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The Legend of Alundi - Journey to the Emerald Skull

Page 12

by Russell Claridge




  The dragon roared and for a moment all of them were deafened. It leapt into the sky, the draught kicking up the loose soil from the ground. Crimson and the dragon circled them twice then swooped down thundering towards them. Fire burst from the dragon’s mouth and nostrils, flicking its head left and right to cover all of them in the inferno. They all shielded. Little Annabel looked on from a distance as she saw them all engulfed in an inferno. Crimson flew over twice more. They were simple attacks and simply countered as the fire drained very little of their magic. The ground around them was seared and steaming. 

  ‘We need to separate them, Crimson’s mine, the dragon's yours.’ Alundi said with a chuckle. 

  ‘How do we fight the dragon?’ Isacal spat at him. 

  ‘Light.’ Alundi answered sharing a grin with Assard. 

  Isacal glanced at her sword wondering whether Alundi meant her sword or something else. 

  The ground thundered again as the great mass of the dragon landed in front of them. Crimson stood on the dragon's back. As he did so the dragon lifted his right talon and Crimson stepped onto it. He was lowered slowly to the ground. When Crimson's right foot first touched the floor Alundi muttered silently.

  ‘Subdue the dragon!’ Alundi stepped forward casually keeping the tip of Excalibur pointing towards the ground. 

  ‘Your challenge is accepted, Shaven.’ 

  Alundi ignored the insult and pounced. Crimson barely had enough time to draw his sword and block Alundi’s strike, which was far stronger than the Element thought it would be. He could not underestimate this one. Their blades were locked, each pushing with all their might. 

  ‘I’m going to enjoy this.’ Alundi whispered. 

  Alundi unleashed a savage and precise attack. He pushed Crimson back with a flurry. Fiery sparks burst from Crimson's sword as Alundi smashed Excalibur against it. The battle raged between them in a marvellous display of swordplay and magic. Alundi smashed Excalibur down onto Crimson's sword, forcing him to fall onto one knee. Alundi leant hard, willing his magic behind him to make him as heavy as possible. Alundi felt it was only a matter of time before he overcame Crimson but it was not to be. 

  ‘Kraco!’ Crimson barked. The great gold dragon leapt from where he fought the Elves. Alundi had no choice but to pull away from Crimson, rolling quickly out of the way as Kraco landed, shaking the ground. Assard stretched out a hand and pulled his father up from the floor. Crimson walked round Kraco his eyes not leaving Alundi’s. He started to laugh wickedly but it was cut short. In that moment both Assard and Alundi knew a true warrior. Such a display of courage and brilliance would impress anyone but more so now when it was most needed. He was still young but now Assard and Alundi knew a true friend and gifted warrior as Boahim jumped over Kraco and forced all his magic into the ground between Crimson and Kraco. The dragon was dazed by the force of the hit, and his master was thrown to the ground at Alundi’s feet. 

  ‘This time subdue the dragon!’ Alundi shouted. 

  Crimson started to get to his feet but Alundi swung Excalibur down onto him. He blocked the strike then caused his sword to burst into blue flames searing the right side of Alundi’s face. The pain was intense and Alundi had to use all his self-control to ignore it but he still fell off his attack, Crimson taking full advantage. Alundi was able to gather himself quickly enough to meet Crimson’s next advance. With Crimson's blade still ablaze Alundi struck then retreated giving ground with each exchange. Crimson grew in confidence.  

  ‘Your legendary sword does not like making contact with my legendary Fire Sword.’ 

