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Antebellum Struggles

Page 5

by Dickie Erman

  “Whatever you say, Colonel.

  “Buffoon” Tolivar mused to himself.

  “There’s nothin’ ‘bout that girl that deserves to be livin’ in that nice house. They’ll soon regret it, and she’ll be back workin’ the fields where she belongs. The only thing that girl’s got goin’ for her is a pretty face and some big breasts. Hmm … I wonder if he …” Tolivar smiled.

  Saturday morning, Tolivar led Amana up the back steps to the mansion.

  “Damn … you smell pretty good, for a negress” he thought to himself. He then looked her up and down. Although he loathed all negroes, he could appreciate her exotic high cheekbones, her muscular tight-skinned physique.

  He’d taken many young women by force, but always when he was drunk. It was no harder than leading a goat into his house. None resisted, for they’d all witnessed many beatings and whippings he applied in public displays. He demanded fear and obedience, and all obliged him.

  Earlier that morning, he’d let her bathe with no timetable. He’s also let her use some of the soap and fragrant oil that Mrs. Winters had given him.

  “Hmm” he wondered. “Why didn’t I ever take her? Oh well, too late now. Colonel, you’re a devil” he silently chuckled.

  Collette opened the back door.

  “Morning ma’am” Tolivar greeted her.

  “Why you must be Amana” she said in her well-practiced Southern belle delivery. Her eyes inspected Amana from head to toe, making indelible mental notes that only a cautious wife can make when meeting a female stranger about to enter her home.

  She scanned Amana’s eyes, cheeks, mouth and jaw, and felt an instant pang of jealousy.

  Amana was a young woman with slender shoulders, voluptuous breasts, and an enviable waistline. Collette knew her own face and body were attractive to any man but, compared to Amana, she was much older.

  “Please come in. You must have many questions and I’ll do my best to make you comfortable”.

  Tolivar tipped his hat and turned away, but not before taking one last lecherous gaze at Amana, as Collette led her by the arm and into the mud room leading to the pantry.

  “Amana” Collette began, “You’ve been brought here to work as a house servant. My beloved Ruth, God rest her soul, passed away a few weeks ago, and much work is needed. Do you understand me?”

  Amana’s stared straight at the floor. “Yes, ma’am” she obediently answered. She knew where she was and what this meant. No more sweat work at the kettles, no more back breaking cane field work under the hot scorching sun, and no more beatings. Other slaves had told her about the clothes she’d now wear, the full meals she’d eat, and the relatively easy work she’d perform.

  “This will not be an easy job” Collette continued. I know, because I’ve performed some of the very work that you’ll now be doing. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

  “Yes, ma’am” she answered, still staring at the floor.

  “How much English do you speak?”

  “I speaks English good. I learns from other workers. I wants ta’ learns more” Amana said, trying to speak the best she could to impress Mrs. Winters.

  “Hmm” Collette thought. “This is Trent’s choice to replace Ruth? She sounds like an ignorant little black girl.

  “Well, come with me. I’ll show you your room and then give you a tour of the house. It’ll take you sometime to learn where everything’s at. Then we’ll get you to work”.

  She led Amana up the two flights of stairs to the third floor. She’d never seen carpeting before. She was mesmerized by the dark paisley print and soft texture. She slid her hand across the stair’s smooth walnut banister, and gazed in awe at the intricate engravings carved into it.

  When they reached the third floor, Collette turned left and led Amana to the room where Ruth had lived. Amana swooned at the spotless white walls, and slowed to examine a gold leaf picture frame that housed a portrait of Mrs. Winters and her husband.

  Collette observed Amana’s curiosity, but became annoyed that she was diverting her attention from the task at hand.

  “Don’t dawdle” she scolded. “You’ll have plenty of time to look around the house, but right now I need your attention”.

  Amana froze for a moment, and stared at the floor as she quickly shuffled toward Collette. She didn’t want to upset Mrs. Winters and jeopardize, what would probably be, the most significant improvement of her entire life.

  “Now, this will be your room” Collette continued.

  Amana looked all around, and viewed a small bed with two pillows, a dresser with four drawers, and a night stand with a candle resting on a tin tray.

