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Discovering Me (Breakneck #4)

Page 6

by Crystal Spears

  My gut is screaming we’re about to experience the worst damn lockdown we have ever seen.



  Chapter Nine

  It’s a Breakneck Chapter


  “How close to Sniper are you?” Luce asks as we walk into the live-in.

  Hell if I want to get friendly with her.

  “He’s one of my good friends.” That is all she is getting out of me. If she can question me, I sure the fuck can question her as well. “How close are you?”

  She giggles. A fucking biker chick that giggles. A migraine is already forming in my skull. Great.

  “We’ve been fuck buddies for years.”

  And there it is.

  Is she only a fuck buddy and toy to him?

  I can deal with a simple fuck buddy, but if he is closer to her than that, it will eat me up inside. I don’t mind sharing his affection with whores.

  “We’ve also been good friends for years as well.”

  And the jealousy monster rears its ugly head. I excuse myself from her as quick as I can, rattle off the number to Berry as I pass the kitchen, and flee upstairs.

  I am the convenient friend, the one replacing the bitch downstairs because I live here. My stomach ties itself in knots as I land face first into my mattress. The only person who truly knows about my past and knows more details than I have told anyone else is a fraud of a friend. A friend I love and who apparently conveniently loves me.

  This will be the worst lockdown.



  Staring into the eyes of a woman who has fucked my husband on multiple occasions isn’t fun. At first, I wanted to strangle her. She is lucky as fuck I cannot get out of this bed and cause her bodily harm. The club is about to become overrun, and I am stuck in this bed and away from it all. But even though I want to be down there and to be helping, I have to think about Braxx and my child.

  “So, we gonna be cool?” she asks, pulling me from my thoughts.

  “You plannin’ on tryin’ to seduce my husband while you’re here,” I question.

  She crosses her arms as my husband walks in. “I don’t try to fuck married men. I don’t have many morals, but that is one that I pride myself in.”

  Yeah, we will see, you slutty cunt.

  “Everything okay in here,” he asks.

  “Am I stressed, yes, but not about this.” I point to Dizzy. “I hope she stays true to her word. I’m stressed about not bein’ able to help, and it gets lonely as hell up here.” I tell him the truth.

  “Hell, I can have the ladies take shifts visitin’ ya so that you can get to know everyone, if ya want,” Dizzy offers.

  For the first time, I actually enjoy the words that come from her mouth. “I’d like that.”

  She uncrosses her arms and ignores my husband as she leaves the room. I think she might actually try to get me to like her.

  “You won’t have a short amount of company at least,” he tries to joke and I can see the stress rolling around on his shoulders.

  “It’ll be okay, babe. We’ll get through this shit. We always do. Maybe not unscathed, but we do get out of it.”

  He sits down next to me on the bed. “Angel, any other time I would be itching for somethin’ to happen, but when you’re pregnant and on bed rest…”

  I scoot further onto the bed and pat for him to lie down next to me.

  “How about I let you tell everyone the sex of the baby,” I offer.

  Braxxon lies down next to me and runs his fingers through my hair. “Naw, that’s somethin’ we should do together.”

  “I’ll tell the women, you can tell the men,” I say, sighing.

  He chuckles. “No, how about I carry you downstairs for dinner and fix you up a nice spot on the sofa and we can announce it together?”

  Get out of this bed? “Yes!” I shout, and he gives me a frown to warn me to be careful.

  I cup his cheek with one hand and use my thumb to rub his double lip piercing back and forth. “Can you give me a bath though? I don’t want to sit up here all day in my filth, and then eat dinner smellin’ awful around strangers.”

  “Yeah,” he answers as he sits back up. “Come here, Angel.”

  He picks me up and walks me to our bathroom, to love me as my husband, and not a stressed out biker. I love my man.


  Somewhere across the lands


  I say I love you to my dad and hang up the phone. I peer over at Shadow who is texting crazily on his phone. “You’re not gonna believe this shit.”

