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Echoes of Justice (DI Matt Turrell Book 2)

Page 11

by JJ Franklin

  ‘Sorry about the early start.’

  ‘I’m not sleeping anyway. Is it Dave?’

  ‘Unfortunately, yes. Looks like someone gave him a right beating.’

  ‘Poor sod.’

  ‘Yes. Just retribution, some would say.’

  ‘Think he was suffering enough already.’

  ‘A blessing then? I doubt his sister will think so, although her husband might. We’d better let them know.’

  Before he could get into his car, a man, so well wrapped up against the cold that only his eyes showed, came forward. Matt assumed he was a reporter.

  ‘Can you give me a statement, sir?’

  ‘Not at this point. I’m going back to base now and we’ll have a press release later.’ Matt pushed past the man and got into his car. Jane followed in her car.

  Dawn had lightened the sky and a watery sun was rising behind the icy bare branches of the trees. It was only a short distance to the Pritchards’ house.

  As they walked up the path, Jane spoke. ‘Good work dumping the reporter.’

  ‘The Pritchards don’t need that lot door-stepping.’ No lights showed and as Matt rang the bell, it echoed shrilly through the silence. They waited, hearing movement inside.

  Soon, a tall man answered the door, still tying his robe. His blond hair was tousled and he didn’t look pleased. ‘Yes?’

  ‘Detective Inspector Turrell and Detective Constable Meadows. Mr Pritchard?’

  ‘Oh no, don’t tell me. This is to do with that barmy brother of hers.’

  ‘Yes, I’m afraid it is. May we come in?’

  He ushered them in while calling up the stairs. ‘It’s about Dave.’

  Mrs Pritchard appeared at the top of the stairs. ‘Dave? What…Inspector?’

  She hurried down the stairs, alarm showing on her face. ‘Come in, take a seat, please.’ She led the way into the living room, before turning to face them. ‘Do you want to see Dave?’

  Both Matt and Jane remained standing. ‘Maybe you should sit, Mrs Pritchard.’

  At the seriousness of his tone, Mr Pritchard came forwards to his wife as she sank into a chair. Matt sought for the best way to break the news. ‘I’m sorry to say there has been an incident.’

  Mrs Pritchard broke in before he could continue. ‘Involving Dave?’

  ‘Yes. It seems he was attacked last night.’

  ‘That can’t be. He’s asleep upstairs. I told you he rarely goes out.’

  Mr Pritchard seemed to have grasped the seriousness of the situation and took hold of his wife’s hand. ‘Let them finish, love.’

  Matt thought it best to say the awful words he had to say quickly, put them out of their misery. ‘I’m afraid he didn’t survive his injuries, Mrs Pritchard.’

  For a moment, he wondered if she had heard. She shook her head and jumped up. ‘Don’t be stupid. He’s asleep upstairs.’

  She made a dash for the stairs and they could hear her footsteps above their head, followed by a scream. Mr Pritchard made to follow his wife, but Matt put out a hand to stop him and indicated for Jane to go instead. As she left the room, Mr Pritchard sank into the armchair vacated by his wife.

  ‘It is probably best if I talk to you, Mr Pritchard. Would you be able to answer a few questions for me?’ He waited until Pritchard nodded and chose a seat opposite him. ‘When did you last see Dave?’

  Pritchard shook his head as if to clear it. ‘It would be about ten last night. He was down here watching some rubbish so I went up early, as I wanted to catch the news. What happened to him?’

  ‘At first glance, it looks as if he was beaten.’

  ‘Oh my God.’

  ‘What was your relationship with Dave, Mr Pritchard?’

  ‘I’ll tell you straight. I never wanted him here.’

  ‘Why was that?’

  ‘After what he’d done, would you?’

  ‘This isn’t about me.’

  ‘No. So it’s easy for you to sit there and judge.’

  ‘I’m not doing that. But I am trying to find out what happened.’

  ‘Of course. I’m sorry. It’s just that it’s been a bone of contention between us. We’re hoping to start a family soon, and, well I wouldn’t feel safe having a baby in the house. Not with him here.’

