to laugh uncontrollably. 

  ‘It’s about time you came to see me!’ She boomed. Alundi picked her up and spun her around a number of times before letting her feet touch the floor again. Her eyes fell on Annabel and then onto Little Annabel and she grinned broadly. She took a knee in front of her and stretched out her hand. 

  ‘It is an honour to finally meet you young Little Annabel.’ Cautiously Little Annabel took her hand. She stood and offered the same hand to Annabel, which was taken even more cautiously.                

  ‘I am Mistel, the Harana Mountains is my home and now I know who you are, you are welcome here.’ She spun round and looked at Alundi. 

  ‘And you young Galahad, still need to learn some manners,’ she said, a smile stretching across her face. 

  ‘Would you love me if I wasn’t how I was?’ Alundi retorted chuckling. 

  ‘Probably not.’ Mistel said, starting to laugh again. 

  ‘Come. You are safe here.’ Mistel said taking a step back to reveal a doorway in the rock face in front of them. They glanced to Alundi who nodded quickly. Guardedly they started for the door as Alundi passed them and grasped both the bag and the tent and followed. 

  ‘That little one is stunning, and her mother is gorgeous. You are good at catching the pretty ones, Assard springing to mind.’ 

  ‘Shut it.’ Alundi retorted as he passed her, she responded by slapping his arse which gave both of them a great deal of pleasure. 

  Mistel led the way. Though everything that could be touched or seen was of ice the air was in no way cold. The Annabels kept their hands together frightened to touch anything. Annabel was tempted to grab Alundi’s arm and demand an explanation. So many questions springing to mind, such as “How am I not cold?” “Why does Alundi trust her?” and, “Who and what is she?”

  ‘I am water, young Annabel.’ 

  Mistel answered from in front of her not altering her stride. Alundi glanced round and gave her a wink but it did little to improve her mood. She did not trust her. A large double door of ice opened as they neared. The cracking and scratching as the door opened sent a shiver down Annabel’s spine. Passing through the great door Annabel was awestruck at the size of the hall they had entered. It was brightly lit by many blue orbs that seemed to hang in the air over their heads. Even with the great light she could not see the end of the hall. Mistel turned left towards a grand table that could sit twenty on each side. The smell of flame-cooked lamb, beef and pork graced the air and to her surprise Annabel’s stomach grumbled loudly. Thankfully no one seemed to notice. The table and chairs were of frosty ice. 

  The food in front of them would be fit for a king and his entire court. Not just meats, there was almost every fruit and vegetable Annabel had ever seen and even more that she had never seen before. Frosted vessels of bright pink, orange, and yellow liquids littered the table. Several larger blue orbs hung just over the table casting a very mellow light, with no hint of blue as the hall around them. Alundi threw down his bag and tent and quickly took a seat grabbing everything he could within reach. Little Annabel broke away from Annabel took the seat directly to the left of Alundi and sat. The moment she did the chair started to rise bringing her to the same level as Alundi. She giggled as she started to grab the food around her. Annabel stood rooted to the spot. She thought that her hunger would have won her over but the truth was her fear of this Mistel was too strong. But was it fear she asked herself. Trust was something to be earned. She did not like this place and she would find no rest here. 

  ‘Annabel…’ Mistel said softly. She looked up to find Mistel standing at her side staring right at her. 

  ‘…please, you do not have to trust me to eat. I have very few visitors here and when I do I like to welcome them as best I can. Eat please.’ Mistel bowed her head and walked over to the icy chair to Alundi’s right at the head of the table. Little Annabel was staring at her and eventually she beckoned her mother to her side. Slowly she walked towards them. Placing her hand on the chair to Little Annabel’s left she was shocked to find that it was in no way cold. Taking a seat she glanced at Alundi who again gave her another wink. He continued eating. Annabel took several long breaths and grasped the nearest plate to her and started shovelling all the foods close to her on to her plate. They all ate in silence. 

  ‘What did you mean, you are “Water”?’ Little Annabel asked as they all were polishing off their second, and in Alundi’s case fifth, helping of the food around them. 

