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Dark Promises 2: Demonic Obsession

Page 11

by Elisa Adams

  A small smile broke over his face, and it warmed her inside. “Panthicenos are keepers of the peace. It’s been that way since ancient times. Not much has changed since then. By nature, we can’t be described as either good or evil, because we’re both. As far as demons go, we’re as neutral as you can get.”

  He reached his hand up and stroked his finger along her jaw line, sending a ripple of sensation through her. She gasped and backed up a step, confused at how she could still respond so strongly to him, knowing what he was.

  His hands gripped her arms and stopped her retreat. He smiled hesitantly as he leaned in and kissed her softly, his lips barely brushing over hers before he pulled back. The little kiss was all it took for her insides to melt. “I worry about you, you know.”

  Her response came automatically after years of taking care of everyone else. She waved a hand in the air and shook her head, brushing off his concern. “You don’t need to. I’ve got it covered.”

  “I know. I want to.”

  That had to be one of the nicest things anyone had ever said to her. How long had it been since a man had really cared about her? Had a man ever really cared about her enough to say such things to her? She couldn’t remember. It figured. The one guy who finally treated her right just happened to be a demon.

  “Do you forgive me?” he asked, his gaze questioning. “I would have told you, if I hadn’t thought it would push you away.”

  “I’ll think about it.” That was probably all she would do, for weeks. He’d given her a lot to contemplate.

  “Think fast,” he grumbled, turning away. “I can’t deal with another stress in my life right now.”

  “Well, excuse me. Forgive me if I don’t want to blow this off like it’s nothing. Because it’s most definitely something.” She frowned at him, letting him know how upset she still was at his deception. “This changes my whole life, you know. Nothing is ever going to be the same again.”

  “That’s not always a bad thing.”

  Her frown melted away at the sensual look in his eyes. She planted her hands on her hips and glared at him, still trying to be furious. But she just didn’t have the heart to keep up the emotions. Sure, he’d kept the truth—a pretty important truth—from her for too long, and he’d dodged most of her questions until she’d done some research on her own, but she couldn’t judge him as bad just because of what he was. She hadn’t done that to Marco, or Amara or Royce, and she couldn’t do it to Eric, either. She couldn’t respect people who prejudged others before getting to know them, and she wasn’t going to stoop to that level.

  She reached deep inside herself for answers, and was surprised at what she found. She lifted her necklace from the table and secured the chain around her neck. The connection she’d had all her life with the panther hadn’t been broken. It was stronger now than it had ever been, filling her with trust and strength.

  “Do you want to come in for coffee or something?” she asked, finally giving in to what she really wanted—to end the disagreements and get on with her life. So the guy was a demon. As long as he wasn’t into ritualistic killing, she supposed she could deal with it.

  An amused, yet hesitant, expression crossed his face. “I’d like to come in for a while, but only if you’re sure.”

  Sure? She wasn’t sure about anything. But to be honest, her life had been on pause since her divorce, and it was about time she started living again. Maybe getting involved with Eric was a little extreme, but she couldn’t help it now. She was in too deep, and it was too late to turn back now.

  “Yes, I’m sure.” She smiled at him before she turned and walked away across the yard.

  She entered the house through the kitchen door. Eric followed, but he stayed a few feet behind. She paused by the sink and turned to him. “Do you want coffee or tea?”


  No? “Well, okay. How about water?”

  “No.” He shook his head slowly, his gaze spearing hers.

  The hot intensity in his eyes went straight to her stomach, settling like a ball of fire. She gulped and drew in a sharp breath, suddenly nervous. For the first time, he gave her a glimpse of his power, and it excited and scared her at the same time. For just a few seconds she saw him as the forceful man in her dreams instead of the man she thought she knew. Clenching her hands into fists at her sides, she tried her best to appear calm and collected. She knew she failed when her question came out as a squeak. “Can I get you anything at all?”

  He shook his head. “Are you still scared of me?”

  She was scared of what this could become. There were so many reasons why she shouldn’t get involved with Eric, and she’d been thinking about them nonstop since they’d met. If she took him upstairs to her bedroom, there wouldn’t be any going back. She’d be involved, and there wouldn’t be any denying it. She didn’t know how long it would last, but she had a feeling it would be a wild ride.

  “I’m not scared of you,” she answered as honestly as she could. “It’s this thing between us that scares me.”

  “It’s chemistry, Ellie, nothing to be afraid of. I know what I want from you. Now you need to decide what you want from me.” He spread his hands out in front of him as he spoke. “Whatever happens has to be your decision.”

  And what exactly was it that he wanted from her? She was afraid to ask.

  He continued when she didn’t answer. “Will you give me a chance to show you what I want to do to you?”

  His expression took on a wicked gleam and her heart skipped a beat. Whatever things confused her about this man, the sexual attraction she felt for him wasn’t one of them. She knew, without a doubt, that sex with him would be fabulous. What she didn’t know was if she could have sex with him, and not want more. He shook her more than anyone ever had, and she didn’t know if she’d be able to get past that, but as far as she could tell they had no chance at a future together.

