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Mr Darcy's Struggle

Page 2

by Martine J Roberts

  Without looking away, Darcy claimed her lips for a second time, only now he lingered a little longer and delivered the kiss with an increase of pressure. He felt Elizabeth’s lips part slightly under his own, and a quiet sigh escaped her.

  This was what she expected, she thought as the warmth of his mouth caressed her lips, as she began to savour the sensations of it.

  Darcy wondered if she was aware of the sound she made. He expected not, but he took the soft sigh as a sign of enjoyment and was encouraged to continue.

  He briefly chided himself, pull away now man before you scare her, or worse, you are discovered. But he knew that once he released her, he would never see her again. Amazed that the woman who filled his every waking minute, and haunted his dreams each night, was here in his arms, and it was sweeter than he could ever had imagined. Her warmth and softness, coupled with her spirit and wit were everything he knew it would be. Encouraged by her shy response, Darcy knew he wanted more, so much more. He could have his pick of women, but he wanted Elizabeth, and he wanted her love.

  Slowly, Darcy broke the kiss and pulled back to gaze at Elizabeth, her eyes were closed, and her lips slightly parted. He watched as she raised her lids with a sleepy slowness, and he savoured it. The anger that had made her eyes burn brightly before was now replaced with the stirrings of desire.

  Unconsciously, Elizabeth had brought her arms up, and they now rested gently on his chest. Dear God, Darcy thought, trying to keep a rein on his emotions, does she know what her touch is doing to me? It had been many months since he had visited the bordello, for once he had met, Miss Elizabeth no other woman had fully satisfied his desire. The simple answer was no! She was oblivious to the effect she had on him, and it brought a wry smile to his lips. A woman who knows not her power over men, so refreshing from the women of the Ton, and another reason he loved her.

  Through her lashes, Elizabeth noticed the change to his mouth and thought how handsome he looked when his face was not covered with his usual insolent sneer. She smiled in return.

  Darcy had no idea what had been the reason for this action, but he admired its effect on those fine eyes. He was totally lost, and he knew it. He claimed her lips again, and Elizabeth shyly slid her arms around his neck as if it was the most natural thing in the world. As she entwined her fingers in the dark curls that rested on his collar, Darcy moaned with pleasure. No other woman would feel as right in his arms as the second eldest Miss Bennet. Holding her tighter and deepening the kiss, he felt Elizabeth respond, both now lost in the pleasure of exploring and savouring each other, oblivious to their surroundings.

  It was at this exact moment that they were rudely reminded of the real world when they heard Mr Collins almost scream,

  “Elizabeth, you are undone!”


  Elizabeth and Darcy broke apart and then shared the briefest of glances. She tried to remove herself from his arms but found Darcy’s grip could not be broken. His hold on her waist tightened as she again tried to discreetly break free. Turning to face him, she hoped he would see her beseeching look and release her, but his glare never wavered from Mr Collins.

  As Darcy began to address the Parson, Elizabeth felt his outward appearance of calmness, was masking the incandescent rage he truly felt.

  “The custom of knocking before one enters a room, where the occupants may be engaged in private conversation, is not observed in your house, Mr Collins?” Darcy asked as he raised a quizzical brow.

  Although Mr Collins felt certain of what he had witnessed, he did not wish to accuse the nephew of his esteemed patroness of any impropriety. Unfortunately, finding his cousin alone with a single gentleman left him no choice. Something must be said, and said now. As her only male relative to hand, it fell upon him to ask the uncomfortable question of what Mr Darcy’s intentions were. How very inconsiderate of Elizabeth to put him in this position. After all, had he not forgiven her for refusing his proposal, and then welcomed her into the very home that could have been hers.

  Mustering all his courage, and choosing his words with care, Mr Collins began the greatest challenge of his life.

  “I am, as always, your humble and obedient servant sir, but with all due deference and no offence intended, Mr Darcy, I respectfully remind you that this is my abode. I was unaware of your presence, or that my cousin would not welcome my company after her recent spell of incapacity.”