  ‘Why is that?’

  ‘I know he couldn’t help it, but he was strange at times.’

  ‘In what way?’

  Pritchard sat for a moment, recalling. ‘He would sit and mumble to himself. And, although Julie thinks I don’t know, he was having nightmares. You could hear him shouting from our room. Julie always got up to him. She said he was worried that he might hurt someone else. That it was all in his head, but I wouldn’t like to take a chance. He’d done it once already hadn’t he?’

  ‘I doubt he would have initiated an attack.’

  ‘I’m sorry he’s dead, Inspector. Despite everything, I wouldn’t wish that on Julie.’ As he said his wife’s name, he rose. ‘I should go to her.’

  ‘Before you go, will Mrs Pritchard verify that you were here all night, sir?’

  ‘What! You think I would do that to Julie? You seriously…?’

  ‘You have openly admitted that you didn’t want Dave living with you, so I have to ask.’

  ‘I didn’t want him here, that’s true. But listen to my wife sobbing. I want that even less. Julie came to bed about 10.20 pm. She made Dave a drink of cocoa as he seemed restless, more than usual, last night.’

  ‘Thank you, Mr Pritchard.’ Matt couldn’t see the sense of detaining him. Relieved, Mr Pritchard thundered up the stairs. Matt listened as he reached the top. He could hear Julie Pritchard’s voice as she broke down and her husband trying to comfort her. Given how the man felt, he wondered how easy that would be.

  Jane made her way downstairs and gave him a rueful grin. ‘Wouldn’t like to be in his shoes. Are we leaving them to it?’

  ‘Arrange for a Family Liaison Officer. She can take them to identify Dave tomorrow, if they’re up to it.’ Raising his voice, he called upstairs, ‘We’ll be off for now, but I’ll leave my card here on the hallstand. Ring if you need anything.’ Above the renewed sobbing, they heard Mr Pritchard acknowledge them.

  ‘He has his hands full,’ Jane said as they let themselves out.

  ‘I don’t think they had anything to do with Dave’s death, do you?’

  ‘Mrs Pritchard, definitely not.’

  ‘Right, let’s get to the office. I’m dying for a cup of coffee.’

  Chapter 34

  By the time they arrived at CID, Sam had posted a picture of the death scene on the board. Matt tried not to dwell on it. Instead, he took his place at the front and turned to face the team.

  Nodding his thanks to Sam, he took a breath. ‘We interviewed this young man, Dave Beeson, a couple of days ago. He was one of the original gang involved in the death of Wylde. His death would seem to confirm that this is indeed someone seeking vengeance for that crime.’

  ‘Such a different method of killing though, sir,’ Grant called out.

  ‘Yes, that is a puzzle. It could mean that we have more than one killer. But are they working together?’

  Sam scratched his head. ‘Could the first murder have prompted the second?’

  ‘So someone is intent on avenging Jonathan? Yes. Good call, Sam. However, it doesn’t seem possible that Dave killed Jonathan James. He was frightened by his own shadow and still terrified of him.’

  ‘And who would avenge Jonathan? There’s only his mother,’ Jane added.

  ‘What about the father? We have no idea where he is.’ He turned as Grant, never one to say much, spoke up. ‘Vincent James. I arrested him for armed robbery, over four years ago. First court appearance, he legs it. Jumps right out of the dock. The bastard should be locked up; instead he�
��s probably out there in Spain, spending his loot.’

  Matt had never seen Grant so involved. Could this be a glimpse of how he used to be? ‘Would he risk coming back to avenge his son?’

  ‘He always liked to think of himself as the big man, hence his name change to Vinny. So it’s likely he’d take someone killing his son as a personal insult.’

  ‘Grant, as you have first-hand knowledge of this man, could you check him out from all angles? Known associates, old haunts, prison records, cellmates and the like. And let’s have a picture for the board.’

  ‘Glad to.’

