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Viktor (Bratva Enforcers-Nomads, #1)

Page 16

by KJ Dahlen

  “I think she loved you too.” A soft voice called out from the door way.

  Everyone turned and Joel saw a young woman standing there.

  Kosta growled when he turned to see her there. “You aren’t supposed to be down here, wife.”

  Joel snapped his head up and he stared at the woman in the doorway. If this was Kosta’s wife, she was his daughter too. His and Galina’s child. He studied her from head to toe and found so much of her mother in her.

  Galen walked over to where Frankie was and wrapping her arm around her twin, they both looked at Salt.

  Salt was looking back at them too. Then she lifted her eyes to stare at the man she now knew was her father.

  Kosta came over to her and wrapped his big arm around her shoulder. “Come, you may as well meet everyone. I didn’t want this until later when everyone was safe but you jumped the gun.” He drew her over to where Joel was standing. “This is Joel Beck.”

  Salt stared at the man in front of her. “You are my father aren’t you?” she whispered.

  Joel nodded then smiled slowly. “You look so much like your mother, child. Looking at you is like looking into the past and seeing her.”

  “Which is why I didn’t want her down here,” Kosta grumbled. “I don’t want her seen out in public until we can get a handle on where this bastard Averin is.”

  Salt rolled her eyes and turned to her husband smiling up into his eyes. “I’m not out in public Kosta. I’m down in the security room. I’m safe here or so I’ve been told.” She turned back to Joel. “When I found out you were here, I had to come and see you. Even if it was only one time. I had to meet the one man my mother loved so much.”

  “She did?” Joel asked. “I always wondered if she ever thought about me after I left.”

  Salt smiled. “She did.” Then she turned and saw the girls still standing together watching her. “Are these your other daughters?”

  “Yes, this is Galen and Frankie,” Joel told her proudly.

  Salt turned her head back to him. “Galen?”

  “I named her after your mother,” Joel admitted. “You see, I never forgot her either.”

  Salt turned back to the sisters and smiled. “I’m Sahara.”

  Galen smiled. “And we’re your sisters. I’m Galen and this is Frankie. She’s not supposed to talk right now but you can’t really shut her up. I am so glad to finally meet you!”

  Sahara went over and they all hugged. Tears rolled down their cheeks and finally, Salt turned to look at her husband. “I have a family! I’ve had one all along.”

  Kosta smiled down at her. “I’m happy for you, but Malyshka, you really should have waited.”

  She left the girls and walked over to the big man. “I know,” she admitted as she wrapped her arms around his waist. “But I couldn’t. I wanted to at least meet them.”

  “But now you must go back to our suite,” Kosta insisted. “We have work to do and we need Frankie and Galen here to tell us what they know.”

  Salt rested her forehead against his chest. “Ok, I guess the getting to know my sisters and my father can wait.”

  She hugged him then went over to Joel and told him, “I wish you luck in stopping this monster. If you would like after this mission is over, we can... I’d like to talk to you about my mom.”

  “I’d like that and I know my girls would like to know their sister.” Joel nodded.

  “I’d like to know them too.” She smiled at the two other women. “Be safe out there.”

  Joel watched as she turned and walked back the way she came.

  Yuri cleared his throat and everyone got back to business.

  Frankie was looking at a map trying to pinpoint where the house was. Galen stood next to Deter and watched her twin in action. Shaking her head she admitted, “I don’t know how she did what she did.”

  Deter looked down at her. “She was determined to find you. To her that was the final goal and she wasn’t giving up until she did.”

  Galen nodded. “I know. All her life, she’s been a go getter. No one could ever tell her she couldn’t do something. She may be a small woman but she’s tough. A hell of a lot tougher than I am that’s for sure.”

  “Why do you say that?” he asked.

  She turned to him with tears in her eyes. “I tried to stay strong but there was a time when I almost gave up. I was just so tired of being alone and hurt. I almost gave into Snake and his insane demands. For that few minutes I gave up on her and she didn’t deserve it.”

