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Chasing Him: A Forbidden Second Chance Romance (Dark Love Series Book 4)

Page 11

by Kat T. Masen

  Eric answers the door dressed in a purple kaftan lined with gold trimming. He is also wearing matching pants and is barefoot. Stylish, I have to admit, but so not Eric’s style.

  “What the fuck, Eric?” I stare down at my attire. My jeans and loose-fitting tank seem highly inappropriate. Did I miss the memo?

  “Welcome.” He places his hands together and greets me by bowing. He has officially lost the plot. Tristan is by his side and leans in to kiss my cheek. I return the favor and pull him aside for a quick second.

  “Has Eric lost his mind?”

  “I think so. It isn’t the first time, though.” Tristan laughs.

  “What the hell is happening tonight?”

  Tristan moves aside, and I see tea-light candles scattered around the living room. The lights are off, only the glow of the flames illuminates the room. Soft music plays in the background, and large cushions are placed around the coffee table. My God, it’s like a setting to an eighties’ porn flick.

  OMG, is he filming a porno?

  “Thank you, friends, for gathering here tonight.”

  Eric is somber, and I rudely chuckle out loud. Lex is trying to keep a straight face but is failing miserably. He’s probably glad it isn’t a stripper. Kate has arrived and plunks herself next to Charlie. I know she’s here this week and acknowledges her presence by smiling. She shakes her head at me and mouths the words, “Eric’s gone barmy.”

  I’ve no idea what that means, immediately shrugging my shoulders in confusion. Tristan sits beside me as we wait in silence. I want to talk to him in private, and just on cue, Kate starts talking to Lex, distracting him.

  “Julian knows about this?” I whisper into Tristan’s ear.

  He nods, then leans in, keeping an eye out. “He was here last night. Eric told him.”

  “What did he say?”

  “Honestly? He hopes that maybe this is what you need.”

  “I don’t understand, Tristan…”

  Tristan pats my knee, not saying any more.

  The bell rings, and Eric rushes to the door. A lady, perhaps late sixties, walks into the room carrying a small travel bag. She greets Eric and asks where she should set up. Her extremely long gray hair falls past her waist and is tucked behind her ears. She’s dressed in a long velvet maroon gown, and my eyes are drawn immediately to the turquoise ring sitting on her middle finger. The color and stone are hypnotizing, and I find myself struggling to look away.

  She sits on the floor and places her bag beside her. We all remain quiet as she encourages one of us to step forward. Kate is sitting in front of her in a flash. The lady closes her eyes and mumbles to herself, circling her hands in front of her.

  Oh, hell no.

  She’s a clairvoyant.

  Where the fuck is Eric’s brain at?

  I don’t believe in this mumbo jumbo.

  Recalling the first and only time I visited a psychic, she told me that Elijah and I would have three kids, all girls, and that Elijah would get a job in Seattle.

  And look how that ended.

  I want to stand up and leave the room.

  Does she speak to the dead?

  Is that what Julian wants?

  My pulse starts to race as the anger consumes me. Accidentally, I knock the table with my knee, startling everyone in the room. If she asks me to come forward, I’ll tell her to fuck off. I’m not interested in hearing a money-making nobody tell me what my future entails, especially if it doesn’t include Julian.

  Kate eagerly awaits her future to be told, and much like me, Lex is annoyed at Eric for wasting our time.

  I lean over to Lex and whisper in his ear. “Good luck, you know what Charlie’s like with all this shit.”

  “I know. That’s what I’m worried about,” he says, barely above a whisper.

  The lady, whose name is Clarice, begins to speak to Kate. “I see a lot of traveling in your future.”

  “Oh,” Kate coos.

  “You travel for work,” Lex states the obvious.

  Kate is quick to hush him.

  “No. These places I see, they are exotic. At first, you’re uncomfortable, but you are drawn to these places.”

  Kate’s mouth widens into a smile, accompanied by an over-joyous Eric happy clapping in silence.

  Clarice frowns, and Kate’s smile dissipates. “I see a man. He is tall, dark, and is very reserved.”

  “American?” Kate asks.

  “I see a strong ethnic background. Beware of him. He will abandon you and burden you for a lifetime.”