  Matt was relieved that he could engage Grant while keeping him tied to base. He continued. ‘There is also the possibility that the murder was drug related. Dave is known to be a user and it’s the only reason he would venture out alone. However, as dealers don’t usually kill off their customers, this seems unlikely. Unless he was killed for the drugs. When found, he had no money or drugs on him. We’ll need to arrange a door-to-door and check CCTV. Could you liaise with uniform on that, Sam?’

  ‘Will do.’

  ‘We have Dave’s mobile and it’s being analysed. That might give us some indication who he was meeting. It certainly looks as if he was beaten to death, but no doubt Slim will fill us in. There’s nothing back from SOCO yet.’

  ‘Do we need to warn the remaining members of the gang that they may be in danger?’ Sam asked.

  ‘If one of them is the killer, they’ll know we’re onto them,’ Jane suggested.

  ‘True, but there is no way we can leave it as they could be at risk. We do need more information about Dave’s death, as there is a chance it’s unrelated. And we have no evidence yet that Vincent James is involved or is even in the country.’

  Matt was about to continue when McRay came out of his lair and made his way to the front. Matt stepped to one side in case he wanted to address the team.

  McRay looked at the board before addressing him. ‘This is a nasty one, Matt.’

  ‘Yes, sir.’

  ‘Any leads?’

  ‘We’re working on one or two angles, but nothing definite. The thinking is that this murder may be linked to that of Jonathan James.’

  ‘Makes sense as they were in the same gang. Let me know what you need and I’ll do my best.’

  ‘Thank you, sir. We’re starting a door-to-door. Sam is coordinating with uniform on that.’

  ‘Good.’ McRay turned and spoke to the team. ‘I’ve got a feeling if we don’t get on top of this one fast we’ll be faced with more victims. Also, it could mean missing Christmas with your families. So let’s have a hundred per cent dedication. I’ll try and get authorization for overtime as needed.’

  The team were silent, unused to McRay in this reasonable mood. He had been like a snarling bear until a couple of months ago. Matt guessed the near destruction of the team during the Clive Draper case had snapped him out of his self-pitying bout that began after his wife left him. The old McRay was back and very welcome, Matt thought.

  Chapter 35

  Grant was relieved that he had a legitimate excuse to remain in the office. It meant the rest of the team wouldn’t comment. He was aware that there were already rumours circulating about the accident. Today he had to see McRay and he wasn’t looking forward to facing him, even though Matt had smoothed the way. McRay would tell him what plans had been put in place to help him retain his job. Grant knew he should consider himself lucky in having this second chance. Had the decision been his, he wasn’t sure he would have put his neck out for a colleague, especially one who could bring down the whole team.

  Since he had been shifted out of division and no longer in charge of his own team, Grant felt a compulsion to undermine every decision Matt made. Now Matt stood by him, giving him a second chance and Grant couldn’t understand why. Even in his own eyes, he wasn’t worth it. The only way to repay him was to get all the details about Vinny James and, with his knowledge of the man, he was the one to do it. The bastard had cheated him once and he relished the chance to get him behind bars where he belonged.

  Grant began jotting down all he knew about Vinny. The computer added details of Vinny’s past prison sentences and the inmates who were incarcerated at the same time. Some of these individuals formed the gang Grant had arrested for the armed robbery. He checked on them, cheered to find them all still in prison. It could be worth having a word with them. No doubt they would be feeling fed up with Vinny living the high life, while they were still inside.

  As he worked through the records of those who had shared a cell with Vinny, he came across one who didn’t fit the usual pattern of robbers, muggers and burglars. Harold Harper-Jones was a solicitor who’d been caught fiddling the books. He wouldn’t have survived the prison regime, unless Vinny had seen his usefulness and offered him protection. Grant spent the rest of the morning searching out more details about him and some of the others, becoming so engrossed that he was surprised to realise it was time to see McRay.

  McRay didn’t look friendly and left Grant standing. Fuck him, thought Grant. Just get it over. Finally, McRay looked up.

  ‘Are you aware of the seriousness of your situation, DI Grant?’

  ‘Yes, sir.’

