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Leather and Chrome (Royal Bastards MC: Detroit, MI Book 2)

Page 5

by Shannon Youngblood

  “Boss lady?” Hodge knocked on my office door.

  “Just a sec,” I hollered out, sniffling. I clasped my bra and searched around for my discarded shirt. Somehow, Chrome has tossed it across the room. I walked over to fetch it and pull it over my head. “Come in.”

  “Hey Chrome ran out and I wanted to as--whoa--are you ok, Cam?” Hodge asked, noticing my apparent distress.

  “Yeah. I’m fine,” I lied.

  “Did that fucking biker hurt you?” He growled, his fists turning white.

  “No, no. Hodge. Calm down,” I soothed him, sitting down at my desk and grabbing a tissue to wipe my face.

  “Should I call Tyler?” He asked, worry etching each word.

  Sighing loudly, I shook my head. “No. This is my own fault.”

  “What is?” He asked, taking a seat in front of me.

  I didn’t answer, embarrassment etching my every feature.

  “You might as well spill it, Cam, or I’m going to assume the worst.”

  He wasn’t wrong there. Hodge had a habit of thinking the worst in every situation.

  “It really is nothing, Hodge,” I sighed again. “I just put myself in a position that I knew would get me into trouble.”

  “You like Chrome, don’t you?” He asked.

  My head snapped up. “How do you know that?”

  He chuckled lightly. “Anyone with half a brain can tell you’ve been holding a flame for that guy for a while now. You put on a good show, and I’ll admit, for a while there, I truly thought you couldn’t stand the man.”

  “Is it that obvious?” I asked, fearful of his answer.

  Hodge shrugged. “I guess for me it is. I spend so much time around you, and it isn’t hard to pick up the subtle nuances you display when he’s mentioned.”

  I closed my eyes and leaned my head back. Here I thought I had been keeping it a closely guarded secret, when in fact it was clearly written all over my face.

  “To be honest with you, Cam. I think you’re too good for him.”

  “Why do you say that?” I asked, looking over at him.

  He shrugged. “There is something he’s hiding. Something he’s not telling anyone, and between you and me, I think there is a darkness in him that he can’t control.”

  I thought back to every encounter we had ever had. Sure, Chrome seemed to be hot headed, but what biker wasn’t. Even my skinny, lanky brother harbored a ridiculous amount of rage and hot headedness. That was the life of this motorcycle club. I had come to expect it.

  Hodge was right on one instance though. There was something he was hiding. We all had secrets. Who didn’t. But something, deep down in my gut, told me that Chrome was hiding more than just a few standard skeletons in his closet. It wasn’t really my business, but when the VP of the RBMC looked into my eyes before storming out half an hour ago, there was a strange combination of things staring back at me. I couldn’t exactly pinpoint all of them, but amongst the most obvious were lust, rage, want, and fear.

  Instead of focusing on the strange mixture of Chrome’s pupils, I spent the rest of my day working my fingers to the bone. I had a few orders ahead of Chrome’s to do, but I pushed them on to Hodge, and got the supplies I needed to start the floggers and the cuts. Part of me had tried to convince my brain I was completing his order first so I wouldn’t have to see him for a long while after they were done. The logical part of me knew the sooner I finished the pieces, the sooner I could see him again.

  I was angry at the way he had left me in my office, but at the same time, thankful we hadn’t gone much further. It wasn’t to say that I didn’t want Chrome, because that much was apparently obvious, but I didn’t want him on my computer desk. I didn’t fool myself into thinking that Chrome was a hearts and flowers kinda guy, but what would be so wrong with fucking on an actual bed and not a hard piece of solid wood underneath me?

  If he hadn’t stopped when he had, I would have let him do anything he wanted to me. I was so caught up in the moment that nothing made sense but the two of us in that second of time. We were in a lust bubble that was abruptly popped. Why had it combusted? I didn’t know, but something inside of me wanted to find out.