  Shadow breaks from his phone and gives me his attention. “What?”

  “My dad and Storm are headin’ back to Nevada early because the club is on lockdown, and you’re to keep me far from the action that is about to take place.”

  He does not let me say another word before he is dialing a number on his phone.

  “What the fuck is going on?” he screams into the phone. None of the brothers approves of being left in the dark, and us being gone is leaving Shadow in the dark. “You’re not fuckin’ with me?”

  If they want me to stay gone and not be around, it is bad. My dad never wants me away from the MC when the shit hits the fan.

  “No brother, we got here a few hours ago,” he says to whomever he is talking. “Fuck, dude, it takes time to drive across the country, and you think I was gonna let your niece drive? Fuck no. We stopped so I could sleep at night.”

  “I want updates on this shit. I hate I’m not there.”

  Great. He’s going to be a real asshole on this trip. I understand we aren’t away on vacation, and we are here to help his friend, but hell if he isn’t going to be extra douchey while we are here.

  A knock sounds at our hotel door, and Shadow groans into the line. “Danick’s here, man. I gotta go. Keep in touch.”

  Shadow tosses his phone on the dresser and strolls over to answer the door. When it opens, I am transferred from real life into fiction because there is no way in hell he is real. I gulp loudly enough for Shadow to hear, and he laughs. Glad he thinks it is funny.

  When Danick comes in and Shadow slams the door shut, they enter into a bro hug.

  “Long time no see, Tavis. Thanks for comin’, my man.”

  Dammit! Even his voice is deliciously sexy.

  “A little square for you, ain’t she?”

  I try to say hey out loud, but nothing comes out. He’s stolen my voice. How in the heck did he do that?

  “You have no idea. But she has the tightest pussy, and she’s a curious little thang,” Shadow says, and his southern drawl comes out thick.

  I guess it is true, the closer you are to your roots, the heavier your accent will come back.

  “Stand up, peach. I wanna get a good look atcha,” Danick orders.

  What the hell!

  “How about no, and why don’t you stand there and let me objectify you?”

  He brings out his arms. “Go ahead, sweetness. I like pretty ladies staring at me.”

  Damn, he’s a dick. I stand and walk over to him. I trail my eyes up and down. “How tall are ya?”

  He smirks at me. “6’6”, love. Anything else?”

  I bring my finger up to my chin and tap. “Yeah, how big is your package?”

  Shadow snorts and takes a seat on the cheap hotel sofa.

  “How is that any of your concern?” Danick responds.

  “Can’t take the heat in the kitchen, get the fuck out,” I reply.

  Danick brings his hand up to mine and jerks it to his dick. Me and my big fucking mouth, always getting me in trouble. My hand rests on the largest damn cock ever, and I jerk my hand back when I realize I’m squeezing it. “That is not normal, dude.”

  Shadow and Danick erupt in laughter.

  “I assure you, it works as if it is.”

  Lord, have mercy.

  “You wearing contacts?” I ask him.

  “No, baby, my eyes are truly this blue.
Anything else?”


  “A little bit of everything. My skin tone comes from the Native American bit. I imagine my height does as well.”

  Hmm… that explains the coal black hair that mirrors Shadow’s.

  “Is Shadow gonna be safe with you?”

  He chuckles and gazes over at Shadow. “Where did you find this one?”

  “She’s one of my brothers’ kids.”

  “No shit, and he ain’t killed ya yet?”

  I’m right damn here!

  “Nope,” Shadow says and pops his p. Cocky little fucker.

  With all that aside, I move in front of Danick, wrap my small arms around him, and squeeze as tight as I can. The man deserves a hug. He lost his wife and unborn child.

  “Tavis… what the fuck is this?”

  I squeeze tighter. “You need a hug.”

  “I repeat, she’s a little square for you, Tavis. I don’t know how I feel about this.”

  I let him go and huff. “I was showing compassion, you asshole.”

  “I told her a little bit,” Shadow answers. “She’s got a huge heart.”

