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Discovering Me (Breakneck #4)

Page 2

by Crystal Spears

I fucking didn’t know that. Interesting little factoid.

  “How did you stay clean without me?” She smiles and I almost forget all about the naked bitch on stage. Almost. My cock twitches inside my jeans. Piper did it, not the chick dancing.

  Motherfuck! “Always distracting me.”

  I shouldn’t have said that to her because Piper can distract me anytime she wants. Not many people come first in my life, but she’s one of them, and always will be. She’s right there behind my brothers.

  “My bad. Hey, ass clapper, get down here.” She motions the chick down with one of her hands and my attention follows.

  When she obeys Piper’s hand signals to stand in front of me, Piper kills me with what she says next.

  “Spread your legs. My friend is gonna finger test you,” she explains. “What’s your name?”

  I don’t need a fucking name. What the hell, Piper. Making a simple fuck personal.

  “Everlee, and go ahead. I’m clean,” ass clapper replies.

  When Piper gives me her irritated look, I snort and lick one of my fingers. She gives me the same look when I am taking my sweet ass time and need to hurry up. Piper’s attention stays on Everlee as I drop my hand between her legs and ram my wet finger up there. She doesn’t flinch, moan, or hiss. So I guess she passed the first test. I withdraw my finger and find myself disappointed when it doesn’t pop out. I’m not going to forget about Piper’s tight-ass pussy any time soon. That much is certain. I bring my hand up to my nose and sniff the test finger. Musk. The smell of her wet pussy tells me she won’t be the greatest, but she will have to do in a pinch.

  “Smell?” Piper giggles.

  I shake my head no without taking my eyes off her. I love her giggle. It is so innocent. It draws me to it because deep down, I know the sound comes from someone who isn’t so innocent. Piper loves to get into a little trouble here and there.

  “Excuse me.”

  Ah, yes, naked woman. “Go find something to do. I’ll get atcha in a bit.”

  Fingers fly in front of my face and snap. “I’m over here.”

  I don’t have a chance to set this bitch in her place because Piper is up and out of her chair faster than my mouth can open.

  “You have two seconds to apologize to him. You’re in his fucking club!”

  I lean back in my chair, bring my arms up over my head, clasping them behind my neck, and then kick out my feet. I’ll take a Piper showdown over pussy any day. Bitch has my back.

  “He was being rude!” Everlee exclaims.

  I roll my eyes. Something I never do, but I can’t help myself this time around. Bitch is crazy if she thinks that was rude.

  “You realize you’re in an MC, right? If you came here to get treated with respect, you might have gotten it if you would have kept your clothes on. But seeing as you’re butt naked and let my friend shove his finger inside you, and then snapped your fingers in his face as if he’s a dog, I’m booting you out of here if he lets me.”

  There’s my girl. “Do your thing, darlin’.”

  Any other time, if something similar were to happen, we would straighten the bitch out, but Piper is showing me respect. I’m not about to rain on my girl's parade.

  Piper stalks over to the stage to grab the woman’s clothing, walks back over to her, and shoves the articles into her chest. “Get dressed. Get out, and don’t come back until you’ve googled the ‘how-tos’ of being in a club,” she stresses to the woman while I wonder if we could find such a thing on Google. Wouldn’t surprise me. “You can come back if you learn how to respect the fucking brothers of this MC. I want to like you. You don’t look like a dirty bitch, and we need more who look like you around here, but not bitches who act like you,” Piper chastises and points her finger in naked bitch’s face. I know that was to make a point as well. “When you come here, expect the unexpected, and if you want to be treated with some respect, you’ll have to earn it. Bring condoms too, because next time, I guarantee they won’t let you leave without one of them fucking you first. They don’t supply alcohol and drugs for shits and giggles.”

  Who needs to make a point when they have Piper around? It is nice to relax for a change, and that is what I do. Relax while Piper lays into her. I don’t have to worry about Piper taking it to the head. She knows I’m not interested when my attention has been on her more than the bitch she is throwing out.

  I’m so lost in Piper thought once again, I don’t even notice the chick she told to get lost, leave.

  “I’m sorry, but that made me mad,” Piper explains.

