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Dragon's Baby

Page 18

by Juniper Hart

  “That’s not an answer.”

  He lifted a leg. He was wearing linen pants. She shifted up into a small mountain of pillows. “Sorry. I didn’t realize I’d fallen asleep.”

  “I’m supposed to be spending this time to convince you I’m telling you the truth,” he reminded. “That was the agreement, remember?”

  She blinked sleep out of her eyes. “Can you put on a shirt at least?”

  He grinned. “I’ll put on a shirt if you stay awake to ask me all the questions you might have.”


  He pulled on the rest of his sleep wear, which was evidently just the counterpart to the pants. “Are you going to shower?”

  “I was going to.” She scooted over to part of the bed, making a pillow barricade to keep them apart. “But this bed is pretty tempting… and I don’t have any clothes.”

  “There are robes in the bathroom,” he said while gesturing to the bathroom.



  “Then, yes, I will shower in a minute.”

  Ember sat down on the other side of the pillow wall. “So, I imagine you have some questions for me?”

  She did have some questions for him. She had a whole list, but her brain wasn’t fully working. She had never been good at waking up quickly. It took her a solid fifteen minutes to get her brain up and running. There was no doubt she had questions. All she had to do was remember them.

  Until she could think of them, she just bluffed. “I don’t know where to start.”

  “Take your time. Are you hungry?”

  “Not really…”

  She looked up at the fan swirling overhead. “Here’s a question for you. What happens if Roland catches me?”

  “We both die.”

  “Why you?”

  “I’ll die before I see him hurt you.”

  She glanced over at him. He wasn’t looking at her. He was staring up at the ceiling. She couldn’t see his body under his shirt, but she remembered the tattoo on his shoulder. “I like your tattoo.”

  “That’s good. You didn’t like it the first time we met.”

  “How did you and I supposedly meet so long ago?”

  “Just like normal humans, I guess. I was passing through your village and I saw you. Immediately, I knew you were the one. I just came up and talked to you. I didn’t break my genetics to you immediately. I got to know you first.”

  “Huh. So,” she said. “I saw the orcs already. What shot at me in my apartment? That arrow?”

  “Probably a goblin,” he replied. “Doesn’t really matter. That was a steel bolt. I know, I know. Why use a bolt when you can use a gun? Goblins…” he tried to think of a good way to say it. “They’re not the smartest things. They’re big into tradition.”

  She was starting to pull out of her sleep mode. “I’m going to drill you on me. If you and I were really married, you’d know these things about me.”

  He put his hands behind his head. “Drill away.”

  “What’s my favorite color?”


  “Am I a leftie?’


  “Republican or democrat?”

  “Neither. You hate politics.”

  She frowned. “Huh. What’s my brother’s name?”

  He laughed. “You don’t have a brother.”

  “I don’t get how you would know that,” she protested. “My brother, if I ever had one, wouldn’t reincarnate with me!”

  He was laughing. “I found that out when I tracked you down in this life. It has nothing to do with the past.”

  She tried to summon the energy to get up. She finally found it deep within herself and lunged up, wandering over to the bathroom. She needed to clear her mind, and nothing did that better than washing her face. It would take off the last random bits of her makeup that had survived the rain. She looked in the mirror and grimaced. Mascara was smeared below her eyes.

  “Why didn’t you tell me I look terrible?”

  “You don’t. Not to me,” he said as he came in stood in the bathroom doorway.

  “Well, aren’t you the sweet talker?” she said, mockingly. “I bet you talk to all the girls like that.”

  “Oh, all of them,” he replied sarcastically. “Same routine every time.”

  She turned on the water and let it warm up before splashing it on her face. “So, what’s your secret to getting women? A pill? Some sort of mind technique you read on the internet somewhere?”

  He came up behind her, laying a hand on her shoulder. “Well, first, I tell her the truth.”

  She recognized his arm but didn’t move it off. “Truth, huh? Interesting.”

  “Then, I tell her how much I love her,” he told her. “And how I want to keep her safe and happy for all of eternity.”

  He moved up closer, almost as though asking her permission. When she didn’t reject him, he nuzzled up against her, running a hand along her lean thigh.

  She felt a shudder move through her body from head to toe at his touch. “So, what do you do next?”

  He brushed a hand by her hip, gliding his fingers just past the hem of her panties under her jeans. He was playing with her. “I hold her close to show her how special and beautiful she is in my eyes.”

  She held in a moan. “I’d say you’re doing good so far.”

  “I’m glad,” he replied smoothly.

  He slid a hand under her shirt, across her belly button, and up between her supple breasts. Sarah unbuttoned her blouse and slipped it off, as he reached behind her and unclipped her bra before kissing her neck.

  Her eyes were open and her heart was thumping in her chest loud enough that she was slightly worried he could hear it. “This doesn’t mean I believe you,” she murmured.

  “I’ll take it.”

  He pulled his pajamas off, leaving his muscular body in front of her with washboard abs and bronze skin. She glanced down at his manhood. Her eyes widened in surprise at his immense size. She started worrying about fitting him inside of her.

  “I’ll be gentle,” he assured her with those enchanted orange eyes and a playful smile.

