Mommy’s Top Drawer

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Mommy’s Top Drawer Page 4

by Tina Moore

  “Does it feel nice pushing against your pussy baby,” Nancy said as she looked down on Loren.

  “Yes, Mommy,” Loren replied with her pacifier still in her mouth.

  “Oh she’s cute,” Steff said as she ran her hands over her diapered sides through the fluffy material making Loren squirm as she felt another person touch her. Nancy watched as Loren’s confused face went from Steff to her, wondering if it was OK to let Steff touch her. Nancy smiled and turned back towards the cupboard and took out a tight white t-shirt. After taking Loren’s orange singlet off, Nancy pulled the t-shirt on and grabbed a pair of knee-high black socks.

  “There baby,” Nancy said as she took a pink blanket and wrapped it around Loren. Nancy carried Loren back out to the living room and put her on the couch. Steff tickled Loren as she rolled on her socks while Nancy fed her a bottle.

  “No you can’t have these right now sweetheart, they are for night nights,” Nancy loving stated when Loren pushed her bottle away and reached for Nancy’s massive breasts as a knock came from the door. Steff jumped up to get it, excited her little prince was here.

  “Hi, baby boy. I have a new friend for you to play with,” Steff said, taking the bag the man was carrying, holding his hand and walking him into the living room. Loren shifted uncomfortably in Nancy’s arms as she began to blush.

  “Hi Nancy,” the man said in a small voice.

  “Hello Phil, have you been a good boy for Steff?” Nancy replied, rocking Loren.

  “Yes, Nancy,” he answered, looking at Loren.

  “This is Loren Phil; she’s Nancy’s baby girl. You’ll have to play gently with her; she’s not as big as you,” Steff said as Phil got on his knees and crawled over to where Nancy was holding Loren. Phil reached in to touch Loren’s hand, and Nancy wondered what would happen. Either she’ll pull away, or she’ll be excited to play with him, she thought to herself, smiling at Loren and Steff when Loren pushed off Nancy’s soft stomach to touch Phil’s nose. Squirming to get down to the ground, Nancy carried Loren to the middle of the large living room and watched as Phil showed her his toys. Loren spent her time, biting all of them as he passed her one after another.

  “This is crazy, she had made so much progress,” Nancy said as she and Steff watched their babies play from the kitchen.

  “Yeah, I don’t think I would have handled her as well as you have. I love how dependent he is on me. I find it hard giving him his one a week of complete independence,” Steff replied praising Nancy.

  “I have known her for five years, though. I already knew who she was when she’s Loren. Who she is, is just amplified when she’s in her little space. I already knew she was fragile and a runner. I already knew she wouldn’t respond to an overly firm hand. And I only give her a choice because I want to know the type of thing she likes. She’s got a cool style I must admit. I want her to be more dependent on me sure, but that’s a process, and I’m quite impressed at the progress we’ve made so far! I mean look at her, she couldn’t even look at me when she first saw the nursery, and now she’s openly diapered and playing in her little space. This is huge,” Nancy replied as Steff passed her wine, and they made their way back to the living room. Phil had begun to draw a picture of his toys, and he gave a crayon to Loren who started scribbling on the piece of paper he put down for her.

  “Has she wet her diaper yet?” Steff asked as she took off Phil’s shoes. Making Loren’s head snap around and look at Nancy.

  “Not yet,” Nancy said in a voice that made it very clear it would be something which was going to happen.

  Chapter 7

  Steff and Phil had stayed in one of Nancy’s spare rooms that evening. After hours of playing of giggling, Phil and Loren had fallen asleep watching a movie and Nancy had gently picked Loren up and brought her into the nursery, placing her in the cot.

  As Loren woke in the morning, she panicked searching for Nancy, who was nowhere to be found. Realizing she was in the cot, Loren climbed out and slowly walked out of the room where she heard Phil’s voice.

  “Hi Loren,” he excitedly said upon seeing her watch him. Loren shyly smiled as she watched him play with a train set.

  “Wanna play?” Phil was still in his train pajamas, and Loren made a note that he loved trains. Nodding, she dropped to her knees and crawled over to him. Phil gave Loren a train and moved her hand over it on the train tracks, showing her how to play. Giggling, Loren bent over the train set and pushed the train around the tracks. Phil watched her.