  ‘It is what I am young Little Annabel.’ Mistel stole a quick glance at Alundi and continued. 

  ‘Alundi has told you of the Great War and the spirits.’ 

  Little Annabel nodded.

  ‘I am one of a number of those spirits who has become the Element of Water. I am guardian of oceans, lakes and mountains.’ Mistel chuckled at the look of wonder on Little Annabel’s face. 

  ‘She is so willing to learn. How much do they know of you?’

  ‘They know I was Galahad of Camelot.’ Alundi answered concentrating on cutting a sizeable steak in half. 

  ‘How old are you? I noticed you called Alundi young.’ Annabel asked gazing at her.

  ‘That is not an easy question to answer young Annabel. I measure time differently from you.’ 

  ‘We measure time as the seasons repeat themselves as one year.’ Annabel continued. Mistel stole another glance at Alundi however this time he did not raise his head. 

  ‘In that case I am close to being six thousand years old young Annabel.’ Both took in long breaths. Alundi could not help grinning. 

  ‘Though she can be killed, but I would like to see someone try…’ Alundi nudged her and received a loving smile in return. 

  ‘…as long as the element survives, Mistel like the Elves is immortal.’ Alundi muttered. 

  ‘Are you the only one that has taken an element?’ Little Annabel asked grasping one of the vessels and drinking half of the pink juice within. 

  ‘She has a knack of asking the good questions doesn’t she?’ Alundi grinned proudly. 

  ‘No I am not. There are three others all of which have taken a different element, do you think you could guess what the elements are?’ Mistel said smiling broadly. 

  ‘Earth.’ Annabel answered quickly. 

  ‘Yes my sister Jade is guardian of earth, tree and hill.’ 

  ‘Wind.’ Little Annabel called. If at all possible Mistel’s smile grew. 

  ‘It is actually Air. But yes, my other sister Aurel is guardian of air, wind and sky.’

  ‘Fire.’ Annabel said slowly. The smile once so large across Mistel face fell instantly. Some of the orbs that hung above them flickered brighter. Quickly Alundi grasped Mistel’s hand. It was a soft touch Annabel could tell. 

  ‘You started this Mistel.’ Alundi said slightly forcefully. 

  ‘You cannot blame them. Shall I tell them?’ 

  Mistel took a long look at Alundi and nodded. She looked away from him and Annabel noticed tears forming in her eyes. Alundi put down the piece of bread he was
about to eat but left his right hand on Mistel’s.

  ‘Crimson is the brother and Element of Fire. He resides in the Fortress of Heeden and is a servant of Nala-Kahn, he may even serve Darz.’ 

  ‘No he doesn’t.’ Mistel spat shocking even Alundi. 

  ‘He is allied with Darz. Serves is the wrong word. That would imply he has no control or influence over his actions. He does. He is a willing participant in the atrocities of that child king!’ 

  Mistel stood quickly and turned away from them all angered that she has shown them all this. 

  ‘Can’t you and your sisters do anything?’ Annabel asked, a measure of spite in her voice. 

  Alundi shot her an accusing look but she ignored it. Mistel took a number of moments before turning around to meet Annabel’s vigorous stare. 

  ‘No…’ she started angrily. Taking a sum of breaths Mistel pulled herself under control, 

  ‘…no Element can war with another. And as Crimson is united with Darz and is in the service of Nala-Kahn, we cannot strike them. It is the only unbreakable binding magic of our kind. We agreed that we would not get involved with the matters of the earth-dwellers but even I have broken that agreement, not as much as my brother, mind. Forgive me young Annabel. But until Crimson is either…’ Mistel placed her hand on Alundi’s shoulder unable to continue. 

  ‘Until Crimson is either killed or his magic extinguished, the sisters cannot war against our enemy. But they have helped our struggle.’ 

  Alundi stood and embraced the now trembling Mistel. Pity overcame Annabel, unable to even imagine adequately what she could be going through. She felt angry at herself for what she felt towards her.