  I keep my fingers clasped together behind my head and shrug while I grin at her.

  “I’m going to go and relieve Braxx. I know he wants to be down here with you guys, but feels bad Win’s stuck up in that bed. With ZZ, Shadow, Storm, and Tea gone, we’re down help when it comes to that pregnant mood-swinging heifer.”

  Yeah, no shit.

  “I’ll give Berry a call in a few days. Let her grieve a little more before asking for her help,” Pyro says as he flops down out of nowhere. “Rap’s casts are off.”

  I unclasp my hands and turn my body around to look. Sure enough, they are off, and now the sound of voices urging him to go wash his smelly legs float to my ears.

  I broke my arm once. When the cast came off, that shit didn’t smell like roses. It smelled like my ass might if I didn’t wash the fucker. When I turn back around, I catch Piper kissing Pyro on the forehead before she comes over and whispers, “get laid,” in my ear before kissing my head and leaving.

  “She amazes me,” my VP says.

  She sure does.

  “How you guys have fucked and still are cool as hell, I’ll never understand.”

  You and me both. I am doing my best to stay sane. “It’s hard as fuck, brother. Every time I look at her, I’m reminded of how fuckin’ fantastic it was.” I dig into the pocket of my jeans for my smokes. I got to stop thinking about her pussy. It’s stressing me out.

  “She was high on ecstasy when it happened, too. Fuck, if she was sober? God, I don’t even wanna know what I’m missing out on.” Dammit. Fucking hell. “She even whispered ‘get laid’ in my ear before she left. She’s the best, and that’s all there is to it. The first woman I fuck who isn’t clingy afterwards had to be my good friend. Go fuckin’ figure that bullshit.” I light up my smoke and take advantage of Pyro listening to me bitch like a schoolgirl. “I’m not pissed we fucked. I’m pissed it’s stickin’ with me.”

  Pyro picks up a bottle of whiskey from the floor next to his chair and hands it to me. “Here. I’m tellin’ ya, it’ll be hard findin’ one to match that feelin’. It’s crazy how one fuck can change you, brother.”

  I’m not goddamn changed. I still love sex, drugs, alcohol, and my club. I’m hung-up is all. I’m changing this motherfucking topic.

  “How’s Akela?” Take that, you fuckwad.

  Pyro laughs at me while answering. “She’s good. Decided to move to Nevada. She’ll be back in a week or so.”

  Hmm… interesting.

  “Dude, she’s gay. Straight up gay. Not bisexual. Gay. Understand? She’s moving her girlfriend Ripley down with her.”

  Well, I didn’t see that one coming. I could have sworn I saw him making googly fucking eyes at her the other day.

  “How long you known she’s gay?”

  I have to know.

  “Since her third night here. Think she was gonna broadcast that shit around a bunch of horny bikers?”

  When he puts it that way, no, the bitch is smart.

  “It’s nice havin’ a connection to Lana. That’s what you fuckin’ saw,” he growls. “I don’t have to ask because that look on your confused, ugly mug says it all.”

  These brothers of mine are always so serious. That shit gets old. You can enjoy life and live it to its fullest, even when you’re serious, but hell if most of my brothers don’t take it to the extreme.

  If Piper could hear my thoughts, she’d yell at me and tell me to be more
sensitive when it comes to matters concerning Lana. Truth is I am sensitive over it, and everyone else is as well. But there comes a time when you have to move on, and it is way past that time for the rest of us. Maybe not Pyro, but the rest of us, yes, it is time.

  Piper. Piper. Piper. All up in my head. Fuck. “I’m headin’ to bed.” I stand and walk my none-too-pleased ass right out of the clubhouse, out the courtyard, and into the live-in.


  Chapter Three


  “I told Zig Zag he has a week to do whatever. The man lost his unborn child, and then the son he just found out about. Not rushin’ to have his ass back here when he has to mourn. Pyro didn’t ask for time. He took it. At least my Road Captain had the fuckin’ decency to ask me,” Prez hisses.

  Always so damn uptight.

