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Westside Series Box Set

Page 17

by Monica Alexander

  It made me fear what would happen if they saw us while he was in town. I knew they’d put a label on us, which was weird, because Cam and I hadn’t even put a label on what we were to each other. Were we friends with benefits? It seemed dirty to think of it that way, but we were friends, we’d slept together, and we were going to sleep together again tonight after dinner. That was inevitable based on the sexual tension that had been between us the past few nights as we’d talked on the phone, the date that we’d get to see each other again growing closer.

  Just hearing his voice was enough to do me in these days, and I knew he wanted me as bad as I wanted him. It was a little disarming. I was afraid of getting caught up in something that could never be what I wanted it to be, and I was scared of getting hurt. I liked him more than I should have.

  But I couldn’t think about that now. I was going to see him in a few minutes, and just the thought of getting to be with him again was more than I could have hoped for, even if it was just for a night. The guys from Westside were performing on The Tonight Show, and the taping would take place while I was at work the next day. Then Cam had to be back in L.A. for the next taping of the singing show he was judging.

  I wasn’t sure how I was supposed to even explain what we were doing to my friends. A famous boy bander is coming into town to hang out with me for the night, and we’re going to sleep together? It sounded whorish every time I thought it, even though I knew it wasn’t. I told myself I’d try to think like Tory did and just be okay with the way things were. I wasn’t a whore, so I shouldn’t feel like one.

  And it’s not like we were just going to have sex. Cam and I were going to dinner first. He’d sweetly arranged for a private room at an exclusive restaurant that was known for its discreetness. We’d be able to slip in and out unnoticed, and then we’d head to his hotel. So even if someone saw us, they’d see us on a legitimate date. No one could feasibly think I was just screwing him.

  “So you’re good enough friends with a guy you barely know that he’s only in town for one night and he’s taking you to dinner?” Hannah asked skeptically.

  “I don’t barely know him,” I told her. “I actually know him really well.”


  I hesitated before saying, “Because I spent five days with him when he was here, and we’ve talked almost every night since Thanksgiving.”

  I stuck my head out of the bathroom to see Hannah’s jaw drop open. “Seriously?! How did I not know this? I live with you!”

  I shrugged. “I wasn’t in the mood to say anything just in case there wasn’t anything to tell.”

  “But there’s something to tell now?” Tory prompted excitedly. “Is it because you’re secretly dating him, and you don’t want anyone to know? Or is this really your first date, and after tonight you’ll be able to confirm that the Camlon Kylor rumors are just rumors?”

  “I’m sorry, but what are you talking about?” I asked in disbelief having lost her when she started talking about someone I’d never met.

  Tory rolled her eyes. “Camlon Kylor. That’s what the fans have labeled Camden and Dillon. It’s a combination of their names. Remember I told you that there’s a chance they’re in a relationship, that they’re secretly dating? After tonight, you’ll be able to confirm if it’s true or not.”

  “Are you insane?” I asked her as I ducked back into the bathroom to give my eyes another coat of mascara. “Cam is completely straight, and he’s not dating Dillon. Trust me on that one.”

  “And you know this because you’ve kissed him, haven’t you?” Hannah interjected.

  I walked out to the main part of the apartment and leaned against the stove across from where my friends sat with eager expressions on their faces. Hannah was eyeing me carefully, waiting for me to confirm what she and Tory seemed to already know. I realized they were tag-teaming me, trying to figure out what I’d give up. It was working.

  “Yes, I kissed him,” I said and I felt my cheeks heat at the memory of kissing Cam for the first time. I’d kissed him so many times since then, but that first time would always be the best. “But we also talked about the rumors. He said they aren’t even a little bit true.”

  “Wow, you really do know him,” Tory marveled.

  “Did you do more than kiss him?” Hannah asked, getting us back on track. I knew she could care less if Cam and Dillon were together.