  Alundi glanced at the blade Crimson carried and true enough he recognised the sword. Alundi advanced, Excalibur started to glow as his face twisted into hate and rage. Crimson’s blade cooled at the moment Excalibur made contact with it and Alundi pressed forwards. The speed and ferocity of his attack was too much for Crimson. Each strike rattled Crimson’s bones. Taking a step closer Alundi smacked his forearm into Crimson's face. He staggered. Alundi, holding Excalibur in his left hand, almost by the pommel, swung for Crimson’s neck. The speed of the strike immense. At the last moment Crimson snapped his head back avoiding the swipe. Alundi gritted his teeth in anger, grasped the handle with his right hand and smashed Excalibur into the Fire Sword, knocking it from Crimson’s palm. Before Crimson could react Alundi threw his body forwards creating a cascade of magic that threw Crimson hurtling backwards. Crimson landed on his front skipping once on the hard ground. Alundi advanced again. As Crimson looked up, the horror on his face was almost comical to Alundi. He got to his feet clumsily but quickly. Alundi skipped on the floor and swung Excalibur as his feet landed. The legendary blade cut through Crimson's upper chest. Alundi had been close enough for the end of Excalibur to protrude out of Crimson’s back. A ping from Excalibur told Alundi something was wrong and when his eyes fell on this, his blade, he noticed that no blood stained it. Alundi shot a glance at where Crimson stood but found a statue of fire, his flesh and being now flames. The conflagration fell to the floor, spreading over the ground as of water pooling. 

  Alundi watched knowing he could do nothing until it was whole again. It slithered over the ground burning the grass as it went finally resting where the Fire Sword lay. It climbed and burned intensely. The flames faded showing Crimson standing holding the Fire Sword showing no wound from Alundi’s strike. Crimson, with an evil grin sheathed his sword and threw his hands forward. Alundi prepared to shield but Crimson had not cast magic or anything at him. The air warmed then baked. Fire flowed from Crimson’s arms to the floor. It accumulated just in front of him burning grass to ash, stretching into a line one end pointing towards Alundi. The fire brightened and fell just as before but this time the fire took the form of a great serpent half the mass of the gold dragon. Lowering to the ground it started slithering this way and that. Alundi tried to face it but at all times maintaining his view of Crimson still standing not far away. It did not matter whether he controlled the fire beast or not, both were threats. Unable to stop it Alundi found himself between Crimson and the fire serpent. Alundi pulled his six throwing knives from his belt holding them all by the handle in between the fingers of his right hand. Excalibur was constantly pointing at Crimson. The two of them advanced and Alundi made his move, he span to meet Crimson but continued the spin and threw all six knives into the face of the fire serpent. All six blades sliced though the serpent causing it pain. 

  ‘Father!’ Assard's voice echoed in Alundi's mind. 

  He had leapt from the battle with Kraco and falling towards Crimson slammed Nasel down hard onto Crimson’s sword. Alundi turned his attention to the fire serpent unsure how he was going to win this one.

  The moment Alundi had silently told them all to subdue the Dragon, Assard was in motion. He ran as fast as he could and jumped as the dragon went to swipe him away with one of his talons. Assard sailed through the air and pushed his own magic into Nasel. Swinging the blade Assard caught the dragon in its eye. The great beast roared in pain from the strike. Assard landed and the dragon's head followed. He prepared to shield but before the dragon could do anything a mass of magic from Isacal and Calqui smacked into the dragon causing the beast no injury but diverting its attention. It shot fire at the Elves and the both of them had barely enough time to shield before the inferno struck. Throwing his hand forwards a force of magic hit the dragon on the side of the head causing it to stop breathing fire. Isacal, taking full advantage, stepped forward beyond the protection of their magic barrier and she bellowed.

  ‘Swong popalas!’ 

  Her sword erupted in a blinding white light startling the gold dragon. Calqui jumped, striking the dragon on its right shoulder further angering the beast. She landed but had no time to avoid the great tail of the dragon. Isacal looked on in horror unable to do anything. Thankfully Assard using magic pulled her away so the tail missed her by a hair. At that moment someone had shouted t
he name.


