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Antebellum Struggles

Page 19

by Dickie Erman

  “Of course, of course” Randy and Seth agreed.

  “If it weren’t for you, none of this would’ve been possible”.

  “Glad to hear it” the Doctor concurred. “Where’s Tabari at now?”

  “Harley’s got him locked up” Seth answered. “He wants the three of us to meet him early tomorrow mornin’, and take the slave back to his plantation. Can we do that?”

  The Doctor gathered his thoughts for a moment. He hadn’t had much faith that Randy and Seth would actually pull this off, and now he wanted to make sure that he personally presented Tabari to the Colonel, in the most profitable way.

  “I can abide by your request” the Doctor answered, impressing the two with his command of English.

  “I’ll meet you at Deputy Harley’s office early tomorrow morning, and during the trip, we’ll discuss what a reasonable reward should be”.

  Randy and Seth salivated.

  * * *

  HARLEY was ready when the three arrived. The volunteer deputy had gone back to Marysville before sunup.

  “Mornin’” they all greeted each other. The Doctor was introduced, and Harley unlocked the jail cell and marched Tabari to the buckboard.

  “Now don’t give me no trouble” he warned. “Alive or dead, it don’t make no difference to me. You got that?”

  Tabari said nothing. He shivered, although the August temperature was already in the high seventies.

  “Seth, take this and tie him good” Harley ordered as he tossed Seth a rope. “Tie his handcuffs to the railings, and make sure he can’t get loose”. Harley briefly went back to grab some water and lock the office door.

  “He secure?” Harley asked.

  “All secure”.

  With that, Harley hopped on top of his buckboard and started down the street, following the Doctor and the two misfits.

  Tabari had all night to ponder his fate. He was hungry, thirsty, and exhausted. But a sudden calmness now came upon him that made his impending fate unimportant.

  Suicide occupied his thoughts. But how and when? Surely it would be before his beating or whipping. No reason to first endure that pain. The entire purpose was to avoid that screaming and terror. Yes, suicide was his best option.

  But right now, his hands were literally tied. He contemplated whether he should just run for it, as soon as he was no longer fettered to the wagon. He wouldn’t get far, handcuffed or not. Being shot and killed by the Deputy seemed a much better alternative than the punishment he was being led to. At least he’d die trying.

  Trying to escape.

  ‘A coward dies a thousand deaths, a brave man dies but one’ he could remember Demi telling him. Or was it someone else?

  No matter. He knew the Colonel, or Tolivar, would surely whip him again until he was unconscious. No doubt about that. When he came to, they might do it again, and repeat the process until he was dead. Or they might just hang him, in front of the other slaves, to teach them all a lesson.

  That was the best way. The quickest way. Let the Deputy kill him. That’s what he’d do, first chance he got.

  The group was riding past a bend in the road where they’d soon cross a dry creek bed, its banks lined with thick green cordgrass and red cedar trees. “Let’s stop here for a spell” Harley ordered as he pulled up under heavy shade. “Rest the horses”.

  “An excellent idea” the Doctor said. He halted his horse and reached for his whiskey flask.

  “Gentlemen?” he offered his drink to Seth and Randy.

  “Don’t even think about it” Harley commanded. “You do that on yer own time. Right now, your job’s ta’ help me get this slave back to his rightful owner”.

  “I figure, gentlemen, that the Colonel’s got to be mighty thankful that I, or that is, ‘we’, are returnin’ Tabari to him. Yes sir, mighty grateful indeed” as he took his second swig.

  Randy and Seth just smiled at each other, then Seth asked the most obvious:

  “How much do ya think the Colonel will pay?”

  “Well now, that’s a good question. Certainly an important one” the Doctor replied.

  Harley just stared, amazed at how easily they fell for this quack.

  “As I said, I know the Colonel personally. And quite a wealthy gentleman he is. I’d think about five hundred dollars would be a fair reward. Tabari’s a young strong stud. And speaks pretty good English. Look at him, and tell me if …”

  Their eyes widened, mouths dropped. Tabari wasn’t in the wagon.

  “Deputy!” the Doctor shouted. Harley looked at the empty wagon and then at Seth.