  The smile that spread across my face completely gave me away. I knew I couldn’t hide this any longer. “Okay, I have like five minutes, and I’ll tell you everything very quickly, but I need you guys to swear you won’t say anything to anyone. This is not something I want spread around. Cam is just a guy to me. He’s sweet and caring and funny, and he’s an incredibly respectful guy who I really like, but to the rest of the world he’s uber-famous. I’m sure people would like nothing more than to know the dirty details of what’s going on with us. So please, do not say a word about this to anyone. I’m invoking the circle of trust here. I don’t want rumors flying around about me, and I definitely don’t want the paparazzi camped outside our door. I’m not sure what Cam and I are, but we’re something, and until we figure it out, I’m not ready to announce anything to the world. Dating a celebrity was never on my to-do list, and the idea honestly makes me a little nauseous, but I think Cam’s worth it. Please don’t ruin this for me.”

  “I won’t say a word,” Hannah promised. “I honestly can’t think of anything worse than the world knowing your business, and I definitely don’t want the paparazzi camped out downstairs.”

  “Me neither,” Tory promised, locking her lips with a fake key.

  “Okay,” I said, breathing a sigh of relief. “Thank you. So, here’s the abbreviated version. Boy meets girl, girl tries to push him away, boy doesn’t budge, boy ends up being really sweet and fun and is there for girl when she needs him most, and he ends up being quite possibly the most terrific guy she’s ever encountered, so she kisses him, and they sleep together. And then they talk on the phone nightly because he lives in L.A., and she lives in New York, so their future is murky at best, but the girl is trying to stay positive and hope for the best, because she really, really likes the guy.”

  I took a deep breath and watched my friends’ faces for their reactions when I was finished.

  Tory’s hand was over her heart. “That is an amazing story,” she said, probably taking what I said and adding her own details in her mind.

  “He sounds great, I think,” Hannah said, looking unconvinced. She probably needed the full story before she could make a solid assessment, which I’d expect from her.

  “He is. Trust me,” I assured her. “I’ll tell you guys everything later. I promise. It’s just, he’s going to be here any minute.”

  “Good,” Hannah said, smiling at me. “And you look great. He’s one lucky guy.”

  I grinned at her, needing that reassurance. I was so nervous.

  “I can’t believe you’re actually dating Camden Baylor,” Tory said in disbelief, shaking her head. “I don’t want to be but I am so jealous! I picked the wrong guy in Westside to hit on. All I got was asshole Van for a night, and it wasn’t even that memorable. You are so lucky, Andi.”

  Even though I knew Tory was currently in her hating Van Salvatore phase, pissed off that he’d never called, she was a good enough friend to put that aside.

  “I’m lucky because Cam is a great guy,” I told her. “Not because he’s famous. That doesn’t mean anything to me.”

  “He’s just so gorgeous,” Tory gushed.

  “Is he?” Hannah questioned. “I want to see a picture.”

  Tory started to pull up a picture on her phone when there was a knock on the door. All three of us looked up in anticipation.

  “Tell me that’s not him on the other side of the door,” Tory hissed in excitement.

  “I want to meet him,” Hannah said eagerly, no longer needing the picture Tory was trying to find.

  “I’ll introduce you,” I promised as
I made my way to the front door, my heart pounding wildly. “Just please be normal. He’s only a boy.”

  “Yeah right,” Tory muttered.

  As I looked through the peephole, my heart still thumping against the walls of my chest, I felt my shoulders sink along with my spirits when I saw Chris standing there. It seemed I’d have to wait a few more minutes to see Cam.

  “It’s his bodyguard,” I told my friends.

  “He has a bodyguard?” Hannah questioned in amazement.

  “Is it the hot guy who drove us to the hotel after the concert?” Tory asked.

  “Yes,” I said to both of them and opened the door for Chris.

  “Hey Andi. How are you?” he asked me.

  I smiled widely, my excitement getting the best of me. “I’m good, Chris,” I said as I stepped forward and hugged him. “It’s good to see you.”

  “So cute,” Tory muttered.