  “And Pyro, if I catch you pushin’ Rap down again, your ass will be replacin’ one of the prospects and you’ll be scrubbin’ toilets. The man can’t wind up back in a wheelchair. He’s no use to us if he can’t ride or walk!”

  The room erupts in laughter. Poor Rap. Dude made it out of prospecting, and then lost mobility in his legs.

  “Shit is funny as hell. Stupid fuck should’ve left his casts on, but nope, he wants to wobble like a toddler. Don’t understand it,” Pyro says to the Prez while shaking his head back in forth.

  “I’m right fuckin’ here,” Rap roars and the room goes silent. “I’m not a fuckin’ prospect anymore. Show me some fuckin’ respect!”

  Everyone claps. “That’s what we were waitin’ on. You’ve grown some balls.” Prez chuckles. “We’ve been waitin’ for them to appear. All right, Pyro wants to address an issue, or rather, address somethin’ he doesn’t want to become an issue.”

  Oh goody. The lesbian talk.

  “Akela is gay, and she’s bringin’ her girlfriend back. Don’t tease her. Don’t you dare make her uncomfortable. As your VP, that’s a fuckin’ order, and Prez backs me on it. Capiche?”

  My brothers all have ginormous sticks up their asses. I need some positive fun. Slinging threats and shit aren’t doing it for me.

  “Wait, she’s gay, as in hates men?” Smokey asks.

  What is so hard to believe about that? Gays pretty much even out the straights these days. Come on, sometimes I think this MC doesn’t know jack shit about anything that doesn’t revolve around the club.

  “You don’t have to hate men to be a lesbian, Smokey,” I say with a sarcastic tone. “She loves fuckin’ women and not men. It isn’t that hard to grasp.”

  Smokey flips me off.

  “Fuckin’ fantastic. Church is adjourned,” Prez announces while smacking his gavel down onto the annoying ass, little plank of wood.


  I stand there, taking in all that litters my bathroom, and scratch at my head, confused at what I’m seeing. I know we are close, but I never thought in a million years I would be staring at this shit. I shoot off a text, telling her to get her ass up here. I want an explanation, and I want one right now. I stop scratching my head and flick at the item closest to me. What in the fuck does that even cover?

  “Yeah,” she says with a sweet, textured voice.

  Oh, look at her trying to butter my ass up.

  “Piper, what in the fuck is this?” I gesture around the room, indicating the lacy garments that appear to have eaten my bathroom alive. “Don’t you have your own bathroom for this shit?”

  She smacks at my hand that fingers the delicate thong. “My bathroom is crowded with my whites that I can’t dry.”

  I mean I am all for sexy lace garments, but shit. “And you couldn’t hang the whites in here and your frill in your bathroom?”

  Piper laughs. “Where’s the fun in that? I knew you’d be all fucked in the head if I did this.” She gestures. “What? You can dish it, but you can’t take it? Since when?”

  Oh, the little whore. “Bitch, it’s on,” I growl through a laugh as I jerk the nearest bra down and fling it at her. “I suggest you remove all this shit, or else you might find yourself without it. How I’d love to peer under your skirts and stupid dresses to find a bare ass pussy.”

  She turns and walks away, and I’m not expecting that. I thought for sure she would rip it all down with quickness.

  “Go for it,” she hollers over her shoulder. “It’ll be torture for you, knowing that my bare pussy is right there for the taking, and you can’t take it. You’ll be teasing yourself.”

  Okay, frills in the trash. Got it. I might test my resistance with the thought of her wearing no undergarments, but she’ll be pissed they are gone. We both lose this round.

  “Trash it is,” I chuck back at her while I rip each piece down.

  “I’ll make sure I rub one out in front of you,” she tosses back.

  Dammit! Fucking. Killing. Me. Shit, these look familiar. I run my fingers over the bright red thong with a small rip in it. She did this on purpose, planting these in here. I have met my sarcastic match, and I love the shit out of it.

  “She got you good this time.”

  Ah, shit. Smokey.

  “She sorta did, but she ain’t gettin’ this shit back,” I reply as I rip the bras and panties down.

  Smokey laughs and I stop, turn, and look at him with a frown. “What?”

  “If you think that she’ll be missin’ those, you’re wrong. Look at the colors, brother.”