  “I tied him good” Seth hollered to Harley. “Thar’s no way he could’ve got loose. No way”.

  “Son of a bitch” Harley shouted. “You idiot. Seth, get on Randy’s horse and gimme yours. Let’s fan out. We’re not losin’ him now”.

  Seth mounted behind Randy’s saddle and the two started along the west side of the creek bed. Harley rode on its east side, around and through bushes and trees.

  The Doctor just smiled, not wanting to lose the slight buzz he had, and knowing that Tabari couldn’t be far. He took another swig.

  “Tabari! Hold it right there” Harley yelled. Tabari’s running had slowed to a jog, welt marks across his face and arms from crashing through low hanging branches and serrated edges of bushes.

  “You’re through”.

  Tabari kept going. His mind focused on his most pleasant memories as he separately braced himself for death. His once peaceful village, the sweet smell of maize and bread, the loving caress of his mother.

  He simultaneously squared his shoulders in anticipation of hot lead shooting into his back, and prepared himself for the experience of total darkness when he closed his eyes for good.

  But no hot lead, no sound of gunshot. Just the pounding of his heart and the sweat pouring off his forehead.

  He stumbled a few steps, then collapsed to his knees in the soft sand of the creek bed, his hands resting on his thighs. He heard the Deputy’s horse halt and snort.

  “Like I said, it makes no never mind to me if I kill ya or take you back alive” the Deputy promised.

  “I’d prefer not to kill you, ‘cause I don’t want to smell your stinkin’ carcass all the way back to the plantation”.

  Seth and Randy arrived.

  “Kill me” Tabari said in between heavy breaths. “I don’t wanna go back alive. Kill me”.

  “Ah, that’d just be takin’ the chicken shit way out. You don’t wanna die. Think about all those days you’d lose, workin’ in the hot sun. Or those fine meals ya’ get fed every day” he laughed.

  “Plus, you wouldn’t want to miss out on the whippin’ you’ll get, now would you?

  “Boys, tie his feet together. I don’t care if ya walk him or drag him, but bring him back to my buck wagon.

  Tabari didn’t resist. He was plain too exhausted, emotionally and physically. Taking his own life was now ingrained. It was simply a matter of how and when. For now, he shuffled behind Randy and Seth, almost relieved to lie down in the wagon and rest.

  * * *

  “WHOA” the Doctor ordered, as the small caravan came within view of the mansion.

  “Ah, beautiful, isn’t it?” he asked Harley.

  Harley surveyed the land, the fields, the mansion still in the distance. “No doubt” he answered. “Mighty fine.

  “Hey Tabari. I had no idea your home was as nice as this. You should be happy we’ve brought you back” Harley cruelly teased.

  Tabari silently wept as the other four laughed out loud.

  “Follow me” the Doctor instructed. “The Colonel’s most likely in his study. We’ll pull up alongside the front porch”.

  As they drove the winding road, the Doctor looked toward Tolivar’s cottage and saw that he’d returned from New Orleans.

  He slowed his wagon as they approached the mansion, smiling like a conquering hero parading his soldiers and captured treasure. Sadie saw them coming, and fetched the Colonel.
r />   “Son of a bitch” he thought to himself as he peered through the window. “I build him a new house, pay for new clothes, and still can’t get rid of him”. Then he saw Tabari. “Why, I’ll be damned”.

  The Doctor stopped his horse, set the reins neatly on his knees, and held a cocky smile as the Colonel approached down the porch steps.

  “Well, Doctor. I’ll be damned. Just look at this. You’ve got him”.

  “Why, yes sir. I got him alright. Well, with a little help from my friends. Colonel, let me introduce Deputy, ah Deputy Harley …”

  “Stafford. My name’s Harley Stafford” he said as he dismounted to shake Trent’s hand.

  “Always pleased to meet a law enforcement officer” Trent honestly said. “I can’t tell you how pleased I am that you’ve returned my property”.

  “And these gentlemen are Randy and Seth” the Doctor added. “These three men are the ones who did the actual capturing. I was, you might say, the facilitator, which made all this possible”.