  Collette walked to the dresser. “Here are your clothes” she said, opening each drawer to reveal several white blouses, gray skirts, a nightgown, and other clothing.

  “Ruth was much larger than you, but you can tailor what you need to fit your figure”.

  Amana nodded. “Yes ma’am. These is all so wonderful. I’ll takes good care of ‘em”.

  “I’m sure you will” Collette replied. Amana’s genuine display of gratitude slightly softened Collette’s initial dislike. “Maybe things will work out alright” she said to herself. “Maybe I can teach her how to behave like a respectable servant.

  “Come now. I want to show you the kitchen”.

  Collette led her through the great dining room, centered by a twenty foot long rectangular table, made of imported cherry wood. Collette walked quickly, and Amana could only briefly take in all the grandeur of the room.

  At least six high backed chairs were perfectly positioned on each side of the table, and one at each end. She saw the intricate engravings on the table’s legs, and several beautiful flower arrangements, all sitting atop a white embroidered cloth that ran down the entire length.

  Throughout the room, large portraits adorned the walls. She recognized the Colonel and Mrs. Winters in the largest of them, and in another, a view of the mansion and the huge oak trees that lined each side of the path to the front porch entrance.

  “This is where we entertain” Collette instructed.

  “And this room” beaming with pride, “is the kitchen”.

  She pushed open the swinging door and motioned for Amana to enter first. Sparkling clean pots and pans were everywhere, each neatly stacked or hanging from wall or ceiling hooks. On the large kitchen island were bowls of fruits and vegetables, enough to feed Amana’s cabin mates for two weeks.

  “Amazin’” she murmured to herself. “Just amazin’”.

  “And here” Collette motioned, “is the ice room”.

  “Ice room?” wondered Amana. “What’s an ‘ice’ room?”

  Collette opened another door, short enough that she had to lower her head to enter.

  “Come in, come in quickly” she ordered. Amana ducked her head and stepped inside. Both women folded their arms against their chests. “I know. Brrrr!” Collette said.

  “This is where we keep the ice. We import it”. Then, believing Amana would not understand the concept, she said: “We buy it from people who live in a state called Rhode Island. Sometimes we buy ice from another country, called Canada. Do you know where Canada is?” she asked.

  Amana’s expression stayed frozen, but not from the cold. It was incomprehensible how ice could be brought to the plantation in the middle of August.

  “Oh, never mind. But the Colonel and I entertain often, and we serve nearly all of our drinks with ice, so now you know where the ice room is. Let’s get out of here”.

  * * *

  “OH, there you are” Collette said. “Sadie, I want you to meet someone. Sadie, this is Amana. She’s our new house servant”.

  “Nice to meet you” Sadie greeted, as she clasped the front of her apron and curtsied.

  Amana started to imitate Sadie’s curtsey but, never having seen it done before, she stopped, and sheepishly stammered “Nice to meet you”. Collette gave Amana a mocking smile, to remind her of her social ignorance.

sp; “You two will be working together closely, at least for the next couple of weeks. Sadie, it’s your job to show Amana around, and to teach her everything she needs to know in order to keep the home immaculate. As you know, our frequent guests are very important to the Colonel and me, and Amana needs to know how to take care of them.

  Do you understand?”

  “Yes ma’am. I’ll teach her real good”.

  “Fine. You can start by giving her a tour of the house” Collette instructed.

  Sadie was five years older than Amana, and had worked alongside Ruth, until she passed. Compared to Amana, Sadie was as skinny as a rail, although she was free to eat the same foods that were served to the Winters, albeit leftovers, only.

  “Has you seen the greetin’ parlor off da front door?” Sadie asked.

  “No. Misses Winters only showed me through ‘da back door and kitchen. Oh yea, and my room and … and the ‘ice’ room”.

  “Fine then. We’s will start at ‘da parlor room. ‘Dis is where folks gather when ‘dey first arrives. Near’ every room in da house has flowers, but this room, ‘in paticalar’, must always have flowers. Of course, in ‘da winter dey ain’t no flowers, but we makes wreaths or other decorations instead”.