  “What the fuck?” I say out loud.

  “Oh, blimey,” Kate notes in dark amusement.

  Charlie’s eyes are wide with fear. “Your dark angel.”

  “Her what?”

  Eric warns me to keep quiet. I mouth ‘sorry’ to him, but he has already focused his attention back on Clarice.

  Clarice continues to talk about Kate’s family, mentioning a few things that seem to excite Kate. After another ten minutes, Kate is done, and Charlie stands up to replace her.

  “Don’t think you’re getting that shit done,” Lex threatens her.

  “Whatever. You’ll be thanking me later.” Charlie face-palms Lex and takes a seat in front of Clarice.

  From past knowledge, I know that Charlie’s mother is a believer in all this clairvoyant and mind-reading stuff. Though, in my opinion, I think it did more harm than good. Charlie’s mom would constantly tell her Lex was no good for her. As much as Charlie is strong-willed, it did affect her ability to forgive Lex for abandoning her.

  “I see a man who worships you—” Clarice is interrupted by Lex.

  “No shit.”

  Clarice shoots Lex an annoyed glance. “You’re very passionate about helping others. I see your line of work moving toward that.”

  Charlie looks at Eric. They seem to have an understanding, but it’s nothing new, really. I mean it’s easy to generalize, and you can interpret it however you want.

  “You have had a troubled past. I see a man who means a lot to you. He helped you in many ways.”

  Oh shit. Lex’s palm that was resting on the coffee table clenches into a ball, his knuckles stark white. I don’t want to look at him, but the grinding of his teeth is enough of an indication that he’s angry as hell.

  Clarice has to be referring to Julian. Okay, what was that you just told yourself about generalizing?

  “This man. He returns, but not to hurt you. You must understand that.”

  He was returning—he has returned.

  So, it’s a coincidence, right?

  Why the fuck am I listening to this shit!

  Charlie refuses to look at Lex, focusing entirely on Clarice. The room is dead quiet, Clarice closing her eyes and tight-lipped, followed by a shrill of laughter.

  “You’re constantly tired, but for a reason. Your energy is redirected to others. Perhaps children. I see this expanding. It’s unexpected and causes issues within your marriage.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding me!” Lex exhales.

  “Oh, hell no.” Charlie shakes her head.

  Lex is mumbling under his breath until Clarice tells him to be quiet. We sit in silence once again but this time for ages. Clarice opens her eyes and stares directly at Charlie. They hold each other’s gaze for moments on end. “I feel a presence coming through.”

  The room suddenly gets darker, or perhaps that’s my paranoia, and all eyes are fixated on Clarice.

  “This person was close to you, but only for a short time. She checks on you often when you need it most.” Clarice talks about inner peace within ourselves and forgiving our past decisions that continue to burden us.

  Charlie is trying her best to contain her emotions. I move and sit by her side, placing my arm around her. Tears fall down her cheeks, but she doesn’t sob nor does she wipe them with her hand. Charlie’s grandmother, who I assume is the person coming through, speaks through Clarice and says things that Charlie acknowledges are of truth.

sp; Her turn is over, and Lex softens up, scooping a distraught Charlie into his arms.

  Seriously, who does this lady think she is? I move toward Tristan on the couch as she bows her head. She starts to talk out loud, and I don’t realize it’s directed to me.

  “There’s someone else coming through… his presence is strong.” She motions for me to sit, and I have no idea why I do. My body moves of its own accord. Her stare is so deep and penetrating, it intimidates me.

  I’m terrified.

  What does she mean ‘his’ presence is coming through?

  Is it Elijah?

  “I see a painting of apples. The apples are bright red, and the rest of the painting is black and white.”

  I take a deep breath, the nausea creeping in. Like the painting he gave me when he proposed. Okay, seriously, it could be a coincidence… but the apples. The apple picking. Julian has gone apple-picking with me. Had he seen that?

  “I see blue eyes and a child. He talks to this child. The child understands him.”

  My eyes dart to Lex in panic. Did Andy hear Elijah’s voice? Why doesn’t he talk to me? Why don’t I hear his voice? Charlie pulls away from Lex, motioning for him to sit beside me. He does, and grabs my hand, lacing his fingers into mine. I look up at him on the verge of tears.

