The Legend of Alundi - Journey to the Emerald Skull

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The Legend of Alundi - Journey to the Emerald Skull Page 10

by Russell Claridge




  The first night on the Paladin Fields was almost as cold as the nights they had to endure within the Harana Mountains. Alundi cooked them all the foods that Mistel had supplied them with, not allowing the two young ladies to step out of the tent with the wind howling as it was. He sat on the floor crossing his legs and ate in silence. 

  ‘This Betrayer has you worried?’ Annabel asked. Alundi wondered whether it was a question or not. 

  ‘Yes. However, like I said it is not Assard so for now we are safe. But as we grow closer to the lands under Nala-Kahn’s control, his Empire, and more learn of your existence and young Little Annabel, our task will become far more difficult. We will have to be wary of everyone including our escorts.’ 

  Confusion shot across Annabel’s face. 

  ‘You mean the Elves. Why?’ 

  Alundi had hoped not to answer that question until the Elves were there so they could present their argument and at the same time confirm his views. 

  ‘Like I, the Elves oppose Nala-Kahn’s rule. Like I they seek out and protect young magic-wielders from Nala-Kahn. However, that sadly is where our similarities end. Though Assard was the first I trained within the Emerald Skull it is my duty to train young wielders so they can learn to protect themselves and follow in my footsteps and train others. The Elves' protection however is more like kidnapping. The Elves train Man-folk to protect their borders, to care for Elves first before themselves and before any other creature.’ Alundi stood and took the Annabels' now empty bowls. 

  ‘That is a fate that will not befall you, I will not allow it. Be wary of the Elves but rest assured that though their goal is different from ours they will still fight and die for you if needs be.’ Alundi smiled but it was not convincing.   ‘Get some sleep.’ He said softly and left the tent. 

  Alundi sat on the floor at the mouth of the tent struggling to find the answers to some very difficult and painful questions. Though he could tell if anything approached he was startled when Annabel appeared behind him and placed her hand on his shoulder to sit on the ground next to him.

  ‘You should sleep young Annabel.’ 

  ‘Stop Alundi, you told me to care for my baby on this trip, but to do that I need more information. I want the truth. If I ask the question will you tell me the truth?’ 

  ‘I have not deceived you once young Annabel. Ask your questions.’ There were a few long moments of silence between them. 

  ‘You told me of Little Annabel’s power. Has there ever been another with such power?’ 

  Alundi nodded. 

  ‘Yes. One that I know of anyway, Merlin.’ 

  ‘You know him?’ She asked. 

  ‘I knew him yes. He trained me within the Emerald Skull.’

  ‘Is he dead?’ Alundi frowned.

  ‘No, what makes you think that?’ 

  ‘Well you did not say that you know Merlin, you said you knew him.’ Alundi suppressed a grin. It was obvious that Annabel was very wise, for someone of her age anyway. 

  ‘I have not seen him ever since Assard and I left the Emerald Skull. Though we long living creations look at time differently to Man, a lot still can happen in twenty years.’ 

  Annabel seemed satisfied with his answer. 

  ‘If you do not trust the Elves why have you asked for their assistance?’ 

  ‘I have not asked for their assistance. Assard has told them of what I found, he has left out any specific details of you or young Little Annabel in case they are not trustworthy. It is their choice whether they assist or not, I am confident that they will come. Regardless of their motives the last thing they want is for young Little Annabel to fall into the hands of Nala-Kahn. Most Elves are formidable warriors and skilled magic-wielders; they will be useful in protecting her. But make no mistake Annabel, I will not leave them alone with her, ever.’ 

  Annabel seemed shocked at the amount of contempt in Alundi's tone. 

  ‘What is the plan? Where does this quest end? She is so young Alundi I’m scared I’ll lose her.’ 

  Alundi wrapped his right arm around Annabel as she started to silently weep into his chest. 

  ‘Your daughter is in grave danger but please know that if I had not arrived when I did, eventually she would have been found and taken by Nala-Kahn. Nala-Kahn was born like most young wielders, able to do magic by instinct alone, it was surprising but not suspicious that Nala-Kahn was a wielder like his father as magic does not travel down the generations in Man. Morlek trained Nala-Kahn within the Emerald Skull. His power was average in my opinion. For so long I had pondered how he had become so powerful, then it is as if it hit me across the face. After the death of Arthur there were rumours of young child wielders going missing, and being taken by Men in hoods. It was then that I realised that Nala-Kahn and most likely his father were forcibly taking others' magic. Such an act goes against the very teachings within the Skull and the core of magic itself. Nala-Kahn wishes to either control or worse, to sap the magic from young Little Annabel, and with her power he would be invincible.’ For a number of moments Alundi ceased talking and started rocking Annabel forward and back. 

