Mommy’s Top Drawer

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Mommy’s Top Drawer Page 3

by Tina Moore

  “I’m hungry, Mommy,” Loren quietly stated.

  “What are you eating? Can I please have some Mommy?” She asked sweetly.

  “It’s only spaghetti baby. Do you want me to make you something else?” Nancy asked.

  “Nope, I like sketti Mommy,” Loren replied as her tummy grumbled again.

  “You’d probably like anything right now,” Nancy said as she got up and served Loren a bowl of pasta.

  “Thank you, Mommy,” Loren said as she reached for the bowl. Nancy had every intention of feeding her, but Loren had instinctively thought she would feed herself. In time, Nancy said realizing Loren had not done it on purpose, only out of habit.

  “Yes, baby girl,” Nancy answered, turning the TV off.

  “It’s about work. You know what I’ve done with clients. What happens if someone tried something?” Loren asked as worry spread across her face.

  “Princess, when have you ever wanted to be with any of them?” Nancy asked in return, already knowing the answer.

  “Never,” Loren said, looking down at her bowl.

  “Well, then. Don’t let them,” Nancy replied.

  “I don’t know how to do that, Mommy,” Loren replied helplessly. Nancy thought, that is true. I don’t know how many times I’ve wiped her tears away after she let someone fuck her.

  “OK, tell you what. If someone tries something, ring me, straight away. Do you even need that job? Maybe you should find one a little less, tactile?” Nancy said.

  “No I don’t need the job, I have enough savings to not work for years. I don’t think I even like the job, I just do it because, well, it’s something to do,” Loren replied honestly.

  “Yeah I know baby girl, come here,” Nancy said as she took Loren’s bowl and opened her arms finding Loren in them within seconds.

  “Can we just try it and see what happens? Maybe because I have you now it’ll be different,” Loren stated.

  “It better be. I’m not sharing you with anyone. That’s a big rule for me, Loren. You’re my good girl, no one else’s,” Nancy said, making Loren’s tummy churn. After an afternoon and evening being called her baby girl, hearing Nancy call her by her first name sounded awful.

  “I don’t want to be anyone else’s, Mommy,” Loren said as she fell asleep again in Nancy’s safe, loving arms.

  Chapter 6

  The next morning Loren woke before Nancy and got dressed in her work clothes. She looked in the mirror and felt her headspace shift into the mindset of an independent woman. Walking out into the living room and around to the kitchen, she made herself a cup of coffee and walked out to the veranda. Below the world looked like it did every other morning, but for Loren, it couldn’t have felt different. She felt different. Nancy was different. Hearing footsteps behind her, she turned around to see Nancy walking over to her. Her black satin pajamas shining as the light touched them.

  “Good morning,” Nancy whispered into Loren’s ear as she kissed her cheek. Nancy took the time to look Loren up and down, noting that she was far from the sweet baby girl who fell asleep in her arms last night. Loren’s tight egg-shell blue dress and her cream pump heels complemented her light skin and white blonde hair. Her baby blue eyes sparkled in the morning sun, and the wind made the stray hairs in her ponytail fly.

  “Hi,” Loren replied, unsure of what to do or say next. Turning to face away from Nancy Loren sipped her coffee and walked back inside. Nancy followed her, wondering if she had pushed Loren too far the previous night.

  “Hey,” Nancy affectionately said as she grabbed Loren’s arm. Loren looked at her blankly before pulling away and looking out the window.

  “I hope you don’t mind that I got dressed and stuff. I just wasn’t sure if you were working today or like, what your plans were and I didn’t want to wake you if you weren’t working cause like, it’s your sleep in but I have to be at work in like 35 minutes, so I just thought I’d go. And am I allowed just to go. I don’t know what I’m doing Mommy. Nancy? What do I call you during the day? Is it OK if I call you Mommy during the day?” Loren tumbled her words out in one highly stressed breathe, and Nancy leaned against the kitchen counter and folded her arms across her chest, getting comfortable while she listened to Loren’s long rambling. As Loren noticed Nancy’s amused look on her face, she stopped and bashfully looked at Nancy wanting all her questions answered.