  “It’s good to see you too,” Chris said. “And it’s good to be back in New York.”

  I smiled as a nervous laugh escaped my lips. “So, I’m guessing Cam’s in the car?”

  Chris nodded. “He is. He didn’t want to chance coming up, but he told me to bring you down as quickly as possible,” he said, winking at me.

  I grinned as I heard my friends share a simultaneous ‘Aww’ behind me. I ignored them as I stepped outside and closed the front door behind me, silently following Chris toward the stairs.

  “He’s really excited to see me?” I questioned, hating that I was being so self-conscious.

  Chris hesitated before saying, “He’ll probably kill me for telling you this, but coming back here and seeing you has pretty much been all he’s talked about for the past few weeks.”

  Heat flooded my chest as I got confirmation that I wasn’t alone in what I’d been feeling. I was practically vibrating with excitement by the time we emerged outside. A black SUV, similar to the one Cam and I had ridden in when he’d been in town the last time was parked at the curb.

  My heart was pounding as I walked with hurried steps toward it and opened the door to the backseat to see Cam sitting there, looking better than I remembered in a fitted suit paired with a casual white t-shirt and the rocker boots he loved to wear. His outfit was so rock star cool that I couldn’t help but smile.

  “Wow,” he said as I slid in beside him wearing a new little black dress I’d bought specifically for this occasion. I’d returned the dress I’d bought for David’s birthday, since it was a ridiculous investment, and bought something sexy that I loved. It seemed Cam loved it too.

  The dress wasn’t weather appropriate in the least, and I’d opted for bare legs despite the cold. The bottom of the short, flippy skirt stuck out below my black dress coat, and I noticed Cam’s eyes went straight for my legs. I hoped for the same reaction when he realized the dress was strapless.

  “You look amazing,” he said softly.

  “Thank you,” I said, suddenly feeling awkward being there with him.

  I let out a nervous laugh, unable to help myself. I’d gotten used to him being on the other end of the phone. Now he was next to me, and although I’d assumed things would be as effortless as they’d been before, they weren’t. I wasn’t sure if I should kiss him hello or hug him or do nothing since we were in the backseat facing the same direction. Should I hold his hand or wait for him to take mine. What was the right protocol for this situation when all I wanted to do was throw myself into his arms?

  Instead of touching him, I ran my hands over my skirt, smoothing it out as I smiled nervously at him. It was warm in the car, so I unbuttoned my coat and let it fall open.

  Cam leaned forward and pressed his lips to my cheek. “It’s good to see you, Andi. I’d ask how you’ve been, but since I already know, we’ll skip the small talk.”

  Hearing him say that reminded me that we’d literally just talked the night before, and he’d been texting me all day. I relaxed a little after that.

  “How was your flight?” I asked him.

  “That’s small talk,” he accused.

  “No, it’s not. It’s me being concerned for your well-being,” I chastised him, relieved to do something that felt normal.

  He laughed. “Well, in that case, it wasn’t bad. I honestly slept most of the way. I went out last night after we talked, and I didn’t exactly come home until this morning.”

  “Oh yeah?” I said, trying to sound casual, but in reality I was wondering what he did, who he’d been with, and what had kept him out so late.

  The time difference was the one thing I hadn’t gotten used to since we’d been talking each night. It would be eleven my time, and I’d be about to go to bed, and Cam was usually eating dinner. It was surreal. He sometimes had full nights after we hung up that he’d tell me about the next night when we talked.

  “Yeah. Dillon came home for a few days since Meredith had finals, so we had a little fun and ended up in the ocean at dawn. It was kind of intense.”

  “The ocean? Wasn’t it freezing?”

  “Yes, and that was the best part, since we weren’t exactly sober.”

  “Camden!” I chastised him.

  Over the past few weeks, I’d learned that he had a wild, unpredictable side. I’d seen a little of it when he’d been in New York, but I’d been fully exposed to it since he’d been back in Los Angeles. He definitely lived life on the edge.

