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Power Relinquished (D.C. Power Games Book 3)

Page 25

by Ivy Nelson

  “Are you testing me, Carrie?”

  She whirled at the sound of his voice. He stood against the bathroom door frame. His arms crossed. “I thought my instructions were pretty clear.”

  “I’m sorry, I just wanted a quick rinse,” she said as she reached for the handle.

  “Don’t turn it off. Spankings on a wet butt hurt worse anyway so you just stay right there and enjoy your shower. I’ll be right back.”

  Fuck. He was right about that. There was no way to enjoy her shower now as she thought about what was coming. A few minutes later, Peter returned with a hairbrush and a ping-pong paddle in his hand. Laying them on the counter, he leaned against it and watched her as the water cascaded down her body.

  “Turn around and let the water hit your ass directly,” he commanded. Complying, she tried not to tense up thinking about those implements crashing down on her tender cheeks. Peter opened the shower door and turned the water off. Without warning, he gripped her arm and pulled her out. Then he bent her over the counter where she came face to face with her own reflection in the mirror. Behind her, Peter had picked up the hairbrush and was gripping it with one hand. There was no lecture, no warmup, and no warnings. The brush cracked against her skin, the sting reverberating throughout her entire body. It fell again and she closed her eyes against the pain.

  “Open those eyes and watch yourself being punished, young lady.” As he spoke, six more swats fell against her damp skin. She knew her butt had to be red already. Her eyes fluttered open and she wanted to cry as she stared back at herself but then her gaze drifted to Peter, and her body betrayed her as she felt desire pool between her legs. Even though she was a masochist, she still asked herself how something so painful could make her so horny. She didn’t have time to answer, because the brush started falling again, over and over until tears streamed down her face. There was no counting the number of times the wicked implement assaulted her now mostly dry bottom. Heat radiated from her skin and still there seemed to be no sign of him letting up.

  “You’re going to know by the time we’re done here tonight young lady that I don’t fuck around with your safety.” Every word was punctuated by the rapid fire of smacks he was raining down on her. Sometimes he alternated cheeks and sometimes he focused on one for multiple swings. “If I ever catch you knowingly putting your life in danger again, this spanking will seem light compared to the whipping I give you.”

  He tossed the brush onto the counter and it clattered and bounced into the sink next to her. She winced as his fingers grazed her warmed bottom. Then they trailed down between her legs where she knew he encountered slick moisture. His finger plunged into her core and she cried out. It would only take a few thrusts in just the right spot to spin her into an orgasm. Peter obviously knew that, because he withdrew his finger and pointed to the shower.

  “Back under the water for five minutes.”

  So, there was going to be a round two. Her eyes flew between him, the shower, and the ping-pong paddle that still laid on the counter and she clutched her stinging bottom. Long hard spankings were not something she was a stranger to, but they weren’t usually for punishment. This felt different and yet it turned her on just as much, if not more than her other experiences. Five minutes later, he reached in and shut the water off again motioning for her to step out.

  “Bend back over.”

  Her legs trembled as she stepped the short distance to the counter and laid over it. The cool air floating across her still smarting skin caused her to shudder. The ping-pong paddle was in his hand now and she watched as he examined her backside and took aim. When the first smack landed, she cried out and gripped the sides of the counter. Fuck that hurt. Again, he wasted no time getting into the rhythm of the punishment. Over and over again. Whack! Smack! Crack! The ping-pong paddle hit its target each time at full force.

  “Be still,” he said after several hard whacks and she realized she was hopping from one foot to the other.

  Doing her best to stop moving, she clenched her teeth and gripped the counter harder. With the paddle, he shoved her legs farther apart. To her horror, he began paddling her thighs and the creases where her ass and thighs met. Each spot was treated to a dozen rapid fire swats, four dozen in all before he dropped the paddle and turned her to face him. Backing her completely up to the counter, he hoisted her up and sat her directly on the marble surface. Tears streamed down her face as her stinging skin made contact. His head bent down, and he captured a nipple in his mouth before plunging two fingers into her pussy. Pumping in and out, his thumb found her clit and soon she was on the brink of orgasm. She wanted to let herself fall but wasn’t sure she was allowed so she willed herself not to come, too afraid to ask.