  “You’re good at that Loren,” he said still in his little space.

  “Thanks,” she replied as Nancy walked up to them.

  “Oh hello there miss,” Nancy said as Loren reached up for her. Bending down, Nancy picked her up, and Loren giggled as Nancy kissed her cheeks.

  “I escaped Mommy,” Loren said proudly.

  “I can see that baby girl. Are you playing with Phil’s trains?” Nancy asked, putting her back down on the ground and roughing up Phil’s hair.

  “Yes Mommy, Phil showed me how to do this,” Loren said as she moved a train around the tracks.

  “That’s my boy, always trying to impress the pretty girls,” Steff said, coming around the corner.

  “Morning,” Nancy said as she turned on the coffee machine.

  “Phil, did you forget what day it is today?” Steff asked as she began to put the trains away. He thought for a minute before looking embarrassed, he forgot.

  “It’s my big boy day Steff,” he said excitedly. Loren looked at Nancy for an explanation, but she was busy in the kitchen.

  “What’s a big boy day Steff?” Loren asked curiously.

  “Every Saturday, Phil gets to do all the things the big boys do. He can do whatever he wants and doesn’t have to ask me for anything,” Steff said taking the trains Loren was handing to her. Loren crawled towards the kitchen and waited for Nancy like she had been told to do.

  “Let me guess,” Nancy said knowingly as she looked into Loren’s overly excited eyes.

  “My baby girl wants a big girl day too?” Nancy continued, walking past Loren and handing Steff a coffee.

  “Yes, please Mommy,” Loren eagerly replied, following her back into the living room.

  “Well, I don’t see why that couldn’t work. But look at you baby, I don’t think you look like a big girl at all,” Nancy stated as Phil walked back into the room. Loren hadn’t noticed his broad back and muscular arms before, but as he strutted into the living room in well-fitting jeans, a designer polo and smelling of expensive cologne with all confidence in the world, she saw a completely different side to him.

  “What do you guys have planned today?” He asked in a deep voice, making Loren’s eyes wide with amusement; it was very different from his baby boy voice. Steff looked playfully annoyed at his bravado as he opened a red bull.

  “Nice breakfast,” she commented. While Steff and Phil spoke, Loren had crawled to the couch and climbed into Nancy’s lap, hugging her tightly and sucking her thumb.

  “Please, Mommy, I’ll do anything you want,” Loren begged.

  “That is the most dangerous sentence you could have used my sweet girl. I’ll hold you to that,” Nancy said as she rubbed Loren’s pussy through her fluffy pants and diapered pussy. Steff smiled at Nancy knowingly and went back to talking to Phil.

  “I don’t know what you guys are going to do, but I’m going to find out just how badly my baby girl wants to have a grown up day,” Nancy said as she took Loren’s hand and led her into the nursery.

  “Lay down sweetheart,” Nancy said lovingly as she snapped her fingers to the pink rug in the middle of the room. Loren obediently followed hoping that whatever Nancy had planned it would go fast. Her mind was racing with all the things she could spend her day doing.

  “You only have to do one thing for me,” Nancy began to say making Loren smile.

  “Wet your diaper,” she continued, watching Loren’s smile turn into shock.

  “But Mommy, I know we talk
ed about it, but we didn’t say when,” Loren began to complain as Nancy took a pacifier and stuck it into Loren’s mouth. As Loren reached up to take it out, Nancy turned around swiftly as if knowing Loren would try to protest further.

  “Don’t you dare,” she commanded in a voice that made Loren drop her hand and shift uncomfortably.

  “This is what I want. You said you’d do anything I wanted. This is it baby girl. The faster you wet your diaper, the faster you can go out and do all the big girl things you want,” Nancy explained.

  “I don’t have to tell you that if you don’t give me what I want and waste my time you won’t enjoy the outcome do I, sweetheart?” Nancy asked as she pushed Loren back, making her lay down on the floor and stood over her. Loren shook her head no and began to squirm as Nancy pressed her foot onto her stomach.

  “I know you haven’t been to the bathroom since last night princess. I don’t fight Mommy. I’ll always win,” Nancy continued as Loren fought not to wet her diaper although she desperately needed to. Loren held up her arms to Nancy, wanting to be cuddled.

