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The Last Talisman

Page 4

by Licia Troisi

“Don’t worry,” Sennar reassured him, refilling his glass. “I managed to get used to the blue light of your land. It’s only a matter of time.”

  The count rested his paternal gaze on Sennar. “I didn’t know the Council met here in the Land of the Sea,” said Varen.

  Sennar sighed. “In truth, the Council was set to convene in the Land of Water this year, but as you must have learned by now, most of the territory has fallen into the Tyrant’s hands, and they were forced to flee.”

  “I’ve been told about the army of the dead,” Varen said grimly. “Many of my men are worried.” He poured himself a second glass and eyed the sorcerer. “Why aren’t you with the Council right now?”

  “I’m no longer a councilor.”

  “They kicked you out?”

  Sennar smiled. “No, I left of my own will.”

  Varen cast him an inquisitive gaze. Sennar averted his eyes, staring up at the light as it filtered in through the gaps in the wooden boards above the porthole. “I have a new mission to complete now,” he explained, and the amulet seemed to grow heavier inside his pocket. “In order to do so, I was forced to take a brief leave from my post in the Land of the Wind.”

  “Brief,” the count repeated, his voice curling up in inflection. “Which means you’ll be reinstated as a councilor when you return?”

  “Yes,” Sennar lied. “What about you? How is it you ended up here?”

  The count smiled. “After you left, I returned to my duties in Sakana, and for a time, everything went smoothly. But then I felt a change inside of me, something I couldn’t quite pinpoint. … All of a sudden my life seemed petty and empty. I was bored. I looked toward the sky, up beyond the water’s surface, and thought that up there, among the clouds I’d never seen before, people were fighting. In the end, I realized this was the life I wanted, the challenge I needed to face. So I convinced His Highness to appoint me head of the army.”

  Sennar stared down at his glass and ran his finger along the rim. He couldn’t resist. “And what about Ondine?” he asked.

  “After you left, I did as you had requested and made sure she traveled among my company back to Sakana.”

  “And … how did she seem?”

  “She was truly sad.”

  Sennar lowered his gaze.

  “I suggested she become an attendant at my palace. It would be better than looking after prisoners. At first, she declined the offer. She didn’t want to abandon her parents. But in the end I persuaded her.”

  Sennar went on tracing the rim of his glass with his finger. Then he tossed back the glass of Shark in one quick motion.

  “I never did understand why you left her back in Zalenia,” the count went on. “I know you had feelings for her, and that she felt the same for you.”

  The thought of Ondine warmed Sennar’s heart. He’d have liked to see her childlike face again, her soft hair, her pink lips. But he knew he’d only end up hurting her even worse.

  “She requested that I ask you something, if I ever ran into you,” the count added. Sennar met his gaze. “She wanted me to ask if you’d kept the promise you made to her, and to tell you that if you hadn’t, she’d have her revenge some day.”

  The sorcerer smiled. “To be honest, no. I haven’t really lived up to my word, but this journey is part of that promise. When you see her again, though, please tell her that yes, I’ve kept it. That I’m happy now.”

  The count smiled back, only to turn serious again a moment later. “Sennar, your clothes are filthy and you look famished. Tell me the truth. What’s going on with you? What is this mission you’re on?”

  The sorcerer didn’t know how to reply. The count was a man who deserved to know the truth, but Sennar’s mission was too sensitive to share even with him.

  “I’m sorry, but I just can’t tell you. The purpose of my voyage must remain a secret.”

  “I’m not asking you out of mere curiosity,” the count explained. “I’m worried about you. And I’d like to help, if I can.”

  “Yes, perhaps you can help me.”

  “Just tell me how,” said Varen.

  “I’m heading to a place located along the coast. Until now, I’ve traveled by foot across the Land of Water. A horse would be an incredible help.”

  The count leaned back in his seat, considering Sennar’s request. “Today, in fact, I have a meeting with General Falere, the officer in command of the troops in the Land of the Sea. If you come along with me, I’ll ask him if it’s at all possible for a Dragon Knight to accompany you.”