  The dragon jumped from the battle and headed for its master. Assard ran over to his father who had to roll away from the falling dragon. Offering his hand his father took it. The two Elves stood just behind him. He watched as Crimson strolled round the dragon. He started to laugh but it was short lived as Boahim had leapt from nowhere over the dragon and slammed all the magic he could into the ground between Crimson and Kraco. Crimson hurtled forwards but Boahim ignored the spectre and turned jumping back and rolling to avoid Kraco’s tail as it thundered through the air where he had just been standing. Glancing up, Calqui was ten paces away and Isacal was ten paces from her, forging a triangle around the gold beast. Assard leapt over the dragon opposite Boahim creating a square around the dragon. 

  ‘Use magic, swords are useless.’ Assard's voice penetrated Boahim’s mind. 

  Isacal must have heard him also as both sheathed their swords and threw their hands forward, invisible magic striking Kraco. It did not wound the dragon in any way but it angered it. It moved to strike but another force of magic striking it on its left followed. Boahim struck it also. Assard knew without Alundi they had little chance of killing the beast.

  In truth Assard knew that Alundi did not wish the young dragon dead, neither did Assard. This was working and Assard was pleased that the Elves were following his instruction. They struck randomly, confusing the dragon. 

  Assard stole a glance towards his father and horror struck him. He ran round the back of the dragon and jumped shouting.

  ‘Father!’ He drew Nasel and slammed it into Crimson's sword, there was a flash of fire as the swords clanged together. Crimson fell backward, pushed his left leg into Assard's gut and swung Assard over him. He landed hard but jumped to his feet as quickly as he could. Crimson ran towards him, his blade held high. Assard tightened his grip on Nasel and gritted his teeth using magic to force the soles of his feet solid to the ground. Their blades met with more force then the previous strike. Their power was equal. Assard pushed Crimson’s blade away and the battle had started. Assard gave ground as Crimson pressed, but none of his attacks broke through Assard's defence. Assard tilted back to evade a high swipe from Crimson. Assard flicked Nasel scarring Crimson’s black armour. Assard bounded forward smashing Nasel against Crimson’s sword, rattling Crimson’s bones. Each strike from Assard was met but weakly by Crimson. Striking Crimson in the face with the back of his right hand Assard sliced the tip of Nasel across Crimson’s back between his shoulder blades. Instead of blood, fire seeped out, falling down his back, but Assard grinned when he heard the yell of pain from his opponent. He spun round and Assard locked their blades together. The strength was equal but both pushed with it all. There was no air between their faces. Crimson’s twisted into pain and hate, Assard's teeth were gritted but otherwise his face was of pure concentration. A blinding flash startled Assard as Crimson's blade ignited into flames. He pulled away but threw his arms forwards. Fire erupted from Assard's palms crashing into Crimson and sending him hurtling backwards. He spun in the air and landed in a crouch. 

  ‘YOU DARE USE FIRE AGAINST ME!’ Crimson roared. Jumping forward he forced his fists forwards. His fists became fire and grew. Assard had only enough time to protect his face with his arms. The fists of fire smacked into Assard, throwing him onto his back, Nasel flying from his grasp. His arms, chest and face were burnt and smouldering. Opening his left eye he saw with all measure of horror Crimson sailing towards him, his sword held high, tip pointing down. Assard knew his death was near and he accepted it. Their eyes met, Crimson’s face a picture of triumph, malice and anger, but as he neared it evaporated into fear as something smashed Crimson off course.

  Little Annabel watched as Boahim had arrived from nowhere separating Crimson from the gold dragon. She had watched in anguish when Alundi had to roll away from the tail of the great dragon. She concentrated on them all, hearing what was going through their minds as the battle raged. It was in this moment that she noticed that from her place within Alundi’s magic barrier, cradled by her terrified mother, that though Crimson's mind was closed to her the dragon's was not. She ignored everything except the dragon, pushing her will and magic towards it as it tried to kill the Elves, as they danced and darted around it, sending magic at it randomly. She encountered resistance from someone else whom she assumed was Crimson however it was weak and easily overcome. As Crimson fell towards Assard she forced her way past it and entered the dragon's mind. Closing her eyes she forgot the real world. She saw the gold dragon standing where it fought the Elves, however the sun was shining very brightly making the sky all white. Everyone had disappeared. The ground showed no sign of burning or scarring; even her mother was not with her. She stepped towards him knowing somehow that she would be completely safe. This dragon's eyes, unlike the one that attacked her friend, were not of red fire but a perfect dark blue. This was not the dragon that fought the others. It cowered its head behind its tail as she approached obviously afraid of her. 

