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The Forgotten (The Lost Children Series Book 1)

Page 20

by Jennifer Sivec

  They reached out a long spindly limb to touch the baby, and when they did, they pulled back immediately, howling in agony.

  “This is not what we agreed to,” they cried out causing Milo to shudder. “You were to bring us a baby Human. When we turned the Little Yashwa into a Human, there is no way she could have kept her Yashwa blood. This has never happened with any other Creature who has come to us before. Somehow she has passed it on to her child. You have tricked us somehow! We cannot consume a baby Yashwa as our sacrifice or it will burn us from the inside out, you wretched Human. How dare you bring her to us!”

  “No, we cannot,” they agreed, hissing and circling around one another, slithering close to Milo’s face. “We cannot taste the blood of Yashwa, so pure and so beautiful. It will consume us and we will die, we will die, we will die,” they continued to wail angrily. “You have done this. You have tricked us! Wretched, wretched, wretched, wretched.”

  Milo cringed, his head down, the blackness of death surrounding him, his heart feeling as though it would explode inside of his chest at any moment. “No … No, you have to believe me! I didn’t know the baby was Yashwa. I didn’t think it was possible after you changed her that she could even be a Yashwa. There was no way I would have known.”

  “She is one, indeed,” the quiet One who rarely spoke said, his voice rising above the others. “I can smell her, almost taste her flesh, and she is indeed created from the purest of all Creatures as the Yashwa blood runs in her veins. We have never allowed the change for a Creature so pure and strong before, and didn’t foresee this happening. But you have betrayed us, bringing her here and trying to trick us. You had to have known that she would kill us, Human.”

  “No … no … no! I swear I didn’t know she was Yashwa until just now. I swear it all and completely on my love for Emilie, which is why I have done such horrible things to please you. I will continue to do whatever you ask, if you’ll allow it. Just tell me, please … w-w-w-what would you like me to do?” Milo asked, feeling the fear overcoming him. He knew the Ubilez loved the fear and he hated himself for being so afraid. He knew they smelled it and reveled in it and if they enjoyed it too much, he was afraid they may consume him, too.

  “We don’t want yoooooooouuuuu as our sacrifice. Our sacrifice needs to be pure, untouched, fresh, and untainted. You have soiled yourself with jealousy and love for a Human who doesn’t belong to you,” the quiet Ubilez spoke again, reading his mind. “We want the One Thing we were promised. We want the sacrifice we were promised. You will need to figure out a different way, wretched Human, and we will have to wait, once more. But we are growing impatient. Take this Yashwa away from us and bring us the thing we need, the thing we want or you will feel our hunger and wrath in all of your hours, awake or asleep. We will unleash upon you the most horrible pain you could ever imagine in all of your wildest dreams, and your love won’t matter anymore.”

  The Ubilez hissed and swarmed around him, getting closer and closer until Milo felt as though they were going to squeeze their way inside of him. He felt himself suffocating, choking and gasping for air, forcing him to the ground.

  Without warning, the room was suddenly empty as Milo sat hunched over on the ground, still holding the baby tight in his arms. He slowly felt himself begin to breathe for the first time since he entered the room. The baby in his arms began to cry as Milo wiped tears from his own eyes. As she cried Milo began to sweat, unsure of what to do with her. Suddenly, she felt so light and fragile in his arms, and Milo realized that he couldn’t return her back to Kyla.

  If I return her to Kyla, she will tell Will what I’ve done and that I tried to give her to the Ubilez. But if I don’t return her, then Kyla will think she was sacrificed and won’t dare to tell Will. I can’t take the chance that Will won’t trust me. I need her to think her child has been sacrificed.