  Taken aback, Sennar set his glass down hard on the table. “A Dragon Knight? But the knights are all off at war! … I was only asking for a horse, that’s all. … I don’t think …”

  The count leaned in closer to Sennar. “How important is your mission, as far as the war is concerned? It has to do with the war, doesn’t it?”

  “My mission is of vital importance,” Sennar affirmed.

  The count leaned back again in his chair. “Well then, a knight to serve as an escort is hardly too much to ask,” he said, proceeding to down his last drop of Shark.

  In the afternoon, with something in his stomach at last, Sennar accompanied the count on his visit to Falere.

  The general arrived on a marvelous dragon. When Sennar saw it descending from the sky he was all but overcome with emotion.

  It was a Blue Dragon. Sennar hadn’t seen one since he was a little boy. It was smaller than the dragons used by the regular Dragon Knights and resembled a snake. It had a long and slender body; slight and agile legs; and two enormous, membranous wings folded at its sides. Its body was a pale and brilliant blue, its wings a darker shade. Sennar had grown up around dragons like this. His father had been the squire for a Blue Dragon Knight. Now he stood entranced at the sight, which brought back distant memories.

  For a general, Falere was rather young, with fair hair and a nondescript air about him. His face was full of freckles. A long scar ran down the left side of his face. He bowed respectfully to his guests and regarded Sennar with suspicion.

  “My guest here, Sennar, serves on the Council of Sorcerers in the Land of the Wind,” the count hurried to explain.

  It was too late for Sennar to step in and correct him. Perhaps the general already knew that the Councilor of the Land of the Wind was now Soana. Sennar, worried, noted that Falere had now assumed an astonished expression.

  “Aha! So that’s who you are. Forgive me,” the general replied, and bowed to the sorcerer a second time. Evidently, he knew Sennar’s name, and he hadn’t caught wind of the latest news.

  They made their way to one of Barahar’s military barracks, a low square structure similar to the buildings used by the Order of Dragon Knights. They entered an immense plain room lit by a single meager window, where, among other things, they discussed strategy and the allocation of troops. Sennar provided useful information but tried to keep his comments vague, waiting for just the right gap in the conversation to clear things up. “There’s someone standing in for me at the moment in the Land of the Wind. I’m traveling now to … to …” Try as he might, he was unable to think of a plausible explanation.

  “He’s carrying out a mission on behalf of the Council,” the count interrupted.

  “I see,” Falere remarked, before returning to the discussion of troops and weaponry.

  Another two hours passed before the count finally found a ripe opportunity to make his request. “The councilor here is in need of transportation. It’s a matter of extreme urgency, and I was wondering if it were at all possible to request the company of a Dragon Knight.”

  This time, Falere’s steadfast demeanor was broken, and the general regarded Varen with a troubled look. “Sir, I don’t know what the situation is like where you come from, but up here the war is taking a turn for the worse and we need every man we’ve got.”

n just a basic horse will do,” Sennar cut in, but the count silenced him with a stern glare.

  “As I explained, he’s on a mission for the Council. For which reason, I believe, the request is warranted.”

  Sennar began to feel uneasy. Varen, meanwhile, was cool and collected, stacking one lie on top of the next.

  “Then why is he not carrying a document authorizing such a mission?”

  “The mission was assigned in great haste,” the count replied.

  Sennar wanted out of there. Falere fixed him with a skeptical gaze and the sorcerer felt trapped. Furthermore, the amulet must have once again eaten through its protective sheath of leaves, for he felt vaguely unwell. “In truth … the decision was made quite literally on the spot. A dragon would be of great assistance to me, but if there really is no way …” he added, joining the count in his charade.

  Falere’s expression lit up. “So be it. I’ve heard many good things spoken of you. If I’m not mistaken, you’re the very one responsible for this alliance.”

  “So I am,” Sennar confirmed. His face was covered in sweat and breathing was becoming increasingly difficult.