  ‘This terrifying and unspeakable evil plot does give us an advantage however. Nala-Kahn will not seek to kill young Little Annabel and after she has trained within the Skull she will be well able to protect herself. That is the plan young Annabel. That is where this quest ends, at the Emerald Skull. When she is inside with I or Assard. What happens after, that, even I cannot not begin to think of. The future is important, but the present is more important. Now sleep.’ 

  Alundi felt her chuckle. He stood and picked her up in the same movement. Laying her next to young Little Annabel she unconsciously pulled the child close and did not let go. Alundi returned to the mouth of the tent and fell back into his thoughts. 

  Several days after they left the comfort of Mistel’s home they had their first glimpse of others on the Paladin Fields. Alundi assumed they were searching for him but quickly dismissed the idea. No one knew where they were and these others were many leagues away but they travelled by horse, as their hearts were strong Alundi could feel their presence. He neglected to tell the Annabels. Little Annabel seemed excited and if Annabel was worried it was well disguised. Alundi sat at the mouth of the tent staring straight out towards the horizon. Though the wind had eased since the first night it still battered the side of the tent, pushing and stroking the walls inwards. He had not slept since Mistel and knew he would not sleep for, at the very least, another six days. He felt fatigued but he would not be able to rest until there were others to protect Little Annabel. This time he was not shocked when someone laid a hand on his shoulder. However when he realised it was Little Annabel he was. She wore a concerned expression. 

  ‘You have not slept. I can feel your strength waning.’ 

  Alundi looked deep into her eyes. 

  ‘You can feel me?’ 

  Little Annabel nodded slightly wary. Alundi smiled. 

  ‘You know the black you saw in the Viewer?’ 

  She nodded.

  ‘I am not doing that, which means we can only be found by someone who knows where to look. What did you see in the Viewer?’ 

  Little Annabel was surprised at the question. 

  ‘Everything, children I’ve never seen, distant lands, distant people tending their animals and of course…’

  Alundi waved his hand to silence her. 

  ‘It took me three times in the Viewer to see what you saw. You are truly blessed young one. Get some sleep. When we get to the Rubicon Falls I shall rest.’ He smiled at her as she stood. She kissed him on the forehead and returned to the warm embrace of her mother.

  The air grew moist as the day wore on. Alundi led the Annabels in single file. The Falls were close. The nine days they had spent on the Paladin Fields were to Alundi exhausting and in addition he knew that by this night the danger to Little Annabel would
increase. Just as they got within earshot of the Falls Little Annabel called.


  He spun round to see if they were being followed. They were not. He took a few steps back towards Little Annabel, his eyes scanning the horizon around them. 

  ‘What is it young one?’ 

  She looked up to him, fear splashed across her face. 

  ‘I can feel it, a blackness.’ 

  Instantly Alundi dropped everything he carried and drew Excalibur. He closed his eyes and closed his palm around Little Annabel’s left hand with Annabel gripping her left. 

  ‘May I?’ Alundi’s voice echoed. 

  She allowed him to feel what she felt. Just as quickly Alundi severed the connection between them. He slowly replaced Excalibur. 

  ‘Assard’ He whispered. 

  ‘Wow!’ someone shouted from the left. Alundi spun round. Assard stood alone behind a sizeable boulder his great smile exposing his brilliantly white teeth. 

  ‘I thought at the very least you would smell my presence. I reek.’ 

  Alundi chuckled. Assard strolled towards them and embraced his father followed quickly by the Annabels. 

  ‘Their idea?’ Alundi asked annoyed. Assard let out a long breath of frustration. 

  ‘Yeah, at least they came.’ Assard answered with a shrug. Alundi nodded and turned right towards the Falls. 

  ‘What you are doing at the moment is letting our enemy know exactly where we are. Reveal yourselves now or we will leave you here.’ A few moments passed and the air in front of them started to ripple as if hot and then three figures stepped out of nowhere. The air returned to normal and their escort was fully revealed. 

  All had pale skin. One stood more forward then the other. Her figure was smooth and sleek. Her golden hair graced the small of her back. Her face was even more beautiful then Mistel’s. Both the Annabels stared in wonder at the creature that stood in front of them. She wore an all-white battle garment graced with branches of trees all crowned with gold. Her belt was made of a darker brown-green colour, as was the scabbier of her sword. The handle was all white with a cluster of silver material hanging from the end. Her eyes shone a brilliant blue and she was almost as tall as Alundi and Assard. To her left was another female who was shorter but her figure was just as sleek, even more so than the first. Her garments were blue, as was her scabbier and sword. The last newcomer was to their right and this one was a male. He was just as beautiful as the females. He also stood in blue however his eyes shone green; his physique was very broad as were his arms and legs. He had seen battle, on his right cheek there was a long scar that stretched down his neck and was hidden by his collar. The Annabels' eyes and mouths were wide with awe. Alundi chuckled as many who had never seen an Elf before had similar reactions.