  ‘If it had been left to me, you would be disciplined and out of the force.’

  Grant dropped his head in mock shame.

  ‘However, it seems that DI Turrell would prefer to give you another chance. I hope you are suitably grateful.’

  ‘I am, sir.’

  McRay gave him a long assessing stare before shaking his head. ‘I’ve made you an appointment with the counsellor at three pm this afternoon. You will follow, to the letter, whatever type of treatment he recommends. This may involve following a specialised programme for your alcohol problem. Do you understand?’

  ‘Yes, sir.’ Grant felt that he should salute and all of sudden wanted to laugh. McRay noticed.

  ‘What on earth can you find funny about injuring a colleague, putting the public at risk and bringing shame to the police force?’

  Grant tried to recover ground. ‘I think it must be nerves. Sorry, sir.’

  McRay shook his head in disgust. ‘There will be no driving on duty and I would advise you not to drive in your own time either, at least until the programme is having some effect.’

  ‘Yes, sir.’

  ‘Get out of here.’

  Relieved that his interview with McRay was over, Grant left the office. He would have loved to bang the door, but thought he’d tried the patience of the old bugger enough for today.

  Would he be required to give up alcohol completely? He’d normally have lunch in the Black Hound and fit in a pint or two, but today it wasn’t an option, so Grant settled for a quick sandwich. Maybe he could sneak in a pint on the way home, just to relax. If he stuck to the pubs in Warwick, near to his flat, he could count it as research as these establishments were the ones frequented by Vinny. If Grant knew anything about villains, he’d bet Vinny, despite living the life of luxury somewhere, wouldn’t have changed his habits. Back on home turf, he would soon resort to his favourite pubs and old running mates, providing Grant with the perfect opportunity to redeem himself.

  Chapter 36

  Harry didn’t intend to meet up with the man with glasses again. Last night he debated whether to stay in his room or ask his gran if he could stay over. Despite chiding himself for being too imaginative, he’d ruled out going to gran’s, not wanting to bring any more trouble to his family. The softly spoken man with glasses seemed threatening, but maybe he was just anxious to help his friend. Instead, he’d decided to stay in his room all night, pleading an upset stomach when mates tried to get him to go into town.

  Tonight, he decided to avoid town again, just in case the man was watching. Instead, he placed himself in the middle of a crowd of students heading to the sports hall where Ben,
his friend, was playing basketball. Ben was keen to get Harry playing and suggested he come and watch.

  From the centre of the crowd heading to the hall, he tried to scan the dark parking lot for signs of the man who’d accosted him the other night. It was impossible to see if the same car was there, but he felt sure the man wouldn’t approach him unless he was on his own and Harry relaxed.

  Enjoying the basketball match, Harry forgot all about the man. As he moved to congratulate Ben, whose team had won, he was aware that someone was at his side. Without turning, he knew who it was.

  ‘Hello, Harry. Great game wasn’t it?’

  ‘I don’t want to talk to you.’

  ‘Now I can understand that, Harry. What young man would want to talk to his uncle while surrounded by so many friends? But it is most important that you allow me five minutes of your time.’

  Harry felt most of this speech was for the benefit of those around them. He could already feel people moving away and giving them space.

  ‘You see, I would be really upset if you succumbed to the same fate as your friend.’

  Harry stopped. ‘What friend?’

  ‘The boy you mentioned to me the other day.’


  ‘Yes, I believe that was his name.’


  ‘Oh, my dear boy. I’m so very sorry to be the bearer of bad news. It seems young David was brutally attacked and has died.’

  ‘You killed him?’

  ‘Harry, Harry, look at me. Can you honestly see me attacking a poor defenceless young man?’

  Sick with horror, all Harry could do was shake his head.

  ‘Of course not. I like you, Harry. In fact, the only reason I am here is because I do not want the same fate to befall you.’ He paused to allow his threat to hit home. ‘You see, Harry, my friend is so distraught, he is lashing out in his despair. Now, if he knew who killed Jonathan, only that person would feel the brunt of his anger and no one else needs to get hurt.’


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