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Mya’s Werewolf

Page 2

by Zena Wynn

  never satisfy her but she‘d deal with that distressing thought later.

  Inch by luscious inch, he filled her. Her sex fluttered around his shaft as the

  invading head of his cock parted her quivering muscles, gliding past and

  stimulating nerve endings never touched before. Mya threw back her head. It felt

  good. Really, really good and she hadn‘t begun to move yet.

  With her head back, her breasts stuck out in an offering he didn‘t refuse. He

  tongue lashed one nipple and then the other until they were poker stiff and

  straining for him.

  ―Suck them,‖ she commanded, not knowing where this boldness was


  coming from. ―Suck my breasts.‖ She didn‘t know if he could do as she‘d ordered

  with his wolf‘s mouth.

  He gave her what she‘d demanded of him. Rows of razor sharp teeth closed

  gently around the mound of her right breast as strong suction pulled her nipple

  deeper into his mouth. Mya felt the tugging right down in her womb.

  ―Yes,‖ she hissed. Unable to keep still, she rocked her hips back and forth,

  and when that wasn‘t enough, added a circular motion to the mix. Soon she

  developed a pattern. Rock forward, backwards, circle to the left. Rock forward,

  backwards, circle to the right. It got even better when his hips joined in the action

  and he began to jab upward in micro thrusts.

  He bit lightly on a nipple and Mya groaned harshly as pleasure streaked

  through her. She braced her hands on his rock hard abs, adjusted her angle and

  rode him harder and faster. With each downward glide, her clit rode his shaft,

  sending streaks of lightening through her.

  She pumped her hips faster, grinding down harder, her body in control as

  she rushed toward orgasm. It began with a mighty implosion, starting inward and

  radiating outward in ever increasing circles until it consumed her whole body.

  Mya screamed.

  Wolf-man deftly flipped her over onto her back and drilled his hips into

  hers. His teeth locked onto her shoulder again. Mya‘s nails scoured his bulging


  biceps as another orgasm ripped through her. That was two. She didn‘t think she

  could handle a third.

  She‘d forgotten about the wolf thing. Her werewolf shoved into her so hard,

  she swore he knocked her womb back an inch or two, then he began coming. His

  body jerked with each spurt. Then it happened again. He expanded and that knot

  formed, locking him into place.

  Mya‘s body tightened like a bow as ecstasy ripped through her, exploding in

  her brain. Once again, it proved too much for her and she passed out.

  When Mya roused, the sun was shining and the birds singing. She could

  hear the waves crashing on the shore and the heavy tang of salt filled the air.

  Sunlight filtered through what looked to be an opening in a rock face. Glancing

  around at what she could see, Mya realized she was in a cave.

  Not a house, with all the appropriate plumbing and fixtures, but a cave. A

  city girl through and through, this presented a problem. A major problem as she

  needed to go and go now. She eased from under the wiry, pale, white arm thrown

  casually around her waist and came to her knees.

  ―Where are you going?‖

  Mya froze at the human sounding voice, then looked to her right. Her breath

  lodged in her throat. Her wolf-man was now in his human form. The sight of it


  temporarily put her body‘s needs to the back of her mind.

  He was cute, in a geeky kind of way. He had overly long, wavy rusty-brown

  hair that looked in need of taming. His face was narrow, jaw square-shaped, and

  his skin had the pallor of a man who didn‘t get out into the sun much. His

  muscular body was long and lanky. Judging from his length, he stood a good six

  feet or more, a nice complement to her stature.

  There was no excess fat anywhere. His chest was broad and lean, like a

  swimmer‘s. And his cock…she licked her lips. Though not as huge as in his halfwolf/half-man form, it was still more than enough to satisfy. Under her perusal, it

  stirred and lengthened.

  ―Where are you going?‖ he patiently repeated.

  She dragged her eyes away and met his gaze, finally remembering her

  purpose. ―Bathroom.‖

  ―This way.‖ He rose fluidly to his feet and his rear view was so exquisite that

  Mya forgot she was supposed to be following him.

  ―Are you coming?‖

  His question snapped her out of her lust-induced daze. She looked to see if

  he‘d noticed where her attention was locked. He had, if the pleased smile on his

  face was any indicator.

  She shrugged. ―You‘re gorgeous,‖ she explained her behavior and watched in


  fascination as he blushed.

  He continued forward. ―It‘s not much but it‘s better than a leaf and the


  The ‗bathroom‘ was a smaller cavern off of the main one. The hewn rock

  made use of the natural water flow, which removed waste and she assumed,

  washed it out to sea. There was an opening in the ceiling, providing a natural light

  source. On a ledge were several scented candles, more than enough to provide light

  at night. Mounted on one wall was a sheet of some kind of highly reflective

  material that served as a mirror and managed to take the meager light and greatly

  magnify it.

  ―It‘s beautiful. Thank you,‖ she told him.

  Again he gave her a please smile and left. She‘d lost faith for a moment, but

  this fantasy thing had come through again. She wouldn‘t be required to rough it.