  While I worked, I formulated a plan. If I went to the clubhouse when Silver was there, it would be easy for Chrome to pawn me off if he was intent on keeping his distance. If I headed over there before Silver got back, maybe I could hunt him down and get him to talk to me. I didn’t know what I would say, but I deserved the truth. Why had he run out so quick, what had I done?


  I had already taken a shower that morning, but my impromptu fooling around with Chrome in the office left me feeling dirty. While I stood under the hot spray, I relived every second in vivid detail from the second Chrome waltzed into my office until the moment he slammed my door on his way out.

  I traced the pattern his lips made with my fingers, down my chin, around my neck and across both of my currently hard nipples. I looked down to admire the new piercing bars I had slid through my tender buds. Normally I just wore a standard piece with multi-colored balls on the end, today I swapped them out for a set of chrome barbells. I was playing dirty, but Chrome had worked me up so thoroughly, I wanted nothing more than to get into his bed.

  I wasn’t a complete fool though. I knew nothing substantial would happen between Chrome and I. He gave off a clear and present warning that a relationship wasn’t something he wanted, no matter how much a part of me wanted to see if I could change his mind.

  I had opened up to Hodge while we worked about the small crush I had on Chrome and he delivered sound advice that made me blush.

  “Go a couple rounds in the sack. Get him out of your system, and then move on. That’s all you’re going to get from him.”

  Unfortunately, Hodge was right. Deep down inside, I knew that was going to be the case, but I couldn’t help but wonder if I could change that.

  I shook my head and lathered up my loofah, scrubbing down my entire body. I could still feel Chrome’s body on mine, and my raging want bubbled back up to the surface. Who knew what would happen tonight when I showed up. Knowing my luck, Chrome wouldn’t even be there, but that wasn’t going to stop me.

  At a little after nine, with my makeup intact and my outfit on, I pulled my hair ties from the end of my braids. Running my fingers through each strand, I looked in the mirror to see my raven hair fall around my shoulders and down my front in the perfect wild beach wave look. My hair matched perfectly with my red lipstick and smoky eye shadow.

  I had chosen to wear a little black dress out to the clubhouse, with a pair of matching red strappy heels. I wanted Chrome to notice me, and at the rate I was going, there was a good chance he wouldn’t be the only one. It wasn’t often I got completely dressed up, but when I did, I cleaned up nicely. Not to toot my own horn or anything.

  Toot. Toot.

  Very carefully, I climbed up into my truck, and took off towards the clubhouse. I hoped there wasn’t anything important going on tonight that would deny me entrance, but I figured on a Friday night, the club would be in full swing. I knew quite a bit about the BDSM scene, working on most of the clubs equipment, but my experience was rather lacking. Who knew. Maybe tonight that would change.

  With every minute that creeped closer to my arrival, my nerves sky rocketed into outer space. Was I making a mistake showing up without an invitation? Would Chrome reject me on the spot? I had come prepared with a back-up plan, using my need to measure the equipment, an obvious escape route if I needed it, but I hoped I wouldn’t have to use it.

  The dungeon parking was close to full when I arrived fifteen minutes before ten. I hadn’t ever been here on a club night, so seeing this many people was a shock to my senses. I hopped out of my truck and followed the lingering crowd towards the front door. I had only ever come in during the day, and into the main clubhouse, but it looked like I was going to travel in with the rest of the patrons tonight. Maybe that was a good idea.

  The space
was just as I remembered from my last meeting, although this time, everything was out and ready for use. TBone had explained to me before that when parties weren’t happening, everything had its rightful place, but when it was go time everything was brought out on full display.

  I was surrounded by wooden crosses, chains, benches, swings, and chairs blocked off into long lanes. All around me I could see wooden equipment holders filled with floggers, whips, and paddles in all shapes and sizes. There were giant containers of water sprinkled around the room, and every few feet there were large bowls full of condoms and individual packets of lube.