  He paused, expecting Darcy to dismiss him out of hand, but when the gentleman said nothing, Mr Collins grew bolder and continued,

  “But from what I have observed, it appears that I am too late for such pleasantries, and I must ask, no demand, as Miss Elizabeth’s only male relative present, that you explain yourself, sir.”

  Mr Collins inhaled and puffed himself up with all the righteous indignation he could muster, yet remained conscious of whom he was addressing. He sorely hoped Mr Darcy would inform him that he was assisting Cousin Elizabeth with something in her eye, or some other plausible excuse, and he could then remove himself with all haste. What if Mr Darcy took offence to being questioned? He might advise Lady Catherine to dismiss him, and him with a wife to support now.

  The agonising wait for Darcy to deliver his reply saw Mr Collins’ resolve falter, and he shuffled his feet nervously.

  Elizabeth saw the insolent sneer had returned, and now masked Darcy’s true thoughts and feelings. He turned to brush an invisible speck of fluff from his lapel and then looked directly at Mr Collins.

  Coolly, he addressed his concerns.

  “Come, Mr Collins, we are men of the world, are we not?” Darcy said, knowing Mr Collins to be anything but, “Did you not seal your betrothal to Miss Lucas with a kiss?”

  Turning back to Elizabeth, he bestowed a well-timed smile on her now clearly astonished face while renewing his grip on her waist. He was pleased to see her give him a weak smile in acknowledgement of what he was doing.

  Facing Mr Collins once more, Darcy asked the question he knew would silence the odious man once and for all.

  “I hope you are not implying sir, that Miss Bennet is the sort of gentlewoman, who would bestow her favour on anyone but her future husband?”

  Elizabeth knew by his choice of words that he was conveying this was their only course of action, having been discovered in such a compromising situation. The irony was not lost on her, he had won his suit after all. She would have to accept the engagement or face ruin.

  Turning to address Mr Collins, who now stood open-mouthed at this question, Elizabeth added,

  “Come Cousin; are you not happy for me?”

  Seeing him waver, she added an inducement she knew he could not resist, “Just think, you will be a cousin to Mr Darcy, and connected to all his relations too.”

  He hesitated a moment as the importance of her statement filtered through to his brain. It was enough.

  “I … I am indeed most happy for you, my dear cousin, and would be honoured if you would accept my sincere felicitations on your engagement,” he stuttered, feeling awkward as he stood in his own parlour.

  Their confident words and happy demeanour made him think he might have misjudged the situation on his arrival. Were they merely sealing their engagement in the accepted method of the day? No matter, he had done his duty by Elizabeth and was satisfied, as well as relieved. Though he was certain that Lady Catherine, and her daughter Anne, would not share their joy. Their betrothal, while Elizabeth was under his roof, meant he would have to write and inform Mr Bennet.

  He turned to remind them of this,

  “I will make haste and write to your father with the good news dear cousin, that he might bestow his consent with all speed.”

  “No need Mr Collins, it is but an easy fifty miles, and I will ride out at first light. I prefer to speak with Mr Bennet in person as propriety dictates,” Darcy said dismissively, making certain that Mr Collins understood he would broach no interference in this personal matter. Besides, he certainly did not want Collins recounting the
events of how he had discovered them, or impugning what he had told him. He already had some reservations about seeking an interview with Mr Bennet. It seemed all of Hertfordshire knew of his slight to Elizabeth at the Meryton assembly, and with Elizabeth being Mr Bennet’s favourite child, well, it was not a good start. Darcy accepted that his actions had instigated this situation, and although it had brought about the outcome he desired, it certainly was not the way he wanted Elizabeth to come to him.

  He returned his gaze to Mr Collins, who knew better than to argue with his peers, and now loitered as an errant schoolboy awaiting instruction. Darcy sighed.

  “Will you wait outside sir, that I may say my farewell to Miss Elizabeth in private?”

  Both men knew that it was a rhetorical question. As Mr Collins withdrew, Darcy turned back to Elizabeth and quickly brought his finger to rest gently on her lips.

