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Mya’s Werewolf

Page 4

by Zena Wynn

  ―Are you sure? It‘s sausage and pepperoni pizza, with tomatoes and onions.

  I‘m told it‘s your favorite,‖ he continued.

  He stared intently into her eyes. ―I don‘t have any plates, but it should be

  cool enough now to eat with our fingers, and there‘s plenty of napkins.‖

  Mya couldn‘t drag her gaze away from his face. ―Napkins are fine,‖ she told

  him, her voice faint.

  She was having difficulty stringing two thoughts together. Was she

  hallucinating? But no, he was here. Or at least someone that looked amazingly

  similar to her Island hero was seated at the table with her. Mya tore her eyes away

  from his face and glance at his nametag: GABRIEL ADAMS, ITD DIVISION.


  He handed her a slice of pizza and took one for himself. Like her, he made no

  attempt to eat his.

  ―I don‘t understand. You‘re real?‖ she asked, totally bewildered.

  Gabe glanced cautiously around at the other people in the crowded break

  room. ―Do you mind if we get out of here?‖

  Mya looked around and realized that they needed privacy for the questions

  she wanted to ask. She nodded. Gabe scooped up their food and put it back into

  the box, then grabbed the pizza and led the way out of the break room until they

  were out of the building. They went to one of the many seating areas scattered

  around under the trees.

  As they settled beside each other on the bench, Mya wished she were still an

  empath. Gabe was locked down so tight, she had no idea what he was thinking or

  feeling. Actually, forget being an empath. Right now she didn‘t know what she was


  He set the box on a nearby bench and turned to face her. Mya studied him.

  His rusty-brown hair was the same, flopping endearingly over his forehead. His

  gorgeous gray eyes were covered by ugly black-framed glasses, which detracted

  from their attractiveness. His clothes, an oversized pair of faded blue jeans and a

  faded red shirt, did nothing to showcase the body she knew lurked beneath. In

  other words, Gabe looked like the typical geek, easily overlooked.


  ―What‘s going on, Gabe? You are Gabe, right? You were there on the island?‖

  Using his middle finger, he nervously pushed his glasses further up his nose.

  ―Yes, it was me.‖

  ―I don‘t understand. How could you be there? It wasn‘t supposed to be real.

  They assured me it was a fantasy.‖

  ―Well, yes and no. Some of it was real.‖ He watched her uneasily.

  ―Which part?‖ she demanded.

  The growing red flush on his neck and face answered her question.

  Mya wrapped her arms around herself and hunched over. ―You saw me

  naked? We had sex?! Oh my God.‖ She knew it was totally crazy of her. She‘d

  spent the last day and a half wishing Gabe was real, but now that she knew that

  he was…

  All kinds of things were running through her mind. She‘d had sex,

  unprotected sex with a stranger. Oh gosh, she could be pregnant!

  He rushed to assure her. ―Don‘t worry. I‘m clean. I‘ve been tested recently

  and it‘s not like I‘m playboy material. I‘ve only had one or two serious relationships

  and those were years ago.‖

  Mya closed her eyes briefly and moaned in distress. ―I didn‘t even think

  about disease. I was worried about pregnancy.‖

  ―Oh!‖ He jerked, catching her attention. She‘d disconcerted him. Slowly, a


  pleased grin crossed his face. ―You think it‘s possible?‖

  Shocked at his question, her face whipped around towards him. As she

  stared at him, a startling thought crossed her mind. Just how much of the Gabe

  she‘d met on the island was real and how much was fantasy? Mya knew she‘d been

  herself. A little bolder than normal, but everything else that she‘d said and done

  was a reflection of her true personality. Could the same be said of Gabe?

  ―Are you really a werewolf?‖ she asked uncertainly.

  Her question caught him off guard. He hesitated before answering. ―Go out

  with me tonight and I‘ll let you know,‖ he bargained.

  It was her turn to blink at his response. She thought about it. She‘d fallen in

  love with Gabe the werewolf. This was her opportunity to see if this Gabe could

  hold her heart as well. ―I‘ll go out with you if you tell me how you ended up on

  Fantasy Island,‖ she countered.