  “You better ask little girl,” he said a minute later as he popped a third finger inside, stretching her.

  “Please can I come?” Her question came out a strangled whimper as his fingers and mouth assaulted her senses.

  And then it all stopped, and he scooped her into his arms. She tried to keep her frustration from showing as he carried her into the bedroom.

  When he sat on the bed, he flipped her over his lap. Was he seriously going to spank her a third time? The resounding smack of his hand against her ass was her answer.

  It felt like forever that he rained hard swats down on her as she wiggled and squirmed on his lap. In reality, it was likely that only two minutes had passed before he stopped and said, “Now you can come.” Then two fingers found their way between her legs once more and he roughly fucked her pussy. “Come for me Carrie. Give me what I want.” His words, spoken harshly, caused the orgasm to crash through her, and she cried out as it shook her. When the tremors stopped, Peter helped her up and ordered her onto her hands and knees. Stripping his pants off, he joined her on the bed and quickly filled her. His hands dug into her pulsating red ass and she stifled a pained cry by burying her face in the comforter. He fucked her fast and hard until he gave a loud groan and spent himself inside her.

  “Now get cleaned up and get to bed,” he said as he pulled out of her. “I’ll be along to hold you in a few minutes.”

  In the bathroom, she stared at her tear-streaked face and wild hair that was matted from the shower and not being properly brushed. Using her fingers and the brush he had just paddled her with, she did her best to tame it after she rinsed herself off one more time. As she dried her skin, she used the hand-held mirror on the counter to take a look at her punished bottom. It was bright red with a few welts and one small bruise. She was going to be feeling this one for a couple of days.

  Back in the bedroom, she pulled the blankets back and climbed in still naked. Her eyelids were drooping when Peter came back in and sat next to her. She opened her eyes all the way and gave him a shy smile, unsure of how a punished submissive was supposed to act.

  “Are you OK?” he asked, his hand brushing the hair from her face.

  “Yes, Sir,” she said with a nod.

  He leaned down and kissed her. As he sat up, he gripped her wrist and lifted it. It was then that she noticed he held something in his other hand. Before she could ask what it was, he slipped it over her wrist. It was a piece of rope. Then he tied the other end to the bedpost lifting her arm above her head.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” she asked, eyes wide.

  “Watch your tone young lady. I have no problem bending you back over.”

  Her bottom clenched at the very thought of another spanking, so she didn’t say anything else. When he was done tying the rope in place, he looked at her and explained.

  “Until I feel like you’ve learned your lesson, you’ll be bound to the bed when we go to sleep. If you have a legitimate reason to stay up late and work, when you do come to bed, you’ll wake me and ask me to tie you in place. If you just come to bed without waking me, I’ll wake you up the next morning with a spanking.”

  Carrie sucked in a breath and stared at the rope. “You can’t be serious.”

  “As a heart at
tack sweetheart. There’s a safety loop here that you can pull in case of an emergency,” he said, tugging on the loop at her wrist. “But because you’re submissive to me and you trust me, emergencies are the only time you’ll use it. Clear?”

  “How long?” she asked, her voice wavering.

  “Until I feel like I can trust you. Now, there’s enough slack that you can move around a bit but you shouldn’t have to worry about getting tangled up in it, so unless you want me to get some of my other impact toys out and work on that ass some more I suggest you lay down and go to sleep.” His lips brushed a feather soft kiss across her forehead before he flipped out the lamp and climbed into bed beside her. When she rolled to her side, he wrapped her in his arms and pulled her close.

