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Dragon's Baby

Page 42

by Juniper Hart

  “No,” he decided. “We’ll have to find another bank, that’s all.”

  “No!” Beth protested. “I will give you the code! Please, there’s no reason to—”

  Suddenly, the door to the ATM opened, and another man walked into the vestibule.

  Everyone froze.

  Beth’s eyes turned toward the newcomer, her face twisted in shock. It was the man she had been looking forward to hearing from all day. She recognized the facial features that had captivated her so.

  August Vega, she thought. How is this even possible? What is he doing here?

  For a moment, Beth wondered if she was hallucinating. But whether or not he had swiped left or right on her profile was the last thing on her mind. She gazed at August hopefully, and he looked on indifferently at the situation in front of him.

  After an awkward silence, August cleared his throat. “Are you done with the machine?” he asked, shifting his eyes away from the trio.

  He apparently didn’t notice the tension in the air and the gun the robber had hid behind his back.

  Look at his hands! Beth wanted to scream, but August seemed oblivious.

  “The machine is out of money, friend,” the mugger explained, and Beth could see he was trying to keep the anxiety from his tone.

  “That’s okay!” August replied cheerfully. “There’s another one the next block up.”

  He held open the door for the women to leave, a smile on his erotically attractive face, but Beth was sure her legs were going to buckle if she was forced to move.

  Run! she attempted to yell. Everyone, run!

  Of course, she did not follow her own advice and instead looked helplessly at the robber.

  “Ladies first,” August instructed, seeming perplexed that no one had made a move to leave. “It’s only across the street. It isn’t far.”

  “Go,” the robber hissed, and Beth snatched her sister, pushing her toward the door before he could change his mind.

  “Run!” she whispered to Cara. “Run fast and find help!”

  “No!” Cara murmured back. “He could shoot me! Or shoot you!”

  “He can’t take us both—”

  “Shut up!” the mugger hissed in their ears, and Beth felt a tremor of fear flitter through her body. She glanced back over her shoulder, but as she did, a blur of motion caught her eye.

  The assaulter was abruptly on the ground, August pinning him down to the pavement.

  Beth and Cara choked, stepping back as they watched the scene unfolding in front of them.

  The mugger tried to aim the gun at August, but he was no match for him. Even if he had been able to aim the gun at him, it didn’t look like it would’ve mattered.

  Right before Beth’s and Cara’s eyes, August seemed to transform into an animal, pinning the scrawny man below him as his teeth bared in long, pointed shards. He had shifted into a wild lupine creature: a large, furious white wolf with sharp fangs and gleaming claws.

  Beth was transfixed in horror at the scene.

  The animal threw his head back as the robber began to scream in panic, his glimmering green eyes meeting hers. Then August howled, his voice seeming to reverberate off the building walls.

  As if in slow motion, Beth grabbed Cara, and the two began to flee as fast as they could, their hearts ready to leap from their chests in unison. They did not stop running for several blocks, with Beth continuously glancing over her shoulder to ensure they were not being followed by either man.

  When they thought their lungs were going to explode, they fell against a closed grocery store, catching their breaths. They looked about for other people, only breathing easier when they saw throngs of them walking the downtown streets.

  “What was that?” Cara gasped. “What happened?”

  Beth shook her head, unable to think of anything except for the word “werewolf.”

  That is ridiculous, she thought, shaking her head. There is no such thing as werewolves.

  But suddenly, she was not so sure, and she looked uneasily at Cara. What other explanation was there?

  “We need to call the police,” Cara said, and Beth stopped her from reaching for her phone.

  “And tell them what?” she asked, realizing how insane it would sound if they talked about a werewolf saving them from a robbery. “They will think we’re crazy.”

  Cara studied her face and then nodded slowly.

  “Do you think he… it killed him?” she whispered.

  Beth shook her head. “I have no idea,” she answered. “It doesn’t matter. We have to forget it happened. Let’s just… let’s go home.”