  “He tries to talk to you, but you don’t listen,” Clarice continues. “You’re conflicted. You feel pain, but you also feel love.”

  A lump forms in my throat, panicking that the double life I’m living will be exposed, and Elijah will hurt and be disappointed by my behavior. My sweaty palms sit inside Lex’s, but he doesn’t seem to care, squeezing them tighter, reassuring me everything will be okay.

  “You’re confused, and the intensity is something you’ve never experienced.”

  Lex stares at me, confused.

  “He is a flame, and you are drawn to him.”

  Tristan is wide-eyed and watching Lex’s expression. Eric’s mouth has dropped. Charlie is watching me curiously as her tears have subsided. My heart is racing a million miles a minute, a panic attack imminent.

  “What does that mean?” I ask in desperation.

  “It means there’s always a calm before the storm. Right now, you’re experiencing the calm.” She must sense the storm is sitting in this very room, right beside me.

  I swallow the lump in my throat which continues to linger, my chest rising and falling heavily as my breaths are few and shallow. I know he sits beside me, but I ask the burning question anyway. “Will it end well?”

  “Let your heart decide. There’s room to love again. This man, he is trying to tell you that.”

  There are voices in the background, yet I hear nothing. Lost in a whirlwind of emotions, I find my strength disabled, and my weakness overtaking. The feeling is familiar, and it’s all part of that grieving process which still haunts me. The only thing is—being with Julian distracts me. It’s almost like he protects me, but here comes Elijah, talking to me through a psychic, begging me to listen to him.

  And part of me knows I’m not listening because I am scared he will tell me that Julian is a big mistake.

  How dare I replace him.

  I’m so lost in my thoughts, and before I know it, Clarice has left the apartment, and I’ve missed Eric’s turn. I am sure he will re-tell the story a million times, so I make an excuse about being tired so we can leave.

  In the car, we all stay quiet.

  The night has set, and darkness has fallen on us.

  Charlie turns around to look at me. “You okay, Adriana?”

  “Yeah,” I croak.

  Charlie glances at Lex, then turns to face me. “You know if there’s someone that you, um… are seeing… you shouldn’t be afraid to tell us.”

  I exhale. “Sure.”

  Her face tells me she’s hurt, and I’d be too if someone brushed me off like that. We‘ve been best friends for such a long time, and I hate hiding this from her. But I have no choice.

  “So, anyway, you want to stop at the drugstore now to pick up your bulk lot of condoms?” Charlie asks Lex.

  “You don’t believe that bullshit, do you?” Lex complains, shaking his head, disagreeing. “No old lady is going to predict and rule my sex life.”

  “Do you want to have another baby right now?”

  “No. We’ll just continue doing what we do,” he states confidently. “C’mon, Charlotte, I can’t wear that shit.”

  Am I seriously hearing this? I feel I have no choice but to intervene. “Oh my God, please shut up! Lex, get over it. It’s just a fucking condom.”

  He lets out a loud groan. “It feels disgusting, okay? No man wants their dick to be covered in plastic while fucking their wife.”

  “So romantic,” Charlie responds in a sarcastic tone.

  “Surely, when you’re seeing someone new, it’s okay?” I ask, my eyes widening when I realize I’ve said that out loud instead of inside my head.

  “Why the question? It’s not like you’re a virgin, Adriana. Jesus, I can’t believe we’re having this conversation,” Lex mumbles.

  “No, but I ain’t no town bike, either.”

  Charlie erupts into laugher much to Lex’s annoyance. She takes a while to compose herself, and I can see she is struggling to keep a straight face. Grabbing her hair into her fist, she twists it around and arranges it in a bun. It’s quite warm in the car, and like she can read my mind, she opens the window to let in the fresh air.

  Why was I asking for an opinion from my brother? First of all, the light bulb has switched on in my brain, and I realize that Julian and I don’t use them. I haven’t been blessed in the fertility area, so I’m not worried about falling pregnant. It’s that whole ex-lovers can of worms bullshit.