  “What stopped you?” Deter asked.

  Galen caught her breath as she remembered that one defining moment in her captivity. “Would you believe me if I told you it was a song bird?”

  “Say this again?” Deter looked confused.

  Nodding her head, she told him, “About a week before you guys rescued us, I was at my lowest. I was hungry, thirsty and my mind was almost blank with exhaustion. I really thought I was a dead woman anyway. After being gone so long, I never thought anyone would find me, hell I didn’t know if they were even looking for me anymore. It was barely dawn and I found myself looking out the window when a colorful little song bird flew up to the windowsill. It just sat there looking inside the room then suddenly the bird began to call out to me. It was so strange but that little bird reminded me of Frankie. It was as if my sister was there telling me to be brave and that my ordeal would soon be over.”

  “The two of you are very close aren’t you?”

  Galen nodded. “Yes, we always have been. Dad was gone sometimes on deployment when we were little and we only had each other. I think what my father did for his country was important and what he and other veterans come home to, is not pleasant. The dogs I train are service animals for those who need them. The dogs are trained to deal with PTSD and other afflictions vets deal with every day.” She turned to look at Frankie. “She wanted to work with kids. Dealing with the stress of autism and other mental stuff that is harder for kids and she just wanted to help them learn to get along. She was almost done with her studies but now she’ll have to retake her courses in order to graduate.”

  Deter grinned. “I’m sure you both will get what you want. Have you thought about moving to this area? I think your father had a good idea. When we take care of Averin, we could start looking for a place around New Orleans if you like. We can get a few acres outside of town and raise the dogs you train. You can continue to train your dogs and we can expand and train protection dogs as well.”

  “Are you planning on staying that long?” she dared to ask.

  Deter tipped her face up to his. “We’ll be here for as long as we need to be here. Averin spent the last twenty six years building his empire up and we have been charged with tearing it down. Even if we take him out, we still have to take his empire down one brick at a time. I for one, am in no hurry to go back to Russia. In fact, I think I’ve found more than enough reason to stay here.” He chuckled. Deter looked over to Viktor and smiled “I think Viktor has as well. We could still work for the Bratva from here, and between that and the dogs I’m sure we’ll have a busy life.”

  “That sounds good to me.” She looked happy while wrapping her arms around him.


  Viktor nodded at Joel when they pinpointed the area where the house was located. He felt good about this lead and he was certain this one would pan out. It was all they had at the moment and with Averin on the run from the cartel, they had to move quickly before he had a chance to slip out of town.

  “I think a four-man team could do more than all of us going in there,” Joel stated. “Four men wouldn’t alert him if he’s on the premises. We go in, get him and get the hell out of there.”

  Viktor shook his head. “It will take us longer to find the right house that way. We should send two teams.”

  Yuri shook his head. “I think Joel has a point. Two teams would stand a better chance of being spotted.”

  “But all she can give us right now is a general area the ho
use is in. We can’t find it quickly that way,” he protested.

  “She could come with us and point out the house.” Joel suggested.

  “Nyet,” Viktor growled. “You, of all people should agree with me.” He glared at Joel.

  Joel looked away and stared at Frankie as if he may have second thoughts.

  “You can’t tell me what to do,” Frankie whispered from behind him.” And neither can Dad.”

  Viktor turned and glared at her. He just couldn’t allow her to go into a dangerous situation and he was surprised her father would.

  She should have been afraid of him but she wasn’t. She knew now that he wouldn’t hurt her, nor would he allow anyone else to hurt her. She stepped closer and rested her hand on his chest. “I can... do this. I have as much right to go on this hunt as you do and I am going. Please...don’t be like this. You’ll.... just have to deal with it.” Her words were getting stronger but still faded in and out with stress on her throat. Frankie smiled up at him “We’ll save more time if I lead you straight to the right house and you know it.”