  ‘Well…’ Alundi started speaking some form of life back into the Annabels. 

  ‘…introductions are in order I believe. I am Alundi, Assard you know. And here is young Annabel and young Little Annabel.’ Alundi said gesturing to them both. 

  The Elf in the middle stepped forward and offered her hand. Annabel took it warily; Alundi hoped that she would remember what they spoke about a number of days before. 

  ‘Hello, young Annabel.’ The Elf then offered Little Annabel her hand, which she quickly took. 

  She grinned. 

  ‘Hello young Little Annabel, my name is Queen Isacal-Teo. This is Calqui-Pao…’ The Queen said gesturing to her left. 

  ‘…and this is Boahim-Buo’ gesturing to her right. 

  ‘We have come to protect you.’ 

  Alundi quickly stepped forward placing his hands softly on Little Annabel’s shoulders. 

  ‘And you will be doing that my way, is that understood Queen.’ There was a small amount of sarcasm in the way Alundi said “Queen” however she did not react to it. She tilted her head slightly. 

  ‘Good. Now swear to it. Swear to the Quest or walk away and we will do this without you.’

  The bitterness in Alundi’s tone shocked even Assard. Although Assard heard his father talk of the Elves often he did not show anything but love towards them, however this was different. It was not anger or hate it was something else. Something he had never seen in his father before. 

  ‘I swear Alundi…’ a smile twitched at the side of her face.

  ‘…Galahad wielder of Excalibur, ruling Knight of the Round Table of Camelot to your Quest.’ 

  That was a low blow Alundi thought however he did not react to it. The Elves were clever and devious, word spinning being their greatest and most learned skill. He was truly glad that the Queen had spoken the words; it was an insurance which he hoped he would not have to use. 

  ‘Good, well now that you have shown everyone that magic-wielders are hiding here we have to move quickly. Boahim do you have one of the endless bags?’  He nodded quickly. 

  ‘Good stow these in there…’ kicking the tent and travel bag, 

  ‘…along with these young ladies' bags. Assard take young Little Annabel, young Annabel I need you to climb on to my back.’

  ‘What!’ She shouted in shock. 

  Alundi grinned.

  ‘One of Nala-Kahn’s agents will come to search this area. We must leave and quickly.’ 

  She nodded hesitantly. As she climbed on to his back Calqui stepped forward. 

  ‘Would it not be prudent to have one of us take them. We are of course much faster than you.’ 

  Alundi looked at her for a long moment. He then glanced at Assard who was struggling not to laugh out loud. However he failed as soon as Alundi chuckled. 

  ‘You really need to teach him that you’re the Wolf Guard of the wider world Queen.’ Alundi said rather sarcastically.

  ‘Hold on young Annabel, it may help if you close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing. Do not fear.’ Alundi added as he saw her concerned expression. He held her by her lower thighs which at his first touch she flinched, but Alundi thought nothing of it.

  ‘The Adrim woods.’ Alundi muttered and Assard nodded. 

  Alundi rocked forwards twice. On the third rock Alundi sprang in to a full run. Assard did not move for a few moments. He glanced at the Elves and said.

  ‘Don’t fall too far behind.’ He winked and with a chuckle he leaped, and as quick as Alundi he was gone. 

  The Elves did not think twice they too leaped at full speed but it was quickly obvious to them that they were in no way fast enough to catch Alundi and Assard. Calqui silently cursed herself for what she had said. The Adrim woods were over ten leagues away and she knew that they would not make it there until nightfall. 

  Isacal walked slowly along the border of the Adrim woods, her right hand resting on the pommel of her sword. Boahim walked at her right with Calqui walking several paces behind them. Just as the sun completely fell past the horizon they caught the sound of music playing in the distance. The Elves walked over to find a fire close to blazing. Several sitting logs were positioned around it leaving enough space so one did not burn from the heat. Annabel sat to Assard’s right on one of the logs and Little Annabel sat on the floor resting between his and her mothers leg. On Assard's left shoulder sat his fiddle. The melody was smooth and calming. As they closed they noticed Alundi laying to the right of them sound asleep. 

  ‘He has not slept in nine days.’ Annabel said as Isacal stepped over the log opposite them. 

  She took a seat, as did the others. Annabel avoided eye contact, which did not go unnoticed. Assard finished the piece and replaced his fiddle. 

  ‘Well I don’t know about you lot but I’m starving. Alundi said that Mistel had given some food.’ Assard said to Annabel rubbing his hands together. She grinned and nodded. He smiled back. 

