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The Keys to Jericho

Page 34

by Ren Alexander

  I get to flash my new driver’s permit, which makes me smile for a second. Dash tries to pay for my ticket, but even my arguing with him doesn’t help. When the man takes Dash’s credit card, he says, “She’s already paid for, by that gentleman in the blue shirt.”

  “What?” I peer beyond Dash, only to see Jared’s back as he talks to Rio. Liberty is keeping her distance, already perusing the displayed racks of wine.

  Grabbing our tickets, Dash shakes his head with a grin. “That’s his way of apologizing for this morning.” I nearly gasp, Jared told Dash about having sex with me?

  “What about this morning?”

  He laughs. “You know. Being jealous.”

  I glare at Jared’s back. “He’s infuriating.”

  “But, you still love him, right?”

  “Quiet,” I irritably tell him, slyly double-checking to see if Jared is within hearing range.

  Talking to Jared, Rio glances at me, and smiles, which inadvertently causes Jared to look over his shoulder, and like a chain reaction, I turn to Dash.

  “I don’t know. I have to protect my heart and I can’t do that if I continue to love him. What he said, and how he stormed out this morning was ridiculous.” If Dash thinks that to be the reason I’m upset, then that’s good. I don’t need them thinking I’m a whore, even if it was Dash’s idea. I was stupid enough to take his advice. Furthermore, Jared would flip out even more if his friends knew what we were doing last night and this morning.

  Damn it. Why in the fuck do I care about what they say about him?

  “That’s Jared, though. He wasn’t trying to be mean to you. He was looking after you.”

  “Well, he should worry about himself. He’s already helping me get my license.”

  “But, he will worry about you, though.”

  “Why? I don’t get him. I truly don’t. I put it out there with him, but he doesn’t want any of the strings attached or baggage I carry.”

  Dash puts his arm around me and leans close. “Wrong. Everything Jared says or does is because he doesn’t want to admit to himself, or to anyone else, that he’s crazy in love with you.” After this morning, I’m convinced even more now that he isn’t.

  “Not likely. I think he’s just crazy.”

  “Well, yeah.”

  “I didn’t tell you I love your dress,” Liberty says, coming up to me, which I’m relieved it’s not Jared to start an argument.

  “Thanks. I love yours, too.”

  “Ladies, I need to not be a part of this conversation.”

  “Up and away, Dasher.”

  He makes a face at her, sticking out his tongue as he walks over to Rio and Jared. “Ding-a-ling, Liberty Bell.”

  We laugh, and I ask, “How did Rio like your hair?”

  She grins, touching her head. “He loves it. As soon as we were in our room, he had my clothes off, and me coming before I was even on my back.”

  “Shit. I need to go to your salon.”

  “Yes, you do because my new mission is to find you a man.”

  I hurriedly shake my head. “Oh, no. I’m like a project for people. Ever since my divorce, my mother has been riding me about finding a new man. I’m fine for now.”

  “For now, maybe. When was your divorce?”

  “Two years ago.”

  Her blue eyes pop. “For Christ’s sake, Kat! We need to work on your happiness. First, get your license. That’s Phase One. Phase Two will be all mine.”

  “I’m scared.”

  She laughs. “It’ll be fun! I’ll get you laid.” This is what I was afraid of happening.

  My mouth fails me. “Oh, my God.”

  “I’m guessing you really need to.”

  Not with some arbitrary stranger, but knowing that my one-way street tryst with Jared has to end, I sigh. “Yeah, I do. Maybe I do need your help finding me a man.”


  From nowhere, Jared storms past us, nearly knocking over a trashcan and taking out a wine display as he leaves the tent.

  Liberty rolls her eyes. “There goes Mr. Sunshine spreading his light and warmth everywhere he goes.” His warmth. I impulsively squeeze my thighs together, wincing at the sudden reminder.

  I watch him swiftly walking away from the tents, along the vineyard’s fence, with his hands in his hair. What’s his problem now?

  Catching me staring at Jared, Liberty bumps into my arm. “Come on. Don’t worry about his newest drama. Let’s get wasted.”

  Turning to her, I readily nod. “Fuck, yes.”