  “I can give you whatever you want,” he said. “Anything at all. What is it you want from me, Ellie? I don’t know, so you’re going to have to tell me.”

  “What exactly are you offering?”

  “Anything. Everything.”

  She shoved the implications of those words out of her mind, deciding to concentrate on the physical. She took a deep breath, her decision made. Demon or not, she wanted him. However weird it might sound, this could be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. “I want you. For now, I want to forget about the rest of it, forget what you are. I just want to be with you right now. Is that even possible?” She dropped her gaze to the ground, embarrassed at her cluelessness.

  He laughed softly. “Honey, it’s more than possible. I think it’s inevitable.”

  “But how can we…if you’re not…?”

  “Trust me, Ellie. We’re very compatible. In this form, I’m just like any other man.”

  Somehow, she doubted that. A smile spread over her face. “Prove it.”

  Chapter 10

  “Prove it?”

  Eric’s eyes darkened, turning a deep shade of forest green. The gold flecks stood out even more with the change, making his eyes appear inhuman—predatory in the basest sense of the word. The heat in his gaze snagged her, pinning her to the spot where she stood on the kitchen floor as effectively as if he’d shackled her. She drew a deep breath, her body shaking, as she waited for his response.

  Several seconds passed. His gaze held her prisoner and she felt the conflicting need to run into his arms, and run away. Something in him had altered, become more…animalistic. It stunned her with both fear and excitement. He walked across the kitchen as if in slow motion. She gasped and gripped the counter behind her for support as he stepped closer, his long limbs moving with a grace that belied his strength.

  He stopped in front of her and placed his hands on the counter, one on each side of her body. Now physically trapped, she shuddered at what he could do to her. She’d had a small sampling of his touch, and it only whet her appetite for more. Would he give her what she wan
ted—what her body so desperately craved—or would he distance himself like he had before?

  She reached her hand up to his chest, but he shook his head as her fingers brushed his shirt. “Hold still.” His raspy command drew her gaze back up to his eyes, and she wet her lips with the tip of her tongue.

  She opened her mouth to answer, but he shook his head again. The faintest of smiles played on his lips. “Don’t speak.”


  He brushed his lips over hers, silencing her question. “Trust yourself.” His tongue traced the seam of her lips. “Trust us.”

  She took a deep breath to steady herself, the beginnings of arousal stirring low in her belly. She let the air out slowly and completely, willing her body to remain still—not an easy task as Eric’s teeth grazed the sensitive skin just below her ear. She shivered and gripped the counter more tightly, a small moan escaping her lips.

  “You like that.” His warm breath whispered across her skin as he spoke. She nodded in agreement. Even though only his mouth made contact with her body, she felt his touch on every inch of her.

  He nudged her chin with his lips and she let her head drop back as he ran his tongue along the pulse beating fiercely in her neck. He nipped gently. Unable—and unwilling—to hide her state of arousal from him, she reveled in it instead. She allowed her body to take over, overriding concern and logic and anything else that got in the way.

  Finally, he pressed fully against her, trapping her between the hard wall of his chest and groin, and the counter. Heat radiated from him and she arched into it, greedily absorbing it into her body until she was liquid fire. Her sex ached with a need so great it nearly brought her to her knees. She leaned into the counter, her grip iron and her legs no longer able to support her weight.

  He kissed her then, hard and demanding. His tongue delved into the heat of her mouth as he rocked his hips gently against hers. She moaned and clung to the counter—her position prohibiting any further movement. If he continued with this torture, she might just die on the spot. Eric made her feel so needy that she responded wildly.

  She didn’t hear the front door open or the footsteps in the hall until Charlotte spoke from the kitchen doorway. “Ellie, did you see that—? Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt.”

  Eric rested his forehead against Ellie’s for a moment, breathing heavily, before he released her. She sagged against the counter, her legs still not willing to hold her. “What’s wrong, Charlotte?”

  Charlotte looked from Ellie to Eric, and back to Ellie again. A smile spread across her face. “Oh, nothing important. Go on with whatever you’re doing. I won’t bother you again.”

  She grabbed a can of soda from the fridge and walked out of the room. Ellie didn’t speak until she heard the sounds of the TV set in the living room.

  “I’m so sorry, Eric. I didn’t know she planned to be home today.”

  He raised an eyebrow and shot a glance in the direction of the living room. “Where’s your bedroom?”

  Ellie’s eyes widened in shock. “We can’t now. She’ll know what we’re doing.”

  “She already knows. She’s an adult. I’m sure she’ll understand.” He snagged her wrist and drew her up against him, dipping his mouth to hers for a kiss that left her breathless and wanting all over again. “I think it’ll be okay.”

  “Upstairs. My bedroom is upstairs. But we have to be quiet.”

  “Absolutely.” Something in his eyes told her he didn’t mean it, but she took his hand anyway and led him up the stairs.