  My frown deepens while I turn around and a scowl replaces it. “That bitch hung up her darks!”

  It is fucking on now. “Grab the staple gun and a permanent marker, Smokey. We’re gonna have some fun like we used to in high school.”

  Shit’s getting started now. She’ll regret damn coming up against me.



  I’m going to rip off his testicles and feed them to him, and then I am going to murder his ass. I can’t believe he did this shit.

  “Sniper,” I roar, ripping through the clubhouse to find him at the pool table with Smokey and Rap. “For a good time, call Piper Lacy at 555-6329? Are you fucking serious,” I yell, dangling my underwear with my number scrawled onto the fabric. “You wrote my number on them and stapled them around town? Do you realize how many fucking calls I’ve got?”

  There are no words for the anger seeping through my veins. I am all about pranks, but giving personal information out to the public when I have a screwed up history unnerves me. Tears spill from my eyes as I fling the underwear at him.

  “I can’t believe you put my name and number on them! You could have left the number off and stapled them up without it!”

  His eyes widen when he takes in the real tears. He tries to move towards me, and as I step backwards, hurt crosses his face. “Piper…”

  I hold my hand up. “You know me, Sniper. You fucking know me! Personal line crossed that you know so damn well!”

  Hurt. That is what I am. Downright hurt.

  “Darlin’… I didn’t… shit… I didn’t think,” he rebuts.

  “You think,” I cry out. “I can take pranks. I can dish and I can take, but you crossed the line, a big damn line with my number. I can’t talk to you.” I finish off with a whisper as I turn and walk out of the clubhouse.

  Moments later the door slams behind me, and footsteps pound against the pavement of the parking lot. “Piper, stop. Dammit, stop!”

  I shake my head, moving my feet faster. My number with my name on it. I don’t have the luxury of a fake name or a nickname. My real name is Piper, and he scrawled it, along with my number, for god knows whom to see. I was abducted years ago, sold into human trafficking, and healed from it, only to have the fear of someone looking for me thrown right back into my face.

  “I’ll go remove the rest,” he yells when he realizes I’m not stopping for him.

  The rest of them! I almost laugh. “Damn right you will, and don’t talk to me again until they are all in the burn pile!”

  This prank went too far. He knows it, and I know it.

; There are certain things you don’t play around with, and my safety is one of them. He would never put me in harm’s way on purpose, if he was thinking with a clear head. My life is important to him, and I will have to figure out a way to get over this. He loves me and would never want anything bad to come my way. He got caught up in the fun, and so did I, and I cannot jeopardize our friendship by not being able to get over it. I walk into the live-in building and stroll up the stairs, my mind set on heading to my bed so I can wallow while he collects my panties.


  Chapter Four


  For the life of me, I cannot figure out why the hell I posted her name and number all over the town. I get it was a prank, but I understand about her past. I can’t fathom why it did not cross my mind when I was doing it.

  I’m an asshole. Point blank.

  I toss the garments I’ve collected in the fire pit and head upstairs. I dread having to tell Piper some of the bras and panties were gone. I don’t know if they were thrown away or if someone took them for personal benefit. All I can do is offer a huge apology and pay to have her number changed.

  My feet drag the steps one by one. You never want to disappoint those you are closest to. I’m respectful and knock on her door, and then crack it open when she doesn’t say anything.

  She is curled up in a ball, fast asleep on her bed. Her eyes are puffy from the tears I caused, and my heart beat speeds up in anger. I’m angry with myself for taking our playful banter and joking too far. There are limits to everything and I have surpassed them this time around.

  “She’ll be fine,” Winter says from behind me.

  I turn around and give her the look. “You’re supposed to be in bed. Prez will shit his pants if he finds out you’re roaming the halls.”

  A loud sigh escapes her. “She came to talk to me earlier. I came down here to check on her is all. I’m allowed to walk a little bit, but not much.”

  I’m not going to pretend that I understand bed rest for pregnant women. I’m thankful I’m a dude. Women have those fucked up hormones and crazy pregnancies that make them immobile and shit. Fuck being a woman. Glad I was born with a dick.


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