  Liberty and I stop at the first table of many on our tour. We sample everything more times than we can count, taking turns buying new bottles and carrying them while we walk. Eventually, carrying and pouring becomes too much of a balancing act, so Dash holds our bottle-of-the-moment, giving us refills on demand, and when we’re finished with a bottle, he fetches us something different to try. Thank God he’s an enabler, because I really need to be enabled.

  Rio follows us, but seems to be preoccupied watching the area around us, and stepping to the side to text. I imagine he’s keeping tabs on Jared, but if Jared’s going to act like a pouting child, then let someone else worry about him.

  Needing a pit stop, Liberty and I head to the main building, where there are signs posted for public restrooms. We hold onto each other, giggling, with Dash hanging outside on the sidewalk for us, and Rio further back, playing with his phone.

  Since Liberty is drunkenly trying to fix her makeup, I leave the restroom and walk along the hallway, looking at wine bottles on display, behind glass, encased in the walls. I have to concentrate more on not bumping into people; however, I don’t make it very far when I see a blue polo shirt, leaning against the opposite wall, studying his phone.

  Without thinking, I leap into the light current of people, dodging and weaving, until I make it to the other side, sneaking up to Jared.

  I say, “I thought you left us.”

  “Huh?” He promptly raises his head, and his eyes slightly widen before they narrow. “What are you doing here?”

  Jared is so sexy, even when he’s ticked off. I loftily smile. “I rode with you. Remember?”

  His frown deepens. “I thought you were having a pretty good time out there, so you’d better get back to it.”

  I cuddle up to him, leaning my cheek on his bicep, and his muscles tense. He smells and feels good, and I begin to forget why I was pissed at him in the first place. “Why are you in here? You should have some drinks with us.”

  Jared shrugs his arm, taking it away from me, and he rolls his dreamy eyes. “No, thanks.” He looks back to his phone, which irritates me.

  Crazed, or not in total control of my drunk brain, I shove his hand and step against him, making his eyes pop open this time.

  “What are you doing, Kat?”

  I press my breasts onto his chest, and I can feel his pounding heart and fast breath as he looks down at me. “I missed you, Jericho.” I slide my hands up to his shoulders, playfully clawing at his shirt. “Don’t you miss me?” His lips are so close and I want to kiss him, but I know there’s a reason I shouldn’t want to, yet can’t recall it. Fuck. Alcohol can be a spiteful bitch.

  He lightly pushes on my shoulders as he glances around our vicinity. “You don’t even want to acknowledge me.”

  I hazily ogle him, peeved that he’s still being a dick to me. “It’s the other way around!”

  He adamantly shakes his head, glaring at me. “Not even close.”

  “You don’t want me for a girlfriend!”

  Jared checks our surroundings again before he growls, “We talked about this. Just go back outside.”

  I cross my arms. “No!” Sounding whiny, I demand, “Aren’t we even friends?”

  Jared slides along the granite wall, out of my reach. “Just leave me alone, Kat. Go.” He bites down on his lip as he taps into his phone.

  I shadow him. “You were okay having your way with me last night and this morning, weren’t you?”<
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  His green and hazel eyes blaze with repressed profane sentiments when he looks up from his phone. “We’re not doing this here.”

  Feeling bold and stupid, I put my arms around his waist, gripping onto his belt. “That’s okay. Because I want to do you here.” I lick my lip and bat my eyelashes. “I know you want me again.” I know nothing, drunk or sober.

  Heaving an impatient sigh, he shoves his phone into his pocket, and grabs my arms, trying to pry me off him. “Kat, stop.”

  I’m truly slow on the uptake. “Didn’t you just tell me to go?”

  Jared rolls his eyes. “Yeah. I mean, stop, but …go. Jesus!” He manages to unhook me from him, and crosses his arms over his chest, keeping me at a distance, but not just physically.

  Feeling hurt, I pout, but again, it’s my own fault, yet my alcohol-laden mind carries on. “Why won’t you let me touch you? I thought you liked when I touch you.”

  He closes his eyes and growls, “Fuck. If you don’t go, then I will.”

  “What the hell are you so upset about now? You’re always mad at me!”

  Jared opens his eyes, and snaps, “No, I’m not, but you give me good reason to be!”