  “Are you sure that’s everything?” Nancy laughed leaning forward to take Loren’s hand and pull her into a loving embrace.

  “Yeah, for now at least,” Loren giggled as she kissed Nancy’s lips.

  “You can call me Mommy or Nancy during the day sweetheart. If I call you and you are with a client or colleagues, I don’t expect you to call me Mommy. But the minute you walk into that door regardless of what you are wearing, you’d want to be calling me Mommy. In the mornings, of course, get yourself dressed, get whatever you want to eat for breakfast and do whatever you need to do to get into the headspace for work. I think it is important for you to keep some of those things to do for yourself, if you feel like you want me to do them for you, let me know. But for now, you’ve been taking care of yourself for so long; it would be way too much if I took over everything,” Nancy replied while stroking Loren's freshly straightened hair.

  “OK, Mommy,” Loren said, taking a moment to take it all in. As her phone alarm began to ring, signaling she needed to leave for work, Loren looked at Nancy, aware she was not meant to pull away from her.

  “Go, sweetheart, don’t be upset if I don’t message you during the day, I’m going to the spa today and then having a friend over for coffee. I’ll see you sometime before 7?” Nancy asked gently squeezing Loren before letting her go, following her into her bedroom as she collected her bag.

  “Oh, have a fun time! It sounds like you’ve got a great day planned Mommy!” Loren exclaimed as she headed to the door.

  “I liked kissing you, Mommy,” Loren whispered as she opened the door to leave, looking back at Nancy expectantly.

  “Are you trying to get me to kiss you now, baby? I wouldn’t recommend you try to tell me what to do young lady; it won’t serve you well,” Nancy corrected making Loren blush and her stomach churn.

  “Please Mommy, can I kiss you goodbye?” Loren said, begging this time instead of trying to manipulate.

  “Better. That’ll be something we work on,” Nancy said as she patted the side of Loren’s face, slightly frustrated she couldn’t punish her that very moment. Holding Loren close, Nancy kissed her full on the lips. Impressed with herself when she felt Loren’s legs buckle underneath her, Nancy quickly wrapped an arm around Loren’s waist to hold her up. Nancy ran her fingers through the smaller woman’s hair, causing Loren to moan and push herself harder into Nancy’s enveloping body.

  “Go to work baby girl. Mommy will see you later,” Nancy said, breaking the kiss and watching her princess walk away. Closing the door behind her, Nancy sighed. She had not had a full-time baby in years and had forgotten how challenging developing a routine and dynamic could be. It was different when a girl had come over to be babied for the evening. That was all the same excitement level. This type of domination was different. It was highs and lows, exciting and boring. Nancy looked to where Loren had left her coffee cup and frowned. The dishwasher was only 3“ away Loren; Nancy thought to herself as she took out a pen and paper and began writing a list of things she needed to teach Loren. It was hardly Loren’s fault, and Nancy knew she wouldn’t punish Loren for things she had not even informed her.

  Focus, Loren said to herself as she walked a new set of clients around the indoor pool area of her biggest deal of the week. The couple, somewhere in their 30s, had told Loren they had picked her as their contact after being recommended by a couple she closed a deal with last year. She had tried to smile at their comment, knowing that this would probably not end well.

  “Show us the bedroom again Loren,” the stern-voiced man commanded. Knowingly, Loren led them to the master bedroom, whic
h overlooked the city. She opened the door to them but stayed in the corridor. Watching as the man and his new bride walked circles in the room, pretending to look at its features.

  “Won’t you join us? I have a question about the ceiling,” the man said, his hands shifting to the pockets of his tailored trousers. Loren slowly walked into the room, and the woman circled behind her. The man stood firm in his place, next to the bed and looking up at the high ceiling.

  “What would you like to know about it?” Loren said, trying to sound professional and not afraid.

  “I want to know if you like the look of it,” the man said as he grabbed Loren’s wrist and pushed her onto the bed. Jumping on top of her quickly and pinning her hips down with his, pushing his hard cock onto her silk panties as he pulled up her matching colored dress.

  “Get the fuck off me,” Loren yelled as his bride came over to the bed and began caressing Loren’s breasts.