  Quietly he said, “Shh, I know you have much to say and berate me for, but now is not the time. Especially as I am sure the parson’s ear is pressing against the other side of the door. I will ride to Longbourn tomorrow to seek your father’s consent, but I would ask that you meet me at the edge of the park before breakfast. There is much to say before I leave. Will you do that for me, Elizabeth?”

  Mildly annoyed that he had taken to using her given name, she nodded. As he slowly took his hand from her lips, she wondered if he would kiss her again. Blushing furiously at her wanton thought, she hoped it had not been communicated to Darcy.

  Clearly, he had been thinking along the same lines, and he lowered his head to brush Elizabeth’s lips with his own. Without saying another word, he turned and opened the door, whereupon Mr Collins stumbled and nearly fell to his knees, so intent was he on listening at the keyhole.

  Both Elizabeth and Mr Collins watched from the parlour window as Nelson, Darcy’s horse, and its rider disappeared from view.

  Mr Collins turned to Elizabeth, fully intent on scolding her, but before he could speak she said,

  “Let me thank you again for your kind words of felicitation on my betrothal Cousin. I wonder, might you ask Charlotte to join me for a moment? As my oldest and dearest friend, I would like to share my good news with her also?”

  Bowing in his toady like fashion, he left to find his wife and returned a few minutes later.

  Charlotte was a little annoyed at being told to make haste and confer with their guest. Considering they had only just arrived home from taking tea with her ladyship, and she still had to instruct the cook about dinner, she could see no urgency for speaking to Elizabeth.

  “What is it my dear Lizzie that cannot wait for me to catch my breath?” Charlotte said, casting her husband a puzzled look as he closed the door.

  Elizabeth stood silent, unsure of how to break the news.

  Charlotte inquired again,

  “Lizzie, what is it?”

  “Come, Charlotte, I have exciting news,” Elizabeth finally said as she drew her friend deeper into the room. Once they were seated in front of the fire, Elizabeth took her friend by the hand.

  “Charlotte, on your return did you see Mr Darcy leaving?” Charlotte nodded.

  “He made me an offer of marriage, and I have accepted him.”

  She knew the false happiness did not reach her eyes but hoped her friend would not notice. When Charlotte remained silent, Elizabeth became worried. Did she suspect something was amiss?

  “Are you not happy for me? I admit I have not always liked him as well as I do now, but I think we shall be quite content together.”

  “Yes, of course, I am happy for you,” Charlotte finally responded. “It is just quite sudden, is it not? I knew he was partial to you Lizzie, even though he tried to hide it all those months ago. But to declare his feelings when you are away from home is somewhat unusual. When will he speak to your father?”

  “He will leave early tomorrow morning, and I will return to Longbourn the next day. There is no cause for concern Charlotte, Papa will recognise what a good match Mr Darcy is for me, and I cannot envisage Mama letting him refuse his consent to such an influential suitor.”

  “Well, Lizzie, I am truly happy for you then. It is just the match your mother had hoped to secure for Jane with Mr Bingley. It will be a great advantage for your sisters too, helping them meet eligible suitors of similar standing.”

  Both women knew to which conversation she was referring, and they exchanged a conspiratorial smile. They rose and shared an embrace of genuine friendship, and then Elizabeth went to start preparing for her departure.


  The next morning, Elizabeth dressed quietly, arranging her hair in a simple style, then snatched up her bonnet and gloves and crept downstairs. She slipped into the kitchen unnoticed and popped an apple into her pocket before exiting the back door to keep her rendezvous with Mr Darcy.

  As she neared the designated meeting place, she spied him standing there, unaware of her approach. Elizabeth acknowledged he was an exceedingly handsome man. He cut such a dashing figure in his fashionable clothes; he could have, and was expected to, select his bride from the very best families that society had to offer. Instead, he had chosen her, the daughter of a simple country gentleman. She lingered to admire his physique, and then blushed furiously when Darcy spun round to greet her. Well aware that she had been caught, Elizabeth lowered her eyes as he strode towards her; he paused and gave her a curt bow.