  Milo looked down at the child and realized he had no choice. He left the room and knew he would need to journey to the Outerlands to leave the child. It was the only place he could guarantee nobody would find her or even dare go looking for her. Their enemies in the Outerlands were many, all of the outcasts from their precious Tamaryn sent there to live out the rest of their days, scrounging for food and nearly starving, struggling to survive every day. Milo shuddered at the realization that she probably wouldn’t survive in the Outerlands, but knew he had to do what was necessary. I’ve come this far to have my love and I cannot turn back now. I must leave her and go on so I can find another sacrifice. The words of the Ubilez echoed menacingly in his ear and he knew they would come back for him if he didn’t give them the One Thing they needed to give them the power and strength to re-enter the world and take back Tamaryn.

  He walked the distance back to the stables and discreetly took his horse, nestling the baby in his worn riding bag as comfortably as he could.

  “I’m sorry, child. But this has to be done,” he said finally looking at her for the first time. Her small chubby face was smooth and perfect, her eyes strangely bright and green as she stared at him quietly. She had a full head of beautiful dark hair with wispy curls framing her face. Her lips formed a perfect pout and Milo thought for a fleeting moment that he saw her smile at him. Something in his heart began to swell and he ignored the strange pulling sensation he felt there as he knew what he was about to do.

  Slowly, he took one last look at her and he closed the top of the bag, careful not to clasp it closed for fear she would suffocate. With heaviness in his chest he took off, urging his horse to run as fast into the night as he could. He was racing, alone, toward a place he had only been once with hundreds of Guards at his side. But now he was alone and he knew that he must do what he needed, for the chance to find his love, Emilie, and for the One Thing the Ubilez had promised him if he released them from their imprisonment.

  The end of Tamaryn and the creation of a new Land, where he could rule with Emilie by his side, over everyone and everything. It was all he had ever wanted, and everything Will had that he did not.

  Milo knew as he rode into the distance that he was doing what must be done so that he could finally have what he deserved; everything he had watched simply given to Will over the years, and Milo knew Will didn’t deserve it. He knew that Emilie could never respect a man like Will who didn’t fight for her, who simply let her go, sent away by a silly little Yashwa. When he told her what he had done for her, he knew she would have no choice but to love a man who would sacrifice everything, even his very soul to have her.

  Milo felt the burning in his heart, the bitterness returning as he thought of how Will had never needed to work for anything, all simply awarded to him for no other reason than his place in the birth line. Milo urged his horse to run as fast as it could, racing toward a future where Emilie would finally be his ... finally get to see what he had done for her love … finally appreciate him and find him deserving.

  Milo closed his eyes for quick moment, picturing their life together, and his heart was blissful for a brief second. He was completely lost in the vision of what he imagined their life to be that he didn’t see the arrow as it flew silently, purposefully in the air, aimed straight at his heart.


  Ava awoke to the sound of a baby crying faintly in the distance. She had been twisting and turning in her bed, restless from the events of the previous day, and still unable to believe that Mama had found them. She thought she heard an infant crying in her dream, but when she woke up she realized she could still hear it.

  She looked over at Serah who slept peacefully in the other bed, and then she tiptoed through the room careful not to wake her. Serah was usually restless through the night, often crying out names and words that Ava didn’t understand. She had tried to get her to talk about it, but Serah still didn’t speak much no matter how Ava had tried throughout the years to teach her. Yet Ava constantly marveled at how Serah’s green eyes didn’t miss much and seemed to understand everything.

  She peered at Mama who slept soundly i
n the other room. Ava kept checking on her, but Mama’s body seemed to be catching up on many years’ worth of sleep, her mind and body finally able to rest safely and peacefully.

  The thin crying was echoing through Ava’s brain, and she was desperate to find the source. She remembered that in her dream she had been searching for it. She had been calling out and looking everywhere in a world that seemed so similar to the one they were living in, yet different in ways that she couldn’t explain.

  She wrapped herself in a blanket and walked quietly outside to see if she could hear the crying there.

  She was surprised to see Kell walking around, fully dressed as though he was prepared for a journey. He was surprised to see her as well, his eyes wide as a child’s, almost as though he were caught doing something wrong.