  ‘Boahim, I need Annabel’s travel bag and for you to set up the tent.’ Boahim looked angered but a swift look from Isacal stopped him in whatever he was going to say. Before too long Assard held one of the bowls in his hand with a sizea
ble portion of Mistel’s food within it and the tent had been put up quickly. Assard stared at the bowl. His hands glowed red and the contents of the bowl started to bubble. Assard took a spoonful just to try it. He grinned and tucked in. 

  ‘How are you so fast? Calqui is the fastest of all Elves and yet you are faster, how?’ Boahim said forcefully. 

  Assard did not stop eating. It was obvious he was not the only one who wanted an answer as all of them were looking at him. Assard grinned. 

  ‘It is pretty obvious. What is the main difference between you and me?’ He asked between mouthfuls of Mistel’s stew.

  ‘You are of Man.’ Boahim said. 

  ‘In regards to our training.’ Assard countered. 

  ‘You were trained within the Skull.’ 

  Assard smiled and nodded. 

  ‘That's it, I do hope that answers your question.’ Assard said sarcastically.

  ‘Not really.’ Calqui said through her clenched teeth. 

  ‘Ah well.’ Assard shrugged and helped himself to more of Mistel’s stew placing another portion in Annabel and Little Annabel’s bowls. 

  ‘Queen Isacal, I don’t really know what to call you, Queen?’ Little Annabel asked. She smiled which made her look extremely pretty even Assard looked at her with wonder for a few moments. 

  ‘Well that is my title young l…’ she was interrupted by Alundi who had sat up from his slumber and said.

  ‘In that case you and your people have to call me Ruling Knight of the Round Table.’ 

  Isacal smiled but Alundi could see hate in her eyes and disgust in the eyes of the other two. It was against the law in Elf country to interrupt the Queen, it was a crime harshly punished. 

  ‘Isacal, young one. You all can call me by my given name and please address Boahim and Calqui as such.’ 

  ‘I smelt food.’ Alundi said looking at Assard who handed him one of the bowls with the stew already hot. 

  ‘She hasn’t lost her touch has she?’ Assard said whilst placing a large spoonful of stew into his mouth. 

  ‘The day Mistel loses her ability to cook is the day the world ends.’ 

  Alundi noticed that Isacal grimaced when he mentioned Mistel, which he found amusing. Alundi then realised that all the spoons were in use. He attempted to cup the stew in his hands to eat but it was far too hot. Glancing down Alundi found a small thick piece of wood that had not been thrown into the fire. Pushing his magic within it and slowly waving his hand over the piece several times, a spoon shape started to form within it and then it broke away. Little Annabel stared in wonder, as did Annabel, but she was more shocked to notice that the Elves were also shocked at the spectacle. Alundi ate quietly and quickly. Just as he finished he stood. 

  ‘Are you rested?’ he said looking to Boahim who seemed annoyed at the question, which was confirmed in his response.

  ‘Look you have already proved to us just how fast you are and n…’ 

  ‘Answer the bloody question, Elf!’ Alundi spat though his teeth seething with anger and scaring Little Annabel. 

  Calqui stood, as did Isacal quickly holding up a hand to stop her. 

  ‘Yes.’ Boahim replied plainly. 

  ‘Good. Well I am going to get a full night's sleep as is Assard, young Annabel and young Little Annabel. You three can rotate guard duty tonight. You can stay out here or in there I don’t care which. And do not conceal us the way you did earlier, am I understood?’ 

  Boahim nodded. 

  Alundi strolled over to Little Annabel and held out a hand to help her up. She lost her balance a bit and so Alundi pulled her off the ground and swung her over his right shoulder. She screamed then started laughing uncontrollably. Annabel smiled broadly. 

  ‘Father you have something on your back.’ Assard called. 

  Alundi spun round quickly. 

  ‘Where I can’t see anything, hang about, where’s young Little Annabel gone?’ 

  ‘I’m here.’ She said in between breathing and laughing. 

  He spun back round and again. 

  ‘Do you hear something?’ He asked Annabel who shook her head but did not dare open her mouth or else she would burst out laughing. 

  ‘Well off to bed. I think I’ll jump into bed back first.’ 

  ‘No!’ Little Annabel screamed. 

  He walked over to Little Annabel’s bed and placed her down. She was still laughing hysterically. Alundi tickled her under the arms for a moment then left her in peace. He spun round to find Annabel wiping her eyes, but happiness was not present in her expression. Sadness was. He bowed his head and stepped out of the way. Assard walked in carrying all of their bags, including his own. Alundi unbuckled his belt and pulled off his travelling cloak.

  ‘We need to get to the bottom of the Falls tomorrow. I desperately need a wash.’ Alundi said to Assard not looking at him. 