  ‘And believe me Mistel…’

  ‘My great love…’ 

  ‘…you have done far more for our cause then any. You have my love and the love of all of us for that.’ Alundi cradled Mistel’s head as she buried it into his chest. Alundi looked left to find both the Annabels crying. He beckoned them over. They did so quickly and joined the embrace. It seemed unfathomable that such a powerful being, just with words could be brought to tears. 

  After one of the longest and most joyful moments in his life they all parted and he and Mistel could not stop themselves laughing.

  ‘Now that we are full we all need rest Mistel.’ 

  ‘No you need to wash before you sleep, especially you.’ Mistel said poking Alundi in the chest.

  ‘Excuse me, but my sense of smell is far stronger than yours and I do not…’ at that moment Alundi took a sniff from under his arm and his eyes became wide with horror. 

  ‘…Oh shut up.’ 

  All of the ladies present had burst out laughing. Mistel motioned for the Annabels to follow. Heading for a smaller ice door they all vanished through it. Alundi started picking at more of the food on the table as Mistel returned. 

  ‘They are bathing and then they will sleep. Come bath with me.’ Mistel said longing underlining her voice. Alundi bowed his head and taking Mistel's hand he followed through a door opposite the one the Annabels had taken. 

  The water was more than just hot, that in itself was amazing. But as it ran over Annabel’s tight and harassed skin it soothed the number of bruises she had obtained in the climbing. On the second day of their ascent she had cut her forearm, not deeply and had not mentioned it to either her daughter or Alundi. As the suds of the spectacularly hot foamy water rolled over the cut the small scar sizzled and disappeared. Within moments Annabel was completely relaxed, her body being pampered by thousands of tiny healing kisses. Little Annabel who was sharing the same water in a bath bigger than their kitchen, lay floating on her back, the easily noticeable cuts and bruises she had also sustained were gone as well. Annabel made her way over to her daughter cupping some water in her hand she poured it over Little Annabel’s hair and started combing her fingers through her locks. Little Annabel smiled at the touch. They had spent the last days climbing in freezing cold weather and razor sharp rocks of the Harana Mountains, each night too exhausted to do anything other than eat and sleep. Though Annabel cradled her daughter in the dark hours of night the coldness robbed any warmth from her touch until now. Floating around Little Annabel then stood upright and embraced her mother, pressing her head deep into the gap between her mother’s breasts. Tears streamed down both their faces. So much had happened so quickly that eventually their situation overwhelmed them both, no words were spoken. Time became non-existent for the two of them and Annabel simply held her daughter tight to her naked flesh unwilling to register anything other than her daughter, her world, her life.

  Knowing that at the least night had fallen outside Annabel seemed shocked that the water was still hot and soothing. The tears had dried up a long time before. Eventually with the soothing qualities of the hot water, sleep was tugging at them both. Reluctantly both climbed out of the bath. Mistel had instructed them to throw their clothes into a smaller bath next to the one they used. Annabel found their clothes were gone and the smaller bath empty of anything. For one second panic gripped her then she noticed one of the blue light-giving orbs rotating above them. It slowly moved to an icy door to the right of the baths. Annabel followed. As she got close to the door it opened revealing a massive four poster bed fit for not only a king but several. Hanging off one of the posts were her and Little Annabel’s clothes, not just the ones they had been wearing but all of them, with a number of garments that belonged to neither. Little Annabel brushed passed her staring at the luscious bed and room beyond. She turned and grinned at her mother. After tucking Little Annabel in, Annabel dressed in one of the gowns that hung with her clothes and she left Little Annabel to her sleep. Stepping out into the hall where they had eaten Annabel started for the only other door she could see. Slowly she pushed it open with no sound. It was another bathing room identical to the one she had just used. Taking a few steps in, all measure of horror, pain and anger consumed her. Her eyes instantly rimmed with tears as they fell on to the naked figures asleep in the shallow bath. Alundi was completely naked, the water barely grasping his stomach. His left arm was wrapped around the sleek and perfect figure of Mistel just under her exposed breasts. She lay between his legs, her head resting on his great and powerful chest. Her skin glowed even more than any other time Annabel had seen her. Her arms were cradling Alundi's left arm as if afraid that it would leave her. For an insane moment Annabel wanted to stay to study the spectacle before her but the pain caused by what she saw overwhelmed her and she spun on the spot and left scuffing the door as she bolted out of the baths. Both Alundi and Mistel stirred but did not wake. Annabel became even more fatigued with every step she took towards the bed. So many thoughts and emotions span around her head, she thought she would not be able to sleep. But still her fatigue won in the end and as she climbed into bed pulling the cover over her and squeezing Little Annabel tight to her body her eyes closed and sleep came. 