  “Oh I think the baby is trying to control Mommy,” Nancy said, taking Loren’s hands and slapping them, making her bring them back to her chest. Nancy bent down next to Loren and ran her fingers through Loren’s messy ponytail.

  “Are you nervous baby? You want Mommy to cuddle you and make you feel safe while you wet your diaper?” Nancy teased as Loren nodded her head, her eyes beginning to well. Nancy had never been so lenient with a girl before. She would have usually tied a girl to the cot and kept her there until she had wet her diaper, but Loren was different. It wasn’t that she was naughty, and Nancy knew she wasn’t trying to control the situation. It was that she needed more love than any girl Nancy ever had before. Most new situations scared her regardless of how much she wanted or liked it. This was no different. Nancy sat down and patted her lap and enjoying seeing Loren eagerly crawl into her arms.

  “Good girl,” Nancy cooed as she rubbed Loren through her diaper. Kissing the top of her head and rocking her gently.

  “Wet your diaper for Mommy baby,” she continued as she kept on hand on the front of Loren’s diaper, feeling her relax and begin to push against the hand Nancy was using to groped her.

  “Mommy,” Loren said softly as she turned her head and breathed into Nancy’s ample cleavage. Nancy smiled triumphantly as she felt Loren’s diaper become warm in her hand.

  “Good girl baby,” Nancy continued as Loren’s face went red and her head bent in shame. Nancy kissed Loren’s cheeks, and the top of her head as Loren continued to wet her diaper.

  “Doesn’t that feel better baby girl?” Nancy asked as Loren reached for her bunny.

  “Yes, Mommy,” Loren replied as she was handed bunny by Nancy. Loren looked down and tried to move away from her wet diaper, not enjoying the feeling of being dirty.

  “You want it off, baby?” Nancy said, enjoying Loren’s apparent discomfort.

  “Yes please, Mommy,” Loren forced herself to say loudly although wanting to whisper. She didn’t want to give Nancy any reason to keep it on any longer.

  “Lucky I’m such a nice Mommy then isn’t it baby?” Nancy asked as she laid Loren on her back and began to take off the wet diaper. After wiping her down, Nancy left her on the floor to dry while she went to her room and chose panties for Loren to wear. Loren clapped her hands excitedly as she saw what Nancy was carrying as she came back into the room. Nancy stood over the top of Loren once again, shooting fear through Loren that something else would happen.

  “Take that off,” Nancy commanded, pointing to her t-shirt, Loren quickly followed Nancy’s instructions and passed the shirt to her receiving her panties in exchange.

  “Well, don’t you want them on? I can easy diaper you again if you’d like to go out wearing your baby clothes?” Nancy mocked, making Loren laugh as she put on her panties.

  “So,” Loren said hesitantly, unsure of what do now.

  “So? So now you can do whatever you want,” Nancy replied as she watched Loren. Standing up, Loren walked over to Nancy and looked her up and down.

  “Can we talk about how this is all going?” Loren asked. Nancy laughed and nodded, shutting the door to the nursery behind Loren and following her into her room. Nancy walked to her room and sat on the bed, watching as Loren got dress.

  “So like, you’re my Mommy, and I call you Mommy when we are in the house regardless of what space I’m in and who is here, I’ve got that,” Loren stated to speak, looking at Nancy for confirmation. Nancy nodded her head and watched as Loren continued.

  “But on Saturday’s I can have a day where I do whatever I want. And during the day I am a big girl, but after the day is done, I’m your baby. Are you like my girlfriend on Saturday and during the day?” Loren asked, sitting down next to Nancy after she pulled on her ripped jeans and her favorite old band, singlet.

  “OK. So, yeah you can refer to me as your girlfriend for convince sake if people ask you about me, you know, like friends or whoever. But I’m your Mommy, not your fucking girlfriend and there’s a big power difference in those titles which I don’t want you to get confused. Like we’ve said previously, this is a non-negotiable monogamous dynamic. It would be cheating if you were to be with someone else even on Saturday’s. I can be your “girlfriend” as in we can do fancy dinners and romantic things together. You can get dressed in the most beautiful outfits, and I’d love to take out and paint the town, but I am your Mommy. So if we go to the movies for example and I say you’ve had enough candy or whatever and you don’t either give me the bag or you just ignore me, that’s still punishable. You’re not just my baby when you’re in diapers sucking on my milky tits; you’re my baby full time, the rules we have don’t change, only your headspace and outward expression changes,” Nancy explained.