  Again that endearing blush swept across his features and Mya realized,

  geekiness aside, Gabe really was cute. ―I…uh…I sort of saw your email,‖ he

  confessed. ―The one you sent them,‖ he continued when she looked confused.

  ―The one I sent Fantasy Island? How did you…you spied on me?‖ she asked,


  ―No, no, no,‖ he hastily assured her, glancing around nervously. At her

  skeptical look, he explained, ―It‘s my job to monitor internet usage. You used the


  company‘s computer to research them, and emailed them using your yahoo

  account, but you did it at work.‖

  It was true. They were all subject to monitoring. She tended to forget. It was

  so convenient to research stuff at work while waiting for a call to come in that she

  frequently forgot anyone could log on and see what she was doing at any time. As

  long as she didn‘t visit any of the forbidden sites—most of which were blocked—

  she didn‘t see the harm.

  ―Okay,‖ she allowed, ―but I still don‘t see why you were interested.‖

  He took off his glasses and set them to the side. Picking up her hand and

  holding it between his own, he stared at her with the same focused intensity he‘d

  used on the island. ―I‘ve been interested…some would say obsessed…with you for

  months. You never noticed me. It‘s like I was invisible. I didn‘t take it too

  personally because you never seem to notice any of the guys around here that try

  to get your attention. When I realized what you were doing, saw the fantasy you‘d

  requested, I saw my opportunity and took it.‖

  ―You wanted to have sex with me?‖

  ―NO! I mean, yes, if that‘s where things between us led. I wanted a chance to

  get to know you, the real you. And I wanted you to see me, the real me. Most

  women never get past my outside appearance.‖

  More and more Gabe was reminding Mya of her werewolf. She only needed


  to know one more thing. ―What was your fantasy, Gabe?‖

  He swallowed hard. ―I asked to be Mya‘s werewolf.‖

  Mya pulled her hand free and wrapped her arms around his neck. ―Pick me

  up at six. I‘ll email you my address.‖

  He squeezed her close and whispered in her ear, ―No need. I know where

  you live.‖

  Mya threw back her head and laughed. She should have known.

  ―You‘re not mad?‖ he asked.

  ―How could I be? It‘s exactly what I‘d expect a werewolf to do,‖ she told


  ―Then you won‘t mind if I do this,‖ he said just before his mouth covered

  hers in a kiss that curled her toes.

  Mya went back to work with a smile on her face. They never did get around

  to eating that pizza.


  Three Months Later

  Mya gazed critically at her re
flection in the mirror and made minor

  adjustments to the skimpy red bikini she was wearing. Gabe was patiently

  waiting for her on the deck of their oceanfront hut, having showered as soon as

  they‘d arrived while she unpacked their belongings and marveled over their

  beautiful yet simply designed accommodations.

  ―As scrumptious as you look in that bathing suit, Mrs. Adams, I prefer you

  naked, like me,‖ he told her.

  ―Well, Mr. Adams, I guess you‘ll just have to take it off of me,‖ she teased in

  return. She crossed to his side and swung her leg over the lawn chair he reclined

  upon, straddling his bare thighs.

  The island they‘d chosen to honeymoon on was reminiscent of Fantasy

  Island. The resort was a scattering of private cabana-like huts, dotted along

  wooded walkways that provided a sense of solitude and preserved the island

  atmosphere, rather than the typical high rises of the more popular getaways found

  in the Bahamas or Hawaii.

  The tightly woven bamboo guardrail of the deck came up high enough that


  in their seated position, they were out of sight of any beachcombers who may

  happen to be out at this time of evening. For additional privacy, the interior light

  cast a soft glow through the glass sliding door, leaving the rest of the deck where

  they lay in shadow.

  He quickly undid the strings of her top and let it drop to the side.

  ―Have I told you how much I love you?‖ she asked.

  ―Not in the last couple of hours. You‘re overdue,‖ he said as he toyed with

  her nipples.

  A wicked grin crossed her face. ―Maybe it would be better if I showed you.‖

  She scooted backwards, bent at the waist and took his rapidly hardening cock into

  her mouth.

  ―Oh yeah. Sounds like a plan,‖ he huskily agreed.