  ‘Wake young Annabels, breakfast is served.’ Mistel said rocking them softly. When their eyes met there was nothing but warmth and caring in Mistel’s eyes and Annabel refused to show Mistel anything but the kindness she had shown them. After dressing, Annabel found Alundi already enjoying a large plate of assorted fruits with Little Annabel sitting to his left. Images of what she saw the previous night flashed into her mind and she had to pull her eyes from him. She gathered what she could as quickly as she could and started eating. 

  ‘Is it almost time?’ Alundi asked  

  ‘Yes, you should go now.’ Mistel answered. 

  Alundi grinned and stood. 

  ‘There is something I want you to see. It only happens when the sun's light is right.’ 

  Little Annabel jumped from her seat and took Alundi’s hand. 

  ‘Young Annabel?’ he asked 

  ‘I am still very tired go without me, go on.’ 

  Alundi nodded and glanced at Mistel before turning and heading to the far end of the hall. Annabel continued eating in silence; Mistel did not
take her eyes from her. Every time Annabel stole a look at Mistel only love and caring could be seen in her eyes. Slowly Mistel moved her head to check that indeed Alundi and Little Annabel were not in earshot. When she was certain of it she stood and walked over to Annabel. Placing her hand on her shoulder with no words she beckoned Annabel to follow her. She did so. Mistel lead her through the baths she and Alundi had shared the previous night and through another icy double door. As it parted Annabel was met by an identical bedroom as the one her and her daughter had shared. Curiosity won her over and she asked,

  ‘Is this always the way it is?’ 

  Mistel turned and grinned. 

  ‘No. Within this mountain, within my home I have ultimate power. Even young Little Annabel and all the magic within her, or that child king Nala-Kahn could do nothing to me in here. I want to tell you something young Annabel. I have led you here because even if young Alundi or your daughter were on the other side of that door they still would not hear us, please.’ She added gesturing to the foot of the bed. Reluctantly Annabel walked forwards and sat. For a number of moments Mistel stared at Annabel. There was warmth and caring in her eyes but also pain, terrible pain. Annabel took her hand quickly and Mistel slumped onto her shoulder and started weeping.

  ‘Forgive me please?’ she said finally. 

  ‘I did not know. He doesn’t know, so neither did I. I did not kn…’ The weeping grew louder. Annabel embraced her unsure what to do. Within her arms was a being who was a goddess and yet she was here cowering and being comforted by Annabel. For what seemed like an age all Annabel did was hold her. Slowly Mistel pulled away from her. Their eyes met, both wet with tears.

  ‘I cannot blame you or him. I have said nothing, neither have I given him any sign. He would not be interested in me anyway.’ 

  ‘Don’t say that.’ Mistel said quickly, ‘I have watched you all your life. You are the strongest woman I have ever seen and I have seen many. And with the people of Mountain Rise being the closest to me, I have watched all of them for all the long years Mountain Rise has existed, I have watched. I met Knorrest once when he was seven, did you know?’ 

  Annabel shook her head. 

  ‘He had followed his father into the mountains to find a stone for a grinding wheel. He got lost and his father despaired. I watched from a distance but I could not just watch. When he first saw me he ran to me and hugged my leg. I led him back to his father. Afterwards when he told his father of me his father said Knorrest was blessed.’ Her eyes rimmed with tears again. 

