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Barking Mad Love: Chance Romance with a Canine Helper! (Puppy Love Book 2)

Page 5

by Tammy Andresen

  “Why not?” The words worked around the sneer on his lips.

  “How was I supposed to know?” she huffed, never one to back down from a fight.

  “Why wouldn’t you want to spend the evening with just me?” He threw his hands up.

  “So you can test out my kitten claws. What did you tell all the guys in the barn?” She stepped up directly in front of him turning her face up to look him in the eye. It would work better if she were taller, she thought with an exasperated sigh.

  Despite her smaller stature, he paled slightly under his tan. “I didn’t say anything, Kat.”

  “You just laughed along as they made those kind of jokes about me.”

  “Shit, you’re right. I was going to give Eric the business and then he called you a goddess and couldn’t argue with that and then―”

  “He called me a goddess?” She softened a little, her shoulders relaxing.

  “Don’t even think about going out with him or I will wring his neck.” It was Luke’s turn to tense.

  “You’re jealous,” a smile curved her lips. He was the sexiest man ever, and he was jealous of her.

  The door banged open again and a flood of cowboys poured down the hall and into the kitchen. They yelled to one another, calling and whooping. Barb came up at the rear. She winked at Kat. “I’ll be back later in the week. I’d stay but the dogs can’t come in the house with the new pups.”

  “Thanks, Barb.” She gave the woman one last hug. Her visit had been so helpful in more ways than one.

  “We really appreciate it,” Luke tipped his hat.

  “You bet. Now go feed those hungry cowboys.” Barb headed back out the door.

  “Need some help with lunch?” She gave Luke a sidelong glance.

  “Love it.” He grinned at her, his hand coming to her waist. He bent down and whispered in her ear. “If they say anything else about you, I’ll knock ‘em into next week.”

  “You don’t have to do that. I can take care of a few unruly cowboys. Just so long as you’re not saying anything.”

  “Sugar, I wouldn’t dare.” He winked at her and they headed for the kitchen, his arm still around her.

  Two hours later, Kat wondered if it had been a few ranch hands or a tornado that had torn through the kitchen. She had made enough food to feed and army. Even with the dishwasher running twice, she had done dishes for forty-five minutes.

  “Thanks for helping with this, Kat,” Luke grimaced as he glanced at the mess. “It is a big part of my day usually. I can afford to feed the boys but I can’t afford a cook to do it.”

  “Maybe I can help this summer while I stay. You know in exchange for room and board. I could help take care of the chickens and cleaning around the house, cooking, help tend the little garden you’ve got. I’ve got some money saved too to help with the rent since I don’t have to pay for a place.”

  His lips captured hers. “I don’t need any money from you but cooking and cleaning would make my life easier. Thank you, Kat.” He kissed her a few more times and Kate felt her desire rising. After last night, she should be satiated for months but she wanted more of him.

  “I’m going to go finish outside so that I can get back in.”

  “About dinner tonight, I know you said you made plans but we won’t be gone for too long will we? It’s not that I don’t appreciate it but Lucy…” She glanced over at the whelping box.

  “No, we won’t be gone too long.” He leaned over and gave her one more long lingering kiss and then he was out the door.

  Kat sighed as she finished the dishes. She could get used to this. Luke’s house felt like a home. From the cozy couches to squawking chickens, it was a place that a person could settle in. She had been unsure of her job, her apartment. Most of her closest friends had gotten married in the last few years and started families. They still loved her, and she them, but they were busy. She had been restless lately. The sort of restless that a body gets when it is waiting for something to happen. Now, that was all gone. It started with Lucy. But now with Luke, it was like her world had fallen into place.

  She closed her eyes and said a prayer that Luke wasn’t blowing smoke. After one night, she never wanted to leave. What was she going to feel like after an entire summer?

  She fed Lucy a snack and then took her outside for a few minutes to relieve herself then brought her back into the pups. Giving them all a pet, she headed back out to collect eggs and water the garden. She put the dishes away and sat down to read.