  “Facilitator” Harley scoffed to himself, resentful that the Doctor could claim any assistance in the case.

  Trent was at a loss for words. He despised the Doctor and would have summarily dismissed these two saddle tramps if he hadn’t seen Tabari with his own eyes.

  “Shit” he said silently, then quickly reprimanded himself for violating the Southern gentlemen’s language code.

  He and Collette were entertaining guests tonight. He certainly didn’t want the Doctor to stay, let alone these two fat and disheveled bums. “Think quick” he thought.

  “Well, where are my manners? You gentlemen must be tired from your trip. My main overseer returned recently from N’awlins. I’d sent him there to find my runaway, but it looks like you’ve beat him to the punch”.

  “Actually, Colonel, I met Mr. Tolivar” the Doctor recounted. In N’awlins. He was kind enough to inspect the construction of my new house, which is coming along just fine, and I thank you again for that.

  “Mr. Tolivar explained how Tabari had run away, and I offered my assistance in any way possible. Well …” he gave a self-congratulatory smile as he motioned toward Tabari.

  “Colonel, thank you for your hospitality” Harley said.

  “But I’ve got work to do back in the City. I wouldn’t mind some water before I go, but I’ll be moseyin’ back home”.

  “As you wish Deputy”. He looked at Seth and Randy.

  “Why don’t you and the Doctor make yourselves comfortable at Mr. Tolivar’s house? You’re more than welcome to stay the night. I’ll have my house servant bring you some food and drink. You’ll be more than comfortable”.

  “Ah crap” the Doctor fumed to himself. “Bastard. I bring you back your nigger, and you don’t have the decency to put me up in your own home”.

  “In the morning, after breakfast, we can talk about compensation for the assistance you’ve provided” Trent said.

  “You mean a re-ward?” Seth asked.

  “Ignorant coot” Trent thought.

  “Yea, a re-ward” Randy added.

  “Yes gentlemen. A reward. I’m very grateful to you. To all of you. Doctor, you remember where Mr. Tolivar’s cottage is? Please show …”

  “Seth. Seth and Randy” the Doctor filled in Trent’s memory loss.

  “Yes. Please escort Seth and Randy to Mr. Tolivar’s home. And gentlemen, if I can ask one more favor of you?”

  “Of course, Colonel” the Doctor offered, now confident he was the official leader of his ‘troops’.

  “If you could take Tabari to that tree, over there” he asked, pointing.

  “Tie him to that tree for now. I would appreciate it. And, again, we’ll discuss your … ‘re-ward’ … tomorrow morning”.

  “Yes Sir, Colonel” Seth and Randy happily obliged.


  C OLLETTE HAD TAKEN her beloved piping hot tea to the third story veranda, and sat in her favorite wicker chair overlooking the lawns. She was determined not to be anywhere near the Doctor and his vulgar friends while they ate breakfast. It was early morning, and the scattered clouds were bright orange as the sun began to peek out.

  “What a wonderful day” she smiled to herself. She was fully rested from her trip to Caroline’s. This morning she planned to unpack each of the novelty items she’d purchased in New Orleans. Special soaps would go next to her bath, perfume on the marble counter, and a special gift for Trent. A humidor cigar box filled with genuine Cuban cigars.

  She stepped into the hallway, but nearly tripped when her foot became entangled in Amana’s bed sheets. It was wash day. Amana had stripped her bed linens, and threw them in a lump across the threshold of her bedroom door.

  “Amana!” Collette yelled into the bedroom.

  “Why on earth would you leave your bed sheets crumpled up halfway into the hallway? I nearly fell and broke my neck”.

  Amana was separating her clothes to be washed when she heard Mrs. Winters yell.

  “I’s so sorry ma’am”. She stood facing Collette, cradling her dirty clothes in her arms.

  “I’s just getting’ my clothes ready fer’ washin’”. She dropped what was in her arms, and began scooping up the bed sheets.

  “I’s so sorry, ma’am”.

  Collette stared down at her, unable to avoid the enviable attractiveness of her feminine body. A slight pang of jealousy flared.