  ‘I wasn’t going to say anything. Do you think that’s why they won’t join us in here?’ Assard asked.

  ‘Yes and the fact that each one of them hates my living guts.’ Alundi answered. 

  Assard laughed and almost fell onto the floor. After a few long moments all four of them were asleep, Alundi making sure he left his hand on Excalibur who does not rest.

  Annabel woke to find Isacal sitting cross-legged in the tent staring at one of the walls. The sun had just risen and Annabel stood and stretched her body. She considered changing but she overheard Alundi say something about bathing at the bottom of the Falls and so helped by the smell of breakfast being cooked she decided not to. She stepped out to find Assard wearing just his trousers going through some slow delicate motions with his sword. Alundi leaned on a tree, pipe alight in hand watching him silently. Little Annabel sat on one of the logs, a bowl in hand. On a separate log sat Boahim and Calqui both watching Assard. Annabel walked over to her daughter and placed her hands on her shoulders. She looked up and gave her mother a loving smile, which was returned. Grabbing the last bowl Annabel filled it from a cauldron, which must have been hung by the Elves over the now smouldering fire. Assard quickened the speed. Alundi placed his bowl down and grasped one of the logs that had not been placed on the fire. He threw it hard at Assard as easily as throwing an apple. He sidestepped it and sent Nasel straight through it. The log parted and missed him by a hair's width. Just as the log fell to the ground Assard grasped his right shoulder in pain. 

  ‘It’s still bothering you?’ Alundi asked with concern, walking over to him. 

  ‘Yeah.’ Assard answered rubbing it. 

  Alundi placed his hand on the shoulder and closed his eyes for a few moments. 

  ‘Better?’ Alundi said stepping away from him. 

  Assard nodded. 

  ‘We best pack away.’ Alundi suggested. 

  Assard nodded again. Alundi headed for the tent. Assard walked towards the Annabels and recovered his clothing. 

  ‘Assard what style of swordplay is that?’ Calqui asked whilst standing and strolling over to him. 

  ‘Alundi’s dragon fist.’ 

  ‘What?’ she asked irritated. 

  Assard could not help smirking. 

  ‘It has no name Calqui, my father developed it. Don’t say any of this to him he’s got a big enough ego already but he is without a shadow of a doubt the greatest swordsman there is, which hopefully makes me the second greatest swordsman there is.’ He smiled again and walked over to his travel bag. 

  Calqui glanced at Boahim and though both were angry with both Alundi and Assard, they were also impressed. Calqui more so than she would ever admit. Alundi walked into the tent paying absolutely no attention to Isacal and started packing. She called Boahim and ordered him to prepare to leave. She turned to Alundi and waited for him to stand. When he did she stepped forwards. 

  'Galahad where is the Que…’ Again Alundi interrupted her. 

  ‘My name is Alundi and this is not the place for this discussion.’ He said raising a finger to silence her. 
br />   ‘When will it be?’ She spat. 

  ‘Tonight, Queen.’ Alundi mumbled as he walked past her. 

  By the time the sun had passed the summit of the horizon they were all prepared. Alundi carried his travel bag and Excalibur. He commanded every one of the Elves to carry their swords. The Annabels' travel bags were carried by Boahim as were the tent and the Elves' own packs. They travelled at a steady pace, Alundi sending Boahim, Calqui and Assard to scout ahead at separate intervals. The Adrim woods were towards Elf country and as Assard and the Elves had already traversed this ground Alundi was confident that they were relatively safe. Many that travelled down the banks of the R'hop River often visited the pools at the base of the Rubicon Falls. Alundi was certain that they would seem to be simply travellers and would not attract unwanted attention. As the sun reached its highest point in the sky the temperature still did not rise very much. Thankfully winter had no firm grip in this land with the wind so high. The climb down to the bottom of the Falls was tricky, and again Alundi and Assard carried the Annabels. This was the first time Little Annabel had seen such a thing. Assard led the two Annabels to the pools, which meant that Alundi was alone and Isacal took full advantage of it. 

  ‘Now would be a suitable time, yes Galah… Alundi.’ she said to him. 

  Alundi breathed a sigh of frustration. He stood quickly which alerted Calqui and Boahim who now stood behind Isacal. 

  ‘This Quest ends at the Emerald Skull. Once young Little Annabel and I are within its walls, your oath is over.’ 

  ‘To get to the Emerald Skull we must travel through the heart of Nala-Kahn’s Empire. Past Heeden, Crimson…’ 

  ‘Darz’ Alundi interrupted her. 

  All of their faces screwed up in disgust and all three of the Elves spat onto the ground. Alundi could not help a chuckle. Isacal growled. 

  ‘Yes. Not to mention the thousands of soldiers they have at their command, including the Elemamtels and any other creature Darz has conquered, corrupted or coerced into helping him.’ 