  Incensed and confused, I shove his arm. “Why do I even waste my time with you?”

  His gaze is greener, but stone cold. “Yeah. I’ve been asking myself the same question since the day we met.”

  “You jerk.” He darts his eyes away from me as my tears threaten. Whirling around, I run into Liberty. She laughs and asks, “What’s going on?”

  “Nothing.” I coerce a smile and grab onto her arm. “I was wondering what happened to you.”

  “Well, I looked everywhere for you!” Liberty looks past me and says, “It’s going to storm. We’d better go.”

  “Good.” I pull on Liberty’s arm, dragging her to the exit, and when we step outside, the sky is now dark and menacing.

  She moans, “I just fucking did my makeup!”

  Having sobered me some, I roll my eyes. “You’re drunk. It can’t be that flawless.”

  Liberty gasps with a laugh. “Shut it!”

  Dash bobs among the throng of people, over to us. “There you are! I thought you got a job here or something.”

  I grin. “Taste tester. Absolutely.”

  We make our way to Rio and he takes Liberty’s hand. “Let’s get going. Where’s Jare?”

  I sullenly reply, “Probably telling other people they suck, too.”

  Dash asks, “He said that to you?”

  Shrugging, I grab onto his shoulder to steady myself. “Something like that.”

  He laughs. “You know you’re drunk, though, right?”

  Holding up my fingers, I try to pinch them together, but forget which ones to use. “Only a smidge.”

  Dash says, “Wow, Merrick.” He glances over me, and nods. “Come on.” Dash grabs my hand, and I let him lead me as we follow Rio and Liberty to the truck. I hesitantly peer behind me to see Jared stoically following us. When our eyes meet, he moodily looks the other way. Even with my foggy thoughts, I see the immense distance that has formed between us, and I ache to be in his arms again.

  Since Liberty is wearing heels, we walk slower, so it’s not a surprise when the sky bursts open, soaking us before we reach the truck. Dash yanks on me, but my motor skills are lacking and the more he rushes me, the slower I become. Glancing over my shoulder again, I see Jared keeping pace with his head down, and his hands in his pockets.

  The ride home is even quieter, despite Liberty and I having occasional giggle fits from random things said on the radio, which the guys don’t find as comical. Their loss. Shrub is a funny word.

  Arriving back at the house, Rio quickly ushers Liberty inside, while Dash’s attempts are futile, since I’m enjoying the feeling of the drops kissing my face.

  “You’re soaked and it’s lightning. Come on, Kat!”

  “Like anyone would miss me!” I giggle up at the drizzly sky, but doing so seems out of place.

  Sticking my hands out, I spin around at the top of the driveway, and promptly lose my balance, falling into the house, but I still laugh.

  All of a sudden, I’m scooped up, feet and all. “Jared!” I squeal, looking to my hijacker, and trying to wriggle out of his arms.

  Dash holds the door open, and Jared carries me into the living room and near the staircase. “Will you put me down? You’re not carrying me upstairs. I’m a big girl!” A drunk, big girl.

  He sets me down, but grabs my hand, towing me to the first step. “Knock it off!” I yelp. Pushing his body into mine, he forces me to climb the stairs, as he cages me from behind with his arms. I feel hot even if his shirt is wet against my dress.

  Regardless of his effort, I fall up, laughing uncontrollably at the beige-carpeted step in my face.

  “Christ,” he mutters, lifting me under my arms to stand.

  Dash laughs from below. “Are you sure you’re the best one to teach Kat how to drive, Jericho?”

  “Fuck off,” he says over his shoulder as we slowly climb the stairs.

  Near the second floor, I yell, “Nightie night, Dashie!”

  “Happy hangover!” he yells back.

  “I’m not drunk!”

  “Bullshit,” Jared contests, which pisses me off.

  Reaching the floor, I squirm out of his grip. “Shut up. You wish we hadn’t met.”

  He loudly sighs. “You’re exactly right.”

  Stopping in the hallway at my door, I hobble as I turn around to look at him. “You really do wish that?”

  He lightly pushes me into my room and mumbles, “Night.”

  As he turns to walk out of my room, I shriek, “Wait!”