  “I … I didn’t think you would be up so early,” Kell said smiling sheepishly at her. Ava marveled at how quickly he had grown up and pushed his hair back from his face as she had been doing for years.

  “Did you hear that sound?” Ava asked, straining to see if she could still hear the crying.

  “I thought I heard a baby crying in my sleep, but when I awoke, there was nothing but silence.” Kell said shrugging his shoulders. ”It must have been a dream.”

  “I heard it even as I was awake, but I cannot hear it any longer,” Ava said, a little disappointed. Ava stared at Kell’s clothes. “Where are you going, Brother? You look like you’re going somewhere.”

  Kell looked as though he didn’t want to answer. “I … I’m going to find Jakob and Cal. Mama said Jakob is out there somewhere and if he is, then I need to find him. He can’t be out there alone, he needs to be with us.”

  “Alone? You’re going alone? Why?” Ava was hurt he hadn’t asked her to go with him and she began to feel the maternal protectiveness she usually had with Serah.

  “I can’t take Philip. He is the only male here to protect you. You and Anabel are the oldest and I need you here to take care of the rest of them. I can’t risk taking any of the other Youngers. I need to go and do this alone. I don’t know how dangerous it is going to be and the Patronus’ need to stay here with all of you for protection.”

  “You can take me,” a voice came from behind him. It was a voice he would know anywhere. He had studied it for years and it stayed with him no matter where he went. He had hoped she wouldn’t discover he was gone until after he was well on his way, but he realized he should have expected her to sense he was leaving. He turned to face her, knowing she would be dressed and as prepared as he was.

  “No, Saiya, you can’t go with me. It’s too dangerous!” Kell said forcefully.

  Saiya stood behind him, tiny but strong, the determined look in her green eyes that she had when she knew someone was going to argue with her. “I’m going, Kell. You need me! It’s too dangerous for you to go alone and you’ll need someone who will watch out for you. I’m going with or without your permission, so there is no sense arguing with me about it! If you say ‘no’ I’ll just go anyway. There’s no way you can stop me! Anabel already tried.”

  “No! You can’t. I don’t know what is out there and from the looks of Mama when she came here, it’s just not safe.” Kell’s heart was desperate. I couldn’t bear it if anything ever happened to her.

  “I’m just as strong and capable as you are and I can take care of myself!” Saiya was passionate and Ava thought she looked more like Anabel every day. Saiya had grown into a beautiful young woman, finally pulling her thick dark hair back from her face, her hazel eyes large and luminous but increasingly stubborn, especially with Kell who seemed to have a special gift for exasperating her.

  “It’s not … that I-I-I don’t think you are capable …” Kell stumbled over his words, trying to choose the right ones. He knew that saying the wrong thing would cause her to argue even more, and Kell just wanted to leave, peacefully. He wished, as he always did, that Jakob was there to help him find the words. Jakob had always been the one who spoke for him and helped him when he couldn’t find what he wanted to say. Without him, Kell still felt lost.

  “That settles it then. I’m going with you. I’ve already collected supplies, and Brooke is coming with us. Let’s say our good-byes and we’ll be on our way.” Saiya smiled at Ava and turned on her heel to the others who had all gathered a short distance away.

  Kell sighed, desperation welling up inside of him. It made him feel better knowing that Brooke was already coming. He thought that Saiya would be safe with them if they had Brooke to keep them safe. He nodded at her and then walked toward the others.

  “Wait, I have to say good-bye to Mama.” Kell said, suddenly turning on his heel and running into Ava’s home. He stopped quickly before he got into the room they had set aside for those who were ill, the room Mama was sleeping in.

  He knelt beside her bed and stroked her coarse hair. He stared at her face, remembering how beautiful it once was, still able to see it in her worn down features as the pain pulled at his heart for the years that were lost between them.

  Mama stirred but didn’t awaken.

  “I love you, Mama.” Kell whispered, his voice barely audible. “I’ll bring Jakob back and we will return to you.”