  ‘And Lancelot.’ Boahim added. 

  Alundi shot him a look which said enough as he looked away from the glare. 

  ‘Alundi, to try and get young Little Annabel to the Emerald Skull is futile. You should let us…’ 

  Alundi stepped forward, anger seething within him, making all three of them step back in fear.

  ‘I will not lead young Little Annabel anywhere near your country Queen Isacal-Teo. She is of Man and she will be trained to fight for Man, not for deluded! Scheming! Dishonourable Elves!’ 

  At that moment Boahim and Calqui both drew their blades. Alundi sprang, grasping Calqui's blade-holding arm he sent the blade towards Boahim. He blocked the strike and Alundi grabbed Boahim's sword hand and then locked it in the guard of Calqui’s sword. Isacal, who had stepped back the moment Alundi moved, drew her sword and lurched forwards. Alundi twisted to his right to avoid the blade. Quickly he snapped his palms on the face of the blade and yanked it from her grasp. Isacal went for her travel knife but stopped as the smooth, perfect surface of her sword lay on the side of her neck. Boahim and Calqui both pulled away from each other frantically hoping to unravel themselves. But it was no use neither of them could loosen their grips nor unlock their swords. They were completely immobilised. Isacal slowly turned her head so she could look into Alundi’s eyes. There was no anger or hate only amusement.

  ‘Is it becoming clear to you yet Queen Isacal-Teo? The three most skilled and powerful Elves and I have defeated you, suffering no injury and using no magic. Assard is right Calqui, I am the greatest swordsman there is or at least I am the same as Lancelot.’ Alundi added glancing at Boahim. He locked his eyes on to Isacal’s.

  ‘You are skilled Elf but compared to me or Assard, which means compared to Nala-Kahn, Crimson, Lancelot and Darz you are nothing, lambs to the slaughter, or at the very least pups. You are inept to fight our common foe. Young Little Annabel's power is as vast as Merlin’s. But to control, harness and use that power she needs the best teaching in magic and swordsmanship this world has ever seen! That is what is within the Emerald Skull, a teacher far superior then any creature that wanders this earth. Nala-Kahn and Lancelot were both taught by her, as were Assard and I.’ Alundi leaned back and took Isacal’s blade from her neck.

  ‘Lean towards each other.’ Alundi said to Boahim and Calqui. As soon as they did their swords unlocked. 

  ‘Don’t.’ Alundi warned Boahim.  He did not move but neither did the two Elves sheath their swords. Alundi stared at Isacal for a long while still holding her sword. 

  ‘Isacal I asked for you to come. Regardless of what we want we are both agreed that young Little Annabel cannot fall into the hands of our enemy. She holds the hope of all, not just Man but Elf and even the Dwarves. For far too long they have been corrupted into serving Nala-Kahn.’ Alundi's tone lightened even more and a small amount of pain tinged his words. 

  ‘She is our final hope. She can bring peace to this land; with me as her teacher, Assard as her friend and you as her protectors, we can do this. We can win. We can destroy that pathetic child king, his generals and his magistrates. We can unite all the peoples of this world to stand with her, as I do now.’ 

  Alundi took another step back and looked down to the blade he now held. He grinned for a moment then held it, handle first to Isacal. She took it warily and sheathed it. 

  ‘That is not a Selec-Heo sword?’ Alundi asked. 

  ‘No it is not. The sword is named Light.’ For a split second a flash of pain shot across Isacal’s face but then it was gone replaced with wonder. 

  ‘How do you know of Selec-Heo?’ she asked, Alundi smiled. 

  ‘Many years ago, before I became a warrior I was a sword-smith. Within my travel bag is one of her hammers and one of her chisels, both were gifts.’ He added.  ‘I need you. She needs you. So what do you say Queen?’ 

  She turned her head and quickly the other two sheathed their swords. 

  ‘I have sworn to your Quest Alundi. We shall do as you command. But I still think going through our country would be a safer road to take. I can give you my word that we will not stop her from getting to the Emerald Skull. But that isn’t enough is it?’ 

  Alundi smirked. 

  ‘I know your politics Isacal. Your authority can be superseded by your Council of Elders, which means your word carries no weight even in your lands. If all other roads are blocked we shall travel through your country. But it is my last choice understood?’ 

  ‘Yes Alundi.’ Isacal conceded.

  ‘We have to learn to trust each other Alundi.’ Isacal started.

  ‘We have made the first step, Isacal.’ Alundi stretched out his hand. She took it. Alundi rubbed his thumb over hers as they shook hands. He then greeted both Calqui and Boahim the same. 

  ‘This is the last chance we are going to have to wash for a while, I suggest you take it.’ Alundi walked past them and descended towards the bottom of the Falls. 