  “We were told you like it. That you’re the filthy little slut who puts out to make the deal,” the man said as he wrapped a hand around Loren’s neck and squeezed.

  “Stay nice and quiet for me, bitch. Or I’ll fuck that pretty mouth of yours until your jaw hurts,” he added unzipping his pants. Pulling out his hard cock, Loren could see the pre-cum dripping onto her panties. As he forced her legs apart, his wife began to kiss Loren, biting her lip and making her pull away in pain. The man ran his wet cock up and down Loren’s panty clad pussy, pushing it into her pussy and arse.

  “Mm, which one first,” he mocked as he rubbed her mound firmly. Loren stopped fighting and became still. She closed her eyes and thought of Nancy as tears rolled down onto her cheeks.

  “Open that whore mouth of yours bitch, I’m going pump you full of cock, and you’re going to be my cum slut,” he said taking his hand and forcing Loren’s mouth open.

  “Um, they never said anything about her crying,” the wife said to her husband as she stopped kissing Loren’s neck and looked at her face.

  “I don’t want this,” Loren whispered, her eyes still shut and tears again rolling down her face.

  “Oh, fuck. I’m so sorry; they just said you liked to be taken like this. Fuck, sorry,” the man said as he put his dick back into his pants. The woman grabbed his hand and led him quickly out of the room.

  “We’ll buy the house, don’t worry. You don’t need to go to the police or anything,” he said as they left the room. Loren waited until she heard the front doors slam and their car drive away and slowly opened her eyes. She took her panties off and pulled her dress down, not wanting to have any trace of that man on her. She went to the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror. Her makeup was smudged beyond repair. Her hair was in disarray, and she had dark red markings around her throat. Her lips where she had been bitten were also red and swollen, and she only had one thing on her mind, Mommy.

  As Loren strolled towards Nancy’s house, she thought of the one rule Nancy had made crystal clear, she was not to be shared. Did this count? It’s not like Loren had encouraged it. What am I supposed to say to her? Did I fuck up the on the first day? Was it even my fault? Loren asked as she disappeared into the crowd of people exiting the subway. As she approached Nancy’s building, she took her panties out of her bag and threw them into the trash and headed inside. The foyer was quiet, and for the first time, Loren felt a warm feeling about going somewhere, which felt like home. For how long? Loren thought as she climbed the two flights of stairs and rummaged through her bag to find the keys. Opening the door and walking inside, Loren knew Nancy wasn’t home. She put her bag neatly in the corner of Nancy’s room and took off her dress, making a mental note to burn it. Walking through the house naked, she found her phone and called Jen.

  “Hi, it’s me,” Loren said plainly.

  “I quit,” she added quickly.

  “What?” Jen half shouted down the phone.

  “I quit. Pay me what I’m owed, I can’t do this anymore,” Loren said as she hung up the phone and deleted Jen’s number. Throwing her phone on the couch, Loren walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. Letting the hot water burn her skin, she thought about how she was going to tell Nancy what had happened today. Loren sat on the couch for the rest of the day and watched as the hours ticked by, hoping that Nancy would come home early. To her surprise at 4:15, she heard the key in the lock open, and Nancy walked in, surprised to see Loren as another woman followed her inside. Luckily for Loren, she had decided to put clothes back on an hour earlier. Her white short shorts and orange singlet caught Nancy off guard as Loren’s nipples were visible through the thin material.

  “Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were having guests, um,” Loren said, unsure if she should call Nancy Mommy or not. They hadn’t talked about what happens if other people are in the house.

  “Mommy?” The other woman knowingly suggested to Loren. Seeing Loren’s eyes go wide and her head spin, Nancy smiled and walked over to her. Kissing her deeply and cupping her chin, Nancy made Loren meet her eyes and raised an eyebrow expectantly.

  “Mommy,” Loren half whispered, her voice suddenly hoarse.

  “Sweetheart, this is Steff. We have been friends for years. She has a baby boy who is a bit older than you,” Nancy said as Loren’s neck caught her attention. She looked into Loren’s eyes, and their broken stare was all she needed to know.