  Despite being attached to the bed and having a sweltering hot sore bottom, sleep came quickly. The knowledge that she felt safe here was the last thing to cross her mind as she drifted.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Peter woke up the next morning, with Carrie still wrapped in his arms. She looked so peaceful as she slept. Peter reached up and tugged at the rope attached to his headboard and she stirred.

  “Morning beautiful,” he whispered as he rolled her onto her back so he could get to her rope clad wrist.

  “Good morning, Sir,” she mumbled. She blinked rapidly and watched as he untied her wrist and checked it for circulation issues. There were none as he knew there wouldn’t be, but it was always best to check.

  “Roll over,” he instructed.

  When she was on her belly, he pulled the blankets back to inspect her bottom. The spanking he had given her last night was definitely on the severe end of the spectrum for him, but he suspected that she’d needed it given her masochistic tendencies. Not to mention her serious infraction. He let his fingers dance across the skin that was still pink and then he leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to the one bruise that had formed. She giggled and gave her bottom a little shake in his face, so he gave it a good smack before he jumped up from the bed and padded to the bathroom. When he didn’t hear her following him, he turned and looked at her.

  “I believe I gave you some instructions last night young lady.”

  Carrie sat up. “I thought that was just last night, Sir.”

  The fact that she addressed him as Sir scored her major points, so he flashed her a tender smile. “If I remember correctly, I said you were to follow those instructions until I said otherwise but you can stay there until I’m done in the shower if you like. I know it’s early still.”

  Carrie nodded. “I’m sorry I misunderstood.”

  As he showered, Peter wondered what had caused her shift in attitude about submission. Had the punishment he’d meted out really brought about the change of heart? If so, how long would it last? As he toweled off, he considered more gentle ways to encourage her continued submission. It was those thoughts that he opened the bathroom door with. To his delight, he found Carrie kneeling just beyond the threshold.

  “Well, this is a pleasant surprise,” he said, stopping in front of her, tucking the towel tight around his waist as he stared down at her.

  “I hope you don’t mind, I woke up wanting breakfast.” She looked up at him from beneath her lashes.

  “I think we can arrange something. Since you’re being such a good girl, I’ll even give you your coffee back.”

  Her nose crinkled up and he thought she was going to poke her tongue out at him, but she didn’t. Instead, she raised her bottom up off her heels but remained on her knees.

  “Actually, I had a different kind of breakfast in mind,” she said as she tugged at his towel. Peter’s eyebrows rose.

  “Far be it from me to deprive you of the breakfast you desire,” he said in a husky voice as his erection grew. A groan escaped his lips when she pulled him into her hot wet little mouth, and he fought the urge to push himself to the back of her throat. This was her show, he’d already decided. Her hands gripped his thighs as she slowly lowered her head and pulled back again, all while staring up at him with big eyes. He let one hand tangle in her hair, but he didn’t guide or control her movements. Her tongue fluttered over the head of his cock and he felt it pulse against her lips. God that felt good. Then she sucked him back into her mouth and he felt her gently gag so he started to pull away. She stopped him and pushed herself further down onto him and sucked hard. Her hands pushed into the back of his thighs as if she were trying to physically pull him in and out, so he helped her along with a gentle thrust of his hips. She nodded around his cock. That’s what she wanted. Good thing because he wasn’t sure he could hold back much longer. His thrusts got faster, and his cock grew more tense as he watched it moving in and out of her delicious mouth. He’d imagined himself like this with her, but it wasn’t an activity he insisted on from his submissives unless they showed interest. When she sucked him all the way in again, he felt his balls tighten and knew this wasn’t going to last long. Done letting her have the power, he tightened his grip on her hair and began thrusting harder into her throat. Feeling her swallow around him and the gentle puffs of air fluttering over him as she breathed through her nose were the nails in his coffin and he let himself go in her mouth. Like a thirsty bird, she gulped down his spurts of thick hot semen. God, there wasn’t much hotter than watching a woman drink his come.