  ‘Assard hopefully it will be easier now.’ 

  ‘So I hear. Nasel is watching the Annabels; I warmed one of the pools up for them. We males have the pool to the south of the Falls.’ 

  ‘Just me and you then son.’ Alundi could feel Assard laugh. Alundi hoped that this day was the last of the feud between him and the Elves, Boahim most likely being the exception he thought. 

  After soaking all his aching muscles Alundi felt very relaxed although in no way did it feel as good as soaking in Mistel’s pool, he still felt good. He heard light and graceful footsteps approaching. He stopped dressing and concentrated on fastening his boots. 

  ‘Alundi, may I ask you something?’ 

  He was surprised when he realised the voice was Calqui’s. Alundi stood straight and turned round. As her eyes fell onto his bare chest she pulled in a sharp breath of shock. Was she shocked at the fact his chest was bare or that it was covered in scars? Either one Alundi could not help grinning, however she aver
ted her eyes quickly. 

  ‘How do you know of Elf politics?’ 

  ‘I was part of Arthur’s delegation when he negotiated the knights’ requirements for the Battle of Ulin. Someone as skilled as you, must have fought with us?’ Alundi asked. She answered attentively. 

  ‘We only sent the Archers Wing. And I was only twenty six years of age at the time of the Battle of Ulin. Being not of age I was not allowed to fight.’ 

  Alundi looked at her bewildered. 

  ‘That would make you…’ 

  Calqui finished his sentence.

  ‘…younger then you, Alundi.’ She said in a crisp voice and then quickly spun on the spot leaving Alundi pulling on the rest of his clothes. 

  Assard had set up the tent a short walk from the edge of the Falls under an outcropping of rock. He must have noticed the weather was changing. Alundi walked towards the fire they had lit between the two logs they had placed around the fire. It was smaller than the previous night's fire but it still kicked out a good amount of heat. As Alundi passed Boahim stood asking,

  ‘Alundi, May I?’ 

  Looking at Excalibur who hung on Alundi’s belt, Alundi grinned and was about to refuse when he remembered how he hoped their relationship would improve and that he would have to make sacrifices, this being the largest one he could make, mind. He drew Excalibur with his left hand, spinning it in the air a few times before handing it to Boahim handle first. Boahim's face lit up in pure wonder as he delicately took it, his eyes wide, staring at every detail of the great sword. Alundi continued on, then sat next to Annabel who was tucking into another bowl of Mistel’s food. Boahim tested the weight then swiped it through the air a number of times. Alundi felt a surge of magic from Excalibur and chuckled, this was too good to ignore he thought. 

  ‘Excalibur said your grip is off. Only one of those swipes would have killed.’ 

  Anger shot across Boahim’s face and then he glanced at the sword almost as if he was surprised he was holding it. He offered it back but Alundi nodded towards Calqui who had silently stood with Isacal. He handed it to his kin and she too swiped it through the air. Isacal refused the offer so Calqui walked over to Alundi and handed Excalibur back. 

  ‘What did it say about me?’ 

  There were a few moments when Alundi looked at Excalibur before he answered. 

  ‘Excalibur said that you had a very firm grip for someone so supple.’ Even though beyond all odds and all Alundi's preconceptions of Elves, Calqui blushed and much to his surprise she covered it quickly. Alundi stood and sheathed Excalibur. 

  ‘Smooth.’ Assard's voice echoed within his mind. He shot him an annoyed looked but then smirked which Assard failed to reflect. 

  ‘Assard get your fiddle out. I need to hear something that matches the Falls, and covers your growling stomach.’ 

  Annabel almost spat out the mouthful of food that she was chewing. Little Annabel started giggling. 

  ‘I wanted to say something.’ Assard gave her a stern look but even she was not convinced. He did as Alundi said.

  As Assard pushed the bow over the tight strings the melody began. Alundi ate slowly, dedicating all his attention to the sounds of the vibrating strings. The others were talking; Little Annabel asking all sorts of questions of the elves, though he heard her he did not pay any attention. The memory of when he saved Assard pushed its way into his mind. The memory was bitter-sweet and Alundi pushed it away remembering when at the tender age of eight Assard had found a fiddle and took it with him into the Skull. So lost in this memory was he that it took Annabel a number of times to get his attention. 

  ‘Apologies, young Annabel, what were you saying?’

  ‘I was asking what was that sound?’ Annabel said looking up. Alundi listened for a moment then sighed. 

  ‘An approaching storm, it will reach here soon. Do not worry young Annabel the weather will do us no harm, unless you stay outside the tent, mind. No the real danger is every one of us staying in the tent all together at the same time.’ 

  Assard started chuckling which threw him off the melody to the point where he had to stop. 