  “It wasn’t my fault, Mommy. I said no, nothing happened. I even quit my job. I’m never going back there. I never want that to happen again,” Loren said as Nancy listened, Steff coming over to where they stood, curiosity on her face. Nancy looked furious, making Loren unnerved and tears well up in her eyes.

  “Tell me what happened baby,” Nancy said sternly making Loren confused, unsure of where Nancy’s anger would be directed. Loren explained what had happened, looking from Nancy to Steff. Steff took Loren’s hands in hers, but Nancy was not so expressive. She just sat there, listening to Loren’s story as rage boiled inside of her. How fucking dare they, she said to herself as Loren told her how the man had choked her, his markings still clearly imprinted on her neck. As Loren finished the story, she looked nervously at Nancy. Then to Steff who gave Nancy a look, Loren didn’t know the meaning of.

  “I hope you’re not mad and don’t mind I quit Mommy, I just really don’t want to go back there,” Loren added for the fifth time, worried Nancy would be mad she had made such a rash decision.

  “I’m not mad at you at all. I’m mad at them. I’m more than mad; I’m livid. I don’t care if they buy the house or not, we are going to the police,” Nancy said as she scooped up Loren and held her tightly, rocking her in her arms.

  “But they’ll just say I had a history; it’ll get out that this was something I did. They’ll say it’s my fault. It’ll get twisted,” Loren replied as tears rolled down her cheeks for the fourth time that day.

  “I don’t want to have to relive it, Mommy,” Loren said through her tears. Steff understood what Nancy had told her about Loren at that moment. Over lunch, Nancy had explained how fragile Loren was, how untrained and independent she was. How she would make decisions for herself and not be simply led.

  “I’m glad you quit. The money wasn’t worth it. We can talk about going to the police later. Right now, do you need Mommy, or do you need to go for a run?” Nancy asked, wanting to make sure to give Loren what she needed. Loren turned to Steff who smiled, almost reading her mind.

  “You haven’t ruined anything, sweetheart,” she kindly stated. Looking back at Nancy, Loren began to suck her thumb and reached out for Nancy.

  “I want you, Mommy,” she replied, feeling Nancy tighten her arms around her. Nancy put Loren on her lap and turned her around to face Steff.

  “She’s adorable Nance,” she said, wishing her baby boy was in her arms.

  “She’s a good girl,” Nancy replied, smiling like the cat who got the cream.

  “Steff is going to stay the night baby. Maybe Phil wants to come over for a play?” Nancy asked.

/>   “Phil wants whatever I tell him he wants. He will be here in an hour,” Steff laughed as she took out her phone while stroking Loren’s cheek making her giggle. Steff was sterner than Nancy. She had an angular face and eyes that meant business. Loren wondered if it was because she had a boy baby and not a girl, making a mental note to not get on Steff’s angry side.

  “Let’s get you out of this princess,” Nancy said as she carried Loren into the nursery. Nancy laid Loren on her back on the pink mat, and Steff played with her on the floor while Nancy took out the things she needed.

  “You know, we have never had a play date,” Steff said as Loren reached for the toy she was holding high in the air.

  “I know. That’s because I’ve never had such a sweet girl,” Nancy said as she came over to where Loren was playing and picked her up, carrying her to the changing table. Loren obediently lifted her bottom and let Nancy take her shorts off. She blushed as Steff came close and put a pacifier into her mouth and Nancy noted Loren was pushing through her comfort zone to let another person see her like this.

  “She’s a good girl for Mommy,” Nancy said to Steff as Loren began to squirm, settling her with a warning in her voice. Nancy powdered Loren’s pussy and added another layer to her diaper, making it thicker than the one she had on the previous night. She tightened it in place before holding up two choices of diaper cover for Loren to choose from.

  “Oh wow, she had you wrapped around her finger!” Steff exclaimed upon witnessing Nancy, allowing Loren to choose what she would wear.

  “She knows that if she isn’t good, this will be taken away. Mommy doesn’t mind treating her princess, but if she thinks she can be bratty afterward, all Mommy’s treats go,” Nancy said, putting on the tight fluffy leopard print diaper cover. She looked into Loren’s eyes lovingly as she rubbed the diaper against Loren’s pussy firmly making her giggle.


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