  ‘I watched you grow. You are more like your mother then you think. When she died, I grieved. And then the day after I saw you were walking towards the mountains. You stood on Watchman Point staring back at the house. How I fought myself. I stood not four feet behind you sharing your grief, hoping to give you strength to help you get through it. But I felt something from you even at that young age. It was unrelenting strength.’ Tears flowed down Annabel’s face with the telling of a memory she wanted to forget. 

  ‘Don’t ever forget that young Annabel. That pain made you into the   fantastic young woman that sits in front of me. I can never have a child. All I wanted to do was to cuddle you and offer you a home. But I could not.’ 

  Annabel frowned. 

  ‘You see young Annabel. Things had been set in motion even I could not prevent. Whether it be the will of the gods or the spirits I do not know.’ Mistel's head fell in shame into Annabel’s chest.

  ‘You returned home. Continued living, then he came.’ Annabel's breathing quickened realising of whom Mistel spoke of.  

  ‘I wanted Ciro dead afterwards. But it was not my decision.’ Mistel pulled Annabel into a tight embrace holding her head to her chest. 

  ‘Forgive me. I could not…’ Annabel pulled out of the embrace and placed her finger to Mistel’s lips. 

  ‘There is nothing to forgive, Mistel. And I would be honoured if you would consider me your daughter.’ Joy enveloped them both and they pulled each other together with such force that it began to hurt them both but still they did not cease. Mistel was whole again, most importantly though, was that so was Annabel. 

  Alundi led the way up a long spiral staircase made completely of ice and yet their footing was perfect. The air became steadily colder. The bitter sting of the outside air sent a painful shiver down Little Annabel’s spine. She stepped out grudgingly following Alundi. The spectacle before them was dark and sour but the promise of something more was worth the cold. They stood at the highest peak of the Harana Mountains. The dawning light did nothing to help Little Annabel’s sight. Nothing could be seen past the edge to the surrounding mountains. For a short while Alundi simply stood staring out into the bleak rocks before them. In the space of a moment Alundi seized Little Annabel, swung her high and sat her on his shoulders. 

  ‘Shall I use magic to see like before?’ 

  Alundi grinned broadly. 

  ‘Trust me young one for now there will be no need.’ 

  Several heart beats later and the sun in all its glory sprang from behind them. The full majestic view blazed across the horizon. The beauty of the world when Little Annabel looked with magic was nothing in comparison. The sky raged with thousands of different colours. Swirling and twisting together the lights gracing the horizon now danced dazzling Little Annabel’s eyes. Focusing her eyes she noticed that the mountains around her became opaque and then completely transparent. 

  ‘Now use your magic.’ Alundi called from below her. 

  She did so in an instant. The force of the world exploded before her. She was everywhere and nowhere. She could see Conner working in the forge of Mountain Rise, Meredith turning one of her many rooms in her Inn. She could see strangers in distant villages and towns tending to their horses, their cattle and sheep. She saw children as young as her running and playing with wooden swords. It darkened for an instant and everyone she could see everywhere fell to the ground. Then it brightened just as quickly and all were standing again running, playing and working. A tall solid stony castle wall covered in a series of reds and golds. She focused her attention on the castle. Blackness was within luring her. Her sight pushed through the outside walls deeper into the bowels of the castle. Breathing, she could hear breathing from the blackness. A rumble of breath, it was laboured as if each breath was pain, she pushed closer.   

  ‘Enough young Annabel!’ Alundi shouted, slamming hIS conscious magic into her and grasping her outstretched hand making sure she did not fall from her perch. She shook her head, shocked at the assault. The world reverted back to its original beauty although now it seemed very monochrome. Alundi lifted Little Annabel off his shoulders but kept her in his arms. 

  ‘Like here the blackness was active magic. But most evoke magic to detect watchers. That is where we are. This is a Viewer where we stand. Mistel made it. She gets lonely here. She can leave of course but her strength would waver. Through this Viewer when the sun passes over the mountains behind us with magic,’ Alundi grinned, ‘...she can see the world,’ he whispered, the words filled with euphoria. 