  “I’m back!” Luke called from the door.

  “Already?” she laughed and jumped back out of the chair.

  “The guys can finish up. It’s going to take us a little over an hour to head back into town so Eric will do some puppy sitting.”

  “Do you want to take my car?” She headed to grab her purse.

  “No, we’ll take my Jeep. It’ll go much faster on the road into the ranch. At some point, we should trade in your car for an SUV. It’ll be better for the road and for Lucy.”

  Kat paused. She didn’t want to read into that statement too much but it made her stomach flutter. Taking a deep breath, she gave a non-committal answer. “I can survive for two months with my car while I’m in Montana.”

  “Right, true. Let’s go so we can get back.” He put his arm around her and led her out to his Jeep. Kat climbed in. She had to be honest, the Jeep was fun. As he headed down the road, a cloud of dust spilled out behind him and Kat let out laugh like she hadn’t in a long time. It was exhilarating.

  His hand came to her thigh, resting against her warm skin. Her hand came down on top of his. It was heaven to have this casual contact. He tossed her a smile. It was no time at all before they hit the main road and sped into town.

  Kat had to admit, this was his home and he was acting like he was serious about her. They held hands in the store. He had his arm around her as they picked up dinner from a little Italian place. He smiled at her and whispered in her ear. Several women gave them long looks but he only had eyes for her.

  She bit her lip, grabbing his hand. It would be easy to get used to this. He ran into the drugstore and came back out grinning like an idiot. She grinned back, excitement filling her as the evening approached.

  Just as he climbed in the car, his phone rang. A small frown creased his brow. “Hey,” he said answering quickly.

  The frown lines on his face deepened as the call continued. “I see,” he said after several moments. “I’ll tell her.” Then he hung up the phone.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked, realizing she had been holding her breath.

  “They found Lucy’s owner. Or rather, the owner’s son.” Luke tossed the car in reverse and sped out of the parking lot.

  Kat wasn’t sure what she expected but that news hit her like a truck. Lucy had become part of her heart. What would it mean to have to give her and the puppies back to someone else? It made her ache to think of it.

  The Jeep picked up speed. “Lucy was named Maggie, apparently, and she is of excellent stock. The mother bred her several times. I’m sure you don’t know this but if the father is award winning, people actually pay to have their female paired with him. The woman died a few months ago, just after a breeding, and Maggie escaped the house when the coroner came. They’ve been looking everywhere for her. The son doesn’t want Maggie back but she is a top notch dog and these pups will be sought after. Her value and the value of the pups is part of the estate.”

  Tears pricked at Kat’s eyes. In that moment she knew she couldn’t be separated from Lucy. “What does that mean?”

  “If she is going to stay on the ranch, we’ll have to buy her.” He gave her hand a squeeze.

  Kat sat silently. There it was again. Luke talking like she wasn’t leaving. A new car, a dog that belonged to them. She looked at his profile. Did he really mean it? It had only been a day.

  The silence stretched out as the questions piled up in her head. There was so much s
he wanted to ask but all of her insecurities kept them from tumbling out of her mouth. She knew what he was saying but he couldn’t mean it all. There was no way that Luke wanted her forever.

  “Kat, you haven’t said a word for fifteen minute. It turns out that you not talking is more nerve wracking than you talking. What are you thinking, sweetheart?”

  She turned to him. “You’re saying things that I want to believe but…”

  “But what?” He slowed the car, turning onto the ranch road. He pulled the car over to the side and turned to look at her. “Do you know how long it took me to get you out here? Kat, I don’t want to scare you away, but I’ve haven’t dated anyone else in a long time, they never compared with you―”

  “Wait, what?” She stared at him. Her hands trembled.

