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Harlequin Historical May 2021--Box Set 2 of 2

Page 70

by Elizabeth Rolls

  Charlotte nodded. So did her husband, Jason, who was standing on the other side of the bed. It was the young couple’s first baby, and all had gone very well. In the hours since the baby had been born, Jenny had cleaned, washed the birthing bedding and towels, and made a large pot of stew for the couple to eat this evening and tomorrow.

  She’d already carried all of her utensils and supplies out to her car. This was just always the hardest part for her, saying goodbye to people she’d come to know well. “I’ll be back in a few days to check on you.”

  “I’ll walk you out,” Jason said.

  Jenny shook her head. “That’s not necessary.” Running through everything she’d already mentioned, she chose two final reminders. “The stew is on the stove, and there is a bottle of infant formula in the refrigerator—just warm it in hot water if Emma needs something before your milk comes in, but keep nursing, because it will come in faster the more you nurse.”

  “I will,” Charlotte said.

  After a couple more reminders, Jenny knew she was merely repeating herself and took her leave. Closing the door on the small, clapboard house, Jenny paused on the stoop. The sight of her husband leaning against the fender of his car made her heart swell.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked, stepping off the stoop. She had called him after the baby was born, just so he knew she would be home tonight.

  He pushed off the car and walked toward her. “I came to pick you up.”

  “I have my car—” No she didn’t. The blue-and-white Chevrolet he’d bought her when she’d agreed to offer midwife duties to some of Dr. Bolton’s patients was nowhere in sight. “Where is my car?”

  “Mick was home when I stopped to pick up Emily, and he rode here with me, took your car home so you could ride with me.”

  They’d met on the gravel walkway and she lifted her face for a kiss. Whether quick and soft or long and heated, she loved every one of Connor’s kisses.

  He laid a hand on her back and guided her toward his car.

  Noting his car was empty, she asked, “Where’s Emily?” Whenever she had to deliver a baby, Emily stayed with Barbara if Connor wasn’t home.

  “She’s going to spend the night with Mother.”

  Jenny bit her bottom lip. She loved her daughter intensely, but she also loved spending time alone with her husband, and he had no idea how his news thrilled her right now.

  She climbed in through the driver’s door, and scooted over just past the steering wheel so she could sit beside him. Slanting her legs, so they weren’t in the way of the shifter, she snuggled against him as he started the engine.

  He backed out of the driveway, then drove along the quiet street, resting his hand on her knee between shifting gears. “Gretchen called for you today.”

  “Oh? What did she have to say?”

  “Tina had her baby. A girl. I said we’d drive over this weekend to see them.”

  “Wonderful. What did she name her?”

  He flashed a grin at her. “Jennifer.”

  “Aw, goodness.” She patted the warmth in her cheeks.

  “Gretchen also said that she’s agreed to be on the governing board for the home, and so have Cheryl and Rachel.”

  “That’s wonderful news. They’ll make sure all the new regulations are followed.”

  “She said there’s still room if you want to be on the board.”

  Jenny had considered that when she’d heard they were forming a board to oversee the changes, but she didn’t want to be away from her husband and daughter, not even once a month. “No, I’ll help them when needed,” she said, fully satisfied with her decision.

  “I’ll drive you to the meetings, if that’s a worry for you.”

  “I know you would, but I like things as they are right now. Delivering babies for Dr. Bolton’s patients and taking care of you and Emily.”

  “If you change your mind, just know I’m fine with it.”

  “I know.” She kissed his cheek. “You are a wonderful husband, and father.”

  “I had to run downtown today and stopped at the department store. Guess what I found?”

  Knowing him, it could be just about anything, but the way he was grinning, she’d bet it was something he’d been on the lookout for, which also could be just about anything. “Do I get a hint?”

  He hooted.

  She laughed. “An owl?”

  “Yes. A stuffed one, of course.”

  “Of course.”

  “Emily loved it, however, she informed Uncle Mick that he needs to practice his hoots. He’s not nearly as good as I am.”

  “Well, don’t let it go to your head,” she said, recalling what Riley had said at Mick’s wedding. “Your head is already bigger than your brother’s.”

  “You’re still laughing about that,” he said, laughing himself.

  “Don’t worry, you’re also more handsome than he is.”

  He winked at her, then asked, “We have the night to ourselves. Would you like to see a movie, or go out to eat?”

  “No. Let’s just go home.”


  “No. I feel great. I just want to be home alone with you.”

  Waggling an eyebrow, he sped up.

  She was fine with that, and fine with the fact that once home, they didn’t even bother making it all the way upstairs. Stripped bare, they made love in the living room, and then, with the doors securely locked and the curtains pulled, she made him supper. Completely naked. He was naked too, and their meal became slightly burned when a particular bout of petting had her too needy to do anything but turn off the stove until her husband finished what he’d started.

  Afterward, they washed the dishes, collected the clothes spewed across the living room and made their way upstairs.

  “Where are you going?” he asked when she walked past their bedroom.

  “Just down the hall.”


  Walking, she curled a finger over her shoulder for him to follow her to the bedroom that was never used. Her parents used the one near Emily’s room when they came for their monthly visits.

  Once in the room, she stood, with her hands on her hips and scanned the room.

  “What are we looking for?” he asked.

  “The best place to put a crib.”

  He turned her around to face him. “Say that again.”

  Her best efforts to hide her smile failed. “The best place to put a crib.”

  His face lit up and those cornflower eyes danced with happiness. “When?”

  Overjoyed, as she had been since Dr. Bolton had confirmed her suspicions yesterday, she said, “About seven months from now.”

  His shout echoed off the ceiling, and the walls, and the floor. He picked her up, swung her around, kissed her. When he set her back on her feet, he dropped to his knees and kissed her stomach. “I love you, baby. As much as I love your mommy and sister.”

  Laughing, she slid down onto her knees so they were face to face. “Do you hope it’s a boy?”

  He held her gaze for a very long time. “I hope this baby looks as much like you as Emily does.”

  She shook her head. “I hope it has cornflower-blue eyes, just like its daddy.”

  He laughed. “I bet Emily will hope it knows how to hoot.”

  With her heart once again beyond full, Jenny said, “Between the two of you, it will learn quickly. I have no doubt.”

  She had no doubt that her life was perfect, either.

  * * * * *


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  ISBN-13: 9781488071980

  A Proposal for the Unwed Mother

  Copyright © 2021 by Lauri Robinson

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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  ISBN-13: 9781488072000

  Copyright © 2021 by Harlequin Books S.A.

  The publisher acknowledges the copyright holders of the individual works as follows:

  A Marriage of Equals

  Copyright © 2021 by Elizabeth Rolls

  Kidnapped by the Viking

  Copyright © 2021 by Caitlin Crews

  A Proposal for the Unwed Mother

  Copyright © 2021 by Lauri Robinson

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