  “How long you worked here?” Amana asked.

  “I’s been at the plantation for near six years. Always in ‘da house. Never had to work no fields” Sadie replied.

  “You ever been whipped?” Amana whispered.

  “Never” Sadie whispered back. “The Colonel and Misses Winters are kind Christian folks. But I tells you one thang. You and me? We’s property to them. Nothin’ more.

  “I’ve seen slaves beatin’, whipped, sold, and traded. The Colonel don’t beat or whip nobody, but he’ll tell Mr. Tolivar to. And ‘dat man, he’s pure evil. You need to watch your manners, works hard, and never ever back talks to nobody. You ain’t never leavin’ here, cuz there ain’t no wheres to go. Now, dis is ‘da only time I’s ever gonna talk about dis, you understand?”

  “Yes ‘em. But I knows Mr. Tolivar” she offered. “He done beat me bad, and whipped me so hard I gots ugly scars all over my back”.

  “I just tolds you. You and me’s not gonna talk like dis again”.

  Sadie changed the subject. “Now, everthang’ in dis room needs dustin’, ever day. And I means everthang’. Da mantal, da picture frames, da whole thang” as she pointed to each item.

  “On Friday mornins, you’ll mop da floor and den wipe it dry wit a towel. I’ll show ya wheres everthang’s at dat you needs. And don’t never break nothing’. Got it?”

  “Yes ‘em”.

  She led Amana to the Winters’ bedroom.

  She stood at the threshold, mesmerized.

  “It is beauty-full, ain’t it?” Sadie both stated and asked. “I’s used to it now, but when I first saws it, I’s almost feinted”.

  The linen was the finest money could buy, their bed lay beneath a tall silk-adorned canopy, gold colored tassels attached to ivory holders screwed into the wall, covered with light blue paper. Paintings were seemingly hung everywhere, and antique figurines, jewelry boxes and gold candle-holders were placed lovingly on each dark cherry wood dresser and table.

  With Sadie’s back turned, Amana slowly opened one of the boxes, then slammed it shut as music magically began to play.

  Sadie spun around. “Don’t touch ‘dat” she quietly shouted. “I done told you already. Don’t never break nothin’. You’s can pick it up to dust, but don’t open thangs up, don’t drop nothin’. Ya understands?”

  “I’s sorry. The sound. It startled me”.

  “Thar’s lots a’ thangs that can startle you ‘round here, believes me. These white

  folks, they’s got more contraptions than you can shakes’ a stick at” Sadie whispered.

  Sadie knew she shouldn’t, but she couldn’t resist. She walked to the door and looked down the hallway to make sure the coast was clear. She walked back into the bedroom, to Collette’s vanity, and motioned for Amana to follow.

  “Dis” looking at one of the many beautiful objects on the marble top “is called a ‘care-o-sal’” she informed Amana, impressed with her own sophistication. Made of exquisite porcelain, all of the miniature horses were hand-painted, as were the riders who gaily sat on top.

  “Now, watch dis”. She delicately and slowly turned the wind up knob – not too tightly – and then watched as the merry-go-round began to slowly spin, accompanied by harpsichord music.

  “Why I’s never” Amana swooned, her jaw drooping down in amazement.

  “I knows. Ain’t it heavenly? Amana, don’t you’s ever do what I’s just did. If’n Misses Winters was ta find out dis was brokened, I don’t know what’d happen. An I’s don’t ever wants to find out”.

  “Oh no. I’s won’t never touch it. ‘Cept to dust”.

  The two stepped backwards, still eyeing the object as if it possessed magical properties. They listened as the music gradually slowed, then stopped. They turned to each other and giggled uncontrollably, as if they’d just discovered a long lost treasure.

  “Now, let me shows you the other rooms in ‘da house”.


  T RENT WALKED THROUGH THE KITCHEN DOOR, looking handsome as usual.

  His fine white cotton pants fit tightly and rested well above his waist. His paisley printed vest gave him an air of distinction, tightly buttoned to accentuate his masculine physique.

  “Well, this must be Amana” he said, speaking to both she and Collette.