  Cara reached out to take her hand.

  “No,” she protested. “If we go home now, Mama will wonder why we’re back so soon. Let’s just go to the club for a while and then leave.”

  Beth gritted her teeth, knowing her sister was right. Their mother was like a bloodhound sensing trouble, but Beth was no longer in the mood to dance or meet people. She was having a difficult time understanding how August had not only appeared in the bank, but also rescued them with some sort of unearthly powers.

  “Beth,” Cara said urgently. “We have to pretend that nothing is strange, because if something happened to that guy…”

  Beth swallowed the lump in her throat and nodded. Running her fingers through her blonde hair, she pushed herself off the wall.

  “You’re right,” she whispered. “We have to pretend nothing happened.”

  And if August did something awful to that man, she told herself, we will never speak a word of it to anyone.

  The music was pulsating, the bass emanating through the front doors as they entered without incident. Beth was still holding the three hundred dollars she had initially withdrawn from the ATM, and the stack of cash seemed to be tainted and burning a hole in her pocket.

  “Let’s get bottle service!” she yelled at her sister, and Cara agreed. It was obvious that Cara was in no better mood than she, but they didn’t need to stay long—just long enough to give them an alibi, in case they needed to have one.

  As they waited for a bottle of vodka to be taken to their table, Beth began to think about all the ways they could be discovered.

  I’m sure we were on camera in the bank, and I did use my card, she remembered, her distress mounting the more she thought about it. She tried to push the idea away from her head, knowing nothing could be done. Besides, it wasn’t like she knew if the beast had done something to the man, anyway.

  Still, Beth could not stop her mind from racing as she poured a drink for her sister, and they sat back in silence, watching the club fill up. Several men approached their table, though neither sister was interested, shooing them away as they took back their shots, hoping to steady their nerves.

  “I have to use the ladies’ room,” Beth called to her sister. “You going to be okay here, or do you want to come with me?”

  Cara waved her off, and Beth could see her sister’s eyes were already growing hazy with intoxication.

  We’ll call an Uber after I get back from the bathroom, she thought as she slipped out of the booth and headed toward the back of the club. They had stayed long enough, and neither one was in the mood for the increasing excitement.

  Beth wanted to listen to the news and see what she could learn about the mugger.

  She entered the winged corridor leading to the unisex washrooms, and as she turned the corner, her body turned rigid.

  August stood lounging against the wall, arms folded against his wide, muscular chest.

  Beth’s eyes widened in disbelief.

  “You!” she gasped. “What are you doing here?”

  His green eyes flashed almost mischievously. “I imagine the same thing you are,” he replied nonchalantly.

  Beth strode toward him, yanking on his arm to drag him into a bathroom stall for privacy.

  “What happened? What did you do?” she demanded, the questions spilling out of her one after the other.

  She was a combinati
on of relief and anxiety as she scanned his body for signs of the beast she and Cara had seen out on the street. She didn’t know if she should be terrified or grateful to the flippant but gorgeous man standing in front of her.

  “He won’t be robbing anyone anytime soon,” August informed her, and Beth exhaled, her face growing pale.

  “Did you…?” she trailed off, unsure if she wanted to know the answer.

  August stared at her intently, his eyes narrowing slightly. “Do you really want to know what I did?” he asked quietly, and Beth found herself slowly shaking her head.

  He saved you and Cara, she reminded herself. You should just be very thankful you’re not hurt and that your sister is safe.

  Beth turned her head upward to look at August, her blue eyes filled with gratitude.

  “Thank you for doing whatever you did,” she told him, and a slow smile formed on his face.

  They stared at each other for a long moment, and then Beth felt as though the pulsating music reverberated inside her skin and drove her closer to August, because she reached up to pull his face towards hers.

  When their mouths crashed together, it was everything she had expected. The smoldering mystery that August seemed to be was accentuated in his lips, and Beth wrapped her arms around his neck, wanting to feel his body against hers.