  Not now I don’t. See if I share any more of my hugs with this fucker.

  “Well, lady whose name I don’t know, thank you for the compassion.”

  I smile because he won me back over. “It’s Tatiana, but Shadow started callin’ me Tea, and everyone sorta followed.”

  “She’s also a little quirky. Tavis… you gonna fall in love with this one?”

  And he lost me. Again.

  “Danick. Cut the shit. You’re hurtin’ her feelings, and I kinda wanna play tonight before we get started. Don’t fuck that up.”

  Jesus. Asshole.

  “I’m taking a shower,” I announce and take off.



  “You’re going to ruin her,” Danick says to me as he sits down. “She’s going to fall in love with you, and you’re going to break her.”

  Jesus fuck. Why is everyone so fucking serious?

  “Tea and I have already gone over this.”

  He drops his head, disappointed in me. He trained me to avoid situations like I am in with Tea.

  “Danick, look man, I’m here to help, but Tea is different. She’s got a huge heart, sure, but the girl is a firecracker when it comes to learnin’. If she can’t handle it, she knows it will be over as quickly as it started.” I pat him on the back. “I’m still Tavis, dude. I happen to have my first regular is all. You ain’t ever seen that, and you ain’t ever seen me trainin’ someone either. You know I don’t want a submissive, but you know I love a curious kitten, and that is what Tea is. A curious, tight pussycat willing to learn and she gets off on pain. It helps that she has the body of a goddess and looks the way she does.”

  “Don’t make me disown your ass, Tavis.”

  The worst words a prodigy can hear from their mentor are those words.

  “Man, that kinda hurts.” I respond.

  “Truth. Always the truth with me,” he says.

  “All right, so get me informed on what’s goin’ on,” I say while I lean back, cross my ankles, and prepare to listen intently.

  “It will be bloody.”

  “I was counting on it,” I reply.

  I will bleed this town dry to capture the fuckers responsible for killing his wife and unborn child.


  Chapter Ten


  The Missouri charter, our quiet brothers, rolls in first. They are the only charter whose members roll with the flow and keep the peace in their state. The quiet doesn’t last long because New Mexico rides in after Missouri. They are the rowdiest, horniest, and most careless charter we have and never have a plan unless we force one on them. Braxxon lets them get away with their bullshit because they bring a massive cut amount for the Breakneck patch charter dues. South Carolina, Indiana, and Texas arrive together.

  “Sniper, do inventory on all brothers’ ammo, and if they require more, get it at your cost, not theirs. We’ll supply everything,” my brother commands.

  An ammo count should be a chore for a prospect, but I can’t say that to my brother and undermine his authority in front of all the guys. I’ll argue with my blood brother at another time in private.

  “Did you get that, brother,” he asks when I don’t acknowledge his order.

  A growl almost escapes my throat when I respond. “I did.”

  I know if he didn’t have his glasses on, I would see the aggravation in his gaze. I’m not trying to be an asshole. I woke up this way yesterday, and ever since, my mood has been on the none-too-friendly side.

  I could blame it on how overcrowded the club is with brothers wall to wall, but the truth is it all has to do with Piper and her all of a sudden cold shoulder towards me.

  This is what has me bothered at the moment, and with the cartel on town, I have got to get my mind straight and focused.

  When I make my way around with a notepad to get the counts for ammo, I run into Piper as she stocks the bar. She doesn’t even peek in my direction.

  I click the pen closed, shove it and the notepad into my back pocket, and demand attention from Piper. I slam my fist down on the bar. “What the fuck is wrong with you,” I growl. I don’t like things left unresolved.

  “I’m busy. Can’t you see I’m busting my ass, catering to your brothers?”

  Jesus. What the shit?

  “Piper… I can’t fix what I did wrong if I don’t know what the fuck I did!”

  She jerks an empty whiskey bottle off the shelf, slams it into the trashcan, and flinches as it shatters. “I don’t have time for this.”

  Well, she’ll make time for me. I’m her fucking best friend, for fuck sakes.