  “Yes”, Collette replied, as both she and Trent eyed Amana from head to toe. “Sadie has shown her around the house, and introduced her to some of the jobs she’ll be doing. I think she’ll work out just fine”.

  “Well, good, good”, Trent replied. He walked a few steps to position his six foot four inch frame directly in front of Amana. As usual, she stared at the floor, not wanting to give off any air that she was anything more than just a subservient worker.

  “Amana, Mrs. Winters and I lost one of our house servants a few weeks ago. Ruth was very dear to us, and we miss her deeply” he said, making sure to look Collette directly in her eyes as he finished his sentence. He wanted to reassure her that he had no interest in Amana, other than a benign welcome.

  “It’s important that you obey Mrs. Winters, and do whatever she asks of you. Behave yourself, work hard, and maintain the honor and dignity of this house. Mrs. Winters and I have worked very hard to acquire what we have. If you do this, then I can assure you that your life will be much more pleasant. Is this clear?” He took extra care not to allow his eyes to roam to her voluptuous body parts.

  “Yes ‘em” still staring at the floor.

  “I knows I’ll be happy here. Misses Winters’ been very kind ta’ me, and Sadie shown me all kinda thangs dat I’ll be doin’. I promise I’ll works hard for you … and the Misses” she answered, fearing that her late reference to Collette almost sounded like an afterthought. Her first encounter with the handsome Colonel, standing together with Collette, in a mansion filled with wondrous furnishings, the likes of which she’d never seen, was overwhelming. She started to shiver with intimidation.

  Trent’s dominance in front of these two women swelled his ego. He felt he’d handled this first encounter quite well, and congratulated himself on the initial implementation of his cunning plan.

  “That’s good” he told Amana. He turned to Collette. “My dear, I’m afraid I’m off to N’awlins this mornin’ on business. It’s possible I could return by evening, but if not, I’ll be back by late morning tomorrow”. With that, he kissed her on the cheek, turned and smiled at Amana, and left the kitchen.

  “Oh, stop with these jealous thoughts” Collette silently reprimanded herself. “He’s always been a very good husband and a wonderful provider. Get on with your duties” she said to herself.

  “Amana, what are you standing there for? Get on with your work”.

  “Yes, ma’am”, she replied, and shuffl
ed out of the kitchen to find Sadie.


  “I THINK THAT’S A GRAND IDEA” Trent said, as he and Collette were finishing their dessert of peaches and cream, yellowish-white and delicious. “I know how much you adore her, and it’s been awhile since you two spent time together.

  “When do you plan on leaving?” making sure to hide his excitement that the house would be his.

  “Caroline’s letter said Saturday the 19th would be perfect. Jeb will be gone most of the week, attending to legislative matters and such, and she’d love the company”.

  “Done!” he said excitedly, almost pounding his fist on the table. He smiled lovingly into her eyes, then gently caressed her hair. “I’ll arrange for Mr. Tolivar and one of the servants to escort you. Probably a four hour trip” he estimated.

  “Oh, I’m so looking forward to it. Caroline said she’d arrange a carriage ride through some beautiful scenery, and we’ll spend some time at the river. I’ll miss you something awful”.

  “As shall I. But I know you’ll have a wonderful time. And when you return, we’ll have the gayest celebration to welcome you back”.

  Collette genuinely blushed. “I’m going to start packing right now” nearly giggling.

  * * *

  “MORNIN’ ma’am” Tolivar greeted Collette as he halted the two horses and buggy in front of the mansion. Her luggage was already waiting, neatly stacked at the bottom of the porch steps as she walked down.

  “Good morning, Mr. Tolivar. My, I must tell you, I’m quite excited to make this trip” she said, a warm smile on her face.

  “Well, I’ll get ya’ thar safe and sound, that’s a promise” he said reassuringly.

  “Oh, and this here’s Tabari”, pointing. “He don’t speak much English, but the Colonel insisted we have another escort to secure your safety”.

  “That’ll be fine”.

  Tolivar motioned to Tabari to load the luggage on top of the carriage, which he quickly did. Tolivar then opened one of the doors and was about to assist Collette inside, when a manly voice boomed: “My dear, my dear!”


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