  When the reached the first landing, Eric pushed her against the wall and kissed her hard. He lifted one of her legs up over his hip and rocked his pelvis against hers. His hard cock ground against her mound, sending a jolt through her despite the layers of fabric between them. She put her palms on the wall behind her to keep her balance, afraid of falling down the stairs.

  He worked his hands under the hem of her shirt, his fingers skimming along her skin until they brushed the undersides of her breasts. He started to lift the shirt over her head, but a smidgen of common sense kicked in, and she put her hands over his to stop him.

  “Hold up, Romeo. Why don’t we take this into the bedroom?” She pulled her shirt back down and walked the rest of the way up the stairs, batting at his hands when he grabbed for her.

  Eric sighed dramatically. “Do we have to? I was having so much fun.”

  “Yes, we do.” By the time she shut the bedroom door behind them, the intensity was back in his gaze.

  “Eric?” she asked, suddenly uncertain. Charlotte’s interruption had shaken her, brought back so much of the logic she’d tried to bury.

  He didn’t answer, didn’t speak at all, as he gripped her waist and pulled her toward the bed. He let himself fall back when his legs hit the mattress, taking her with him. In seconds, he had her rolled over onto her back, pinned under him on the mattress.

  She cleared her throat, not wanting to bring up an uncomfortable situation but knowing it needed to be done before thing went too far. “Um, I don’t have any protection. Do you, maybe…?”

  He looked down at her, his face a mask of frustration. “We don’t need any. This isn’t something a guy usually admits to a woman he’s about to make love to, but I can’t get you pregnant.”

  “You can’t? Are you sure?”

  “You’re human.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “If you were a cat, it might happen, but with a human, it’s not even a possibility.”

  She let out a sigh of relief. “That’s good to know.”

  He smiled in answer before he leaned in and kissed her long and deep. His knee wedged between her legs, moving them further apart until he settled himself between them. He felt so hard, everywhere, and so good against her that she moaned into his mouth. She could barely hold back for wanting him so badly.

  It had never been like this. With Eric, everything was different. He had the skill to touch her in just the right place—just the right way—and she felt like her body melted and dissolved, replaced by thousands of points of light. She ground her hips shamelessly against him, relishing in the pressure of his cock against her throbbing sex. She tore at his shirt, desperate to feel his bare skin against hers.

  He didn’t stop her this time. He showered her face and neck with kisses while she worked the buttons, finally freeing the last one and tugging the shirt out of the waistband of his pants. Her hands splayed on his bare chest, her fingers moving through the dark hair sprinkled across his skin. He let out a soft groan when she flicked his flat nipples with her fingernails.

  He slid off her when she grasped the zipper of his pants. “Not yet.” He sat on the edge of the bed and unzipped her shorts, sliding them down her legs.

  She sat up halfway to let him remove her shirt, and before she had a chance to react, he’d flipped her onto her stomach. He skimmed her panties down her legs. The satin rubbed against her sensitive skin, and she squirmed.

  He ran his hands down her back, kissing her spine just above her ass. When his touch left her, she tried to turn over to reach for him, but he nudged her back against the mattress. He took her leg in his hands and used his thumbs to massage the tender skin of her sole. The soft pressure tickled and aroused at the same time and she found herself unable to hold still. She’d expected him to be inside her already, not to be playing with her foot.

  As new and different as it was, it felt good. His touch scorched her wherever he touched—the fact that he touched such a usually unsexy place didn’t matter. She relaxed against the mattress and let him do what he wanted.

  Seeming to sense her need, he slid a finger along her slit, finally pressing the very tip into her cunt. She arched into the touch, trying to get more of him inside her. With slow deliberation, he inched his finger deeper. Every time she wriggled, he stopped moving until she finally gave up and stilled. He placed a kiss in the center of the sole of her foot.

  “Eric,” she pleaded. He didn’t understand her struggle to ho
ld still while he tortured her. The vibrations of his answering laugh traveled a path from the sole of her foot straight to her clit, making her inner muscles contract and tremble. She fisted her hands in the comforter, fighting desperately for control. In another second, she was going to come, with or without his help.

  He thrust his finger deep inside her at the same time as his thumb pressed down on her clit. Her body bowed and her orgasm took her with a force that exploded all the way to her toes. She cried out, bucking against his hand as much as her position would allow.

  Not giving her much time to recover, he rolled her to her back and settled himself next to her on the bed. He splayed his palm over her stomach and kissed the side of her neck. “Feel better now?”

  She could barely move, barely speak, but she managed a slight nod before she let her head flop to the side on the pillow. Eric laughed. “Should I take that as a no?”

  “I’m fine.” She struggled to smile, yet her muscles refused to obey even that simple command. Sated, she let her eyelids flutter closed.


  She opened an eye at his command.

  “We’re not finished yet.”

  She let her gaze wander down the length of his body. His cock jutted out, the tip brushing against the side of her leg. Smiling sleepily, she reached for him. “Well, I hope not.”

  His laugh bordered on pained as she stroked him, catching the drop of pre-come with her thumb and spreading it around the head. He held out for only a few minutes before he removed her hand. “Do you want the top or the bottom?”


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