  She emptied her bladder, and as she washed her face and brushed her teeth

  with the brand new toothbrush and tube of paste provided, studied her reflection.

  One side of her rounded face was covered in sand and small pieces of seashell. She

  must have been lying partially in the sun for an extended period of time because

  half of her normally pecan brown-colored face appeared red and mildly irritated.

  So did her neck and the upper part of her left arm.

  Beach sand caused her shoulder length, dark brown mane to appear gray,


  and the humidity and moist air changed its relaxer-straightened manageability to a

  mass of tangled, frizzy curls. What wasn‘t plastered to her scalp stuck out in a ‗fro

  that would have done a clown justice.

  Good Lord, good thing this was a fantasy. She‘d be horrified for a man to see

  her this way. Sand plastered to almost every part of her body she could see, from

  her small, pert breasts, narrow waist, mildly pouching stomach, and oversized

  butt and thighs—courtesy of the desk job she worked five days a week. Now that

  she‘d been made aware of it, she itched all over and desperately needed to wash the

  sand and sea grit she could feel caked in her hair and plastered on her body.

  She returned to the main cavern. ―I need a bath. I‘m gritty.‖

  His hungry gaze roamed over her body, making her acutely aware of her

  nudity. Mya did a little staring of her own. His nostrils flared, and she wondered if

  he could scent her budding arousal.

  ―One bath coming up,‖ he said in a husky voice. He held his hand out.

  Mya extended her own, and his overly large hand closed around hers,

>   swallowing it. He led her out of the cave and paused for a moment to give her eyes

  a chance to adjust to the sunlight. When she could focus, Mya realized they were

  on the side of a mountain.

  ―How did we get up here?‖ she asked in astonishment. The last thing she

  remembered, they were on the beach.


  ―I carried you up after you passed out the first time.‖

  Mya blushed at the reminder that his passion had been too much for her.

  ―You said something about a bath?‖ she reminded, to divert his attention.

  His gaze turned inquisitive, but he kept any questions he had to himself. ―Be

  careful. Hold onto the wall. It‘s a bit tricky in spots,‖ he instructed as he led her

  down the rocky path, in some places wading through rushing water that came to

  their knees.

  They came to a quiet pool of water that was the size of a small pond. A

  waterfall fed into it at the rear and rock walls surrounded three quarters of it

  before it dropped off into another waterfall. Mya caught her breath at the natural

  beauty of it.

  The sun-warmed water came to her waist. Mya sank into it, luxuriating in

  its warmth. Ducking under the surface, she swished her shoulder-length hair with

  her fingers until the worst of the sand was gone. When she surfaced, he was there


  ―May I?‖ He indicated his hands, which were filled with lather.

  ―On one condition,‖ she bargained. ―Tell me your name.‖

  He smiled. ―My name is Gabriel. My family and friends call me Gabe.‖

  ―Gabriel, like the archangel, protector of women and children?‖

  He shrugged and moved forward, reaching for her hair. Mya leaned into him,


  enjoying his ministrations.

  ―Well, Gabe, nice to meet you. My name is Mya.‖ She inhaled deeply. With

  her eyes closed, every sense was magnified. ―What is that? It smells divine.‖

  ―Jojoba essence,‖ he answered. ―Did I hurt you last night? With the full

  moon, I‘m not always in control of my beast.‖

  A wave of concern washed over her. It matched the expression on his face

  and had her rushing to reassure him. ―You didn‘t hurt me.‖

  ―But my beast scared you.‖ She could feel his remorse.

  Mya didn‘t deny it. She had been terrified, initially. ―He made up for it,‖ she

  told him with a satisfied grin.

  ―I can do better,‖ he told her earnestly. ―Let me make it up to you.‖

  ―Do better?‖ she echoed in disbelief. Better would kill her.

  ―Much better,‖ he stated as he lifted her by the waist and carried her to the

  side of the pool.


  Chapter Three

  ―Really, this isn‘t necessary. Trust me,‖ she said. If the beast rendered her

  unconscious, what would the man do? Give her a heart attack?

  ―I think it is. I don‘t want it scaring you away.‖ He lifted her onto the small

  ledge, which was just above the water‘s edge and sank to his knees. She would

  have been underwater but he was tall enough to make it work. He spread her

  thighs wide and sat staring at her sex like he was gazing at Nirvana.

  He leaned forward and buried his nose in her slit, inhaling deeply. Man or

  werewolf, he still seemed to enjoy her scent. Her hand lurched forward to grip him

  by the head as his tongue went to work. Oooh, the man was definitely more

  skilled. His beast simply lapped at her, hungry for the juice he could force her body

  to produce. The man was methodical in his attack, though she sensed his

  enjoyment in this form was no less. He made it a point to hit all of her pleasure

  spots, over and over again until she was moaning and screaming out his name.

  ―That‘s it. Say my name again,‖ he commanded.

  ―Gabriel,‖ she moaned.

  ―I love the way you say my name.‖ Gabe rose and hooked her legs over his


  forearms, holding her open. ―Mya, say you‘ll stay with me. Say you‘ll be my mate.‖

  She cupped his cheek. ―Yes.‖

  ―You‘ll be mine?‖

  ―And you‘ll be mine,‖ she confirmed.