  He kissed her passionately on the lips, massaging her back sensuously with his powerful hands. She reached down to his groin and took his member into her hand, stroking it gently and feeling him grow.

  He let out a deep groan.

  He slipped her jeans and panties down and pushed them off to the side onto the smooth, chilled floor. Her legs were bare and smooth. Her blood was pumping loudly, her breath coming quickly.

  “You’re my everything,” he breathed into her ear.

  She kneeled down in front of the shifter, and took the tip of his cock into her mouth before slowly settling her mouth over him, inch by inch.

  He sighed as she expertly used her tongue to apply pressure while her fingers wrapped around the base of his cock to intensify his pleasure.

  Ember guided her up from her knees.

  “Tonight is all about you,” he cooed in her ear.

  She liked the sound of that.

  Ember then lifted her onto the cold, granite countertop. Goosebumps formed over her body from the cold, hard surface against her bare ass.

  Ember kissed her fervently before inserting a finger into her slit, moving it back and forth while gently massaging her pink bud with his thumb. His gentle motions sent shivers through her body as she felt the intensity from his touch begin to grow.

  Her nectar trickled from her core as she found Ember irresistible.

  “Take me, Ember,” Sarah cried out, not wanting to wait any longer to feel him inside of her.

  He pushed his rod between her legs into the center of her femininity. An audible gasp passed her lips from the sensation of him filling her. Sarah grabbed onto his hips, guiding his every movement as he moved in and out of her repeatedly.

  His hand reached up to her chest and he slowly massaged her breast, taking special care with her nipple, which he pinched gi
ngerly between his thumb and index fingers.

  Shudders pulsated through her body as the movements grew faster. She was on the brink of climax when lifted her from the counter effortlessly and pushed her back up against the wall. He thrust into her harder and harder until his powerful body tensed and they both were sent over the edge in unison.

  Ember continued to hold Sarah in place with his head resting against her shoulder as she basked in the waves of pleasure undulating throughout her body.

  She felt small and vulnerable in his grip, but somehow protected and cared for at the same time. She looked up at him. He brushed a lock of her hair out of her eyes, looking down at her lovingly.

  “I love you,” he told her. “I’ve loved you for one-thousand years, and I’ll cherish every moment with you for a thousand more.”

  She felt warmth blossom inside her chest. “You’re not real. You can’t be real. There aren’t actually men like you.”

  “I’m not a man,” he replied gently.

  She looked into his eyes. She wasn’t sure what she was looking for, but she found it. He winked at her and set her down on her own two feet.

  She watched his tattoo as he pulled on his pants. “So, what’s the story behind the tattoo?”

  “It’s the symbol of fire from a civilization long since forgotten,” he replied.

  “So how old are you?”

  He mused it around. “I don’t know...”

  “You don’t know? How can you not know that?”

  “I just haven’t kept track. If I really thought about it, I would say I am about five-thousand years old.”

  She breathed out. “Wow. The stories you must have…”

  “I’ve got a few,” he said. “Mostly, I’ve lived a good life, but I’ve been around long enough to see the wicked side of humanity. That’s one thing that never changes.”

  “That’s kind of a downer,” Sarah said while scrunching her eyebrows together.

  A look of concern came over his face. “Uh-oh. Put your clothes on and hurry.”

  She hesitated, trying to read his expression. “Why?”

  “Now.” He snorted smoke. His throat started to warm up. “We’re not alone. I can smell drakes.”

  “Drakes?” she tried to pull her jeans on and almost slipped. She caught herself before she fell, but it was a close call. “What the hell are drakes?”

  “Big, nasty monsters you really don’t want to meet in a dark alley,” he replied, pushing open the door to the main hotel room. “Take my word for it.”

  “I will.” She pulled her shirt and followed him to the balcony before she realized she forgot her bra. “Freaking son of—” She turned back to retrieve her bra, but he grabbed her hand and hurried out towards the window.

  “Stay there,” he ordered.

  He looked through his bags and pulled out a chrome handgun. He tossed it to her. She fumbled with it before catching it.

  “Is this loaded?” she asked.

  “Of course.”

  “You tossed me a loaded handgun?”

  With that, someone, or something, started pounding on their hotel room door. Whatever it was loud and big. The door held for a second or two before it busted down. The creature on the other side looked like a pit bull, if pit bulls were horse-sized with twin jutting fangs that dripped thick saliva.

  “Holy shit! What the hell is that?”


  Ember turned towards the beast and opened his mouth. A torrent of fire roared from his glowing throat into the beast. The fire hit what Sarah assumed was a drake, engulfing a chair in flames.

  Ember coughed, spitting molten flame. “Open the door,” he ordered while motioning to the sliding glass door of the balcony.

  Then, he hit the beast with a second round of flames.

  She froze up for a moment before running over to the balcony to try to open the door, but turned to see if she was in immediate danger. The beast romped around attempting to maim, decapitate, or otherwise harm Ember. It was similar to the orcs from her place, but stronger and faster. Also, somehow less stupid. Instead of talking or giving Ember a moment to think, the drake pounced on him like a cat chasing a mouse. It was all Ember could do to barely stay ahead of him.