  When we met, I’d gotten caught up in his spontaneous nature, chalking it up to the magic that had swirled around us as we’d spent our first few days together. But now, with me having a rigid yet boring schedule of work, the gym, dinner, and some TV watching, I realized just how dull my life was. Aside from sometimes getting drinks with Tory and Hannah after work and going out on the weekends, I never did anything impulsive.

  “What?” Cam asked in mock-innocence.

  “You drunk-surfed? That’s so dangerous. What if a shark would have come, or what if you would have drowned. Do you know how sad that would have made me, not to mention the millions of fans who probably would have committed suicide if you bit it?”

  “You would have been sad?” he asked, honing in on that one piece of what I’d said.

  “Of course.”

  “So, you missed me?” he ventured, his voice shaking just a little.

  I realized he was as nervous as I was, and that gave me some comfort.

  “I missed you like crazy,” I told him. “More than I probably should have and more than I should be telling you about. Geez, I should be playing it cool or something.”

  “Andi,” he said as he scooted closer to me.

  His eyes were locked on mine as he placed his hands on either side of face. He didn’t say anything else right away, and I found myself getting caught up in the moment. It was his hands and his eyes and the feelings swirling inside me when I looked at him. I liked him so much. It was scary, but at the same time, I was feeling bold.

  “Don’t fight it,” I said softly. “Just try. Look into my eyes while I drink you in, drink you dry.”

  I watched Cam’s green eyes get wide with amusement. “Did you just quote a Westside song to me?”

  I felt my cheeks heat under his touch as his thumbs swept over my cheekbones. “Maybe.”

  He swallowed hard. “Not only did you quote a Westside song, but you quoted the part I sing. You do realize that, don’t you?”

  I nodded. “Yes.” The word came out on a breath of air.

  He shook his head. “That is just about the sexiest thing any girl has ever done for me,” he said as he dropped his hands to my waist and tugged me close. His lips were inches from mine.

  “Oh, come on,” I teased. “I know for a fact that girls sing your lyrics back to you at every concert. I even saw it two nights ago on TV when you guys performed at that benefit concert.”

  “Yeah, but it’s not the same as when the girl I like does it,” he said as he leaned in and gently swept his lips over mine. “When she does it, it’s the sexiest thing ever.”

nbsp; With that touch of his lips, we were right back where we’d left off three weeks earlier as he hauled me onto his lap and kissed me until I couldn’t think straight. Then he kissed me some more, pulling me under and making me forget reality and sanity, because none of them fit with what we were doing and who we were in the real world. But when we were together, everything was different.

  “This dress is torturing me,” he said, his hands sliding my coat from my shoulders. His lips dropped to my bare shoulder and pressed against my skin like I’d imagined them doing when I’d bought the dress. “I can’t wait to peel it off of you.”

  I had half a mind to tell him to just do it.

  “You will,” I said breathlessly as he alternated kissing and sucking his way to my collarbone. His hand that was resting on my knee slowly slid up my inner thigh and disappeared beneath the skirt of my dress. “Cam.”

  My voice was a breathy moan, nothing like my normal voice.

  “This is what you wanted, isn’t it?” Cam murmured against my skin. “What you told me last night you were waiting for. You said you’d been fantasizing about my hands on you.”

  “Yes,” I said as I pushed closer to him just as his fingers slipped into my lace panties. His fingers were cool against my heated skin, and I fought the urge to let out the soft moan that wanted to escape.

  “Lace?” he hissed. “Shit, Andi. That’s so hot.”

  His fingers teased me, and I let out a gasp of air, my head falling back and my eyes closing as he pressed his lips to the hint of cleavage the dress allowed.

  “Forget dinner,” I suddenly said, apparently losing my mind.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Can we just go back to your hotel and order room service – after?” I asked, looking up at him with pleading eyes.

  “Hell yes, we can do that. Chris?”

  “You got it,” Chris said. “We’ll head to the hotel instead.”


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