  “We’re all adults here, though some may not act like it,” Charlie says, glimpsing at Lex. “What are you worried about, Adriana? Getting back into the game and what’s the norm?”

  “Well, take you, for example, since we’re all adults and can talk about this in a calm manner.” I wait for the bomb to explode, but he is ticking away in his seat, hands gripping tightly onto the steering wheel. “No surprises, Lex isn’t your first, and there were others in between. Did you always use them when you slept with someone new?”

  “You’ve got to be kidding me, Adriana. Charlotte doesn’t have a past. End of fucking story,” he snarls.

  I swear I feel the car swerve.

  “Oh, get over yourself, will you? So?”

  Charlie isn’t bothered by Lex as much as I thought she’d be. “I think it’s common sense to use one if you don’t know their history and if you don’t want to fall pregnant.”

  “Yeah, I know that, but did you always use one?”

  She rubs the crook of her neck nervously. “I can’t remember.”

  “What do you mean you can’t remember?” Lex shouts.

  “Hey, don’t yell at me, manwhore. There isn’t enough time in a day to list off all your skanks,” Charlie bites back.

  “So, you’re telling me other men have been inside you without a condom?”

  I may have stirred the pot slightly. And when I say slightly, I have the biggest ladle known to mankind in my hands, and I’m stirring faster than a cyclone.

  “You’re riling yourself up over things which can’t be changed,” she warns him.

  “You aren’t answering my question,” he grits.

  “Oh fine, only one person. There I said it. Now move on because seriously, don’t even start on me, or I’ll bring up your past, and I swear, Alexander Matthew Edwards, you make Hugh Hefner look like a prude.”

  I sink into the seat. Only one. No surprises to who that was, an ex-fiancé comes to mind. Am I stupid or what? I didn’t even ask Julian about the other women he’s been with, and the fact that he is ridiculously good-looking means he probably isn’t far off, if not on par, with manwhore Lex. I really need a distraction. Tonight has thrown me a curveball, and the mental anguish is just too much.

  “So wh
at kinda bad things has Lex done? Don’t worry, I’m a big girl and can handle my brother’s sordid past.”

  He is quiet and extremely pissed off at both of us. God, what an ass. I don’t know how Charlie puts up with him.

  “Let’s see, apart from the obvious threesomes, to sex with random strangers across the world. Oh wait, and the infamous gangbang of 2007—”

  “Oh my God, Lex! Are you kidding me?” Stunned, my mouth widens in shock.

  “What? Where on earth did you hear that from?” Guilty as charged, the tone of his voice softens.

  “A reliable source, so don’t you dare deny it,” Charlie huffs.

  He is tight-lipped. Busted!

  “C’mon, how many were there?” I pry, placing him under pressure.

  “This conversation is past its expiration date,” he says flatly, making a sharp turn as we drive onto my parents’ street. “And Rocky is dead fucking meat.”

  “See, I knew it,” Charlie brags. “Adriana, you may want to leave before I have a word with manwhore over here.”

  I say my goodbyes and quickly exit the car.

  Lex is toast.

  Lex’s car skids away fast, leaving me alone in front of my parents’ house.

  I honestly don’t know why he got so riled up about Charlie and her past. He’s the manwhore. A manwhore who participated in gangbangs. I’m not entirely sure what a gangbang entails, not being a huge fan of porn, but Eric is your walking encyclopedia for all things sex-related should I require more information. Gross but hilarious at the same time.

  My mom is sitting on the couch with a cup of tea when I walk in. My parents’ living room is cozy and warm. It isn’t the house we grew up in, but they make it feel like home. The tones are all neutral with a splash of color on the cushions. The mantel holds all the frames from our childhood and newer additions of the grandkids. My mom is obsessed with lamps—there’s one in almost every room in this house including one made of seashells my dad absolutely despises.

  She pats the couch, and I take a seat beside her, resting my head on her shoulder. I feel lost and unsure of myself. Tonight’s events are plaguing me, the thought of him watching me. That he is talking to Andy and most importantly, that he’s trying to talk to me. I don’t understand what she means about me not listening. I’m not hearing any voices, and I don’t see any unusual signs.


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