  She tried to open the door again, but it wouldn’t budge.

  “It’s stuck!” Her fingers were shaking from the adrenaline.

  “Well, open it!” Ember breathed another flame at the drake and then ducked as the beast jumped over him. The drake landed on the bed and got caught in the blankets, giving Sarah more time to open the door. As the beast scrambled out, it resorted to using its steak-knife claws to dig into the mattress and get that big body moving.

  After realizing that door wasn’t going to budge, she grabbed a nearby chair and used it to shatter the door around the locked area. At least that was the plan. What really happened was she wrapped her hands around the chair and heaved. The chair whirled through the air and smashed up against the glass. The door shuddered pathetically and that chair fell to the hotel floor.

  “Try a little harder,” Ember suggested as he caught his breath.

  She was vaguely aware of some orcs lumbering into the room, ducking underneath the door frame with the same nasty bats as before. Her heart jumped into her throat and she fumbled with the gun, partially wondering if it really was loaded and if it had the safety on. She aimed at the lock and pulled the trigger.


  It was loaded.

  The bullet zipped into the glass, completely shattering it. A little piece of glass rocketed from the small explosion into her chin, but she hardly noticed. The rain began pouring through the window.

  How in the hell is it still raining?

  Sarah turned to Ember to see him still fighting with the creatures. “It’s open!”

  He darted away from the drake and away from the long swing of the two orcs and started running towards her. The creatures took their focus away from Ember and turned their eyes on Sarah.

  Oh my god! I’m going to die!

  The orcs couldn’t outrun Ember, but the drake stood a solid chance of beating Ember to Sarah. Ember’s form changed and Sarah’s courage dropped through her feet.

  “Ember, what are you doing?”

  “Brace yourself!”

  “No! No! We are not—”

  And with that, he tackled her out of the door, wrapping his body around hers to shield her from the broken glass.

  She heard screaming and it took her a second to realize it was her. The drake jumped out of the door after them, clawing at them. One of its paws caught her leg, ripping her jeans and probably cutting her, but the adrenaline pumping through her veins made it impossible to feel any pain.

  She’d gone skydiving once. It was fun and predictable and somehow beautiful. This was not like that. This was horrifying.

  She couldn’t see. She couldn’t hear. She couldn’t think. She felt Ember’s body around her but that was about it. Every glance she got was stolen by raindrops flying into her eyes and mouth, and down into her nose. She simultaneously confronted the fear of falling, drowning, and being blinded all at once.

  She kept waiting for the inevitable smashing into the ground. As high up as they were, it would probably be painless. But it never came. Instead, she kept feeling the wind whip by.

  “We’re safe.” She could just barely hear Ember’s voice over the wind. “You can relax.”

  Suddenly, the world opened up around her and she stopped spinning. She was flying between the buildings in a fully stretched-out pose. She glanced up to see what she could only assume was Ember in full dragon form.

  He had brilliant, sleek red scales, like those of a well-animated dragon. His head, although she couldn’t see much other than the underside of his jaw, had similarities to a lizard, and yet Ember was majestic. He twisted his head to see her, showing the same mane of spiked up hair, but instead of hair, he had a series of frills. His eyes, oddly, looked the same. His clawed hands were around her waist,
pinning her up against his underbelly as they flew.

  Perhaps this would have calmed another woman, but Sarah was past the point of consolation.

  “What is happening?” she yelled.

  “We escaped,” he said matter-of-factly.

  It was a strange thing seeing a dragon talk. His face didn’t move properly, but it still made the sounds.

  She was panicking, though her fear was justified. Just because she was attracted to the guy didn’t mean she entirely trusted him. She was still not quite sure about the whole nightmare thing. She was willing to talk to him and give him the option to explain himself. Hell, she was even willing to sleep with him. She was not, however, ready to take a ride through the city with him. Although staying in the hotel room would have been worse.

  She felt utterly helpless. If he wanted, he could clench those claws around her stomach and lop her in two without even trying. But he wouldn’t do that, right?

  “I won’t hurt you,” he assured her.

  He must sense my fear.

  She could just barely see his wings angle to take them off in another direction.

  She tried to calm herself and look anywhere other than down. “Where…” she took in a deep breath. It was okay. She would be okay. “Where are we going?”

  “My kingdom,” he replied as if he were telling her they were going to the grocery store.

  “That clears everything on up,” she complained. “What was that thing that found us?”

  “A drake,” he replied. “He was just tracking us. Roland’s orcs were following him.”

  With that, he shifted around his hands to grip her more tightly. On one hand, she wouldn’t fall as easy, but one of his fingers was uncomfortably close to her throat, stretching across her breasts. She didn’t think he was trying to make her uncomfortable. All the guy was trying to do was keep her from plummeting to death, and she couldn’t think of a reason to fault him for that.

  She looked out across the city, trying to keep herself from panicking. The initial terror of being launched out of a window high up in the sky was beginning to wear off. Ember’s large dragon body shielded her from the rain. Sure, she could still feel the cold wind on her face, but his chest was amazingly warm. She was willing to bet he was working on creating some fire in there. She snuggled up against him as they flew.


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