  ‘The first time I experienced this was a long time ago and it always gets better. But,’ Alundi put Little Annabel down and took a knee. His smile was warm,  ‘...we and Mistel have only been spectators. Just…’

  ‘Just like the spirits.’ Little Annabel said. 

  Alundi beamed at her. 

  ‘Yes. HAHAHA yes!’ Alundi shouted and grabbed at the small of her knees and lifted her over his shoulder. She cried out then the laughter started and did not cease for a long time. 

  Alundi climbed down the spiral staircase with Little Annabel over his right shoulder laughing and striking his butt and legs hoping to get him to put her down. As they entered the hall Alundi had Little Annabel upside down in his arms tickling anywhere she was ticklish. They were laughing so hard that both their eyes were full of tears. Alundi looked up and found the table deserted and the food still out. 

  ‘Where are t
hey?’ Little Annabel asked. 

  ‘Do not worry young Little Annabel, now I’m still hungry.’ He put her down on her feet and strolled over to the table refilling his plate. Little Annabel who ate a great deal earlier also felt strangely hungry and followed his lead. Just as the two of them polished off their second helping of food Annabel and Mistel emerged from the baths Alundi and Mistel had shared the previous night. It was obvious both had been in the baths together. Alundi was glad, knowing the longing that troubled Mistel since the day he met her. They joined them at the table. 

  ‘When do we leave Alundi?’ Annabel asked. 

  ‘That is a good question. Is our path ready? And free of danger?’ Alundi asked Mistel. For a while she looked at Alundi, a strange expression across her face. 

  ‘Yes and yes, but please stay at least one more day, please.’ Mistel said her hand gracing Alundi’s. 

  ‘I was actually going to ask if we could. Assard's progress with the Elves is going slowly, and there are eight days travel from the mountains to the Rubicon Falls. We will need as much rest as we can get and as much food. Young Annabel I suggest you eat as much as you can. The travelling we will do over the Paladin Fields will be fast and not as tough as what has been but you need a reserve of body fat. I would give the same advice to you young Little Annabel but you seem to already be doing it.’ 

  She grinned, embarrassed. 

  ‘Why is that?’ She asked spilling a few bits of the fruit that was in her mouth. They all chuckled. 

  ‘If you use your magic it is replenished by rest and nourishment. Most of us magic-wielders have a sizeable appetite, you are no exception.’ Fear spread across her face, something Alundi could not help laughing at. 

  ‘You will never get fat little one.’ Alundi continued to chuckle and Annabel could not help joining in. After a while Alundi left the Annabels with Mistel, needing the chance to stretch his aching and tired muscles. 

  As the sun fell and darkness encircled the Harana Mountains Alundi returned from the outside with his lungs filled with crisp cold air. He had spent the whole day away from the Annabels and Mistel training with Excalibur. The climb had not damaged Alundi in any real lasting way though he noticed how tired he became so easily. He rested for a while and continued. Now he knew he was back to full and able fitness. Though the outside was bitterly cold Alundi was still drenched with sweat after his exercises. He entered the hall to find it empty. He double-checked that no one was in the bath he used the previous night before entering. As he descended into the hot water his aches gave way to placid smoothness. Before too long unconsciousness took hold of him and he fell into a comfortable deep sleep. 

  Mistel stood over Alundi as he awoke. She wore a strange smile, almost mischievous. It took a few moments for Alundi to fully comprehend his location. Someone, Mistel he assumed, had carried him from the baths to the bed adjacent. 

  ‘What is it? What have you done?’ 

  She grinned broadly but said nothing. After bathing Alundi strolled out into the hall. He was confronted by three utter beauties. Mistel had been busy. She must have pampered the two young Annabels, the original beauty was now radiating from them. A smile split Alundi's face in two. 

  ‘You three look gorgeous.’ 

  They all grinned. 

  The breakfast was fit for champions and was a very enjoyable event. Mistel told them all of the first time Alundi visited her with a very young and handsome Assard.

  ‘I could not pull him off her.’ Alundi boomed and Mistel laughed out loud. Mistel never mentioned Alundi's first visit when he was alone. He had realised something had been shared between young Annabel and Mistel but he did not push for any reasoning or explanations. What was shared would stay between them, Alundi knowing how secrets were necessary. 