  He grasped them in his. “I’m not pressuring you. We’ve only been dating for a day and it might not work out. I know that. But I want to give it a try and I don’t want you thinking that I just want to have sex a few times or that I’m just messing around. Because I really care about you and I have for a while. I didn’t just want Lucy. I wanted you. I wanted a chance to be with you and to see if we had something real.”

  “I just can’t believe that you would actually like me.” She took a deep breath, looking at her feet. But his thumb hooked under her chin lifting it up until their eyes met. “Luke, you make me insecure. You always have. That is why I get so defensive. I’m not one of those girls who is always putting themselves down. I just never thought I was good enough for you to actually care about.”

  His lips came down on hers. “Give me a chance to prove to you that I think you are the most beautiful, most perfect woman I’ve ever met. I’m going to start by buying Lucy for you. Though, I have to warn you that we may be eating macaroni and cheese for a while.”

  She laughed then. “The beauty of the modern world is that I’ve got plenty of my own money. I’ve been saving for years. But if you can keep a roof over my head for the summer so I don’t have to spend it in rent, then I won’t have to touch the savings.”

  He pulled her into his lap then, snuggling her close. “I’ll keep it over your head forever, if you’ll let me.”

  Her breath caught. Was this really happening or was she dreaming? Luke hadn’t been teasing her all these years. Instead, he had been pining for her and now he was offering her a forever. “I love you,” slipped out of her lips before she could hold it back. Her heart hammered in her chest. She had just made a terrible mistake.

  “Oh sweetheart, I love you too.” His kissed her long and hard, taking the breath from her chest. “But promise you won’t get worried and insecure if you gain any weight. Because I can’t wait for that to happen.”

  She laughed then, it bubbled out of her chest. “I promise. Now get me back to your house and get me to bed.”



  KAT STARED OUT the kitchen window. A year had passed since she had moved onto the ranch and nine months had slipped by since she and Luke had gotten married. Her friends had thought she was completely crazy until they met him. Then they all understood.

  Carl had been her biggest supporter. “They spent ten years flirting,” he’d loudly proclaimed at the wedding during his best man speech. “If they’d taken any more time, they would have been dead before they finally got together.”

  Kat spotted Luke and Lucy coming in from the field. It turned out that Lucy was an amazing cattle dog. They had kept a female from the litter too, Grace. She was the future of their breeding program.

  Her stomach tightened and she took a deep breath as her husband and her dog walked through the door. “Any advice, Lucy?” She gave the dog a pet.

  “Is it time?” Luke wrapped his arms around his now very large wife. He had gotten his wish in spades.

  “I think so. I called Barb. She’s on her way to dog sit.” She gritted her teeth again.

  Luke wrapped his arms around her and led her to the couch. His hands rested on her rounded belly, his voice cooing. “I can’t wait to meet you.”

  “So much for my plan to go back to teaching this fall.” She sighed.

  “Well you can go back whenever you want. But we’re doing just fine if you don’t. Besides, you’re on the cusp of having your own breeding business.”

  “You know I won’t make much money doing that!” She sagged against the couch.

  “The ranch is doing better and better and you are part of that success. If you miss teaching go back but if you want to stay home with this little one,” he patted her pregnant belly. “I’ll support you either way.” He gave her a long lingering kiss.

  “I love you, Luke,” she sighed.

  “I love you too, Kat. Forever.” He held her tight.



  Samantha smoothed her jacket for the fourth time since exiting the doors of the giant internet company she had just interviewed for. The interview was over, she shouldn’t be nervous any longer, but dread still weighed down her limbs. It was biggest moment of her life, what if she had messed something up?

  Catching her reflection, in a passing window, Sam had to admit, she looked the part. Once, the chubby girl in high school, now her curvy body swelled in all the right places. The suit highlighted her tiny waist, flaring hips, and rather large chest.

  Her thick, dark hair was smoothed into a simple twist, taming the mass of curls, while just a touch of make up graced her full lips and smoky eyes.