  “Leave these for the moment” Collette ordered. “Go to my room first, strip the bed, and wash my sheets. I want all of my clothes washed first. You can do your own after”.

  “Yes ‘em”. Amana scurried past Collette and down the hallway toward the stairs.

  “I won’t allow her dirt to be mixed with my clothes” Collette thought to herself.

  Subconsciously, she knew it made no sense. But jealous emotions rarely do. She’d made her point clear that Amana was no more than a servant, and her cleanliness would always take a backseat to her master’s.

  Satisfied, Collette stepped over the lump of clothes to attend to her unpacking. But as she did, her eyes caught a glimpse of a long strand of black hair, reflected by the sunlight now entering the hallway. She stopped and looked more closely.

  An awkward feeling of guilt caught her, as if she had no business being concerned about a silly hair. Still, she looked down the hall to make sure no one was watching.

  She sensed it was Trent’s, but her mind couldn’t formulate why this should matter. Surely, Trent’s hair could be anywhere in the house. It must have been already lying on the carpet, and when Amana dropped her bed sheets down, static electricity attached to it.

  “Of course, silly” she tried to convince herself.

  She bent down and looked closely. “I think it is Trent’s hair”. She reached down, pinched it, and brought it up to her eyes for closer inspection. The most glaring possibility was that Trent had been in Amana’s bed.

  “Impossible!” she almost stammered out loud. She looked down the hallway again. She shook her fingers and let the hair float back down onto the sheets.

  “Get a grip on yourself. I’m going to confront Trent with infidelity because of a hair?” Yet every thought generated more thoughts of unfaithfulness.

  Then her own guilt began. The only certainty was her own betrayal. That was the only uncontroverted fact.

  Trent’s affair was mere speculation. She was the only proven Jezebel.

  A scent caught her attention. It smelled like …

  She picked up the clump of sheets and brought them to her nostrils. “Lilac. This is my lilac perf … How did …?”

  She almost slumped to her knees, the unbearable thought of Trent and Amana together.

  “Should I confront him? I have all the evidence I need. What a hypocrite I’d be! How could I do that and not fess up to my own affair?”

  Her scorn now boiled over to Amana. “That bitch! She’s got to go”. How easy it suddenly became for Collette. It wasn’t her, it wasn’t Trent. It was Amana. She’s responsible. She’s the
real harlot.

  She grabbed her hair with both hands, feeling like her head would explode. She suddenly stopped, lowered her hands to her sides, and looked back down the hallway. Still no one.

  “My god! Everything’s gone horribly wrong.”


  T RENT WAS A LITTLE HUNGOVER from last night’s festivities, as he walked toward Tolivar’s cottage.

  That wasn’t helping his reluctance to pay the Doctor anything more. He’d already paid over fifteen hundred dollars for the damage he believed Tabari had caused, and was now going to fork over even more.

  It wasn’t the money. Trent had plenty. It was the way this charlatan always seemed to worm his way back to the plantation with seemingly good cause.

  He knocked.

  “Good morning, Colonel” the Doctor greeted him, tucking his shirt over his overstuffed belly and down his pants.

  “Good morning Doctor”. Trent peered inside to see Randy tip over an empty whiskey bottle as he struggled to wake up.

  “There’s coffee and breakfast ready. You and your men can feed yourselves before you go. By the way, how’s your new house coming along?”

  “Mighty good. I wouldn’t think it’ll take more than three weeks before it’s finished. Of course, I’ll need to purchase some furniture. As you know, I lost everything in that fire”.

  “Yes, yes. Well, there are many fine furniture stores in N’awlins”. Trent rightfully suspected the Doctor’s destroyed furniture was probably junk, but he had no way to prove it.

  The Doctor sensed Trent’s suspicions.

  “Now Colonel, don’t you worry. While it’s true that many of my personal belongings are irreplaceable, it’s not my intent to try and fleece you in any way. No sir. I’ll keep the costs down. You have my word.

  “It’s just that, well, a man in my position accumulates a lot of fine things during his professional career, as it is with you and the Mrs. As my practice became more and more successful, I naturally acquired some of those finer things in life” he lied.


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