  “Oh OK, that makes so much sense. So if I found a job and was like, ‘Can we go out to this event’, or something after work spontaneously, you’d either say yes or no, and then we’d go and if you said that I'd had enough beer for example and I keep drinking, I’d be in trouble,” Loren said confirming with Nancy.

  “You got it. Don’t get me wrong; I’m not interested in locking you up every night. I want to do fun things. Still, I’m so happy you’re finally mine but when we get home from doing whatever you’re my little girl, and I’ll treat you that way,” Nancy said pulling Loren in and kissing her deeply.

  “This is the best thing I’ve ever done,” Loren said as she broke the kiss.

  “I know,” Nancy replied, reaching into Loren’s pants and biting her bottom lip feeling how wet Loren was.

  Chapter 8

  Nancy and Loren slowly developed their lifestyle, going to gallery openings and bespoke bars. They blew cash on expensive shopping trips and ate out at the best restaurants. They added toys and clothes to the nursery, and Loren found a new job that paid less but was fewer hands-on experiences. Loren loved the way Nancy took the time to teach her what she wanted instead of punishing her for things she didn’t know. After the three months, they had spent together, Loren had a handle on everything Nancy expected of her. Nancy had specifically told Loren that she would begin punishing her for forgetting a rule, and they had bought the paddle Nancy would use to hand out the punishment.

  On a sunny Saturday, Loren had decided to go out with her old boss Jen, day drinking and shopping, throwing money around a casino and dancing with strangers to the street bands playing down alleys.

  “I’ve been so worried about you,” Jen said as Loren broke away from dancing and walked back out onto the main street.

  “Why?” Loren asked in a drunken haze.

  “Um, hello? You just up and leave one day over the phone and I don’t hear from you for like two months, and now we meet up, and you’re the happiest I’ve ever seen you!” Jen explained.

  “Hmm,” Loren sighed contently.

  “It’s Nancy. She’s amazing,” she added as they walked towards the subway.

; “Café Nancy? Like, significantly older than you Nancy?” Jen asked, surprisingly.

  “That’d be the one,” Loren replied lovingly.

  “OK, wait like you guys are fucking or dating or what?” Jen questioned, confused as to what Loren was talking about.

  “Jen. I’m with Nancy, we fuck, we go on dates, we do a whole lot of what and it’s awesome,” Loren said wanting to end the conversation.

  “Right, well I’m just surprised,” Jen said defensively.

  “That’s fine, be surprised, turns out I’m very surprising,” Loren teased as she hugged Jen goodbye and entered the subway, heading back home. Loren pulled on her headphones and was whisked away into a world of carefree bliss, almost skipping her way home.

  Opening the door to Nancy’s apartment, Loren dropped her bag at the door and connected her phone to the Bluetooth speakers, pumping music through the house. It was 5:30 in the afternoon, and after ordering a pizza and opening a beer, Loren danced around the living room until her pizza arrived. She heard a knock at the door, tipped the pizza boy more generously that required, and slammed the door behind him. Taking a slice, folding it in half and moaning in appreciation, Loren made her way to the kitchen and flicked through social media on her phone. In her heightened state of bliss and drunken haze, Loren didn’t hear the front door open, and Nancy walk in. What the actual fuck Loren, Nancy playfully thought as she saw Loren at the kitchen bench dancing in her seat. Seeing the shopping bags at the door, the pizza box and beer bottles on the kitchen table, Nancy smiled, happy Loren was enjoying her day.

  “Hi baby,” Nancy whispered startling Loren who jumped. She turned the music off and turned around, shocked to see what Nancy wearing. A low-cut almost see through light blue blouse which exposed the front of her breasts and dark denim jeans which held to her curves.

  “Damn, Nancy. You look amazing,” Loren slightly slurred, her eyes glazing over making Nancy tilt her head.

  “Mm, what did you just say?” Nancy asked, wondering if Loren in her drunken state would warrant forgiveness. Deciding she most definitely wouldn’t let Loren off the hook, Nancy tried to suppress an excited knowing smile.


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