  With her appearance accounted for, she started replaying the interview in her mind, testing her answers and her interviewer’s reactions to them in her memory. So focused on her task, Samantha missed the large metal grate she was walking over. Her three inch stiletto heel shoes were not made for such things and with the first step, the expensive heel stuck in between the pattern of the grate.

  “Oh,” she cried, giving her foot a tug, the interview forgotten. The shoe didn’t budge, the heel wedged firmly in. Sam tugged harder but still nothing. Giving a sigh, she bit her lip. Her skirt was short enough that if she bent down to pull out the shoe she would be giving the crowd of pedestrians on the street, quite the view.

  Heat filled her cheeks. In moments like this, she always went back to her awkward high school self. The one who didn’t know how to act, who got flustered easily.

  “Hey! Sam is that you?” A deep rich voice, one she would recognize anywhere, called from her right. Please let her be wrong, please don’t let it be him. Slowly, she turned her head towards the sound and then closed her eyes for a brief second before plastering a smile on her face. It was him.

  “Hi Doug. It’s been so long. How are you?” She tried to keep the smile from wavering as she assessed the hottest guy from high school. Somehow, he looked even better. Sparkly blue eyes, met hers as a lock of dark blond hair fell over his forehead. How did he manage to always have that one section of hair laying there just waiting for a girl to push it back?

  Even in her three inch heels, he had to be six inches taller than her and his broad shoulders blocked the rest of the busy San Francisco street from her view. Her eye travelled lower to where his waist tapered down to narrow hips accentuated by his low slung jeans. They clung just enough to show off his muscular legs.

  Her eyes moved back up to his face where a grin played on his sensual mouth, set in a ridiculously strong jaw line. His grin widened. “I’m all right. How about you?”

  She gulped. “Good, good. It was great to see you. Tell your parents I say, hi.”

  Doug’s family had lived just down the street from hers in a suburb of San Fran. Their Victorian homes had been a picture perfect place to grow up. Doug’s parents had moved right after high school, buying a vineyard in wine country. Her parents were living in New York currently, but had asked her to stay in the house. They weren’t ready to part with it.

  It was weird, she had a good job, could afford her own place, had bought one even. Not as nice as her parents of
course, but it made her self conscience to still be living at home.

  “I will tell them.” His grin broadened further.

  “Ok, great. See you around.” She tried to smile back.

  “Sam, aren’t you going to ask me to help you with your shoe?” His eyebrows rose as his smile nearly split his face.

  The color that had been creeping into her cheeks, bloomed bright pink. “You noticed?” Her shoulder’s hunched as she pulled at the shoe again, trying desperately to free herself from the grate and this incredibly awkward situation. That was when she heard it, the ripping tearing as her heel partially separated from the shoe. “Oh,” she cried again, cursing in her head. Why did he, of all people, have to see her like this?

  “Hang on. No use pulling now. It will only make it worse.” He gave her a wink and then bent down. One of his very large hands, gently grasped her ankle and removed her foot from the shoe. “Hold on to my shoulders.”

  Tingling sensations shot up her leg and straight to her center of nerves. A flood of heat filled her and she nearly swore out loud as panties flooded with something else. Her hands tentatively rested on either side of his neck, a few of her fingers touching his warm skin, just on the other side collar. He looked even broader, from this angle as she looked down, at her hands touching him, while he worked her shoe free. Apparently, being a semi pro baseball player, made a man even stronger, and hotter, and definitely less available than he had been a star athlete in high school.

  It was very nearly like every sex dream she had had as a teen. Only his hands would slide up her legs and under her skirt and then...

  “Got it,” he announced as she heard the heel break free of the grate. He held it up to her and Sam nearly groaned out loud, this time in annoyance. The shoe was ruined, the heel dangling from the foot bed in a way that was going to make her forty five minute commute home, very uncomfortable.

  “Thanks,” she replied softly as his hand once again grasped her ankle and slipped the shoe back on her foot.


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