  “Good morning, Miss Elizabeth, I am pleased to see you,” he started, “I thought you might resist my entreaty to meet.”

  Returning his greeting with a slight curtsy, she replied, “Good Morning, Mr Darcy. I said I would come, and as you can see, I am here."

  Elizabeth noticed how he constantly fed the rim of his hat through his fingers, betraying his state of nervousness.

  Finally, he clasped his hands behind his back and began to address her.

  “Miss Bennet, I must offer you my profound apologies for my behaviour yesterday, it was unforgivable. I fear as a result of my actions, I have put you in an untenable position. I know and understand your sentiments regarding my offer; indeed, you made your feeling perfectly clear yesterday. But I feel under the circumstances, and with Mr Collins’ untimely intrusion, there is no recourse left open to us but to marry.”

  Darcy searched her face to gauge the impact of his words. He expected her to raise any number of objections, or to berate him most severely at the very least, but instead, she was smiling.

  “Are you laughing at me Madam?” he said stiffly.

  Elizabeth raised her eyes to meet his and let her smile linger a little longer before saying,

  “Why Mr Darcy, what an eloquent speech, have you been rehearsing while you waited for me?” she asked playfully.

  The truth was, Elizabeth had been awake most of the night herself, turning the events over in her mind, and she too had come to the same conclusion. There was no point in fighting the inevitable, so she had decided to go forward with a positive frame of mind. Still, she could not help but tease him a little.

  “It appears your days as an eligible bachelor are numbered, Mr Darcy.”

  “Then we are agreed?” he asked, unable to hide the surprise in his voice, “The engagement stands?”

  Elizabeth now treated Darcy to a full smile, then continued along the path, only to glance back over her shoulder and add,

  “The engagement stands.”

  Elizabeth was not party to the expression of great relief on his face or the sagging of his shoulders as the tension left his body. He was sure that she would protest his actions, his intolerable high-handedness; instead, she was in full agreement. Also, she was right in her surmise; he had been rehearsing his address to her. He had been so utterly wrong in his previous proposal; he could not risk alienating her again. But what had caught him off guard and made his heart skip a beat was her smile. That radiant full of life smile, it had been just for him.

  He ran to catch up with her and blocked the path. Elizabeth gave an inward sign. She
had hoped to escape further discussion on the subject, but clearly, Mr Darcy had other ideas.

  “Miss Elizabeth Bennet,” he said, using her full name, “you never cease to surprise me. Do you know how much pleasure it brings me being in your company?” he asked with a smile of his own.

  Momentarily taken aback by his sudden declaration of emotion, Elizabeth could not help herself. Raising her eyebrows, she retorted slyly,

  “After the occurrence of yesterday afternoon, I think you leave me in little doubt as to how much you savour my company sir,” and she walked on.

  Darcy threw back his head and gave a raucous laugh. He knew their life together would never be dull; her quick wit was just another reason he loved her. Yes, Elizabeth Bennet was the perfect woman for him, and he could not fault his taste.

  Taking the few strides needed to catch up with her, he took her hand and gently kissed it.

  She tried to withdraw it, but he would not oblige. Instead, he caressed her fingers with his thumb as they continued along the path. Elizabeth was no longer aware of the beautiful autumn morning surrounding her; instead, her mind was completely focused on the sensations Darcy’s attention to her hand was creating. She was amazed at the effects such a small caress could have on her body. Her heart began to race as a tingling warmth radiate from the area Darcy touched. Giving herself a mental scold, she became aware that they had stopped walking. Darcy was looking at her, his head slightly tilted as he studied her face. She lowered her gaze, fearful he would see the effect his closeness was having on her.

  Softly he spoke her name,

  “Elizabeth, we have walked far enough. I must make haste to Longbourn and set things right. Before I leave, would you permit me to kiss you goodbye?”

  Elizabeth knew she should be shocked at this blatant disregard for propriety. Instead, she coyly gave her reply,

  “I feel that on this occasion, it is acceptable for us to affirm our agreed betrothal in the manner you request Mr Darcy,” and she coyly waited for him to claim her lips.


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