  Viktor tasted the bitterness of defeat but he knew he couldn’t change her mind. He kissed her rough and hard then stepped back heaving the air in and out of his lungs. Without saying a word to her, he turned and walked over to a table and began loading his gear and weapons.

  Joel joined his youngest daughter and sighed. “You might not want to push him too hard baby.”

  Frankie watched her man strap on another weapon and nodded. “I know dad,” she whispered roughly. Turning her head, she said, “But... this is my fight too and I will not be denied my due.”


  An hour later, the five of them walked quietly through the swampy area just south of the city. Frankie and Viktor led the way and when they reached a certain spot, Frankie stopped. Kneeling down, she pointed through an opening and showed them the house where she found the photo of Galina.

  The house was a one level small home that looked deserted. No light shone through the windows nor did it seem like anyone was home.

  Judge pointed where he wanted them to go rather than talk and break the silence.

  Viktor motioned to a clump of brush and Frankie nodded. She knew she was supposed to remain outside and on guard in case Averin showed up while they were inside.

  Everyone took their places and one by one, the men slipped inside the house. The minutes dragged by and her nerves were on edge, so much so that she didn’t hear him walk up behind her until it was too late.

  She felt a hand cover her mouth and immediately, started to struggle as she was hauled up to a hard chest.

  “Stop struggling or I might have to break your fucking neck,” the words were hissed into her ear.

  Frankie stopped struggling as she was dragged along in front of him. As they got closer to the house, she noticed the glint of steel beside her head and she knew this encounter wasn’t going to go well. Not for her anyway.

  She tried not to think about it as he dragged her across the threshold. Quietly, they made their way into the living room area and he stopped. Pulling her closer to him, he used her body as a shield. Leaning close to her ear again he whispered, “Call out to your friends, sweetheart. I know they’re here. I need to see them in front of me. I need to know who I’m dealing with here.” He slipped his hand down from covering her mouth to a tight hold on her throat.

  Frankie tried to speak but no sound came from her throat.

  Tegan Averin’s fingers tightened a bit on his hold. “Get them all in here, you little bitch.”

  She tried again to cry out but again, no sound would come out. It was as if her throat was closed off. She tried to shake her head to clear her fear away but Averin took her action to mean something else. Something like she wouldn’t cooperate with him.

  “Do I have to hurt you to get you to scream?” he snarled low in her ear. “Because I will do just that.” He grabbed a hold of her breast and crushed it in his hand.

  The pain almost made her pass out but she did get a little sound to come out.

  Suddenly, the lights snapped on and for a moment, the light blinded her. When she could see clearly again, the first thing she saw was a pair of furious green eyes.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Those eyes left her and went to the man holding her in front of him. The look in them changed, grew colder and Frankie was stunned. She knew a moment of fear as she stared into Viktor’s eyes. She knew she was looking into the eyes of death.

  Then she noted the others coming to stand beside him. Their weapons hanging useless at their sides, all four men stood there staring at the man holding her by the throat.

  “Who the hell are you guys?” the man asked in complete surprise mixed with more than a little fury. “I don’t know any of you and you’re not who I expected to see here at all. How the hell did you find this house anyway? No one knows about it.”

  “You got our attention now, so let the girl go.” Viktor growled. “You don’t need her anymore.”

  Averin’s fingers tightened just a tad as he realized Viktor spoke with a Russian accent. “Oh, but I think I might need her a little bit longer. He narrowed his eyes and stared at Viktor for along moment. “Why is the Bratva looking for me? I’ve been under their radar for years, why are you hunting me now?”

  Frankie was trying to maintain her calm attitude but between the fingers at her throat and the stench of the man behind her, it was becoming harder to do. She glanced over at her father and when she made eye contact with him she noted his fingers were flashing code to her. No one else would notice it, as no one else knew what he was doing, except perhaps Judge who was staring at the man behind her. Her father kept repeating three numbers with the taps on his thigh.