  Follow your heart and you will find him. Kell heard Mama’s voice in his head as clearly as if she had spoken to him. He stared at her, stunned, realizing she was still sound asleep.

  Follow your heart, Kell. You and Jakob have a strong bond. He is weak but you are strong, and if you follow your heart, you will find him. I love you my son.

  Kell stood up and stared at her as she slept. Somehow her voice was inside of him, her words echoing in his mind. He gently touched her hair, careful not to wake her.

  “I’ll find him. I promise.” He whispered as he turned and walked away.

  Kell walked outside to find the rest of the Youngers waiting for him, ready to say their good-byes. He hugged them one by one, his head in a daze as he realized how much like family they had all become. He looked over at Saiya and Brooke who had already said their good-byes and were waiting for him.

  As he got to Claire, who hugged him extra hard and long, guilt gnawed at his chest. What if I don’t come back, what will happen to them? Who will take care of them? Kell dismissed the thought. He knew he needed to return, but he worried about them.

  Zeeba and Zoe were waiting at the end of the line to say their good-byes.

  “Don’t worry, Kell. We will take care of them while you are gone.” Zeeba said, his voice deep and comforting. “We won’t let anything happen to them.”

  Zoe rubbed up against him, purring loudly. “We will miss you, Kell. Be safe and come back to us soon.”

  Kell hugged both of them tight. “Thank you … and I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

  He walked over to Anabel and Saiya who were holding each other tightly.

  Anabel turned to face Kell, her eyes full of tears, her usually kind expression full of something Kell had never seen from her before. “Kell, you had better take care of my sister and don’t let anything happen to her. You swear to me that you will put her life before your very own.”

  “I swear I will put her life before my very own. I’ll protect her at all costs.” Kell said, looking Anabel in the eyes, his heart meaning every word.

  Anabel’s voice was raw as she grabbed tight to Kell and whispered in his ear, “You realize I have no choice but to let her go. She won’t allow you to go alone. Protect her and bring her back to me. She is all I have left.”

  Kell felt tears spring to his eyes as he held Anabel tight. She had become like a sister to him, but he understood her words. Even surrounded by the others, there were still countless times that without Jakob, Kell felt completely alone and lost in the world.

  “I swear on my life, I will bring her back to you.” Kell whispered as he held Anabel close. Anabel nodded to him, their eyes meeting for the briefest of moments, both full of tears that refused to fall.

  “Okay … are we ready to go?�
� Saiya said abruptly, looking at Kell first and then Anabel, curious about what had just happened between them but not asking.

  “Yes,” Kell said wiping his eyes, embarrassed. “We are ready.”

  He gave Brooke a pet as he looked into her chocolate brown eyes and felt immediately calmer. He knew that with Brooke by his side, he and Saiya would be much safer, and he was glad to have her go along.

  “I’m glad to go along, too.” Brooke said, still able to read him as she always had.

  Kell smiled.

  As he led Brooke and Saiya away from the place that had been their home for many years, he felt his heart grow heavy, wondering for a brief moment if they would ever return.

  The rest of the Youngers watched as they faded into the distance, hiding their fear, until they could no longer see them.

  As Ava turned away toward her home to check on Mama, she heard a noise that caused her to freeze. It was as loud and clear as it had been in her dream and Ava knew she wasn’t imagining it. She looked at the rest of the Youngers to see if they heard it, but it appeared that none of them had. Ava thought for sure that she must be losing her mind.

  She looked around desperately to find the source of it, and realized it was coming from everywhere and from every direction, and it was becoming louder and louder. She shuddered as she tried to shake the sound from her ears.

  It was the unmistakable sound of a newborn baby crying.

  The End


  I’ve been writing for as long as I can remember.

  The first story I ever wrote was in the fourth grade and I’ll never forget it because it was dirty and had a lot of profanity. When the teach found it and gave it to my parents, needless to say, I was in quite a bit of trouble, but somehow in that moment an author was born. I’ve kept my writing cleaner since then, but the passion for words has never escaped me.


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