  Suddenly, any apprehension she had felt disappeared as his tongue caressed hers, and Beth sighed as August pushed her back against the stall door. His hands cupped her buttocks, slipping beneath the short, black skirt of her dress, his breath hot against her cheek as he pressed their bodies together.

  Beth allowed one stiletto to rest atop the closed lid of the toilet, and her hand fell across the taut muscles of August’s chest, cupping his hard erection with her other hand. Beth sighed, her fingers fumbling to release his shaft from the confines of his expensive pants. As she closed her eyes, her head falling to the side, a flash of August pouncing on the mugger flashed through her mind, and it instantly sent a wave of heat through her body.

  August’s palm met the wetness off her core, rubbing gently as his mouth latched against the tender skin of her throat. His free hand teased the ample breast atop her bodice, and Beth knew that she wanted to be taken by this man, no matter what he was.

  The beast in him made him all that more appealing, and when her panties slipped around her knees, she jerked her hips forward, longing to feel August’s member slide between her lips.

  August sat back for a moment and stared at her, a coy smile on his lips. Without warning, he grabbed her leg and placed it over his shoulder, his appendage almost fully vertical against her voluptuous body.

  Beth gaped at him, but he was already guiding himself into her ready core, his hardness entering her in a way she had never known. She cried out in ecstasy, not caring who heard, her fingers digging into his shoulders for support as he pounded into her.

  August’s eyes remained fixated on hers, and as she watched, it seemed his face faded in and out of the creature she had seen on the street.

  Every thrust brought her closer to her own climax, but she didn’t want this to ever end. She felt lost in his eyes, her moans growing louder to meet his as he grunted furiously.

  Beth could feel him in every crevice of her body, and she trembled, screaming out her release. Her nails gouged into him, and August’s face contorted into an expression of pained pleasure as he, too, climaxed.

  Cautiously, August allowed her leg down, and Beth’s knees were wobbling as she tried to regain her composure. She sank onto the lid of the toilet instead, fearing that her legs would fail her.

  August casually pulled his pants up and fastened them, as if nothing of consequence had occurred inside the stall. For the first time in her life, Beth found herself tongue-tied, unsure of how to speak to him. There were a hundred questions she wanted to ask him, but she could not muster the words.

  He turned to look at her. “Are you all right?” he asked, and Beth noticed that he didn’t have a southern drawl.

  “Are you from up north?” she replied, and his smile grew broad.

  “Not exactly,” August answered. He paused and looked at her for a long moment. “Why don’t you get dressed,” he suggested, “and I’ll meet you out in the club.”

  Slowly, Beth nodded, suddenly remembering that Cara was still waiting for her, already half-drunk. This wasn’t the place for a conversation to get to know August.

  “I’ll be out in a minute,” she assured him, and he turned to leave. Before he walked out, she added, “I’m Beth!”

  August chuckled, but he didn’t respond, leaving her to stare at the closed door of the stall.

  It took Beth a few minutes to get herself together, but she finally managed to slip her lace panties back around her shapely hips and straighten her skirt before making her way out to the club. She ignored the critical looks of the others in the washroom, even though she felt a slow blush growing on her cheeks.

  I will likely never see you again as long as I live, she thought smugly. What do I care if you heard me having sex?

  A slow grin formed over her lovely face as she looked around for August. He wasn’t outside in the hall like she had expected him to be, and as her eyes scanned the interior of the club, her smile faded. She wove through the flashing lights and crowds, hoping that her gut instinct was wrong and that he was still there somewhere.

  But as she found herself back at the table where Cara was barely able to hold herself up, the reality was stunningly clear: August had left.

  The evening’s events flooded over her in a mass of emotions, and Beth shook her head, trying to make sense of her feelings.

  “Let’s get out of here,” she called to Cara, who barely seemed aware of her surroundings. Her sister numbly rose from her seat, and Beth reached for her purse to summon an Uber.