  ‘I will not hurt you.’ She said softly. 

  ‘You will.’ It growled not lifting its head. 

  ‘The others do, so will you.’ Sympathy overcame Little Annabel.

  ‘You are not the one attacking my friends. What is your name?’ she asked softly. The dragon sniffed loudly but then lifted his head. Fear was rife in his eyes however he still answered growling.


  ‘Hello Kraco I am Little Annabel.’ She said again softly. A slight rumble came from Kraco’s throat. 

  ‘Little, everyone is little to me.’ 

  Little Annabel smiled and the rumble continued. 

  ‘Why do you fight for him?’ She pleaded. 

  Kraco lowered his head so his chin sat on the floor just in front of Little Annabel. She noticed more than fear; despair and sorrow were just as prominent. 

  ‘It is not me.’ Kraco whispered in pain. 

  ‘He found me very little, tortured me. He tried to force his will on me. Each time I rejected him he caused unimaginable agony. But it still does not compare to this.’ The sky returned to darkness the ground now burnt and scarred. The battle went on but Kraco and Little Annabel were not part of it sitting many feet away. 

  ‘This is how I see the world. I feel my tail swing through the air at your friends. I feel my wings beat, myself breathe fire and the magic with which your friends attack, but it is not me. To watch yourself helplessly as you kill, maim and burn and know you are not controlling your actions.’ Kraco’s eyes closed in pain. 

  She placed a hand on his snout. A mass of magic flowed into her and she pulled away quickly. Kraco opened his eyes and stared into hers.

  ‘He was wrong. You are pure of heart.’ Kraco growled softly but there was surprise. 

  ‘No.’ Little Annabel spun round to see Crimson standing behind her. She skipped back bouncing into Kraco’s nose. 

  ‘So you are the one they protect. The one my master wants so much. I’ll admit you are powerful young one, no other has ever been able to break through my control of young Kraco here.’ Crimson said bitterly. 

  Little Annabel spun back round saying, 

  ‘You can defeat him Kraco, you just have to believe.’ 

  ‘Ha ha save your breath young one. His fear of me is far stronger than anything you…’ Crimson at that moment placed his hands on Little Annabel’s shoulders. He jumped back in pain and stared at his hands. They had gone grey as stone and were of cracked glass. 

  ‘Pure of heart, master.’ Kraco growled loudly. He placed his snout on Little Annabel’s back willing his magic into her.

  ‘Help me please.’ 

  Little Annabel stepped towards Crimson who instinctively took a step back. 

  ‘You cannot defeat me, you are more powerful, but you are untrained and undisciplined. Only instinct guides you.’ Crimson said cruelly. 

  She advanced and he retreated. 

  ‘You hurt and cause pain to Kraco and
so the only way to heal him is to get rid of you.’ She seethed and pooled all the magic she had left and released it in all directions. Kraco rumbled loudly as Crimson and the magic barriers that imprisoned Kraco’s mind dissolved. Little Annabel shielded her eyes and when she opened them again she was back within the magic barrier, back within her mother's embrace and back in the real world. The horror she had felt evaporated into happiness and a great smile spread across her face.

  Alundi advanced on the fire serpent and sliced Excalibur through its head causing it to buck and screech in pain. It whipped its tail at Alundi who ducked it and swiped Excalibur upwards catching its chin. He backed away as it started to grow rapidly, Alundi grasped the blade Conner had given him, infusing it with magic and threw it as hard as he could. As it hit and passed through the serpent's skin of flames the screech of pain was deafening. This was going to be simpler than Alundi thought. He ran towards it with all speed. It spat fire at him and whipped its tail but Alundi avoided them perfectly and still advanced. He leapt into the air, spinning end over end he shouted.