  ‘A storm can be spectacular. And we are quite safe unless the winds change. Father, this could be a nice opportunity.’ Assard said looking at Alundi. They shared a silent joke and Alundi stood. 

  ‘Isacal can you summon lightning?’ She nodded towards Boahim who placed palms together and separated them slowly. Little Annabel felt the surge of magic that took place between his hands. A flash of magic sparked to life and lightening streaked in many arcs from his left and right palms. 

  ‘Young Little Annabel, use your sight.’ Alundi instructed. 

  She did so in an instant and watched the magic between Boahim’s hands. There was something that did not fit. Little Annabel could not put her finger on it. 

  ‘You see it don’t you, the lie.’ Alundi said across the fire to her. 

  Boahim stopped instantly and flashed a glare at Alundi. 

  ‘What that was, was an imitation of lightning, a magic imitation. The strength of that lightning is strictly controlled by the magic of Boahim. That is where your teachings fall short. It is not my intentions to insult.’ Alundi added holding up his hand just as Boahim was going to react. 

  ‘And you can produce lightning, true lightning from magic?’ Calqui asked a bit forcefully. 

  ‘Not from magic. But we can create what is needed for lightning to appear, for instance a storm…’ Alundi pointed up. 

  ‘…and so yes we can create and control lightning, the easiest way is… Assard?’ Alundi said glancing at his son. 

  Assard looked up and stretched out his hand towards the sky. Dark clouds began to cover the perfect black night. The stars disappeared as the cloud darkened and thickened. The air cooled quickly and the wind began to howl above them. 

  ‘You see the tree up there?’ Assard asked them all. He did not wait for a response. Flicking his fingers down a bolt of emerald blue lightning streaked from the sky and struck it. The tree burst into flames as it started being consumed by fire. The Elves were speechless. Little Annabel looked at Assard to see no fatigue in his expression. Moments after the flash of lightning, rain started to fall from the cloudy sky. 

  ‘That was the easiest way?’ Annabel asked stunned. 

  ‘Yes. It is more difficult to do this.’ Alundi said. He too imitated Boahim placing his hands together. As he separated them he said.

  ‘Use your sight young Little Annabel.’ 

  She did so. It was as if a magic barrier formed around the space between his hands. There was no surge of magic like when Boahim did the same, as in the sky the air cooled but only between Alundi’s palms. A flash exploded and lightning shot from one to the other. There was immense power and yet Little Annabel knew it was not magic power. It was natural power. 

  ‘All I am doing is using magic to prevent the lightning from harming me. The act to protect oneself is a natural instinct and so much stronger then any magic you can do.’ Alundi said to the Elves but also to Little Annabel. He clapped his hands together and the lightning was extinguished. 

  ‘Isacal the Elves' skills with magic are all but useless because you rely on your own strength to fuel it. I am a Man and a Man cannot create lightning. But the world can. The natural power of the world is as strong as magic.’ Alundi said. 

  Assard leaned forward and continued where Alundi finished.

  ‘If magic did not exist would the sun still rise? Would the grass still grow and the rivers still flow? The answer is yes. Because of the spirits, people like me, Little Annabel and Alundi we can wield magic. But there are other ways.’ Assard said. 

  Little Annabel assumed he was talking about the Elves passing magic from parent to child but when she noticed Assard and Alundi sharing a glance it was something else, something that scared them both and her mother. 

  ‘You cannot teach young Little Annabel this?’ Isacal asked. 

��No. Within the Skull I will not be young Little Annabel's magic teacher. Sara will be that. I will be her swordplay and physical trainer.’ 

  ‘I do not have a sword?’ Little Annabel said at once. Alundi looked at her wearing a frown. 

  ‘What am I, young Little Annabel?’ He asked sarcastically. 

  Little Annabel searched her memory then grinned embarrassed.

  ‘You are a magic wielding warrior and sword-smith’. She answered. Alundi chuckled. 

  ‘Once we are within the Skull I will forge you a sword hopefully worthy of you.’ Alundi said with pure honesty. 

  ‘Thank you, Alundi… father.’ 

  Alundi's expression changed from joy to shock. He stood and walked over to Little Annabel took a knee and embraced her. Tears cascaded down Little Annabel’s cheeks. Alundi’s eyes also watered. 

  ‘You Honour me, Young One.’ Magic flowed from Alundi and Excalibur. He kissed her on the forehead and pulled her tighter into his shoulder. 

  ‘I love you… daughter.’

  A few flashes of lightning startled them all. After confirming that Assard had not caused them Annabel rushed into the tent followed closely by Alundi carrying Little Annabel, and Assard. The rain hammered down and quickly the Elves joined them. This was a night Alundi did not want to experience. He quickly posted Calqui to stay awake and fell asleep on the floor next to the Annabels. 


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