  Falere grabbed a piece of parchment and began to write. “For three days you will be granted the service of the Dragon Knight Aymar. That’s the best I can do. He’ll be waiting for you tomorrow at the gate,” he concluded, handing him the signed document.

  The sharp feeling of discomfort was only increasing, and Sennar knew he had no time to lose before renewing the spell. His chest was now gripped with an acute, tightening sensation. “My sincere thanks,” he said, as he took the piece of parchment, “but there’s a matter of the utmost urgency to which I must attend now. If you’ll please excuse me—” he broke off and slipped away as quickly as possible, while Falere and the count stared after him in complete shock.

  He ran from the room and stopped at a corner in a narrow alleyway. When he took the amulet from his pocket and held it in the dim light, he could feel his strength drain from his body and the pain gripping his chest increase in intensity. Fortunately, he’d packed more fresh leaves. Struggling to catch his breath, he traced the runes once again and blocked the talisman with a seal. The very moment the stone disappeared from view, Sennar could feel his lungs fill with air again and his breathing return to normal.

  When he lifted his head, the count was standing before him.

  Varen knelt down and cast a worried look at Sennar. “You’re as white as a ghost. … Care to tell me what’s going on?”

  “Nothing,” Sennar said, forcing a smile. “Nothing.” His expression turned serious. “If you’re a true friend of mine, I’m begging you, please just leave it be. Forget everything you saw happen in this alley. When I leave here, forget you ever saw me.”

  “I need to—”

  “I’m begging you,” Sennar insisted.

  “If that’s what’s best for the mission at hand …”

  “It is,” the sorcerer affirmed. He rested his head on the wall behind him and stared back at the count with gratitude.

  That night, Varen put Sennar up in one of his ship’s cabins. Sennar set out at daybreak the following morning. He bid the count a hasty farewell, unable even to look him in the eye.

  “Look out for yourself, and don’t take any risks you don’t have to,” Varen advised.

  Sennar forced a smile. “When this is all over, you and I will celebrate together.”

  When Sennar reached the port, he found the knight waiting for him. The knight’s dragon was a small a Blue Dragon, and the knight himself seemed young and inexperienced. As soon as he saw Sennar, the knight greeted him with an awkward bow. “Dragon Knight Aymar, at your service,” he introduced himself.

  Falere seemed young for his rank; Aymar was little more than a child. Aymar’s dark hair fell in curls to his shoulders and his gawky body seemed to have developed too quickly. A child in a young man’s body. The sorcerer regarded him suspiciously.

  “Right. We have three days to cover the entire coast of the Land of the Sea,” Sennar began. The knight looked back at him wide-eyed. “Which means we’ll have to travel night and day, without rest.”

  “But … my dragon will never manage such a long flight—” Aymar protested.

  Sennar cut him off with a wave of his hand. “I know. I’m quite familiar with Blue Dragons. The fact remains, I only have your help for the next three days, and time is of the essence on this mission. I’m asking you sincerely to do your best.”

  The boy nodded, clearly unconvinced.

  Sennar was about to mount the dragon when Aymar grabbed him by the arm. “Sir, my dragon will never allow you on his back if I don’t ask him first.”

  Sennar smiled. “I’m a sorcerer. It’ll be fine,” he said, and in fact, the dragon gave no sign of irritation when Sennar hopped on its back. Sennar looked down toward the boy, whose face wore an expression of utter bewilderment. “The sooner we leave, the sooner we get there,” he urged.

  The knight took his turn at mounting the dragon. It was an unusually complex process, and it took Aymar two tries. Once mounted, he seemed ill at ease, sitting with his back unnaturally straight. Sennar’s doubts increased.

  “Everything okay?” he dared to ask.

  “Of course, sir,” the boy blurted. He gave the harness a firm tug, inspiring nothing but an annoyed grunt from his dragon. Aymar tugged again at the harness, yanking until his dragon let out a ferocious growl. “This has never happened before. … It’s just, I haven’t been a knight for very long. …” he muttered, trying to excuse himself.