  “Goddamit, Piper! Make time.”

  She turns around and stocks the top shelf with the premium alcohol. It’s further proof she is an excellent bartender and why she does an exceptional job at Club Sated.

  I cross my arms and glare at her as I continue to wait until she finishes with her restock. When she turns around, the water that sits in her eyes proves she is upset with me.

  “You know… I will tell you what is wrong with me,” she whisper yells as she tosses the empty box to the ground and stomps on it. “You made me believe that we had a special friendship. A special fucking bond, Sniper.” She swipes the tears away. “But you have the same ‘bond’,” she air quotes, “with one of the Red Ladies, Lucy. Do you know what that makes me think?”

  I shake my head in disbelief.

  “I’m a fill in!”

  What? She is crazy.

  “You’re being fuckin’ stupid,” I say with a laugh. Piper is nothing like Lucy. Never has been and never will be. Piper means more to me than some bitch from our female chapter whom I fuck.

  “Am I? I don’t think I am. Right now, there is nothing you can say. I want space from you to get my head on straight,” she says before she leaves me to stand there confused.

  How did I screw up her head?

  All of this is because of Lucy. She had to have said something to Piper to cause her to act like this. I won’t stand for this bullshit. No way in hell.

  “Piper, stop!” The rough, edgy growl ripping its way from my throat causes her to halt in place.

  I stomp towards her, grab her elbow, and drag her outside to the parking lot for some sort of privacy. Piper tries to dig her feet into the ground to stop my tug, but she is no match for me. I swing open the door, move us beyond the threshold to the outdoors, and kick the wooden door shut behind us. Some brothers linger outside, and sensing the tension, they walk with casual movements to leave us alone.

  “What the fuck is goin’ on with you, Pipe. This fuckin’ behavior is not you!” I roar as I let loose of her arm to grant her freedom.

  She stands tall, moves smack dab in front of me, and stands on her tiptoes. “You made me believe I was the only female you have ever let in! You fuckin’ lied to me! All along, yo
u’ve had bitches like Lucy,” she yells and shoves at my chest with both palms. “I can’t even look at you. I feel betrayed. I told you things I haven’t told anyone else,” she sobs. “I thought we were real, our friendship was real, and it wasn’t.”

  I’m stunned to silence as I gaze at her retreating body as she rushes into the live-in building. All of the things she has accused me of are false, and I don’t see why she sees the truth as lies. I’ve been nothing but honest with Piper, at all costs. The only thing I don’t share with her is club business, so why does she think I betrayed her? There is far more to it than Lucy being here.


  How the fuck do I fix something I don’t goddamn understand?

  I hear the sound of a door open behind me, and I think maybe Piper has come back to chew me out, but here comes Lucy. As if her presence hasn’t caused enough fucking problems. Any other time, I would be more than happy to shoot the shit with Luce, but she has upset Piper.

  “Everythin’ all right?” Lucy smiles at me.

  Dammit, she is the one that got me into this mess with Piper, and she is the last person I want to discuss shit with.

  “Lucy, go do somethin’ female. I can’t deal with your shit right now,” I growl and stalk off, leaving her with a disbelieving look on her face.

  The Prez is throwing a ‘Welcome to the Master Chapter’ party before we get down to business, and I’m getting fucking drunk tonight before shit gets real. Fuck clear headspace. I want to forget for the night.


  The Red Ladies are the life of the party as usual when they are here. Dizzy commands the room with her presence. The fact that she is one of the very few I have not fucked from the lady chapter astounds me. She is gorgeous. Anyone with eyes can see that, but my brother had her one too many times for my liking. Lucy and Salt are two of my main repeats. Salt, damn that girl can fuck, but Lucy is more passionate whereas Salt is straight hardcore, rough sex fucking. No connection with her. I’m always down for a good fuck, but with Salt, it is sex and only sex. I like a little emotion and feeling to my sexcapades. Meaningless isn’t something I enjoy.


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