  Jared stops, but doesn’t look at me, which hurts. “What now?”

  Desperate for him not to go, I ask, “Aren’t you going to help me change my clothes?”

  “No.” I note the surprise in his tone, so I hang on to that.

  Since he hasn’t left yet, I yank off my soaked dress, leaving it in a wet heap, and walk over to him as I peel down my bra straps. “Really? You can’t unhook my bra?”

  “Kat, I’m leaving.”

  I morosely say, “Of course you are. You constantly remind me. I’m going to be alone. Again.”

  He sighs. “I meant, I’m going to my room.”

  “But, I’m not wrong.”

  “Goodnight,” he tells me, but he doesn’t leave.

  “Jared, please help.” I try twisting my bra so I can unhook it, but it’s so wet it won’t budge.

  “Kat, come on.” He turns around and though he remains overtly expressionless, his jaw tightens and his eyes widen a little.

  I shrug, throwing my hands out. “See? I’m serious. It’s stuck and I’m tipsy.”

  Jared doubtingly frowns. “Tipsy is an understatement.” He stands in front of the open door, but modesty isn’t my forte at the moment.

  Stumbling as I turn around, kicking off my slippery mules, I gather my wet hair to hold it out of the way. Several seconds pass, maybe, before he works on the hooks. His fingers on my damp skin cause my already erect nipples to throb. He releases the straps and I let the bra heavily fall to the floor. Letting go of my hair, I say, “Thank you.”

  He clears his throat and I hear him step back. “Yeah.”

  Slowly, so I don’t fall, I turn to face him. His eyes flare and drop to my chest, then to my underwear, and my heart races from the heated way Jared is looking at my body. As he openly stares, he loudly swallows. Vaguely remembering the reason I was mad at him, I cast it aside when his intent gaze exposes the wicked thoughts crossing his mind.

  “What, Jared?”

  He blinks and licks his lips, but doesn’t look away from my breasts. “I need to go.”

  “Why? Do you regret what happened? Do you really not want me anymore?” I look down to his crotch, and it’s apparent he’s turned on.

  “Kat, I…” He shakes his head as he brushes his wet hair with his hand. “You’re drun
k. I can’t.”

  “Why not?” I slowly move closer to him, and grasp his soaked shirt, yanking upward. I trail my fingers over his muscles, into the hair above his waistband. “Show me how much you don’t want me.”

  Suddenly, he grabs my wrists, holding them, but he shifts and bumps into the open door. When he looks to see if someone is there, I break out of his hold, and reach behind him to shut the door.

  I grasp his belt buckle and he looks down at my hands, again grabbing onto my wrists. He says, “Now you want me around when you’re drunk and horny? How fucking convenient.”

  “Convenient?” The word comes out like I’m riding on a bumpy road. “What about you? Nailing and bailing me?”

  Releasing me, he puts his hands on his hips and frowns. “What?”

  “You fucked me this morning and left. All you want me for is a 24/7 pussy! That isn’t convenient?” I again drunkenly amble over it.

  Jared glances at the wall next to Rio’s room and he lowers his voice. “Keep it down.” He then shakes his head. “They were awake downstairs. I didn’t want them looking for me and I wasn’t in my room or the bathroom. I had to leave. And you’re fucking wrong. I’m not using you. I do care.”

  “But not enough to want me as your girlfriend.”

  He slowly speaks, talking to me like I’m drunk. “And I told you, relationships don’t work out for me. I can’t live up to your expectations of what a boyfriend should be. It’ll only lead to heartache and losing you from my life again.”

  My eyes sting as I softly say, “Jared, you already will lose me.”

  “No, that won’t happen again. I won’t let it.”

  I ineptly roll my eyes. “What expectations do you mean? Is it because you can’t be faithful?” Fuck. These words are making me sound idiotic.

  He shakes his head. “No. It’s not that.”

  “I didn’t say I want to get married now.”

  “But eventually.”

  I cross my arms over my breasts, feeling overexposed to him now. “Do I fucking mean anything to you then?”

  He nods, his wet hair bouncing off his forehead. “Yeah. You do.”

  “Right. You care. All you care about is getting laid.”

  “No, I don’t!” He glances at the wall and winces.


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