  Really? I would have never thought … “May I?” Sennar cut in.

  Aymar’s cheeks flushed beet red. “Certainly.”

  The sorcerer leaned forward and whispered in the dragon’s ear. “Okay, try now. But go easy,” he said.

  Aymar tugged the harness and at last they were in the air.

  “It takes patience and resolve, but respect, as well,” Sennar explained.

  Aymar took note of the lesson. “I can’t thank you enough, sir,” he murmured.

  “And one last thing …” Sennar added. “Please, there’s no need to call me ‘sir.’”

  “As you wish, sir,” the knight replied.

  Sennar held true to his word. He insisted they fly as fast as possible, and when the sun sank into the sea and day gave way to night, they pushed onward. It was an exhausting trip, a race against time. Midnight had long passed when they finally stopped. They had reached the central desert.

  They had no choice but to set up camp under the stars, and the cold was biting. The moment Sennar was sure Aymar had dozed off, he checked the amulet and gave a sigh of relief. The leaves were still intact.

  The sorcerer rose before the sun. A whitish pre-dawn glow lit the horizon. Aymar slept beside him, his head resting on his dragon’s neck.

  Sennar shook him, but the gesture had no effect. The dragon opened his eyes. The knight, meanwhile, was motionless, curled up in peaceful sleep.

  What in the hell kind of knight is this kid, who doesn’t even wake when shaken?

  Sennar shook him again, this time with less grace. The boy leaped awake and his hand shot instinctually to his sword, failing to grip the handle.

  “Relax, it’s just me,” the sorcerer muttered impatiently.

  Aymar rubbed his eyes and took a look around. “The sun’s not even up yet …”

  Sennar put his head in his hands. “I’ve already told you, you’re only with me for three days and we need every minute we’ve got.”

  The boy blushed. “Of course, sir, pardon me.” Like a sleepwalker, he began gathering his things.

  They did everything they could to keep Nihal out, but they let this incompetent kid become a Dragon Knight without a problem?

  At last, they managed to set out. Sennar realized he’d been traveling for thirteen days no
w and still hadn’t reached his destination. He thought of Nihal. She must be completely healed by now, ready to get back on the road. He certainly didn’t envy Laio having to deal with her during all that down time.

  They traveled with as much haste as possible, and by some miracle, without a single hitch. By mid-morning they’d reached Lome. The city looked out over the crescent shape of the Gulf of Lamar and served as one of the city’s major ports. They were headed toward a barracks along the coast, far from the bustle of the city.

  “That’s where I studied,” Aymar observed, as they drew near to the structure.

  “Not in Makrat?” Sennar asked.

  Aymar smiled. “We Blue Dragon Knights are part of the Order, but we do most of our training here in the Land of the Sea, in accordance with tradition.”

  Indeed, the barracks had a different shape than the Order’s usual quarters, its slender form typical of the buildings in the Land of the Sea. Years before, Blue Dragon Knights had broken off to form a separate, independent body. Only after the peace of Nammen had they rejoined the Order.

  The dragon touched down on a dirt arena at the structure’s center and then collapsed to one side. Sennar jumped down and began making his rounds of the city in search of whatever help he could find.

  He moved from one inn to the next, asking advice from whomever he met, only to return disheartened, without a shred of new information, that evening.

  He returned to the barracks, took a seat in the mess hall, and scarfed down his dinner in silence. One more day, only one day and then he would be on his own. Could they have flown past the sanctuary without knowing it? They hadn’t yet flown over the peninsula’s northern coast, and the sanctuary could just as well be there. Truth was, he was searching for a needle in a haystack.

  “They’re tall and seem to glow in the moonlight.”

  He’d set his sights too high, and he’d failed.

  “From Lamar you can see them in the distance, out in the middle of the sea.”

  He’d been no help at all to Nihal. First, he could do nothing for her fever, and now he’d gone and backed himself into a hopeless corner.


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