  He closed his eyes and a wave of relief and…love?…swept over her. When he

  re-opened his eyes, they were filled with such heat she felt singed right down to

  the bone. His possessive gaze swept her body. ―Mine?‖

  ―All yours,‖ she confirmed.

  He actually shuddered. Moving forward, he dipped his knees and lined up

  his cock with her weeping entrance. ―Watch,‖ he commanded.

  She looked down and watched the reddish head part her darker lips, then

  slowly press inside. They both groaned at the exquisite feel of it. If possible it was

  even better than last night. He pressed forward until their pubic hairs merged.

  He captured her gaze. ―Ready?‖


  ―Hold on to me.‖

  She grabbed hold of his shoulders. Gabe slowly withdrew, then slammed

  home. ―You don‘t know how long I‘ve been waiting to do this,‖ he said. He quickly

  escalated to a pounding rhythm that stole her mind. Her nails dug into his skin.

  ―That‘s right. Mark me. Score me. Let everyone see how much pleasure I give


  you,‖ he encouraged.

  ―Gabriel,‖ she gasped.

  ―Again. Say my name again.‖


  ―Whose Gabe, Mya? To whom do I belong?‖

  ―Mine, all mine.‖

  ―Never forget, Mya. I‘m yours and you‘re mine. Don‘t you ever forget.

  Promise me,‖ he demanded.

  ―I promise. Oh, Gabe, I…‖ With a long keening cry, she came.

  ―Shit, do you know how good your pussy feels surrounding me, Mya? How

  it‘s milking me? You have no idea how—‖ He groaned, deep and long as he came.

  In his human form he didn‘t lock inside as he had as a werewolf, but Mya

  wasn‘t disappointed. He‘d more than satisfied her. He took her mouth in a kiss,

  their first. Gabe was as good at that as he was everything else.

  ―As soon as my knees will hold me, I‘ll get you down from here,‖ he said.

  ―Don‘t rush on my account,‖ she told him, enjoying the feel of his body next

  to hers, his cock still embedded deeply inside.

  Gabe released her legs and she raised them to wrap around his waist,

  holding him to her. ―Don‘t move. Not yet.‖

  ―I‘m not going anywhere,‖ he assured her.


  They stayed joined together, enjoying a peaceful moment. After long

  minutes, his cock softened and oozed out. ―Let‘s get cleaned up and go somewhere

  we can relax,‖ he said.


  Later, they lay entangled on a bed of wild grass, enjoying the ocean breeze as

  the sun shone down on their naked bodies. Gabe lay on his back with Mya

  sprawled half on top, her head resting on his chest. She was courting sunburn but

  felt too good to move.

  ―Tell me about yourself,‖ Gabe commanded as he twirled a section of her

  hair. Without a comb or a brush, Mya knew her hair had dried into something

  resembling a curly bush. Gabe didn‘t seem to mind.

  Mya laughed. ―What do you want to know?‖

  ―Everything,‖ was his instant response.

  ―How about you narrow it down, just a tinsy bit,‖ she told him with a grin,
/>   loving that he was so focused on her. ―Ask me something,‖ she encouraged.

  ―What‘s your favorite food?‖

  ―Pepperoni and sausage pizza with tomatoes and onions on it.‖

  He didn‘t blink or comment like others would have, just went straight into

  his next query. ―Your favorite drink?‖



  ―Your favorite movie?‖

  ―Too many to name, but I like the serious stuff. You know dramas, based on

  real life events?‖ She trailed her hand down his side until she reached his thigh,

  unable to be this close and not touch him.

  ―What‘s your family like? Any brothers or sisters? What about your


  ―Both my mom and dad are alive, and still married. I have two older brothers

  and one younger sister. Both brothers have children so I‘m an auntie four times

  over. My sister is still in college.‖

  ―Do you want kids?‖ He cupped the side of her head and raised it so he could

  see her face.

  ―Right this instant, no, but some day, sure.‖

  ―Girl? Boy? One child, two?‖

  ―It doesn‘t matter. Whatever I‘m blessed with.‖ This talking about kids was

  reminding her how much fun it was to make them, at least with this man. She

  eased her right leg over his thighs so that she lay fully on top of him.

  Gabe transferred his hands from her head to her butt, repositioning her to

  his liking. ―With you as their mother, our kids will be beautiful.‖

  She flushed at his compliment. She was okay looking, maybe even attractive


  in an understated sort of way, but not beautiful. For a moment she wished this

  were all real. That Gabriel was her mate, she was his woman, and they had forever

  in front of them instead of a quickly dwindling twenty-four hours.

  ―Do you think you‘re family will accept me?‖

  She leaned down and nuzzled his cheek with hers. ―They‘ll know that I love

  you, and as long as you‘re good to me, they won‘t care,‖ she assured him.

  ―Even though I‘m white and a werewolf?‖ He seemed really worried,

  unnecessarily so.

  She chuckled. ―We don‘t have to tell them about the werewolf part, but they


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