  My brother hadn’t been wrong when he told me that the club took every measure of safety possible when it came to operating this club. There was so much to look at, and my eyes had a hard time keeping up. The sounds of spanking, crying, moaning, and grunting, combined with the smell of lust and sex, were enough to overwhelm even the most experienced of person in this lifestyle I imagined, let alone a newbie.

  Once I had taken in a good chunk of the enormous space, my senses on overload, I found an empty wall to stand back and compose myself. I hadn’t been expecting exactly what was in front of me, but there was a very large and very real part of me that was more than a little turned on.

  “Like what you see?” A male’s voice approached from my right. I turned to look at him, but didn’t recognize him as one of the club members.

  “It’s certainly a lot,” I said by way of explanation.

  “Are you a sub?” He asked, running his finger up and down my arm.

  I took a gentle step out of his grasp. “No. Just here observing.”

  The man stepped with me, closing the distance. “Well, that is certainly a shame,” he cooed, his condescension spiking my ire. “I could certainly use a pretty little thing like you up on a cross in front of me.”

  “No. Thank. You,” I gritted out.

  The man grabbed my chin and leaned into my ear.

  “I know you want this dick, slut. It’s written all over your face.”

  I didn’t know too much about BDSM, but I knew one thing for sure.

  “Red,” I called out the club safeword, loudly and clearly.

  The offending man took a step back, and fifty plus pairs of eyes turned to stare in our direction, including the pair I had come to see.

  Boy did he look mad.

  What in the ever living fuck was Cameron doing here?

  I set down the flogger I had been showing off to a new couple at the dungeon and marched over across the room. There was only about fifty yards that separated us, but it felt like it was taking three hours to get to her.

  A third of me wanted to strangle her for showing up unannounced to a dungeon night, another third wanted to bend her over a spanking bench and spank her to the point where it would hurt for her to sit, and then fuck her into oblivion, and the last part wanted to desperately make sure she was okay.

  It wasn’t super common for a club safe word to be used at the volume Cameron had shouted it. Most couples who came through our doors had their own safewords, and our club submissives and Dominants were well trained on procedure, including using safe words for their top or bottom to hear only, (unless they were in immediate danger).

  Once I was within a few feet of Cam, my body slowed immensely. This beauty before me was like nothing I had ever seen. Her black dress clung to every single curve, and was unGodly short. The erection that had taken me two solo handjobs to deflate was back with a vengeance, and it angered me beyond reason.

  “Hello, Chrome,” Cam said, her defenses already on alert for my oncoming wrath.

  I didn’t respond, instead grabbing her by the upper arm and waltzing her away from prying eyes and listening ears.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” I seethed, her scent wafting up into my nostrils, temporarily suffocating me with want.

  Cam reached into her bag and pulled out a tape measure. “Didn’t you say you needed your equipment refurbished?”

  “And you thought now was the right time to do it?” I hissed, looking around. A few people watched us with interest, but most people had gone back to their play. In the far corner, TBones eyes watched us intently.

  “Can you let your fucking brother know you’re fine so he stops shooting daggers into my back?”

  Cam obliged, waving at her brother, signalling to him she was good to go.

  “I didn’t know there was a party tonight,” Cam replied to my earlier inquiry.

  “So, then why are you dressed up like you’re looking to get beat?”

  Cam’s face turned scarlet red, the color trickling down to her exposed breasts. The taste of her nipples in my mouth came to the forefront of my mind, and if I didn’t stop thinking about our afternoon together, I was going to take her right here in front of everyone, including her brother.

  “Um,” she mumbled, clearly not realizing her plan had just been foiled in a matter of moments.

  “Yeah. Um,” I responded back.

  I ran my fingers through my hair. I was on play space monitor duty tonight, and I didn’t have time to watch the participants in the club while watching out for Cameron and tempting down my growing need to throw her on the ground and fuck her senseless.

  “Stay here,” I warned her, marching towards a few of my club brothers.

  “You alright there, Chrome?” Dumpster asked, a knowing smile on his face.

  I growled at him and faced my brothers. “Barnie, I need you to take over as play space monitor for a bit. Dumpster, get TBone out of here, will ya?”