  The last three months had been a whirlwind romance, culminating in a

  quiet wedding ceremony with family and a few close friends. All the wonderful

  characteristics she‘d discovered about Gabe on Fantasy Island turned out to be

  real. Her family thought he could do no wrong. Loving, caring and attentive, a

  good provider, and the best friend a woman could ever have, Gabe really was her

  fantasy man come to life. Who needed a romance novel?

  He groaned and pulled her off of him. ―Much more of that and this will be all

  over before it starts. I‘ve waited too long for things to end this quickly.‖


  They hadn‘t made love since their time on the island. Gabe was adamant

  that they take the time to get to know each other, discover how much of the

  attraction they‘d shared was true. He‘d wanted to be sure she could love the ―real‖


  He pulled her down and maneuvered them until he was positioned on top,

  lying between her spread thighs. She laughed and huskily told him, ―You know

  there‘s a huge bed inside, a few steps away.‖

  ―Hmmm, yeah but where‘s the adventure in that?‖

  He untied the ties on her bottoms and she lifted up so he could pull them

  off. He took a deep breath as he gazed at her. ―Just like I remember from my


  ―Really,‖ she purred. ―I star in your dreams?‖

  ―Oh yeah,‖ he said in a reverent tone of voice.

  ―I suppose it‘s only fair,‖ she sighed. ―You‘re my fantasy come to life.‖

  His expression changed. She didn‘t trust the glint in his eyes. ―I can do

  better,‖ he told her earnestly.

  She groaned. This was the same thing he‘d said on the island. ―Gabe, really,

  there‘s no need,‖ she protested.

  ―Of course there is,‖ he stated with a grin. ―I‘m competing with a fantasy.‖

  ―Gabe,‖ she wailed, ―the fantasy is you, you crazy man.‖



  As he kissed his way down her body, she asked herself, Why am I arguing with

  him? This is a win-win situation for me. After that, she lost the ability to reason.

  It wasn‘t a fluke, and hadn‘t been a fantasy. Gabe the husband was every bit

  as good a lover as Gabe the werewolf. Maybe better. He was tender and patient

  and absolutely focused on her pleasure to the exclusion of all else. At the end,

  when he finally lost control, he was every bit as forceful as Gabe the Were.

  Sated, she laughed when she realized they were on the ground. The lawn

  chair had collapsed beneath them. ―I told you we should have gone inside to the


  ―Next time,‖ he said, still gasping for air.

  She rifled her hands in his hair and wrapped her legs around his waist,

  holding him to her. Her sex still pulsed around his shaft in minute little tremors of

  aftershocks. Content, she lay looking up at the star-studded sky, marveling at the

  ironies of life. She paid a fortune to find her fantasy man, only to discover he‘d been

  right under her nose, all along.

  As her gaze landed on the nearly full moon, a thought struck her. ―You

  know, you never did tell me whether you were a werewolf or not.‖

  Gabe lifted his head from her chest and braced his weight on his elbows.

  ―I‘m human but…‖ He whispered the rest in her ear, ―I‘ve already made reservations


  with Fantasy Island Vacation Getaways for us to spend our first anniversary with

  them. What do you think of that?‖

  In answer, she threw back her head and howled.

  The End


  About the Author

  Romance Author Zena Wynn is the multi-published author of several books. Most

  know for her paranormal, erotic romance series, True Mates, she also writes

  Inspirational, Contemporary IR, and Sci-Fi/Fantasy. She loves hearing from

  readers and can be contacted at Or check out her website:

  Red Rose Publishing

  The Apology-The Nina Chronicles: Book One

  Love Challenges-The Nina Chronicles: Book Two

  Mya‘s Werewolf-Fantasy Island Series: Book One

  Loose Id

  True Mates


  True Mates 3: Nikolai‘s Wolf – 2009 TRS CAPA Nominee, 3rd Place, Favorite

  Books Reviewed, Category: Vampire Romance, Romance Book

  Phaze Books

  A Matter of Trust

  The Contract, Illicit Attraction

  True Mates 2: Mary and the Bear (2008 and 2009 Phaze Bestseller)

  The Question

  True Mates 4: Tameka‘s Smile—2009 CataNetwork‘s sensualreads Reviewer

  Choice Award, 2009 Phaze Bestseller





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