  Three numbers he used when he began training his daughters in the art of self defense. Joel had taught his girls that it was a harsh world beyond his front door and they had to be prepared to live in it. He told them both that they could live in fear of the boogey man or know how to put him in his place.

  Then he taught them how to get out of any situation using the form of martial arts. Frankie took a deep breath and cleared her mind of the fear she was feeling. Then she looked back at Viktor. Catching his eyes, she mouthed the words “I love you...” then she burst into action. She squared her feet and took her position. Her father showed them that even a small person could throw a much larger man over their shoulder and then he taught them how to do it.

  Remembering the lessons she had learned at his insistence, she grabbed the wrist that held her throat and bent her body slightly then she pulled him over her shoulder with a flip he didn’t see coming.

  Averin was totally unprepared for the move and when he hit the floor, the breath was knocked out of him completely. Stunned, he just laid there for a moment then pain exploded in his throat as Frankie’s fist hammered into his airway. Then she was jerked away from him and Viktor knelt beside the fallen man.

  Viktor could read that there wasn’t much time left but before he died, Tegan Averin needed to know something. He leaned forward and growled in his ear, “We are Bravta Nomads and you have pissed off the wrong men. We are here to get revenge for Galina Anishin. You remember her don’t you? Her father, Vatali has been looking for you for a very long time now. “Before you go to the pits of hell, I need you to know that we are here to take everything you own away from you, we will destroy your empire one brick at a time and many of those who would defend your way of life will die for you. I am Viktor Andronikov and it is my woman that is sending you into the flames.”

  Tegan was really struggling now to breathe but even he knew the blow he took to the throat was one that would end his life. She had crushed his trachea with her small hard fist in a moment when there was no air in his lungs.

  His eyes were dimming now as the shadows of the dark angels were rising to get his soul. He had one final thought about Galina but he couldn’t quite picture her anymore in his mind. It had been too many years since he’d s
een her so there was nothing left of her to remember, only her name.

  He closed his eyes and his heart ceased to beat as his lungs collapsed due to lack of air.

  Viktor stood up and took a step back. Death was never a good thing but in this case, it needed to be. He looked over at Frankie and shook his head. Then he opened his arms and felt her slam into him. Never before had anything been more welcome than that.


  Back at the hotel, the five of them were escorted to Yuri’s office. Sergi, Misha, Nikoli and Vatali were there waiting for them along with the other men in both Viktor’s team and Joel’s team.

  Vatali looked around for Averin and when he didn’t see him, he snarled, “I thought you said you found that bastard.” He scowled at Viktor.

  “We did and he is dead,” Viktor told the older man. “Before he died, he was told why he was dying and what we were here to do. It was all we could do in the circumstances.”

  “I had hoped he would live to see this mission accomplished.” Vatali sounded pissed. “That he would know utter despair at the thought there was someone out there that hated him enough to take him down one piece at a time.”

  “I told him about why he was dying and that it was our mission to tear his empire down. But I couldn’t prevent the man’s death,” Viktor informed Vatali in a cold hard voice.

  Those who knew the man knew enough to be wary of him when his voice dropped to this pitch. Viktor was a dangerous man when he was pissed and Vatali had made him reach that point and didn’t even know it. His men all took a step back and the tension in the room mounted to a higher degree.

  Frankie stepped over to him and laid her hand on his chest. Tension was at an all time high as Viktor’s men held their breaths. They were afraid Viktor would react to her touch with unintentional violence.

  Viktor snapped his eyes to her to find her looking back. Slowly and steadily he began to calm the rage inside him. As he looked into her eyes, she calmed the beast inside him. Finally, he took a cleansing breath.

  He reached out and crushed her to him.

  Joel looked concerned and went to take a step forward to protect his daughter but Judge grabbed the back of his shirt and wouldn’t let him move. Joel swung his head around to glare at his friend.


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