  Barnie grabbed my orange monitor vest and nodded with no argument. I thanked God for small miracles. I needed to get Cameron out of the dungeon and away from the sex-fueled space before I did something she was not prepared for.

  I made my way back over to Cameron but stopped a few feet shy. Instead of watching where I had gone, Cam was entranced by a scene taking place a few feet to the left of her. Her back was to me, but I could see the effect the couple was having on her senses.

  She was breathing heavy, her body lightly heaving up and down, and I knew it wasn’t her heels that were making her rock very slightly back and forth. If I looked her dead in the face, I would have bet my life savings that her eyes were wide, hooded, and full of intrigue and lust.

  As much as I wanted to pull her away and get her out of here, another part of me wanted to see her reaction to what was happening. In front of her, a Dom by the name of Henry had one of our submissives, Alice, strapped to a bench. The wooden furniture looked like a throne of sorts with long wooden boards spread out, her arms attached firmly to them, another pair of arms with cuffs attached to them left forgotten. The seat she sat on didn’t have a center, but more resembled a toilet bowl.

  Alice was completely naked, her hair held up in a high ponytail. Attached to her pony was a section of rope that went up to a hook in the ceiling and came down, tied to a hook in the floor. If she sat completely flat, the rope would pull on her hair, making it highly uncomfortable, but if she used all of her core muscles to hoist herself up the inch she needed for relief, she would tire very quickly. She would never fully be off of the seat, but she still needed immense strength to keep herself upright.

  On top of all of that, an extremely powerful vibrator was fastened to the chair underneath her, and when she sat back down her exposed clit landed directly on its head.

  Henry was our resident king of predicament bondage, and this might have outdone even his best work. I kept my distance from Cam, and I watched as Henry pulled off his leather pants and climbed up onto the flat arm rests on the chair. It wasn’t exactly the safest of maneuvers, but Henry was someone we knew and trusted. He knew what he was doing.

  Henry stroked his cock in the face of Alice, silently urging her to take him into his mouth, but never giving a direct command. I hated to admit it, but even I was slightly engrossed in the scene taking place.

  “Open,” Henry growled, and Alice immediately complied, lifting herself up
to avoid the pull of the rope on her hair, and the harsh vibrations of the wand.

  The Dom started out slow, pumping into Alice’s mouth gently while she teetered in her upright state. After a few moments, as expected, she couldn’t hold herself up anymore, and she crouched back down, the rope pulling her head up, the vibrator connecting with it’s target. At the exact same time, Henry switched from a gentle blowjob to a full face fucking. He plunged into her throat over and over again without letting up. Drool and thick chords of ooze fell from Alice’s mouth, cascading down her tits and down her stomach. For people not experienced with this kind of rough behavior, it would almost seem barbaric, but Alice was into some of the roughest things out there, and we all knew she was probably having more fun than Henry.

  When it seemed Alice could take no more of the brutal fucking, hair pulling, vibrating combination, she hoisted herself back up for relief. Henry immediately pulled out of her mouth, bent down to place a gentle and chaste kiss on her lips and slowly started making love to her mouth again.

  The process would repeat until either Henry came down Alice’s throat, or Alice used a safeword, which was highly unlikely.

  I looked back at Cam. She was bouncing back and forth lightly, almost unnoticeably, and her legs were pressed together quite tightly. She was turned on, and it was obvious. At least it was to me. I inched my way over to her and got as close as I could without actually touching her. Even with her heels on, I still had to bend down to whisper in her ear.

  “Is my Angel turned on?” The bass in my voice was so low, I couldn’t even hear myself, but Cam heard me loud and clear.

  I snaked my arms around her shoulders and plunged my fingers into her dress, smiling when I found my target. Between my finger and my thumb, I pinched at Cam’s nipples, rolling the bars back and forth. Cam pushed back up against me, her hands coming around behind her to touch me.

  “No, Angel. Keep your hands at the front. I want you to watch Henry and Alice.”


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