  ‘Popalas Excalibur!’ 

  The legendary blade erupted into a blinding white light. He landed on the serpent's back and plunged the glowing blade into its head. It bucked and screeched but both stopped in an instant as Crimson’s influence ceased. The flames fell to the ground and dissolved into it. 

  Kraco slammed all his magic into the ground blasting the Elves in all directions. His eyes fell onto his former master who was falling towards one of Little Annabel’s friends. He lashed his left talon at Crimson who careered off course landing hard onto the ground. Assard started to gather himself crawling over to where Nasel lay. Crimson struggled to stand. He did so grasping the Fire Sword. Looking up he saw Alundi striding towards him followed by the Elves, one of them lifting the one he was about to kill off the ground. Crimson glanced at Kraco who stared at him in pure loathing. 

  ‘Dangerous being out in the wilderness, alone.’ Alundi said not slowing his strides. 

  Crimson closed his eyes pooling all his influence and magic he could he concentrated on Kraco.

  ‘You have no chance, brother Crimson.’ Little Annabel said emerging from behind one of the great boulders that littered the ground. 

  ‘Kraco is free.’ Little Annabel powered into his mind. Fear overwhelmed him. Fire more intense and powerful then anything Crimson had cast before enveloped the space between them. Kraco leapt over them and beat his wings once sending a howling wind towards the fire, blowing it out. Alundi sprang into a run and Assard followed. Alundi could feel himself getting closer. He forced what magic he had left into his legs to move faster. He closed the gap to barely twenty paces and shouted.


  The Fire Element stopped, spun on the spot and drew the Fire Sword fearing the worst. Alundi however, was nowhere to be seen. He scanned the horizon expecting the Shaven to emerge at any moment but he did not. He noticed the silhouette of someone further away but fear still consumed him and he spun back round to run. Crimson turned and Alundi plunged Excalibur into his chest, the large blade cleaving his heart in two. Alundi knew he had not killed Crimson the distraction of pain was all he needed, as he did not intend to be the Element's conqueror. 

  ‘Assard!’ Alundi called. Assard ran up behind Crimson and swung, cutting through Crimson’s head, the end of Nasel slicing through Crimson’s eyes killing the Element instantly. His body stayed standing for a few moments then dissolved into flames that fell to the ground then ceased to exist. 

  Kraco flew over them as the Elves approached Alundi and Assard, the Annabels on Boahim and Isacal’s backs. 

  ‘Where did Kraco go?’ Alundi asked Little Annabel. She looked at them in sorrow. Alundi shared a glance with Assard and told them to remain there and ran for the cross-roads. They stood at the top of a small hill where the cross-roads were. Father and son watched as the Han Bridge and five hundred loyal soldiers of Nala-Kahn were burning alive. Kraco over them blanketing the area with an anger and hate fuelled inferno brighter than the sun. Alundi turned back quickly, unwilling and unable to watch and headed back to the others. 

  ‘Pick that up.’ Alundi told Assard nodding towards the Fire Sword. 

  ‘We need to gather our weapons and belongings and make haste away from here.’ 

  ‘Which direction?’ Isacal asked weakly. 

  ‘West, we can try Heeden.’ Alundi answered but before anyone could respond a loud voice boomed.

  ‘That would be unwise.’ Kraco landed twenty feet away shaking the ground below their feet. 

  ‘Over three thousand soldiers are stationed there and that shaven Darz has recalled all his Elemamtels. It would be futile.’ Kraco growled. 

  Alundi cursed silently knowing the only course now available to them. His eyes fixed on Isacal’s. 

  ‘That leaves us with only one choice.’ Alundi whispered knowing this was going to be difficult.


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