  Alundi left them at the table heading for the Viewer, neither of the Annabels accepting his invitation, something he was thankful for. As the sun grazed the Viewer and the world became apparent, horror struck Alundi as he viewed yet another massacre in the search for magic-wielders. That was not the worst thing though; the massacre was watched from a hill on the outskirts by a small knot of people, one being the magic-wielder himself. Though active magic was being used Alundi recognised who it was. Unrelenting sickness gripped him. If this person was unable or unwilling to intervene then their danger was greater then he thought. 

  Alundi burst into the hall running at full pace. 

  ‘We have to leave, now!’ He shouted as he passed them running into the bedroom he had made his home over the past two nights. He gathered everything as quickly as he could. Mistel entered. 

  ‘What is it?’ she screamed. 

  ‘The village of Ne-aan has been annihilated and the young Wielder there has been taken. And he watched! He watched and did nothing!’ Alundi blasted anger seething within him. 

  ‘Who?’ Mistel asked fear gripping her tight. Alundi summoned the image into his mind and projected it to Mistel. She pulled in a sharp gasp of air, unimaginable pain and rage within her. 

  ‘I will quicken your pace.’ She said shaking, turned and left. 

  Alundi carried the tent and his bag over the same shoulder. He found the two Annabels flustered but ready. 

  ‘Take my hand.’ 

  Annabel did and Little Annabel took hers. Mistel strolled towards them her skin glowing an even brighter shade of blue. 

  ‘Are you ready?’ she asked. 

  Alundi nodded. 

  ‘Take a deep breath you two and you might want to close your eyes.’ 

  Fear grasped them both. Water started to rise from the floor as the walls fell. A tidal wave of water cascaded towards them. 

  ‘It will not hurt!’ Alundi shouted. In the instant the water smashed into them there was no pain. All three were violently yanked from the floor. Even Alundi sealed his eyes shut as they were pulled and push by the water. Like the bath water it was warm and calming. Even Alundi had not experienced this before. They were completely and utterly embraced by Mistel, her touch, her scent, her soul was everywhere. 

  ‘Alundi there must be a reason. He would not just ignore suffering. There must be a reason.’ Mistel’s voice whispered in Alundi’s mind. 

  ‘Who are you trying to convince my love, me or yourself?’ Alundi said harshly. There was no anger only sadness.

  Their feet touched solid ground and the water washed away from them. Their clothes were not wet in any way, shape or form. The water pooled in front of them and Mistel rose from it, her skin the darkest shade of blue any of them had ever seen. 

  ‘This is the limit of my true influence but I trust your road will be free from danger. I will watch for you.’ Alundi walked over to her and embraced her in a passionate hug. When he let go of her, both the Annabels hugged her moments after. 

  ‘I will watch you. Please be safe.’ Mistel begged. She took two steps back. Tears pooled as did water beneath her. She fell, slid straight down into the pool and was gone. Alundi slung his travel bag over his shoulder and lifted the tent onto his other shoulder. 

  ‘The land before us is flat-ish. We shall walk at a gentle pace. I doubt the enemy will find our path, the Paladin Fields are vast and there are no landmarks to travel by. Few can navigate it even amongst us magic-wielders.’ Little Annabel grasped Alundi's left hand. 

  ‘What happened? Why do we have to leave so urgently?’ 

  The words were spoken with a force which surprised Annabel but she did not say anything because she wanted to know as well. Alundi glanced at them both and nodded. 

  ‘There was another young magic-wielder in a village far to the north. He has been captured by soldiers of Nala-Kahn. I thought the young wielder’s location was secret and safe, only a few knew of his existence. Which means a trusted ally betrayed him, and I do not know who it was…’ 

  Fear gripped Annabel but Alundi continued, 

  ‘Calm young Annabel, there are only two people in this world that know of our locat
ion and the path we will take. I and Assard and he is not our Betrayer. Come let us walk.’ They fell in behind him. 


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