  He laughed when I told him my name because he must’ve already rejected me on the app, she realized, her heart sinking as she helped her sister outside into the humid summer air to wait for their car. And now he’s rejected me again.

  “Beth! Beth, wake up!”

  Groggily, Beth turned her head to stare at her mother in the doorway of her bedroom, her face twisted in concern.

  “Mama, what time is it?” she moaned, pulling the covers over her head. She was nowhere near ready to embrace the horrors of the morning.

  I didn’t drink nearly enough to block out what happened last night, she thought mournfully.

  “Beth, the police are here!” her mother hissed. “They need to speak with you! What did you girls do last night?”

  Beth threw the covers away from her face and gaped at her mom, face ashen.

  “What?” she gasped. “The police are here?”

  “Yes! Now hurry up and get dressed!”

  She did not need to be told twice, and as her mom left her bedroom, Beth threw her legs over the side of her bed, her mind whirling.

  Oh, my God, she thought, horrified. He killed him. August killed that guy! I knew it! She bit on her lower lip, trying to get her thoughts in order. What will I tell the cops? What can I tell them?

  She donned a pair of yoga pants and a tank top, pulling her disheveled hair into a messy ponytail before cautiously opening the door to peer down the hallway. Where was Cara? Was she already with them? They had to agree on the same story to tell.

  “Beth!” her mother yelled from downstairs. “These gentlemen are waiting!”

  Beth could see she had nowhere to go. Slowly, she made her way down the steps, willing herself to be calm. She could only tell them the truth… except maybe for the part about the werewolf and the part where she’d had sex with said werewolf.

  There were two men sitting on the sofa, and the older one of them rose from his seat when she walked down to meet them. “Hello, Beth. I’m Detective Harley, and this is Detective Anderson.”

  Beth nodded, not trusting her voice.

  “Why don’t you come and sit down,” he offered, and Beth did not argue,
sinking onto a wing chair as her parents studied her with stony faces.

  “What is this about?” she choked.

  The two cops stared at her. “I think you know what this is about,” Anderson chimed in.

  Beth inhaled sharply.

  “Beth, what on earth did you get into last night?” her father yelled, but to her surprise, Detective Harley held up his hand, shaking his head.

  “Oh, no, sir,” he said. “She didn’t do one thing wrong. Beth was the victim of a crime last night—a robbery.”

  Her parents gasped, and Beth closed her eyes, wondering how much they knew about it.

  “What?” her mother screeched.

  “No, sir,” Beth replied. “It was merely an attempt. The man didn’t take a thing.”

  “Yes, Beth, we know,” Detective Anderson told her. “The mugger turned himself in this morning, confessing to several similar robberies in the area over the last three months.”

  “He’s not dead?” Beth blurted out, and everyone in the room seemed to furrow their brows together.

  “No, ma’am,” Detective Harley said. “He came in this morning and gave a full confession. He mentioned your case, but we had no police report. That’s why we’re here. We found you on the bank’s security footage this morning.”

  Beth stared at him open-mouthed.

  “Why didn’t you call the police?” her father cried. “Did you get hurt? I will kill that son of a bitch!”

  “No, Daddy,” Beth sighed. “There was no need to file a report because nothing happened. He got scared away by another man who came into the bank.”

  “Oh, praise the Lord!” her mother cried in relief.

  “Well, if you could come down to the station and make a formal report, it will help ensure he stays away longer,” Detective Anderson told her. “He has quite a lengthy record, and we would like to throw the book at him.”

  Beth gulped and nodded. “Yes, all right,” she whispered as the detectives stood up from the sofa.

  “If you happen to know the name of the other witness, the one who scared him off,” said Detective Harley, “that will help, too.”

  Beth nodded her head, knowing she would never do such a thing. Then she spoke again. “He just…walked in and confessed? For no reason?”


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