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Trial by Heist

Page 11

by Kel Carpenter

  About the Author

  Kel Carpenter:

  Born in Olympia, WA, Kel Carpenter has lived in over twenty-five houses and four different states, all inside the US. Kel started writing in high school where the origins for her original series, Heir of Shadows, began. It was then that writing changed her life. Fast forward, and Kel is now twenty-one and attending college in Atlanta, GA, where she studies Chemistry and English. She has many wonderful friends and her two-year-old German Shepard, Harley (the self-professed love of her life). They spend their afternoons hunting Pokémon and unknown coffee shops along the streets of Atlanta—when she's not at work or in class that is.

  To learn more about upcoming books and continue the series go to:

  About the Author

  Carrie Whitethorne:

  Originating from a small mining town in South Yorkshire, Carrie Whitethorne lives on the edge of the Lake District National Park with her husband and two children.

  An avid reader of fantasy and dystopian novels, Carrie discovered her love of books and of writing at a young age. She has always had a keen interest in British folklore and incorporates this into her writing.

  Now fulfilling her lifelong ambition of becoming a published author, Carrie's Debut novel, Riftkeepers Prime, and its sequels, are available now. Part four of the Riftkeepers series is set for publication in 2018.

  To learn more about the Riftkeepers series go to:


  From Scion of Midnight

  Scion of Midnight

  Eyes were watching me as the bus pulled up to my final stop.

  Nashville—home to the man who plagued my dreams, and his unrelenting little sister. Three months had passed, and I had bigger things to worry about, yet it was my green-eyed partner that kept me from peace. After everything that had happened, I should’ve been free. Not being dormant should’ve released me from what had been haunting me for years.

  I wasn’t free.

  I turned to look out my window, swallowing the frustration like a bitter pill. Tori’s crop of blond hair and bright green eyes greeted me from the sidewalk.

  This is it.

  I forced a smiled as I moved to get off the bus. The summer had passed, and during that time, Lucas had managed to call me every single day, even though I never answered. Never responded to his texts. I danced around the subject when Tori asked what was wrong with him, because I didn’t know. I could guess, though.

  I cared about him. I could finally admit it to myself. But that didn’t change my decision. He was my friend, and a stolen kiss at the wrong moment didn’t make him more. No matter how attractive he was. I didn’t really know what we were now, and showing up at his house after so long…well, it would be interesting, to say the least.

  I stretched slowly, a stir near the front catching my attention. A man had risen, his features slightly obscured by the hat and trench coat he wore. He moved lithely, but slowly. As if he were waiting for something. For a moment, my mind flashed to the warehouse, and the demons that had hunted me. My pulse slowed, and the beating in my chest brought a sickening panic as the pressure behind my eyes built to a searing heat.

  I needed to think. To act.

  I glanced sideways. Another man was approaching Tori, dressed much the same.


  This was an ambush.

  My training overrode the panic as I grabbed my bag and swung it over my shoulder, slipping the knife I always kept on me out of my boot. I moved to get off the bus, but the first guy blocked my way.

  Big mistake.

  He reached for me faster than I’d expected, but not fast enough. I clutched the knife, blade pointed up as I yanked it through the air. He hissed, revealing fangs. Black blood splattered, and his hand fell between us. I was moving to get past him when a scream pierced my ears.


  I wanted to go to her, to help her, but my pursuer was relentless, even without his hand. All around me, panic rose as the humans started to recognize the monsters in their midst. I had to end this, and get to her.

  I stepped back and slammed my foot into his chest when he attempted to lunge forward. His eyes widened at the last second, but he couldn’t move fast enough to avoid me in these close quarters—not that there was anywhere to go but out. He flew through the windshield and onto his ass on the street. Face-up on the pavement, where the Tennessee sun would weaken his senses just enough that I had a chance of winning this fight.

  Another scream ripped through the air, and it didn’t take me long to find the source. Scraped and bruised, Tori was on her knees before the damn bloodsucker. He gripped her hair tightly, revealing a tanned patch of flesh he probably found appetizing. Her fear was palpable in the sweat that slicked her skin and trailed down that precious artery pumping blood like a battle drum. Her eyes were glassy.

  “Come with us or the girl dies.” His voice was quiet. No human could’ve heard him. I almost wished I hadn’t, the way that unnatural voice slithered over me. Like a taint I couldn’t cleanse.

  “Who sent you?” I demanded through gritted teeth. The last thing I needed was a showdown in front of humans, but they’d crossed a line, and I would make them pay. The air tasted stale, and dirty blood filled my nostrils with a stench I couldn’t ignore. It was the blood of the something long dead, even though they’d never been alive.

  “You’ll find out soon enough.” He smirked, revealing blood-tipped fangs, and I realized Tori was already bleeding from a bite wound on her arm.

  My blood boiled, matching the tempo of the exposed artery on her neck.

  He had touched her. Defiled her.

  “I’d rather send a message,” I spat. My ability rose like a tidal wave I couldn’t contain. A fire so hot it could’ve scorched the sun.

  He froze, but not out of fear. He was no longer in control of himself—of his own body. He was a puppet now. My puppet.

  “Send another messenger after those I care for, and your masters will lose more than their minions.”

  I felt the Vampire behind me as he tried to move silently and get the drop on me.

  “Freeze,” I commanded, and he became a statue. There was fear in the eyes of the one who’d attacked Tori, and rightfully so. I raised my hand, palm open to reveal one of my many scars.

  “I was attacked by seven demons three months ago. What makes you think you’re any match for me?” I walked toward him, feeling Tori’s eyes on me as she steadily became more aware again. My blood called for vengeance. For death.

  I looked into the Vampire’s black-tinted eyes. “Break.”

  Their screams as every bone in their bodies snapped were music to my ears. I wanted to push harder, grind their bones until there was nothing left but dust. Turn their warbled screams into the most beautiful melody and dance to the lovely music they were making just for me. But Tori wasn’t looking so hot.

  I released my hold on them, and they crumpled to the ground. Not dead. Never alive. Nonetheless, they would heal, and we needed to be long gone when they did.

  I dropped to my knees in front of Tori. We only had one chance at escape.

  “Get us out of here.”




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