  When she had swallowed the last drop, he pulled out of her mouth and gently cupped her face. “That was one hell of a good morning, baby,” he said.

  She grinned up at him.

  “I’m afraid I’ll have to have my breakfast later.” He winked and hauled her up. “I need to get dressed and call Gary so we can get our day started.” As he turned to walk into his closet, he stopped in the doorway and said, “Carrie, while I will always prefer you naked, you have permission to put clothes on if being naked around Gary bothers you. However, even while he is here, the rest of my instructions stand are we clear?”

  “Yes, Sir. Can I ask a question?”

  “Of course, baby,” he said as he leaned against his closet door frame.

  She twisted her fingers. “It’s a weird question.”

  “Spit it out, little one,” he said with a stern tone designed to make her squirm.

  She blew out a breath and said, “If I weren’t hesitant about submission, or if I were wearing your collar, would I have a choice about whether I put clothes on while Gary was here?”

  Where was she going with this?

  “That isn’t a weird question baby. And the answer is no, not likely. Gary’s a dom and he’s someone I know you’ve been naked around before so there’s no need to hide who we are from him. If we were in a total power exchange dynamic, I wouldn’t be offering you the choice to get dressed, especially not if you had just been punished the way I punished you last night.”

  He watched her throat work on a swallow. “Why do you ask, little one?” he asked while he pulled on boxers.

  She shrugged and dropped her head. “Just trying to get a feel for what it might be like,” she whispered. “I feel like maybe you’ve been going easy on me.”

  He chose a pair of jeans because he knew she liked them and put them on. Then he crossed the room to her and took her hands in his. “First, I admire the way you aren’t afraid to ask those kinds of questions. Second, the fact that your ass is still red from last night should be proof enough that I’m not exactly going easy on you. Am I giving you the full TPE experience? No, but that’s because that’s not what you consented to. We’re experimenting, getting to know each other. Later, if you consent to being mine, some things will change but only when you relinquish that power to me and not a second sooner.” He leaned down and kissed her. “Until that happens, or until we decide that’s not what you want, please ask all the questions you need.”

  Carrie nodded and inhaled deeply. “OK. I can live with that. Can I go get some coffee now?”

  “Of course, baby.”

  Then she turned and walked naked out of the bedroom leaving Peter staring
after her. What a ridiculous girl, he thought as he tugged on a t-shirt and ran his fingers through her hair.

  Later, when Gary arrived, Carrie was still naked, and Peter made sure she was kneeling at his feet when he let his friend in. Peter was grateful that the man didn’t bat an eye or crack any jokes. Gary was a playful man who liked to keep multiple submissive partners, but he understood the dynamic of submission outside the bedroom and respected it. Not to mention, he’d watched the man light a girl’s ass on fire for putting herself in danger before, so he knew they were on the same page with that.

  A few minutes later, they were sitting in the living room discussing the situation with Carrie at his feet next to the couch and Gary in the recliner.

  “I’m sorry,” she said. “Can I go put some clothes on? I thought this wouldn’t be weird, but it is.”

  Peter chuckled. “Go ahead little one. I’m proud of you for trying.”

  As she walked away, Gary nodded toward her disappearing rear end. “Did you do that this morning or last night?”

  “Last night,” he answered.

  Gary let out a low whistle. “I guess you really blistered her good if she’s still that red.”

  Peter nodded grimly. He enjoyed spanking women, but not like that. Not because they had put their lives at risk. Then he did it out of necessity.

  Peter switched topics. “I know I asked a few weeks ago, but do you know what Boomer is up to? I think he might be Carrie’s tipster.”

  Gary nodded. “I knew when you asked me the first time, I just didn’t think I should say anything. Given the circumstances though I can tell you he’s deep cover still, but he’s gathering intel for the NSA as far as I know.”

  Carrie came back in as Gary was finishing his sentence. “The NSA you said?” She dropped to her knees next to Peter again and he ran his hand through her hair.


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